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One Simple Step (Journey Series)

Page 19

by Williams, C. A.

  I decided that I might as well start getting some of the stuff put together, so I went to work on the crib first. That had to be one of the most important things.

  “I’m going to head to bed, Nick.” I looked over to see Kara standing in the doorway, one hand resting on her stomach, and the other on her lower back. “Are you coming?”

  “Um...” I looked at the parts that I had spread out over the floor, and then back to her, shaking my head. I hadn’t even thought about what this whole living together thing actually meant. I couldn’t even think about sharing a bed with Kara because in the morning, I would want to wake up with someone else next to me, not her. “I’ll be in in a little while, I want to get this stuff together.”

  “Okay,” she responded quietly, giving me a sleepy smile before heading down the hallway.

  I ended up putting everything together, just so I could avoid going into my bedroom. What if us sleeping together, and living together, instantly made her think that we were together? Would she want sex? I mean her stomach was huge, could women even have sex when they were that far along? No, just the thought made me sick to my stomach. Not the whole having sex with a pregnant woman thing. No, just the fact that she simply wasn’t Ally.

  I couldn’t touch her.

  I eyed the couch as I stepped into the dark living room, and I had a feeling that is where I would end up sleeping, at least until I figured some things out. Yeah, Kara was here, we were living together, and about ready to have a baby together, I just couldn’t help but think about the what-if’s though as I collapsed onto the couch and my eyes fell shut.

  The usual guilt that started to roll in whenever I tried to sleep, started up quickly. How was Ally? Was she upset? Was she pissed? Was she depressed? Was she back with that asshole? God, I hoped she wasn’t. While it would kill me to see her ending up with anyone, I just wanted her to be happy, and I knew Teddy couldn’t do that for her. He didn’t even deserve the chance.

  Somehow, I must’ve finally fallen asleep because the next time my eyes opened it was at the sound of my phone’s alarm coming from my pocket. I jumped when I sat up and saw Kara sitting in the chair across from the couch, staring at me.

  “Oh good, you’re finally awake,” she said in a sweet voice, giving me a fake smile. Just what I wanted to wake up to every morning.

  “Don’t you need to be at work or something?” I asked as I sat up, craning my neck back and forth. If the couch was my new bed, I needed to get a much more comfortable one.

  “Nope,” she answered with a pop. “The doctor wrote me a note for early maternity leave because my blood pressure’s been a little high. He says it has to do with so much stress in my life,” she said, nonchalantly. And she was the cause of most of it, I wanted to add.

  “Listen, Nick, I know this whole situation didn’t exactly play out how you wanted. I know you were happy with that girlfriend of yours.” She paused, rolling her eyes, and it made me want to slam my fist through the wall. “But we need to figure out a way to make things work. I’m not saying you need to instantly fall in love with me again or anything, but we do need to get along. Do you really want our daughter growing up with parents that hate each other, living under the same roof? It wouldn’t be very healthy.”

  I hated to agree with Kara, but what she said had made sense, mostly.

  “If we can’t work things out, maybe I’ll go live with my mom in California. She offered us a place to stay, so after the baby’s born, we could move out there. You could have visitations at like holidays or something.”

  My mouth dropped open when I realized she meant just her and my daughter would be going to California. No way in hell I was going to let that happen. No. Way. In. Hell. If I had to get along with Kara to make her stay, I would. I needed to figure out how to do that, quickly.

  “No, Kara, that’s not happening. We can make things work, I promise.” I forced a smile onto my face, and that seemed to satisfy her as she sat back in the chair and nodded her head at me. “How ‘bout I make you something for breakfast before I leave, and then I’ll grab you some movies or something to keep you occupied?”

  She smiled as I leaned down to cover her legs with a throw blanket, and I froze when she kissed me on the cheek. “Thanks, Nick. I love having you to take care of me. It was so hard on my own.” She pouted her lips, and I tried to keep my eyes from not rolling as I headed into the kitchen. This was going to be difficult, but I had to do it.

  I couldn’t imagine not having my daughter in my life all of the time. I didn’t want to deal with all of that visitation mess, especially if Kara was really telling the truth about considering the move to California. That was all the way across the damn country. Not going to happen.

  So, I fixed Kara some eggs and orange juice, made a little conversation with her as I got ready for work, and smiled at her when I left. It was exhausting, but it had to be done. And that had just been the start of my day. I couldn’t imagine it getting any better. Is this what I had to look forward to for the rest of my life?

  Chapter 25


  It had been over a month since Nick left me alone in the parking lot. Granted, I told him to leave after he stomped all over my heart, but a part of me had wanted him to wrap me up in his arms anyway, and forget all about that bitch Kara.

  A million unanswered questions raced through my head for at least a week after he broke things off. Had he cheated on me just like Teddy? What was so wrong with me that the men in my life felt like they needed to do that? Would I ever find someone like Nick again?

  I allowed myself to grieve for two weeks and that was it. I wasn’t going to wallow around in self-pity and let myself get all depressed over a guy. A guy that I could’ve seen myself with for the rest of my life. Nope, I wasn’t going to go there anymore. Maybe I would just be done with guys forever. All they caused was heartache and I certainly didn’t need any more of that.

  “How you doing today, Al?” Remy asked as I stepped out of my room and grabbed my purse off the counter. She walked on eggshells whenever she was near me, and I hated that she didn’t think she could just act normal around me.

  “I’m fine really, Rem. You don’t need to keep asking me that. Really, I’m fine,” I said again, and I’m not sure who exactly I was trying to reassure, her or me. “I’m especially excited because Ben gets here today.”

  Her face lit up at the mention of Ben’s name, and I was glad that I had thought to change the subject. “I know, I can’t wait to see him. I’m picking him up from the airport in about an hour. Do you want to ride over with me?”

  “I would love to,” I replied, slipping my purse strap over my head. “But I need to run to the craft store for some supplies.” Remy’s eyes widened, probably surprised by the fact that I was actually leaving the apartment.

  I didn’t want to chance running into Nick or anyone until I knew that I would be able to handle myself and not have an emotional breakdown in public. While this was a beach town, and there were lots of tourists, there were very few actual year round residents.

  “Give Ben a hug for me when you see him, and maybe we can all go out for dinner or something. If you two don’t mind. I’m sure you’ll be plenty busy.” I poked her in the side with my elbow, and she turned a bright shade of red, looking down at the ground to avoid my eyes.

  “Jeez, Al, he is your brother and all. Talking to you about that kind of stuff is just a little awkward.”

  “Oh please, Rem,” I called over my shoulder before shutting the door. “You can still talk to me, I swear. Just don’t give me too many details.”

  I drove into town, and picked up a basket as I walked into the craft store. I had been getting a lot of custom orders lately, and they started to get backed up because I couldn’t really concentrate. I wish I could turn my brain off for at least an hour each day, just to give myself a little break from Nick. He was all I could think about.

  I picked up some tulle, in a whole rainbow of colors, and adde
d it to my basket. I just started making tutus along with my bows, and I seriously couldn’t get enough of the things. Several of my repeat clients had just started to send me pictures of their little ones in the tutus, and I about peed myself when I saw how adorable they looked. With the clients’ permission, I had added the pictures to my website, and the orders started to really flow in.

  “Well, fancy meetin’ you here.” I whirled around, and groaned when I came face to face with Danny. At least it wasn’t Nick, or better yet, Kara. I’m sure she would just have a field day if she could get ahold of me.

  “Yeah, right. Do you hang around craft stores often?” I turned to walk down the aisle, but he quickly jumped in front of me, preventing my escape.

  “No, they really aren’t my thing. I’ve just been trying to catch up with you, and now I did.”

  I placed my hands on my hips as he continued to block my way. “So, what exactly are you saying? You’ve been stalking me?”

  An amused smile took over his face. “I’ve missed that smart ass attitude of yours. Can’t we still be friends? Please,” he added, giving me a sad puppy face.

  “Sure, just answer me one question, Danny.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I think I can handle that, Ally-Cat.” I really felt like smacking him. When he heard Teddy’s nickname for me he thought it was hilarious, and had called me it repeatedly that night at the bar. Apparently, he was sticking with it. For some reason, it didn’t get on my nerves like it did when Teddy said it.

  “Did you know?”

  “Know what?” he asked, giving me a confused look as he finally relaxed his arms that had been blocking the aisle, and crossed them over his chest.

  “About Nick and Kara? Did you know that they were back…together?”

  “Ally.” He let out a loud sigh, and shook his head. “Nick is a lot of things, but one thing he isn’t, is a jackass like that ex-husband of yours.”

  I snorted loudly, and looked down, trying to find something interesting on the sterile white floor.

  “You might not believe me, but no, they weren’t together. There’s more to the story, but I think Nick needs to tell you that part.”

  I felt a little bit of weight lift off of my chest at what Danny said, but not much. At least he hadn’t cheated on me, well, at least according to Danny. He had been a good friend to me when I was dating Nick, so I guess I believed him. He had no reason to lie. “Okay, fine. We can be friends again as long as you never mention Nick to me again. Got it?”

  “Not a problem, it’s not like I ever get to see him now that—”

  I cut him off with my hand. I so did not want to hear about him being with her all the time. “No Nick talk, whatsoever.”

  “Okay, fine. Whatever you want, Ally-Cat.” He bent down and picked up my basket for me. “So, what other frilly shit do we need to find?”


  “Okay, Kara. C’mon, we need to push one more time.” My hand felt about ready to break off from her squeezing it so tightly, and she let out a long stream of curse words, the nurses not even blinking twice about it. I’m sure they heard that kind of thing all of the time.

  “Yeah, one more push my ass, and there’s no we about this,” she panted out as she flopped back onto the pillow behind her head. “Just quit talking, I’m ready to get this kid out. Oh, no, another one’s coming.” She sat up quickly, and I grabbed onto one of her legs like the nurse had instructed. I watched her bear down with everything she had, and felt like I was about ready to pass out just from watching her.

  “Alright, here we go,” I heard the doctor say before Kara pushed one more time, and the nurses went to work quickly, scooping the baby up and swaddling her in a towel.

  The baby. My baby.

  I was an actual dad now.

  They stuck something in her mouth, and a tiny wail escaped as soon as they pulled it out. I never thought I would be so happy in my life to hear a baby cry. The feelings that were running through me were almost overwhelming as the nurses finished doing what they needed to do, and came walking towards us with the tiny bundle.

  The nurse started to hand the baby to Kara, but she shook her head, letting out a groan as she collapsed onto the pillow. “Okay, then. Here we are, Daddy. Your beautiful baby girl.” I was nervous as hell as the nurse handed me my daughter. I had absolutely no clue how to hold a baby, and I think the nurse could sense my hesitation.

  “Just like this, Daddy.” She moved my arms into a better position, and I felt myself relax just a little. “Make sure you support her head, and let the rest come naturally. You’ll find your favorite ways to hold her.”

  I looked down, mesmerized by every little detail, from the dark tuft of hair to her heart shaped lips. Even her tiny little fingers were fascinating. She had my olive complexion and two tiny little dimples that I could just barely make out. She was the spitting image of me. I could barely see any of Kara in her features. I thought I knew love before her, but this, nothing compared. Nothing ever would.

  “Alright, Daddy, we just need to get some fingerprints here quickly. Do we have a name picked out?”

  I sucked in a breath, waiting to hear Kara’s answer. She had about a million different names picked out, but had never narrowed it down to just one. I looked over at Kara, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

  “Um...” I licked my lips, having no fucking clue. A name was something that meant a lot, especially for girls. I didn’t want to screw up the very first thing I was in charge of for my daughter. “Let’s go with...” I paused again, and the nurse’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. I’m sure we were probably like the first parents that didn’t have a name for their baby. There were a whole nine months to plan and all. I scoured my brain for something that fit, and one suddenly popped into my head. It was just right. “Ariel Grace Bennett.” The nurse nodded her head in approval, and I turned to Kara to see if I had her approval.

  “Ariel? Like from The Little Mermaid?”

  “I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders, knowing that the name was perfect. It reminded me of Ally, but Kara would never know the true meaning behind it.

  “Whatever.” She shook her head, and took the clipboard that the nurse handed her, adding her signature next to mine at the bottom.

  The room was soon overtaken by a flow of my relatives, coming in and out to meet the new baby. I was surprised once my mom got her hands on her, that she actually gave her up to my aunts who had come to visit. My mom had already been spoiling my daughter before she was even born, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like now.

  Kara ended up staying in the hospital until the next afternoon. I stayed with her and Ariel overnight in the hospital room, and I was definitely feeling the sleepless night the next morning. The nurses were more than helpful, showing me how to change, burp, and feed her.

  By the time we were leaving the hospital, I felt like I was getting the hang of it, but then I suddenly panicked. What in the hell were we going to do once we got home and there weren’t any nurses around to help out when we had a question?

  I shifted the car seat in my hands that I was carrying back to Kara’s room, and took a deep breath. Calm down, dude. I had my mom, and she knew just about everything. We would be able to handle it, and if we couldn’t, I knew I could always count on my mom.

  We signed the discharge papers, Kara was helped out to the car, and the car seat was checked before we left. It all felt a little surreal. We were now responsible for this tiny little human being. We were in charge of shaping her life, and who she was to become. I had no clue how in the hell I was going to do it, but we would figure it out.

  “How you feeling?” I glanced over at Kara as I pulled out onto the main road, and she rolled her eyes at me.

  “Oh, just lovely. Childbirth is like a freakin’ walk in the park. I have no clue why women would actually want to get pregnant.”

  “Ok-ay.” Well then, I guess the pregnancy hormones were still in effect, mixed in with the overall person
ality of Kara. It made for a lethal combination. I don’t know how I had gotten through that past month or so. I felt like my tongue was about to fall off after having to bite it so often.

  By the time I went in to work each morning, I felt like I was literally going to explode. It didn’t help that she never wanted me to go anywhere, either. She made me feel guilty, even if all I wanted was to stop off for one beer with Danny. He eventually stopped calling, and I figured it was for the best. I had at least gotten a text back from him when I sent him a picture of Ariel.

  I pulled into the driveway, throwing the car into park and jumping out to open the back door and unlatch the car seat. It killed me to have my bike in the garage, but it wasn’t exactly the best mode of transportation with a kid, so the car I bought off my parents would have to do for now.

  “Gee, thanks for the help.” I heard Kara mutter behind me as I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. Oh, yeah, the fun was just about ready to begin. I stepped aside, letting her pass by and kicking the door shut.

  By the time I got her and the baby all settled, I was doubly exhausted. I got that Kara was sore and uncomfortable, but she really needed to start stepping up. She hadn’t even fed Ariel once.

  The nurse shoved a pamphlet at me right before I closed my car door, and I at least caught on to the fact that it had to do with the baby blues. I had no clue if that’s what was going on with Kara, and right now, I couldn’t even think about it as I closed my eyes, hoping to get a little bit of sleep before Ariel was ready for her next bottle. This was definitely something to get used to.

  Chapter 26



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