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Caught by His Vampire Mate [Vamp Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 15

by Dakota Dawn

  “It’s behind the winery. Covered and everything,” Jose answered.

  “That’s awesome. I look forward to playing,” Darrin replied.

  Neil came to stand before Darrin. “Want to watch a movie later tonight?” Darrin asked the cute little carpenter.

  “That sounds real good to me,” Neil said with a flutter of his long eyelashes.

  Conlin was happy that everything was settled and a lot of confusion had been cleared up. Now that they’d talked things through, exhaustion closed in on him. His sore muscles reminded him of the lack of rest he’d gotten the day and evening before. Tristan’s beast had been relentless.

  Tristan looked at him and then his brothers. “I’m taking Conlin to bed so he can rest. We probably won’t see any of you until tomorrow night.”

  “Rest well,” Darrin called out as Tristan misted them to his bedroom.

  “We really have to work on your manners,” Conlin complained.

  “Later. Right now I want you in my arms in bed.” Tristan worked his powers. In a couple of seconds, he had them both stripped and in the comfortable bed.

  “Thank you. This feels heavenly,” Conlin said into Tristan’s neck. The smell of his mate quickly lulled him to sleep.

  * * * *

  Attinie lightly clapped all six of her hands. Her new servant was a cableman.

  She’d had her men kill a wealthy couple for their money. The couple had been dark-hearted enough, but they had been too pampered to be of any use to her. Their money on the other hand was just what she’d needed.

  Now the house had a new computer in almost every room. Plus, she now had a top-of-the-line cell phone. The Internet was fast and easy to access on it.

  “Go to the kitchen. Boashin will give you a reward,” Attinie ordered as soon as the man was finished setting up the last computer.

  “Yes, mistress.”

  She watched him leave and then sat down. Scanning the news, she cackled every time she saw a story where some pathetic earthlings were killed. The earthlings were extremely entertaining. What a great planet.

  Attinie happily surfed the news around the world and at home for several hours. This faster system was going to help her tremendously. She’d have to keep her cableman alive for a long time.

  Only a smart queen figured out you needed a communications expert on hand. Attinie was proud of her high intelligence level. On Earth she was the smartest of all the beings.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tristan looked around his living room and smiled. It had been two weeks since they’d talked with everyone and things were back to normal.

  His friend Zavier had just shown up with his family. Dialing Milly, he said, “Can you bring the food to my room in about twenty minutes?”

  “I’ll have it there,” she responded happily. Milly loved a crowd to cook for.

  Once he hung up, Conlin came over to him and hugged him. “Your friends are so cute, and they are nice to Darrin and Ghost.”

  He raised a brow and looked over at Zavier. Cute didn’t fit his friend at all.

  Conlin followed Tristan’s gaze. “Except for him. He’s handsome in a fierce kind of way. You have to admit his mate, Renny, with those soulful brown eyes sprinkled with golden flecks is cute. Renny’s cousin, Reagan, and her mate, Shea, with their pointed ears are adorable. I hope they turn out to be as nice as they look and seem,” Conlin gushed excitedly.

  “Now that they are settled and the food is on the way, let’s go talk to them,” Tristan said.

  They joined the group. Tristan pulled Conlin down onto the couch next to Caleb and Drake. The huge pieces of furniture came in handy at times like this.

  “Congrats on the mating,” Renny said with a warm smile.

  “Yes, congrats,” the girls said at the same time.

  “I’m happy for you two,” Zavier stated. “How’s it going?”

  “Thank you all. It’s going good. We had a little trouble with the people who live here not knowing how to react, but now things are going well,” Tristan answered honestly.

  “Oh yeah, the first few weeks are some of the toughest. We’ve been mated for two years. Reagan and Shea have been mated for five years.” Renny waved his hand around in a circle. “If you ever have any questions you can ask any of us.”

  Shea poked Renny. “Oh yeah. The girls have moved in with us.”

  Caleb scooted forward and asked, “How’s the new family life going?”

  “Great,” Renny stated excitedly.

  “Yep, Shea is ready to have little elf babies. She would love a part-vampire baby as well. We think Ren would like that too.” Shea nodded her agreement with a big smile. “She’s already practically forced my cousin into the bedroom six times, and Zavier twice when Ren wasn’t available. It’s a good thing they don’t mind having some pussy every now and then,” Reagan said.

  “It’s not bad making babies with me, is it?” Shea asked Renny and Zavier.

  “Of course it’s not. You have some very sweet stuff between your cute little legs,” Reagan answered for the men with a knowing look.

  “I want to hear them say it,” Shea stated with a slight pout of her lips.

  Renny rolled his eyes and said, “Honey, I think you are already pregnant. You’ve become so demanding.” At her smile, he continued, “See how adorable she is when she smiles.”

  Zavier and Reagan scowled at Renny.

  Raising his hands in surrender, Renny said, “I just meant that our babies will be lucky to have her beautiful smile.”

  Dang, it looks like Zavier’s home has turned into a circus. Holding back laughter, Tristan asked, “Dodging a lot of bullets lately, Renny?”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Renny answered.

  “Tell us,” Shea stated with raised brows and daring eyes.

  “Easy, love. You know Renny needs babies with you. Plus, he loves you. He’d never try to make you mad. Isn’t that right, Ren?”

  Shaking his head, Renny said, “Never on purpose, love.”

  “Without your babies Ren’s parent’s bloodline dies.” Shea nodded her understanding. “He’s perfect to father our babies. He and I have the same blood and eyes. Our babies with him could have my eyes.” Once again Shea nodded that she agreed. “Another bonus is that he’s mated to Zavier. I never have to worry about him wanting you full-time.” Reagan’s voice was soft and cajoling.

  Green eyes welling with tears, Shea said, “I’m sorry. I know all of this. I’m not sure why I’m being so emotional. Maybe it’s because I want our babies so badly.”

  Tristan had noticed Milly coming in with the food when Reagan had been trying to comfort her mate. Milly put the food down on the table and looked at him. He knew what she was silently asking. She’d worked for them for a long time.

  He gave a slight nod of his head in her direction and then turned to Shea. “Would you like Milly to touch your abdomen and tell you if you’re pregnant? She’s a gentle soul of the fay bloodline. You can ask Zavier. He’s known her for years,” Tristan offered.

  Shea looked at Reagan and then her gaze cut to Zavier and then to Renny. They all nodded.

  “Yes. I’d like that,” Shea answered softly.

  Milly’s blue eyes sparkled, and her long blue-black hair swirled around her as she knelt on the floor at Shea’s knees. Her small hand reached out and gently rested on Shea’s flat tummy.

  Milly spoke a few words in an ancient fay language and then focused on Shea’s abdomen.

  Everyone in the room waited excitedly to see what Milly would find.

  After one of the longest minutes he’d ever lived through, Milly smiled broadly. “Twins. One part human and part elf. The other part elf and part vampire.”

  A thunderous cheer rang through the room. Congratulations and hugs were freely passed around. It took them a few minutes to realize that Zavier was passed out on the couch.

  Renny climbed on top of Zavier’s body and rained kisses over the vampire’s face until he moa
ned and woke up.

  “Good going, papa. You’re more potent than you thought. I knew you had it in you,” Renny gushed with great enthusiasm.

  “I thought I was just making Shea happy,” Zavier mumbled dazedly.

  “Boy, did you ever,” Reagan stated happily.

  Shea went over and kissed Renny. “Thank you,” she said and then scooted Renny to the side. She hugged Zavier. “Thank you, Zav.”

  Tristan felt the shift in his long-time friend. He wasn’t surprised at all when Zavier’s eyes flashed and glowed. His arms tightened around Shea.

  “You are not to go anywhere without one of us. Do you understand?” Zavier asked roughly.

  The small brunette stiffened for a second and then sighed. “Yes, overbearing papa. I understand,” she replied tartly.

  “See what I have to deal with all the time?” Renny grumbled good-naturedly.

  Shea kissed Zavier on the nose and then pushed her way off him. “Yes, I do and I feel sorry for both of us,” Shea replied and winked at Zavier, who was standing up now that he could.

  Tristan was impressed that the vamp’s legs weren’t trembling after the wonderful shock he’d received.

  Milly and Caleb had just finished pouring drinks, juice he noted for Shea, and they busily passed them all out.

  Caleb raised his in a toast. “To Shea, Reagan, Renny, and Zavier. May your lives be filled with happy, healthy, laughing children and lots of love.”

  “Here, here,” the crowd agreed and took a drink.

  He raised his glass again and turned to Tristan and Conlin. “May your mated life be blissful. I love you guys.”

  Aws and cheers bubbled up from the group.

  Tristan’s heart filled with returned love for his brothers. Caleb was the one who openly stated his love for them while he and Drake held their tongues on the matter most of the time.

  He hugged both of his brothers to express his feelings. Lastly he wrapped his arms around Conlin and squeezed his mate.

  Drake tapped him on the shoulder. “I think Conlin’s about to pass out.”

  He quickly relaxed his grip, and his mate sucked in a large gulp of air.

  “Before anyone else blacks out from love and happiness, I think we should eat the aromatic food Milly brought,” Caleb stated.

  Milly blushed and headed for the door. Tristan misted in front of her right before her hand could reach out for the knob. Her startled yelp made him grin.

  “Stay. You’re family. You know that,” he said and meant every word. Something was off with the pretty little fay. He just needed to find out what.

  “I know, you’ve told me plenty of times, and I love you for it,” she replied.


  “I need to help Luke get tomorrow’s food ready for our guests. You know serving others makes me happy,” she said.

  “I know. Something is bothering you. What is it?” he demanded.

  Fidgeting, her pretty blue eyes shifted to the floor and then to Conlin and then to the others at the table eating and laughing. Somewhat sad eyes looked into his. “I think I’ll need to move on sometime in the near future. The desire to serve a mate or two is growing in me.”

  “I’m sad and glad to hear it. We’ll all miss you.” Tristan looked over at Conlin and then back at Milly. “I’m happy for you. Being mated is a wonderful thing. Do you know where you’ll go?”

  “No. I get the feeling Vance Wright is going to lead me where I need to go. The next time he comes here, I’ll talk to him about it,” she replied.

  He hugged Milly and stated, “We’ll help you in any way we can. Just let us know.”

  “Thanks, Tristan. I better go before Luke has a fit.” As soon as the words left her mouth, her phone rang.

  Tristan released her and opened the door for her. She winked at him as she accepted the call and walked through it.

  He was going to miss her. Milly had a calming effect on people. After closing the door, he headed over to the group. Excitement and happiness as well as possessiveness filled the room. Shea was going to have her hands full. Zavier and Reagan were the ones giving off tons of protective, possessive vibes.

  Getting a glass of wine, he drank it and then snagged a couple of Milly’s delicious, tenderized, thin-cut, raw steak wraps. They had different fillings and were bursting with flavor.

  With light music playing in the background, they all enjoyed the food. Conlin was sure to miss Milly when she left. At least the man still had his marshmallow cereal.

  Once they were stuffed Shea headed for the guest restroom. Zavier and Reagan followed her, much to her frustration.

  When they came back, Renny patted the seat next to him on the couch. Zavier sat down. “You don’t have to follow her everywhere she goes. Trust me, that is going to get you two in big trouble.”

  Shea sat down on Renny’s other side. “Truer words have never been spoken,” she grumbled.

  Reagan sat on the other side of Shea. “Get used to it, hon. Because I’m not letting my little mama out of my sight, and I doubt Zav is either,” Reagan stated firmly.

  “You said that right,” Zavier agreed.

  “I’m on your side,” Renny said softly.

  Zavier shook his head. His eyes turned serious as he looked at the Wyckoffs. “Have any of you heard from Zotikos?”

  “He’s still away visiting the elder elves of the village he lived in as a child. There’s no telling when he’ll be back. One of our guys checks on his place every other day,” Caleb said.

  “Is his property far from here?” Conlin asked.

  “No. It touches ours. He’s good to have as a neighbor. You’ll like him. I’ll introduce you to him when he returns,” Tristan said.

  “We are buying the property next to Zotikos’. Looks like we are about to be neighbors,” Zavier informed with a grin.

  “That’s great to hear. Old man Alexander agreed to sell?” Caleb asked.

  “With a little help,” Zavier answered honestly.

  “What kind of help?” Darrin asked curiously.

  “Just a little mental push and a large offer of cash,” Zavier admitted without compunction.

  “Can we do that?” Darrin asked excitedly. “Is that legal?”

  “Sure. We are vampires. We don’t have to follow human rules. The man is getting too old to manage the property. His family isn’t interested in the land, so I did what I had to in order to get it.” Zavier looked Darrin over for a moment. “I don’t recommend breaking the human laws in any way that can get you caught. That would put us all in danger and then we’d have to kill you. Do you understand?” Zavier asked with a hard edge to his voice.

  Nodding, Darrin replied, “Yes. That makes sense.” He looked at his brother.

  “Uh-uh. You can’t try it on me,” Conlin responded to his brother’s look.

  Darrin looked down for a moment, and then his face brightened and his gaze cut to Ghost.

  “Hell no. I’ve got enough problems without you messing my brain up,” Ghost replied sharply.

  “How old is he?” Zavier asked Caleb.

  “One year.”

  “Ah, that explains it,” Zavier said.

  Caleb gave an onerous huff and said,” I’ll teach you how to do it. Not on anyone here. We’ll go to a bar where unsavory humans go.”

  “Do you think you can control yourself, Darrin?” Conlin asked.

  “Oh, he can. He’s proved that. A few glasses of wine before we go and he’ll be fine,” Caleb reassured.

  Darrin’s face brightened. “Thanks, Caleb.”

  Caleb took a drink and then said, “We’ve all been in your shoes before.”

  Tristan could feel Conlin’s appreciation for Caleb offering to help Darrin. He’d have to thank his brother later. The happier Conlin was the better.

  “When do you guys get to move onto your new property?” Drake asked.

  “A few months. We have to fix it up a bit first,” Zavier replied.

  “We’re happy to h
ave you all as neighbors. Some being is stirring up trouble. The closer we all are the better. With the little ones coming, safety in numbers is even more important,” Tristan said.

  “Renny’s powers are growing, and he felt like we needed to move closer to our own kind. The property connecting to yours and Zotikos’s is perfect.” Zavier paused for a moment and then he asked, “What all have you guys heard?”

  “Vance came by with news of an evil being ruling the land one hundred miles away from here. We believe this being is expanding its territory. Two weeks ago we encountered some humans that seemed to be enthralled. They kept chanting must kill. Darrin and Conlin were in the woods running from us. That’s a whole other story, though. Anyway, these humans do not give up. One of them gave Darrin the scar on his cheek. Conlin’s forehead was cut and bleeding badly. There’s only a small line across his forehead now because of Tristan’s healing serum and Milly’s herb tea. We fought them, and there is no saving them. If you encounter them, don’t hesitate to kill them,” Drake said.

  “We were able to get one to deviate from his chanting for a second. He said all good people must die,” Caleb added.

  “How long do you think this being has been around?” Zavier asked.

  “We don’t know. Vance and a few of our men are looking into it,” Drake replied.

  “Could this be related to Yarom, Wylie, and Emory’s disappearance?” Zavier asked with a gleam of hope in his pale-green eyes.

  “Could be,” Drake responded.

  Zavier looked at his family and then looked at the Wyckoff brothers. “You’ll let me know the second you hear anything, right?”

  “Yes. You stay with your family. They need you right now,” Tristan stated.

  “I know Yarom is alive,” Zavier stated with conviction.

  “Yarom is Zavier’s brother. Yarom, Wylie, and Emory are our friends. They went missing sixty-one years ago,” Tristan filled Conlin, Darrin, and Ghost in.

  “That’s horrible,” Ghost blurted. Darrin and Conlin nodded their agreement.

  “Yes, it is. They are all good-hearted men. That’s what ties them to this being. It is getting rid of good people. Since Zavier believes his brother is alive, and Vance believes his brother Wylie is alive, there is a chance the being is holding all of them,” Drake said.


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