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Caught by His Vampire Mate [Vamp Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 16

by Dakota Dawn

  “Why haven’t we heard of this being before? I’ve searched and searched for all of them without hearing about this being,” Zavier questioned.

  Drake shrugged his large shoulder. “There’s no telling. You may not have gone far enough into the being’s territory. It seems like the being is expanding now. Since they were on our property, it looks like we have become a target.”

  “It makes sense. You guys are good hearted, and your business saves a lot of lives each year. Evil doesn’t tolerate good very well,” Ghost said. He was floating close to Conlin and Darrin.

  For no apparent reason, the spirit gave off a choked sound and melted into a puddle on the floor.

  “Oh shit! Is he dead?” Darrin shouted.

  “I don’t know.” Conlin looked closely at the puddle. “I don’t think so.”

  “Wake him up, Conlin,” Darrin said nervously.

  “How?” Conlin asked, just as nervously.

  Tristan could feel panic sluice through Conlin.

  “I don’t know? That looks like his hair. Tousle it or something,” Darrin replied.

  Kneeling beside the pool that was his friend, Conlin reached out and patted Ghost’s hair. Nothing happened.

  Tristan could feel the fear starting to rise in his mate.

  “Ghost?” Conlin called out. When the spirit didn’t respond, he ran his fingers through the see-through strands of hair. “Ghost, Ghost.”

  The spirit groaned and then gasped. He rose halfway out of the puddle. Tristan didn’t think the spirit knew how scary he was to others with his lower body pooled around his torso. A few seconds later, he figured Ghost didn’t care.

  Ghost glared at Tristan and spit out, “Did you try to kill me?”

  Tristan couldn’t help himself. He snorted and then grinned wickedly. “Are you saying I can kill you?”

  “Stop it.” Conlin turned to Ghost. “He didn’t do anything to you. One second you were fine, and the next you made a strangled noise and melted into a puddle on the floor. Are you all right?”

  Ghost’s eyes widened. “I know who I am!” The spirit sprang up and spun around in a circle. He then hugged Conlin and Darrin. “I know my name!”

  “It’s great that you remember, now tell us,” Conlin said excitedly.

  “My name is Greg Yanez. I was a private investigator.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Can you remember what you were working on when you died? How did you die?” Drake asked.

  Greg rubbed the back of his head and pursed his lips as he thought back to before his death. Tristan had the feeling the ghost’s next words were going to be important.

  “I was killed by men chanting must kill.” Shock transformed his face. “They killed me,” Greg whispered in a painfully soft voice.

  A tear slid down Darrin’s cheek, and he wiped it away quickly. Tristan could feel the man’s pain as well as his mate’s. It was thick and dark.

  “A really big red-haired man toyed with me. He was meaner than the other two men who attacked me. He stabbed me with a knife in places that wouldn’t kill me.” Greg paused for a moment and then continued, “He laughed every time I cried out in pain. After an hour of torturing me, the man snapped my neck.” Greg looked at Conlin and then the other men in the room. “We have to stop them.”

  “Yes, we do,” Tristan agreed.

  “What else do you remember?” Drake asked.

  “My spirit hovered over my body. When I was dead they stopped chanting. I heard a cackling laugh from somewhere behind me. I looked, but I didn’t see anyone. When I looked at the men again, their eyes were no longer bloodshot. One of them asked if dead bodies floated or sank. The red-haired one said they should find out. They loaded my body into the trunk of a car and drove to Kentucky Lake. I remember seeing a sign for the lake. They pulled up to the water and tossed me in. I sank and my spirit went down with my body. I never could float. Once I went down I never saw them again because I stayed with my body. Shortly after I hit the bottom of the lake, some debris shifted on my body, pinning it to the bottom of the lake.”

  “Do you remember what you were working on?” Tristan asked. Greg rubbed the back of his head again. It was kind of eerie to be able to see his hand through his head.

  “I was investigating a child-abuse case. I used to work privately for the system.”

  Renny turned puppy eyes on Greg. “That’s a noble cause.” Zavier patted Renny’s thigh caringly. “Did you live here in the Dover area? Was the case finished?” Renny asked in a concerned tone.

  Sadness transformed Greg’s face. “No and no. I hope the child is all right. I lived in Jackson, Mississippi.”

  “That puts you in the area we believe the being is in. Did you do anything that drew attention to yourself?” Zavier asked.

  “I don’t think so.” Greg stopped and thought about it. After a long moment he raised his hand. “Wait. I was on TV briefly when I removed three abused children from a home in Jackson. I didn’t talk to the reporters, but I do remember them calling my name. That made me mad since I was a PI. I don’t even know how they found out about my investigation.”

  “We were unwillingly on TV recently, too,” Caleb stated.

  “Shit. That’s how the being knows who to go after. There is no way we can keep up with every news channel. No way to know exactly who and when it will attack,” Drake said with anger dripping from his words.

  “We can’t go to the police with this because we can’t draw attention to ourselves. It also doesn’t help that a ghost is one of our tip sources,” Caleb said.

  “Tip. That could work,” Renny stated. “We can call the tip line on a burner phone. The least we can do is let the police know there could be a connection between people doing noble things and then getting killed or disappearing.”

  Drake nodded. “That will work. That way the police can do as much as they can while we start an investigation of our own.”

  Everyone agreed it was the best course of action.

  “If you can remember the name of the child and anything else about the case I’ll look into it,” Renny offered.

  “You help children?” Greg asked.

  “He’s a consultant who helps the foster-care system as well as some child-abuse cases. He can sniff out a lying foster parent in a second. He’s already proved that three couples were unfit and found one to be innocent. Renny’s empathic powers are growing and expanding to reading some thoughts that go through people’s minds,” Zavier answered with mountains of pride.

  “I’d appreciate your help. Let’s get together tomorrow. By then I hope to have recalled more about the case,” Greg answered.

  “How did you find Conlin?” Renny asked Greg.

  Greg’s eyes softened. “His inner light drew me. I saw it through the water and had to be near it. When I emerged from the water and saw him, I had to follow him. His spirit called to me.”

  “Like an insect to a blue light, huh?” Luke said from the doorway. He was standing next to Milly, holding a beautifully decorated cake.

  “Not quite that destructive. He’s a little rough on the outside, but kind on the inside where it counts,” Greg responded.

  Conlin snorted at the description of himself.

  “That kindness already made him and Darrin a target. Everyone in this room is at risk as well. Let’s all stay alert at all times. Go nowhere unarmed and alone,” Drake said.

  “Well spoken. Right now, though, I know Shea is alert to that wonderful-smelling cake. If we don’t get her some soon, she may turn violent,” Reagan said. She stood and held her hand out to help her mate up from the couch.

  Several of them cleared the dinning table so Luke could put the cake down.

  Tristan looked over at Neil, who was standing in the doorway, and motioned him over.

  “Is it okay if I hang out with Darrin in your rooms?” Neil asked politely. The small-framed man was adorable with his long lashes.

  “Sure. Have some cake if you wish,” Tristan offe
red and then moved to Conlin’s side. He watched Neil head straight over to Darrin and hug the young vampire. Neil would be good for Darrin.

  Conlin went up on his toes, and Tristan leaned down to kiss his mate.

  “I’m glad Neil showed up,” Conlin stated.

  “Me, too.”

  Luke grumbled under his breath about the cake being so large it would take him a week to cut it. Milly blushed and quietly continued to put slices of cake on small dessert plates.

  The old elf’s gruff exterior covered a world of hurt. He hoped one day Luke would find another lover or, better yet, a new mate that he could love as fiercely as he’d loved Richard.

  Conlin picked up a plate of cake and handed it to Shea. Her cute pointed ears pinked when she realized he’d given her the largest piece.

  “That’s my man, Conlin, right there.” Reagan high-fived Conlin. “Thanks for looking out for my sweetie.”

  “Always,” Conlin replied and picked up another plate and took a big bite. His moaning made the others laugh. Tristan’s cock didn’t find it funny at all. His fully alert member wanted inside Conlin’s hot body right now. He mentally promised the hungry animal between his legs that it would get everything it wanted real soon.

  Conlin swallowed his third bite and went over and hugged Milly. “You are the best cook ever, Milly.”

  She blushed prettily and replied, “Thank you. I love to make others happy.”

  Tristan knew that was true. Milly was a beautiful submissive. He could feel her happiness as the crowd enjoyed her food. Her Dom or Doms would be lucky to have her. Milly’s fay bloodline was full of females serving two males. He hoped she found her men soon.

  “You make me happy every day,” Conlin stated and then took another bite of cake. His mate moaned, and Tristan felt his blood pressure rise.

  He managed to keep it together for another two hours. Everyone was having a great time, and he was glad, seriously. What made him even happier was when Shea started yawning and Zavier and Reagan insisted they take her to bed. After they said their good-nights and misted to the guest rooms they were staying in, everyone else said their good-nights and left, too.

  Conlin swiped an edge of frosting left on a plate and moaned as he licked his finger. He stopped when Tristan let the beast show itself.

  “Red flashes. I didn’t do anything,” Conlin blurted in surprise and took a step back.

  “You didn’t have to. Every so often he needs to play with you. Looks like tonight he’s going to have some fun,” he said passionately.

  Conlin grinned and took off running. “Not if he can’t catch me,” he called over his shoulder.

  Laughter rumbled from his chest when his mate ran into their bedroom and locked the door. Lust and excitement came from his lover. Tristan could tell Conlin was leaning against the door.

  To mess with the sexy man, he knocked on the door. “Let me in. I promise not to hurt you…much.” The small amount of fear that came from Conlin turned the beast in him on. Oh yeah, the fun is about to begin.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leaning against the heavy, wooden door, Conlin panted through his excitement. He was riding high. It was probably in part due to the successful party they’d just hosted. The rest was from Tristan’s beast coming to the surface looking for him.

  He couldn’t help it, his mind strayed to past experiences with the red-hot animal that lived in Tristan. Would it want to play like the first time or would it be rough and possessive like it had been after his family had talked him into running for it and his mate had to save him and catch him again?

  The tingling in his balls had his shaft hardening. He stroked it to get some relief. Just when he was calming a bit, Tristan knocked hard on the sturdy door.

  “I know you’re wondering what I’m going to do to you. The only way to find out is to open the door, pet. My wild side wants you right now.” There was a slight growl in Tristan’s voice. It sank into his bones and heated him from the inside out.

  He was about to open the door when Tristan growled low and fierce. “Now.”

  Conlin hesitated and rested against the door. That command had been like a shot of lust straight to his erection. What would the vamp do if he was forced to wait?

  “He can have me if he can get to me,” he taunted. Damn, I love playing with Tristan’s beast.

  A choking sound escaped his throat when the powerful vamp misted right in front of him. In his sexual excitement he’d forgotten Tristan could do that.

  Pinning Conlin’s hands to the door, Tristan said, “Caught you.”

  He squeaked in an unmanly way when the vamp’s grip tightened and his eyes flashed red and then the dark-green threads in his golden eyes glowed brightly.

  Those mesmerizing eyes looked at the door and then back at him. “I see you want some door play. I’ll give it to you in a while, my pet.”

  “Door play?” Was the vamp talking about fucking him against the door? If so, he was down with that. Tristan was more than good in all positions.

  “You started this by closing the door and teasing me through it. You also lounged against it while you waited to see what I’d do. I’ll gladly show you what else a door is good for. Not right now, though.” Tristan’s eyes cut down his body and returned to Conlin’s face. A small mischievous smile curled his lips.

  A nervous thrill shot from his tightly bound wrists to his hard member.

  His breath hitched when Tristan went into vamp mode. In a tornado of rushing air and bodies, Tristan removed Conlin’s clothes and sped them to the bed where the man spread his limbs and pinned them to the mattress with the force that came from deep within the vamp.

  Tristan pushed off the bed and prowled all three sides several times. The vamp’s eyes took in his spread body from every angle. Seeing Tristan fully dressed while he was naked and in a vulnerable position shot another shard of lust to his groin.

  Unbidden, the steely flesh between his legs bobbed. It longed for the sexy giant to touch it. To love on it.

  After tapping his chin, Tristan’s eyes flash red for a split second and a small grin crossed the vamp’s handsome face. That couldn’t be good for him. He struggled against the force holding him in place.

  The vamp’s husky laugh made the tingling in his erection intensify greatly. That he couldn’t escape his lover heightened his arousal another notch.

  Tristan walked away from the bed and to his toy chest. He pulled something out and then grabbed another item. Conlin wished he could tell what the vamp had retrieved. The vamp closed the chest and set one of the toys on it and then walked back to the bed. He held up a black blindfold.

  Conlin’s eyebrows darted straight up, and his mind searched for a way out. “Come on. You wouldn’t use that on me. You know how much I love looking at your beautiful body. The way your muscles tighten and bunch when you peak is a true pleasure to watch.” He looked at the vamp’s expensive clothes. “You can’t deny me the sight of your hot body. Put the blindfold back in the chest and strip for me. The sight of your thick cock with all its throbbing vessels and purple crown takes my breath away.” Only Tristan’s beast could bring out the sycophant in him. Blindfolds and sex shouldn’t be put together, should they? He was a sight guy. The only darkness he wanted was when he closed his eyes in bliss for a short time.

  Tristan crawled onto the bed with the blindfold.

  “Whoa. Don’t I get a say?” Red flashed dangerously through the vamp’s eyes. Oh shit! “Hey, I let you bind me. Shouldn’t I at least be in control of what I see?”

  The dark green in the vamp’s eyes glowed brightly. “No.” The answer was masterfully firm.

  Leaning down, the control freak placed the blindfold over his eyes. He could see a small amount of light. That comforted him somewhat. A tug on the strap of the blindfold took that comfort away. This is a damn good blindfold. “I can’t see shit,” he complained loudly.

  Sexy laughter was all the answer he received.

  Listening close
ly, he tried to determine where the sadist vamp was. That damn carpet made it impossible to hear the man.

  Tugging at the force holding him down didn’t do a bit of good. Sexy laughter rolled over him. He tried not to be turned on by the husky sound. The flexing of his cock proved he wasn’t immune to the rich, sexy sound.

  His whole body jerked when something touched the inside of his wrist. The softness continued to travel down his arms and then rested for a long moment over his neck. It was soft and silky. A scarf possibly.

  The material moved down his sternum and pooled on his stomach. When it didn’t travel down to his eager erection, he raised his hips off the bed as far as he could, searching for the silky feel to touch his swollen cockhead.

  Warm laughter whispered into his ear and settled in his erection. A firm hand pressed his hips back down. “Stay still. Just feel,” Tristan purred into his ear.

  “Oh, I can feel all right. The burning up of my dick,” Conlin snapped.

  “Get ready to use more of your senses,” Tristan warned.

  Conlin felt air moving around and guessed the vamp was speeding around the room. The silk still lay on his stomach with one end running down his side. The velvety comforter beneath him cradled him nicely. Things could be much worse.

  Soft music danced through the air. He didn’t become alarmed until he heard the click of metal next to his ear. “What’s that?”

  “You’re about to find out,” Tristan answered in a rough whisper.

  The sound of the vamp’s voice had images of red flashes coming to his mind. Silk moving had him realizing that Tristan had picked up one end of the silk. The material swirled around his groin without touching his erection. It circled several times and then slid up his side and zeroed in on his right nipple. The dragging of the material over the nub had it standing at attention. A click sounded in his ear a second before the silk was ripped off his taut nipple and metal gripped the sensitive flesh.

  He yelped as fire tore through his tortured skin. Panting, he yelled “Take it off.”


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