Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2)

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Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2) Page 19

by JK Ensley

  “A name? What have you decided to call my own little piece of heaven?”

  “Princess Falls. For this day, I danced with a true Princess underneath an enchanted waterfall.”

  “Vittorio, that name is almost as perfect as you are.” I kissed him on the cheek and giggled when he blushed. “This has been the best day of my whole life. No worries, no cares, not a single demon or dark Angel to be seen, my dearest friend by my side… yes, this is my perfect day.”

  “Aye, scrunch up yer nose like a wee rabbit an’ I’ll say it’s been my perfect day, too,” he said with a chuckle. “Aye now, just like that, Lass. I love when ye do that.”

  “Has it been a whole day?” I asked.

  “I believe it’s been more than two now.”

  “Two days? Truly?”

  “More than, I think. Time loses all meaning here.”

  “Yes, but why don’t we hunger or thirst?”

  “It’s all part of the magic, I suppose. Helps with yer delicious figure, Lass.” Vittorio winked. “I dunnae want tae, but I must go back soon. I’ve nae stayed gone quite this long before. If I’ve been summonsed, Varick will be furious with me. I cannae stay gone this long an’ nae expect some form of grief tae accompany my return.”

  “Oh, poo. Varick’s always furious about something. The only time the corners of his mouth turn up is when he’s telling me how badly I err concerning this thing or that. You’d think being in love would have smoothed out the constant crease in his noble brow. Or at the very least, put more of a spring in his majestic step.”

  Vittorio laughed. “Aye, ye know him well, Lass. Ye know him well. So, yer still in love with him, are ye nae?”

  “Well… since I’ve not quite figured out how to simply fall out of love with someone, yes. I love him still. Much to my chagrin.”

  “How so?”

  “How can you be so callous as to even ask, sweetest warrior? If I love him but I cannot have him, how else should I feel?”

  “Ye mean, because of the Angel? Because of Apollyon?”

  “You know about him, huh? Well, yes. Among other things, Vindicus is a definite reason.”

  “Aye, Lass, are ye ready tae go back?”

  “There’s no need for me to return to Vanahirdem, Brother. Perhaps I’ll just hang out here for a bit—lounge by the pool, scoop up some lovely pearls, dangle my feet in the cool water. Just enjoy a little peace, a little silence.”

  “If I asked ye tae do me a favor, would ye?”

  “Anything for you, Vittorio. I owe you more than you could possible desire in return. Never will I be able to repay the joy you have always gifted me. Undeserved joy, yes, but treasured more than you will ever know. Say the word and see it done, Brother.”

  “Aye, Lass, nae payment’s required. Yer smile is my only desire.” He tenderly kissed my forehead. I smiled. “Aye, just like that.”

  I giggled. “You spoil me, beautiful Guardian. Tell me. What favor do you seek? I will grant you anything.”

  “Aye then, go back with me, just for now.”

  “Hmm, perhaps I should have thought that one through a little better, huh?” I laughed, playfully punching his massive arm. “Very well, I’ll go back with you… just for now.”

  Chapter 27



  “It’s simply not like you to shirk your responsibilities.” Vareen’s eyes were kind but her words stung Vittorio. “Where have you been? Vareilious has had to answer two of your summonses. He’ll want words with you upon his return. Of that I am certain.”

  I knew I was really the one to blame, but he had begged me not to speak of it, even in his defense. So… I remained silent in the presence of the revered seer.

  “Apologies, Milady. It wulnae happen again.”

  “Let’s see that it does not. You have many responsibilities, Vittorio. Make sure you always see to them first… then playtime.”

  Vareen winked at me. I knew I was the intended recipient of those words. I curtsied politely and we turned to go.

  “Jenevier, I would have words with you, privately.”

  “Yes, Milady.” I turned to Vittorio and hugged his massive neck. “Gratitude for everything, Brother,” I whispered. “You have saved me yet again.”

  “Mention it nae. The pleasure was all mine, feisty warrior. An’ remember, shhh.” He placed his finger to his lips.

  I giggled as he pinched my cheek. “I promise,” I whispered back.

  “Come inside, child. Let’s catch up a bit, you and I.”

  I followed the elegant woman into her parlor where tea and cakes were already prepared, waiting for us.

  “So, you saw me coming.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “What all did you see?”

  “Not much. You have changed in more ways than appearance alone. You are not always clear in my mind. And sometimes I feel threatened by a dark presence when scrying you, a demon perhaps.”

  “An Angel,” I replied flatly.

  “I was afraid of that.” Worry creased her brow.

  I laughed. “Truly? Afraid of an Angel?”

  “Of your Angel, yes.”

  “Remove doubt and fear, dear friend. He would never harm those whom I love.”

  “How can you be so certain?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I know him.”

  “In so short a time? Do not forget. People can easily hide their true intentions, especially from someone who’s as pure of heart as you are.”

  “He’s not a person, he’s an Angel. I don’t believe he ever was a person. And… he no longer possesses the ability to hide even the tiniest thought from me, nor I from him. And by the way, old friend, I’m not so pure anymore, especially my heart.”

  “I can see you are no longer a child. Your outward appearance doesn’t even hint at your inward differences. Does it, Jenevier?”

  “Not even close, Vareen. Not even close.” I took a sip of the delicious tea.

  “Will you humor me with answering a few questions? I am terribly curious about your exotic colorings and how they came to be.”

  “Did Valencia not fill you in on everything already?”

  Vareen chuckled softly. “I’m afraid Valencia isn’t what you would call an open book. Getting information from her can be much like pulling teeth.”

  “Ask away,” I said with a shrug. “I have no reason to keep secrets.”

  “Most obviously, the change in your skin and hair. How did that come to be?”

  “You won’t like it, but it is what it is.” I sat my teacup down. “Let me ask you something first.”

  “Very well, go ahead.” She nodded toward me, crossing her hands in her lap.

  “Why do you want to know? Because you’re merely curious? Because you fear me now? Because you want to know what Vareilious tasted within me?” I raised one eyebrow and hardened my gaze. “Or is it because Varick’s really the one who wants to know yet is too afraid to ask me himself?”

  Vareen smiled knowingly as Varick emerged from his hiding place in the next room.

  “Varick, dear heart, you of all people should know. When your essence is blended you cannot hide from one another. Did you honestly think I couldn’t feel your heart racing within my own chest?”

  “Apologies.” Varick blushed, lowering his head.

  Vareen chuckled. “Gone is the tormented little girl we all knew. Returned is a woman wise beyond her years.”

  “Heap not praise, revered mother. My wisdom has not been obtained from acting wise. It’s merely the reward for foolish behavior and stupid actions.”

  She smiled. “Ahh, then you truly possess the greatest form of wisdom, little Princess.”

  I sighed wearily. “Princess… not anymore.”

  “Jenevier, my love, tell me all that has happened to you, all you had to go through,” Varick pleaded. “Please. I wish to know every moment I lost with you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him before I spoke. “Then sh
all we have tea for all eternity to stay caught up on all the lost moments yet to come?” My snide question was met with only silence. “Apologies. No matter how much you think I have changed, my bitter jealousy is one thing I fear I must always struggle with.” I half snorted. “Ahh, and I hear the great warrior coming now who obviously failed me so miserably in that very same training.”

  “I failed you, did I?” Vareilious snapped as he barged into Vareen’s home.

  “Oh, did I say that, Brother? I fear you may have misheard. Or perhaps the fury brought by my presence is pounding too loudly within your ears to allow for proper understanding.”

  “Why are you still here?” he barked. “Did I not witness you leaving by way of the same gate you first entered?”

  I took another sip of tea. “That’s the odd thing about eyes. You can never truly trust them. Can you, Brother?”

  “You dare count me as your brother still?”

  I raised my gaze to meet his. “Would you rather be counted as my enemy? Now, that should play out deliciously, don’t you think? You could finally experience for yourself if I’m the tiny Angel you always accused me of being.” I smiled and winked, taunting my old friend.

  “Please, we have gathered here to speak openly. Not to fight or bare teeth to our own family,” Varick said.

  “Family?” Vareilious and I spat the word out in unison.

  “Yes, family,” Vareen softly answered. “Guardian Vareilious, will you take a seat and join us? Jenevier is being especially gracious to bless us with her story.” She looked at me. “Is it okay if good Vareilious joins us, dear one?”

  I gently returned the dainty teacup to its matching saucer and kept my eyes fixed there. “As I said before, I have no reason to keep secrets.”

  Once again, I started my familiar tale beginning with waking up in the swamp and ending with Valencia bidding me adieu in Vandermil. Well, in the Nether.

  “All things happen for a reason.” Vareen’s mind was on the babies I had saved who were nearly grown and completely wonderful. “Your story alone, Jenevier, should bring faith to all Vanir. The work we do now is for the greater future good of all.”

  Vareilious smirked. “I think you may have left out a few things, dear sister. I didn’t hear anything about Angels or pink hair.”

  I furrowed my brow as I looked to each expecting face. “Am I mistaken or did I not return to your sight when Valencia winged me from the eighth layer?”

  “You did not, child,” Vareen answered.

  “Oh, so you really just wanted to know all about hell.” I shrugged my shoulders again and sighed. “Very well, then. I will tell you.” I stared at my cooling tea. “It looks exactly like Vanahirdem.”

  “You lie,” Vareilious hissed.

  “Ahh, is this not Commander of Emotions before me? Do we not now sit in the presence of the esteemed trainer over control and focus? If you keep to this path, mighty warrior, I fear I may dethrone you.”

  Vareilious jumped to his feet, releasing a heart-stopping growl as his chair crashed to the floor. I moved not. I simply looked at him, minus concern or reaction.

  “Now… is that any way to treat this lovely woman’s home? Show some manners. Restrain yourself, Brother. Or some may name you beast, and untamed at that.”

  “Enough, you two,” Varick warned.

  “Tell us where you got the curls, Witch,” Vareilious spat.

  “My curls? Why, I was born with them. So I guess you could say God gave them to me.” I rolled my eyes. “Funny, I thought you noticed my curls years ago, Brother.”

  Vareilious grabbed my arm, jerking me into the air, screaming curses at me and threatening bodily harm. Still, I didn’t react in-kind. I simply stared into his furious eyes, not even trying to feign concern.

  “Tell us where you got the pink curls, Witch.”

  “I’m a witch now, am I? Should you not be just a little concerned about all the things you now think I am? Tell me, great Guardian. Do you have a summons against me? Have you learned nothing from my sorrowful tale? No?” I yawned and looked away. “Then learn your own lessons in your own way. Sometimes the hard way’s the only way, I suppose.”

  Vareilious eased me back to the floor.

  I straightened my ruffled clothes and took my seat. “May I trouble you for another cup of tea, Milady?” I smiled at Vareen.

  Varick placed his hand on mine when I reached for my cup.

  “Please, Jenevier. Tell us what happened to you in hell.”

  I couldn’t look him in the eye. I fear I will never be that strong.

  “When I was in hell… your love, dear Varick, shattered my newly reclaimed soul.”

  “My love? How could my love do such a thing? How can the perfect love I hold for you ever harm you in any way?”

  I looked at Vareen. Her knowing eyes were fast filling with tears. But I continued to please their ravenous curiosities.

  I held Vareilious’s admiring gaze as I told them of meeting Vindicus at the gate. “Before my eyes beheld him, I could have sworn it was you, Brother. I almost wish it had been.”

  When I spoke of Vybius, I couldn’t force my eyes to look upon any of them. I didn’t keep secret my desire for the amethyst Angel. I even went so far as to describe, in detail, all the ways he reminded me of Alzeen and Varick.

  “I trusted him based on what I beheld with my eyes. That was my first mistake concerning the soul-eater.”

  I told them of Vybius’s magical past-displaying orb, the council meetings, how he calmed me simply by humming. And finally, I told them of my friendship with the elegant Viatrix. I left out nothing. Not a single moment. Not one tiny feeling. I told them everything, right up until I entered the temple in Vandermil.

  “Honestly, I have given this exact same account to Valencia. I thought you knew this when I met you at the gate, Vareen. Is Valencia not an investigator? I only presumed she acted as Vinika.”

  “What Valencia told us was that you were fighting your way out of hell and would need us at the portals… not a single word more,” Varick said softly.

  “Child, I know the rest is harder still. Will you continue your tale, or do we ask too much?”

  “You’re right, Vareen. This next part is the worst for me. But what has happened has happened and cannot be undone.” I turned to the massive Guardian I had once counted as my best friend. “Vareilious, you wish to know of my pink curls? Then I shall tell you. Hate me if you must. But I will never lie to you.”

  His stern brow softened. He uncrossed his arms, a wry smile adorning his handsome face. “Yes, I wish to know of the beautiful pink ones. But this vibrant blue one is the most mesmerizing of them all. It matches the glitter upon your cheek. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside.” He winked at me. “I think I should like to know about it first.”

  “Blue curl?”

  “Yes. This one curl, here, in front. The one that puts the heavens to shame.” Vareilious reached out, pulling loose a curl I had tucked behind my ear, holding it in front of my face. “This one perfect curl that makes all sapphires bow down before its radiant glory. I’m jealous. Vittorio’s going on and on about it to everyone,” he whined. “Why am I the last to see it?”

  When I focused on the odd lock of my hair in his giant fingers, I jumped up and ran to the nearest mirror.

  It was true… I didn’t even know. My withered hand wasn’t the only thing my Vindicus had healed.

  He loves me too much, I thought. The proof of that now sparkles brilliantly upon my cheek.

  Reaching up, I touched the once black jagged scar across my face, my blue-tinted fingers grazing the dazzling glitter. The sapphire tattoo left by his manacle glowed in sync with my newly decorated scar. And that rich azure curl fell down over my left eye. It was truly beautiful—unique in every way. And it had all come from him, my loving husband.

  I wrapped my arms around my waist, tried my best to hold the pain inside. But it felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. All my air escaped. I turned a wi
ld, terrified gaze back to the confused trio. Vareilious recognized the dangerous state I was in. He sprang to my side, whispering his calming words over and over until I could focus once again.

  “Will this never end?” I uttered wearily.

  “Hah! And you thought you could dethrone me in the control department?” He laughed. “You almost lost it just then.”

  “Almost is the key word there, Sunshine,” I countered. “You did lose it, twice already. And we’ve yet to properly finish a single cup of tea.”

  “Yeah, okay. But I’m Mr. Cool now.” He winked and displayed his trademark smirk.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I believe you’ve been spending way too much time on layer eight, Brother. You sound ridiculous.”

  “We’ve not been able to convince him of that truth, even though we’ve all tried. Perhaps wise words from loving sister will go farther in this regard.” Vareen winked at us.

  I collapsed back into my chair and sighed. “Well, Vareilious, I can’t yet tell you about the blue curl. I didn’t even know that’d happened.”

  I relived my meltdown in the temple, told them about my pity party and the river of tears that accompanied it. Then I told them all about my vision of Varick’s ceremony here in Vanahirdem. My wretched tears returned with the painful telling.

  Inhaling deeply, I paused a moment, trying to swallow the offending lump creeping up my tightening throat. I stared at my own clasped hands as I recounted my subsequent freak-out when I left what I thought was the cathedral in hell. I tried to ignore the gasps and growls as I replayed the whole battle in my mind—every blow, every drop of blood, every broken bone.

  Glancing briefly at Varick, his flowing tears almost made me skip this next part. But when Vareilious took my trembling hands in his, I found the courage to continue. I cleared my throat and relied heavily upon the borrowed strength of my brother as I told them of my unwanted healing, my subsequent rebirth, and the hardest part to say out loud… my intense relationship with Vindicus. I told them of our strange blending, our bonding manacles, my transformation, and I ended my story with our impending nuptials.


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