Diana in Search of Herself

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by Sally Bedell Smith

  36 “Do you know you’re being”: Mark Saunders and Glenn Harvey, Dicing with Di: The Amazing Adventures of Britain’s Royal Chasers (1996), pp. 114–15

  37 “unprecedented interview”: DM, 8/22/94

  38 “neurotic nonsense”: The Observer, 8/28/94

  39 “thoroughly modern princess”: Ti, 8/23/94

  40 “hunting for change”: Telegraph magazine, 10/29/94

  41 “with a picture of your mother-in-law”: The Observer, 8/28/94

  42 “I feel I am being destroyed”: DM, 8/22/94

  43 These claims later proved: DM, 8/23/94; B-PT, p. 204

  44 “in the habit of ringing”: DM, 8/22/94

  45 “bizarre”: ST, 8/28/94

  46 “I reckon she has”: Ibid.

  47 “300 silent nuisance calls”: Sun, 9/8/94

  48 “whiff of conspiracy”: DM, 10/24/94

  49 “I was reputed to have made”: Pano, pp. 22–23

  50 the “young boy”: Sunday Independent, 11/26/95

  51 “made a lot of calls”: DEx, 11/27/95

  52 During late January: Ibid.

  53 “she rang him seventy times”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  54 “She said he was a weak”: Ibid.

  55 “as late as 1995”: B-SS, p. 91

  56 In February: NOTW, 2/19/95

  57 “The truth is, she views”: DM, 2/20/95

  58 “He put them in a brown”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  59 Diana was growing increasingly: B-RK, p. 134

  60 The primary focus: DT, 11/6/98

  61 The capstone of the film: ST, 7/3/94

  62 Dimbleby’s filmed conversation: JD-Doc

  63 “the clear context was”: Sun, 7/2/94; SuTel, 7/3/94

  64 two days earlier: DM, 6/28/94

  65 By then, Charles had briefed: DT, 11/15/95

  66 “to kill off the speculation”: SuTel, 7/3/94

  67 audience of 13.4 million: Gua, 11/21/95

  68 “She bounded out”: ITV-Doc

  69 “I didn’t exactly feel like”: Interview with Graydon Carter

  70 “You have to help us out”: Interview with Christopher Hitchens


  72 “Here was a woman at ease”: DM, 6/30/94

  73 “She could have watched”: DT, 6/30/94

  74 One poll showed: ST, 7/3/94


  76 “It is something that I think”: JD-Doc

  77 “very fair-minded”: Sun, 7/1/94

  78 “crowing”: MOS, 7/3/94

  79 “I haven’t seen the program”: DEx, 7/4/94

  80 “pretty devastated”: Pano, p. 25

  81 “I don’t regard myself”: NOTW, 10/2/94

  82 “dumped him”: Ibid.

  83 “It was a preemptive strike”: MOS, 10/2/94

  84 “Diana was happy for it”: NOTW, 10/2/94

  85 “anodyne”: DM, 10/3/94

  86 “too beautiful”: ES, 10/3/94; Independent, 10/4/94

  87 By late July: ST, 10/9/94; Mi, 10/3/94

  88 The Mirror later published: SuTel, 4/25/99

  89 At the time of publication: Gua, 10/5/94

  90 “proof”: ES, 10/3/94

  91 “affirming the truth”: Gua, 10/6/94

  92 “set the record straight”: Independent, 10/4/94

  93 “clogging, nauseating”: Ibid.

  94 TRAITOR: DEx, 10/4/94

  95 LOVE RAT and CAD: Sun, 10/4/94


  97 “He is a revolting”: Mi, 10/3/94

  98 “Eight-Page Special”: Sun, 10/4/94

  99 “grubby and worthless”: Gua, 10/6/94

  100 “wretched”: DEx, 10/4/94

  101 “bitterly hurt”: DM, 10/24/94

  102 “fevered imagination”: DEx, 10/4/94

  103 “there was nothing”: Pano, p. 27


  105 “lovable … in love with her”: B-JD, p. 339

  106 Dimbleby also acknowledged: Ibid., pp. 341–42, 345

  107 “insist he was to blame”: Ibid., p. 367

  108 Diana went to see William: ST, 11/13/94

  109 “Well, there were three”: Pano, p. 26

  110 “picture portrayed … revenge attack”: B-RK, p. 134

  111 “She feels the furor”: Sun, 10/18/94

  112 “had not had any contact”: DEx, 8/20/94

  113 “mishmash of tedious”: The Observer, 10/5/97

  114 “bitter, jealous, and lonely”: Ti, 11/7/94

  115 another self-mutilation … her use of Prozac: MOS, 11/6/94

  116 “Jekyll and Hyde”: Sun, 3/4/94

  117 “dead common”: Tatler, 4/94

  118 “She has been given”: The Observer, 8/28/94

  119 “She was schizophrenic”: Interview with Robert Hardman

  120 “I got a call from”: Interview with Anthony Holden

  121 “She wanted me to touch base”: Interview with Andrew Neil

  122 “She wanted to win them”: Interview with Richard Kay

  123 “I’ve been walking on air”: ES, 4/13/95

  124 “notorious illiterate”: DM, 9/28/95

  125 “took Diana’s side”: Interview with Richard Ingrams

  126 “Come to dinner Friday night”: Interview with Max Hastings

  127 the letter she wrote to Richard Kay’s mother: DM, 9/1/97

  128 “The Prince felt too”: Interview with Max Hastings

  129 “She was the kind of person”: Interview with Paul Johnson

  130 “tacit bargain”: TNY, 9/15/97

  131 “native cunning”: Interview with Andrew Roberts

  132 In May 1994: DM, 5/18/94

  133 “My husband said it”: Requiem, p. 115

  134 “To my horror”: Ibid., p. 117

  135 Later that afternoon: Interview with Richard Kay

  136 The next day’s Daily Mail: DM, 5/19/94

  137 “played a role”: Interview with Richard Kay

  138 “like a rape”: DM, 5/4/91

  139 “two faces … live like a typist”: Sun, 5/5/94

  140 “She didn’t understand”: Interview with Peter McKay

  141 Diana “hated” being described: DM, 9/1/97

  142 “It was manipulation”: TNY, 9/15/97


  1 “It was always push”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  2 turning up at only ten royal: To, 12/3/94

  3 But in 1995, she appeared: DT, 7/17/96

  4 “something positive”: SuPe, 3/20/94

  5 “a lot of work … underground”: Pano, p. 24

  6 a “hush-hush” visit: MOS, 4/24/94

  7 “There were phone calls”: Interview with Richard Addis

  8 “she has been attending”: DM, 4/15/94

  9 “hidden life”: DM, 10/24/94

  10 “without the trumpet blowing”: To, 8/20/94

  11 “Super Di”: To, 5/20/94

  12 “A normal day”: Pano, p. 28

  13 “wobblies”: Harvey and Saunders, p. 11

  14 “Sometimes a Loon attack”: Ibid., p. 6

  15 a “relaunch”: Mi, 9/23/94

  16 “I said, ‘I know you’ ”: Interview with Michael Adler

  17 “new role as a behind … solo visit”: Mi, 11/2/94

  18 “dressed to thrill”: DM, 11/29/94

  19 “tearful retreat”: To, 12/3/94

  20 a “real working appointment”: DM, 5/5/94

  21 “She is more interested”: Telegraph magazine, 10/29/94

  22 “rocketed overnight”: ES, 2/7/95

  23 Known to his friends: Money, 10/97

  24 “Your presence here today”: South China Morning Post, 4/23/95

  25 Scarcely six weeks: SuTel, 6/11/95

  26 “in abeyance”: DT, 12/21/95

  27 “uneasy … destroying”: DM, 1/11/95

  28 “hoping for a third”: Ibid.

  29 “stronger than ever”: ST, 11/23/94

  30 “grim mood swings”: B-SS, p. 141

  31 “spending nearly every free”: Ibid., p. 34

  32 “She was hurting because”: 20/20 interview with Peggy Claude-Pierre, ABC-TV, 9/18/97

  33 Diana found Carling easy: B-SS, p. 102

  34 when he began calling: Sun, 8/7/95

  35 one of the tabloids: NOTW, 4/16/95

  36 “She thought she had a fine”: Interview with David Puttnam

  37 “there was no day when”: ST, 11/1/98

  38 “to acknowledge that she was”: Interview with Nelson Shanks

  39 which one columnist compared: DT, 10/2/95

  40 “Diana was raw”: ST, 11/1/98

  41 “all her portraits”: Hello!, 11/22/97

  42 “She was slightly juvenile”: Interview with David Puttnam

  43 “I said if that happened”: TNY, 9/15/97

  44 “He would ask me about”: Interview with Barbara Walters

  45 Jephson had worked: DT, 1/23/96

  46 “He tried to filter out”: Interview with Michael Adler

  47 “She encouraged Diana”: DM, 11/16/95

  48 Bashir was a little-known: DM, 4/7/96

  49 an investigation into suspicions: DM, 5/7/97

  50 in one of those meetings: DM, 4/7/96; 5/7/97

  51 But Bashir had struck: DEx, 11/16/95; ST, 11/19/95

  52 “secret trysts”: NOTW, 8/6/95

  53 “I have done nothing”: Sun, 8/14/95

  54 “however much someone is trying”: Ibid.

  55 “It was flattering”: NOTW, 9/24/95

  56 On September 24: Ibid.

  57 “Recent pressure and tensions”: Sun, 9/30/95

  58 “Is Will Carling merely”: To, 8/7/95

  59 “homewrecker”: Sun, 9/30/95

  60 “Is no marriage and no man”: DEx, 9/30/95

  61 “She said she found President”: MOS, 9/27/98

  62 “like a hot brick”: To, 9/30/95

  63 ironically enough, only days: ST, 11/19/95

  64 “knew exactly what she was”: Harper’s Bazaar, 11/97

  65 Indeed, the shoot was: Memo from Wendell Maruyama, studio manager for Demarchelier, 3/15/99

  66 “I supported her choice”: DM, 4/2/98

  67 Diana opened the door: DM, 11/16/95

  68 “Diana was a very unusual”: SuEx, 11/19/95

  69 “Panorama was very well”: Interview with Barbara Walters

  70 “There’s no better way”: DT, 11/22/95

  71 “It’s a different kind”: SuEx, 11/19/95

  72 “counter hostile media”: DM, 11/16/95

  73 audience of 15 million: Gua, 11/21/95

  74 “personal help”: Pano, p. 17

  75 “a queen of people’s hearts”: Ibid., p. 33

  76 “give affection … distress”: Ibid., p. 30

  77 “She won’t go quietly”: Ibid., p. 23

  78 “My wish is that my husband”: Ibid.

  79 “was born of some basic”: SuTel, 9/7/97

  80 “I said, ‘You said you adored’ ”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  81 “the advanced stages of paranoia”: Gua, 11/21/95

  82 “in a personal capacity”: DM, 11/22/95

  83 “Everywhere was the stench”: DM, 11/21/95

  84 “must now expect the wrath”: Ibid.

  85 “manipulative she may be”: Ibid.

  86 “some part of her performance”: DT, 11/21/95

  87 The public reacted quite: DT, 11/27/95

  88 “no regrets”: DM, 11/22/95

  89 The next morning, she went: Ibid.

  90 “very confusing”: Pano, p. 36

  91 “desperately unhappy”: NOTW, 12/3/95


  1 “If she had regretted”: Interview with Roberto Devorik

  2 “She wanted to meet”: Ibid.



  5 “Argentina has gradually”: DEx, 11/25/95

  6 Buckingham Palace advisers met: DM, 11/22/95

  7 “dignified”: SuTel, 12/31/95

  8 Malcolm Rifkind specifically ruled out: Ti, 12/6/95

  9 “I try to be there”: NOTW, 12/3/95

  10 “She again demonstrated”: ES, 12/4/95

  11 “young people who have suffered”: ES, 12/7/95

  12 “Her timing was wrong”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  13 “He knew her so well”: B-SS, p. 58

  14 “It is almost unprecedented”: ES, 12/7/95

  15 By that time, the Queen had already: DT, 12/22/95

  16 According to Simone: B-SS, p. 65

  17 “early divorce … in the best”: DT, 12/21/95

  18 Charles took Major’s suggestion: DT, 12/22/95

  19 “luminous personality”: Ti, 12/13/95

  20 “sharpness of mind”: Sun, 12/13/95

  21 “in adoration of its new”: DM, 12/13/95


  23 “So sorry to hear”: DM, 1/24/96

  24 the daughter of a merchant banker: DM, 7/20/95, 8/30/95

  25 “She is the closest thing”: Mi, 1/5/95

  26 “The word is that Tiggy”: DM, 7/20/95

  27 In fact, Tiggy was suffering: Hello!, 9/30/95

  28 “false allegations”: DM, 1/22/96

  29 “consider her options”: DT, 12/22/95

  30 instead she believed: DM, 11/22/95

  31 “She couldn’t sleep”: B-SS, p. 136

  32 “aggressive and defensive all at once”: Ibid., p. 85

  33 “Is she indeed perilously”: MOS, 1/14/96

  34 “very stable”: DM, 1/30/96

  35 “Diana’s life was in turmoil”: DM, 2/24/98

  36 “The Panorama interview left”: Interview with William Deedes

  37 “All bets were off”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  38 when she later appeared: B-RK, p. 164; DT, 4/24/96

  39 “my rock”: DM, 1/23/96

  40 His departure coincided: DT, 1/25/96

  41 “She was almost the same … a lot of these people”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  42 “She was keen to keep”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  43 “she considered the Sun”: Interview with Stuart Higgins

  44 “was keen to know what I thought”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  45 “manipulated through her looks … not a whinger”: Interview with Richard Addis

  46 “For me it was a difficult … she was inconsistent”: Interview with Sue Douglas

  47 “Did it turn you on, Mr. Wilson?”: DM, 9/1/97

  48 “ ‘Do you think I’m mad?’ ”: Interview with Taki Theodoracopulos

  49 “He wants to live in Italy”: Interview with Charles Moore

  50 a refrain she repeated: TNY, 9/15/97

  51 “She was careful”: Interview with Charles Moore

  52 “She gave us more information”: Ibid.

  53 “She couldn’t understand when”: Interview with Stuart Higgins

  54 “I would deal every day”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  55 “Diana held all the cards”: Interview with Peter McKay

  56 “If a story concerned what”: Interview with Stuart Higgins

  57 “sucker” for Diana’s “Bambi eyes”: Interview with Max Hastings


  1 “secret trip”: SuEx, 2/18/96

  2 “Doctor Dishy”: Mi, 4/22/97

  3 “a dark-skinned Tom Selleck”: DS, 5/24/97

  4 “dashing medic”: NOTW, 12/7/95

  5 “drop-dead gorgeous”: SuMi, 8/30/98

  6 “enjoyed many of the ‘wrong’ ”: B-SS, p. 111

  7 “His name is Hasnat Khan”: SuMi, 8/30/98

  8 She asked the surgeon: NOTW, 11/22/98

  9 “She was very well known”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

Diana sometimes stayed: DT, 4/23/96

  11 “his wit, his intelligence”: B-SS, p. 112

  12 “relished the … sense”: Ibid.

  13 “the first man who was”: Interview with Cosima Somerset

  14 She took to studying: B-SS, p. 33; SuMi, 11/9/97

  15 She bought a custom-made: Sun, 2/22/96

  16 she burned scented joss sticks: SuMi, 11/9/97

  17 the “inspiration”: NOTW, 12/17/95

  18 “new hunk”: Sun, 12/15/97

  19 By the end of January: DM, 1/30/96

  20 Diana declined to give: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  21 they were disturbed by: DT, 2/19/96

  22 That concern deepened: Gua, 2/20/96; Ti, 2/23/96

  23 “Her mission to reach”: Mi, 2/23/96

  24 On February 15, several: SuTel, 7/7/96

  25 “The Princess never expressed”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  26 Yet in conversations with friends: SuTel, 7/7/96

  27 “she wanted to have things”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  28 “if [Diana] wanted to write”: Ibid.

  29 The Palace swiftly issued: DT, 2/29/96

  30 “it cultivate[d]”: Ibid.

  31 “protesting too much”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  32 her accusation that the Queen: DM, 2/29/96

  33 “The decision to drop the title”: DM, 3/1/96

  34 “carefully selected insights”: Ti, 3/1/96

  35 “first step in building”: DM, 2/29/96

  36 “She felt she would meet people”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  37 There was general agreement: Ti, 7/13/96

  38 “was put into her head”: Interview with Paul Johnson

  39 “that engagingly enthusiastic”: DM, 1/30/95

  40 a “chance to prove herself”: DM, 1/30/95

  41 “the dreaded C-word”: DEx, 6/6/96

  42 “I have never seen this many”: Interview with Anna Quindlen

  43 “It was a very funny”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  44 the Daily Express singled out: DEx, 6/8/96

  45 emphasizing the trip’s “team effort”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  46 He reassured Diana that Atkinson: Interview with Richard Addis

  47 even told friends that Atkinson had: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  48 “odd twist”: DM, 6/29/96

  49 The Queen had already decided: SuTel, 7/7/96

  50 Diana would receive a lump sum: Ti, 7/13/96; DT, 7/5/96

  51 “regarded as a member”: “Status and Role of the Princess of Wales,” statement from Buckingham Palace, 7/12/96

  52 she would have the use of all her: Gua, 7/13/96

  53 “He told her to hang tough”: Interview with John Tigrett


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