Diana in Search of Herself

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by Sally Bedell Smith

  54 When he said it made no difference: DM, 7/13/96


  56 “It is the face of a woman”: Mi, 7/13/96



  59 “give her something lighthearted”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  60 Diana felt the leprosy charity: Ibid.

  61 charities she had “ditched”: DM, 7/17/96

  62 “The move is entirely because”: Ibid.

  63 Atkinson told Diana: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  64 “It was all bad”: Ibid.

  65 “decided that Richard’s draft”: B-SS, p. 58

  66 “Martin Bashir is a humble”: Interview with Paul Burrell

  67 “dreadfully upset”: B-SS, p. 58

  68 she would fulfill three charity: Hello!, 7/27/96

  69 “In [her] last two years”: Interview with Michael Adler


  1 “I have decided to give”: Interview with Marguerite Littman

  2 “We’d love Di more if she”: Sun, 6/28/96

  3 “road show, something fun”: Interview with Marguerite Littman

  4 “The National AIDS Trust was”: Interview with Michael Adler

  5 “a lot of information started”: DEx, 1/17/97

  6 “Do you think I could”: B-SS, pp. 158–59

  7 offered to be her official: DM, 1/14/97

  8 filmmaker Richard Attenborough: ST, 1/19/97

  9 “In a sense, the land mine”: Interview with William Deedes

  10 “deep thinker”: Pano, p. 26

  11 “incessantly”: ST, 11/1/98

  12 “Her world was illuminated”: ITV-Doc

  13 “She was attuned to what”: Interview with Cosima Somerset

  14 “very responsible and responsive”: Mi, 2/19/89

  15 “I hug my children”: B-AM1, pp. 67–68

  16 “No one was the parent”: Interview with David Puttnam

  17 “The constant bear hugs”: B-AP, p. 110

  18 Once, on a visit with: B-RK, p. 76

  19 most notably when she exhorted: B-WB, p. 170

  20 “attentive and smart”: Interview with David Puttnam

  21 “he should simply have thanked”: SuTel, 9/7/97

  22 “I want them to have an understanding”: Pano, p. 32

  23 Although William was developing: TNY, 9/15/97

  24 “She was trying so hard”: Harper’s Bazaar, 11/97

  25 overheard numerous fights: B-WB, pp. 43, 60, 84, 147

  26 “I hate to see you sad”: B-AM1, pp. 182–83

  27 she felt the nanny was: B-WB, pp. 58, 117, 129, 157

  28 “[Diana] raged that Tiggy”: B-RK, p. 76

  29 When she and Charles were going: B-WB, pp. 153, 155

  30 “I get into bed with them”: B-AM1, p. 68

  31 “Diana had a mother-and-son”: Interview with Roberto Devorik

  32 “Diana used to ask William”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  33 “wanted William to hear the truth”: SuTel, 9/7/97

  34 “William is going to be in his position”: B-AM1, p. 68

  35 When they were younger: B-WB, p. 20; B-JW, p. 191

  36 Diana often rebelled: B-WB, pp. 20–21, 102

  37 As they grew older: B-RK, p. 78

  38 once, when William was apprehensive: B-WB, p. 152

  39 “I’ve got my boys”: Pano, p. 28

  40 “the only men in her life”: DM, 9/1/97

  41 calling them nearly every: B-SS, p. 145

  42 “had other priorities”: Ibid., p. 76

  43 “because she found herself analyzing”: B-RK, p. 149

  44 “talked about wanting to leave”: Interview with Jane Atkinson

  45 “Sarah Ferguson was a very”: Ibid.

  46 Diana and Fergie had been together: DM, 11/20/95

  47 Diana cut her off without a word: B-SS, p. 74

  48 Fergie also tastelessly: B-SF, p. 72

  49 Diana considered “unkind”: SuMi, 11/2/97

  50 after Diana had specifically: B-SS, p. 80

  51 she refused to answer: Ibid., p. 74

  52 “The Duchess of York is the one person”: B-RK, p. 111

  53 “She wasn’t as close”: Interview with Richard Kay

  54 she tried to maintain contact: B-SS, p. 53

  55 Diana hired Michael Gibbins: DT, 8/28/96

  56 “I was a go-between”: Interview with Paul Burrell

  57 Diana took to wearing: B-SS, pp. 123–24

  58 but they spent most: Ibid., pp. 112–13

  59 “furtive roadside rendezvous”: NOTW, 8/11/96

  60 “I found my peace”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  61 “have a pair of girls”: NOTW, 11/22/98

  62 “In the meeting I had”: DM, 11/23/98

  63 “was so impatient to have”: B-SS, p. 114

  64 She was to be the guest: DT, 8/30/96

  65 In a bungled kidnapping: SuMi, 11/3/96

  66 privately they were displeased: DT, 8/30/96

  67 “from triumph to triumph”: Mi, 11/2/96

  68 Diana was perturbed: DT, 11/4/96

  69 “shy caring heart surgeon”: SuMi, 11/3/96

  70 “friends … in an entirely”: DM, 11/4/96

  71 “Why didn’t she just tell”: B-SS, p. 118

  72 “dear friend”: DT, 9/19/96

  73 “wisdom and experience”: DT, 10/14/96

  74 “Life is mostly froth”: DT, 9/26/96

  75 Tilberis had first met: Harper’s Bazaar, 11/97

  76 she created a stir: DM, 11/11/96

  77 “fit like a glove”: Interview with Vivienne Schuster

  78 I’M OUT THE DIOR: DS, 12/11/96

  79 Mohamed Fayed, owner of: Hello!, 1/4/97

  80 Two weeks later, at Fayed’s: Ibid.

  81 “They’re all fuggers”: B-TB, p. 233

  82 The Egyptian-born son: VF, 12/97

  83 Fayed built an international: B-TS, pp. 80–82; B-TB, p. 16

  84 In 1988, the DTI: B-TS, p. 80

  85 Fayed was subsequently denied: Ibid., p. 88

  86 A subsequent Vanity Fair profile: B-TB, pp. 379, 392: Fayed sued Vanity Fair for libel but withdrew his case two years later when confronted by the magazine’s overwhelming evidence for its charges (B-TB, pp. 446–47). On May 6, 1999, Britain’s Home Office turned down Fayed’s application for citizenship a second time.

  87 He had cultivated: B-TS, p. 90

  88 “showered gifts”: B-TB, p. 274

  89 who was especially enamored: Ibid., p. 252

  90 In 1996, Raine became: B-RK, p. 170; DM, 6/20/97; B-TS, p. 90

  91 “keep an eye”: B-TS, p. 91

  92 visit him from time to time: Ibid.; Interview with Mark Hollingsworth

  93 “He helped bring them”: Interview with Andrew Neil

  94 “Diana liked Mohamed’s”: Interview with Mark Hollingsworth

  95 “made friends with Diana”: Interview with Andrew Neil

  96 “talk about their common interest”: SuMi, 7/13/97

  97 when he asked Diana: Ibid.; B-RK, p. 170

  98 Fayed also frequently proffered: B-TB, pp. 274, 411

  99 “close friend”: DM, 7/14/97


  1 “roving health educationalist”: DT, 10/14/96

  2 “Her dramatic return”: NOTW, 1/12/97

  3 “tarnished”: Ti, 9/24/96

  4 “We are trying to give”: Interview with William Deedes

  5 “to get her hands dirty”: DM, 1/14/97

  6 “to assist the Red Cross”: Ibid.

  7 “loose cannon”: Ti, 1/16/97

  8 “I am only trying to help”: Mi, 1/16/97

  9 “idiot minister”: Interview with William Deedes

  10 The BBC documentary about the trip: Sun, 2/11/97

  11 “I remember looking”: Sun, 1/17/97

  12 “long-term commitment”: DEx, 1/17/97

  13 “an international angel”: Ibid.

  14 “watershed”: DT, 1/17/97

  15 “take her out of controversy”: Interview with William Deedes

  16 In a first step: DEx, 3/20/97

  17 an erroneous story that Diana: DT, 2/25/97

  18 “She wants it for herself”: Interview with Richard Addis

  19 “She did that to punish”: Ibid.

  20 Diana subsequently announced: DT, 3/3/97

  21 “She was an anxiety-ridden”: Interview with Vivienne Schuster

  22 “it was too complicated”: Interview with Gail Rebuck

  23 “the final straw in a deteriorating”: DM, 1/24/97

  24 “From the optimism that shines”: Mi, 2/8/97

  25 “extremely concerned”: DM, 2/8/97

  26 “devastated”: Mi, 2/8/97

  27 “You’ll never guess who just”: B-RK, p. 139

  28 “brief and straightforward”: DM, 3/8/97

  29 “not the person to ask”: DT, 3/10/97

  30 “For my grandson William”: DM, 9/8/97

  31 “showed few signs of mirth”: DT, 3/10/97

  32 “The confusion was there”: Interview with Sue Douglas

  33 “I took a strong line”: Interview with Paul Burrell

  34 “ ‘hiding’ in plain sight”: B-SS, p. 127

  35 “So confident had Diana become”: Ibid., p. 129

  36 “telling pointless lies”: Ibid., p. 197

  37 Diana had been secretly: DM, 10/24/94

  38 “I persuaded her that”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  39 “deeply disappointed”: Gua, 5/9/97

  40 “I rang her and congratulated”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  41 the tabloids had written: Mi, 1/5/97; DM, 1/10/97

  42 “had made all the moves”: SuEx, 2/9/97

  43 “She would have converted”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  44 “convince them that she was a nice”: Ibid.

  45 she spent ninety minutes: Hello!, 5/31/97

  46 “She was obsessional about families”: B-SS, p. 116

  47 she told friends: SuMi, 11/9/97

  48 she had not informed: B-SS, p. 116; Mi, 8/7/97

  49 “There are so many people”: Hello!, 5/31/97

  50 “swollen panda eyes”: B-SS, p. 117

  51 “weeping in the stairway”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  52 “no attempt to dodge”: Hello!, 6/7/97

  53 One evening she appeared: Mi, 8/7/97

  54 “air of defiance”: B-RK, pp. 107–8

  55 “She knew everyone”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  56 She broke off with her longtime: DT, 6/14/97

  57 she considered “traitorous”: B-SS, p. 72

  58 whom Richard Kay regarded as: B-RK, p. 99

  59 “wasn’t willing to let me”: B-SS, p. 79

  60 Legge-Bourke was photographed pouring: Interview with Piers Morgan

  61 “harmed … of herself”: DM, 5/31/97

  62 “I could hear Diana dictating”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  63 “put out a statement”: Ibid.

  64 “her son might believe”: DM, 5/31/97

  65 loyal aide had been “naive”: Ibid.

  66 “I felt strongly [Diana and Charles]”: I-FSK

  67 “prone to giving colorful”: Mi, 5/28/97

  68 “friendly romance”: DEx, 8/7/97

  69 “complete shock”: DM, 5/28/97

  70 “appalled and bewildered”: Ibid.

  71 When it emerged: Mi, 5/28/97

  72 “special relationship”: DEx, 9/15/97

  73 “shared such a sense”: DM, 9/29/97

  74 “[she] suddenly woke up”: Mi, 5/8/97

  75 Since Harrods had sponsored: B-TS, p. 94; DM, 7/14/97

  76 “instant solution”: DM, 7/14/97

  77 “strongly advised”: SuTel, 9/7/97

  78 “arouse concern”: DM, 7/14/97

  79 which Diana did on June 11: B-TS, p. 96

  80 “rather unnecessarily tactile”: DEx, 6/25/97

  81 “She knocked herself”: Interview with Marguerite Littman

  82 “Surrounded by drooling”: DEx, 6/26/97

  83 “Diana Reborn”: VF, 7/97

  84 “apparently unsupported”: DT, 6/10/97

  85 “Whatever Diana’s inward state”: VF, 7/97

  86 “Is this at last the real Diana”: DM, 6/10/97

  87 “quicken the de-miners’ ”: Gua, 6/13/97

  88 “her most amazing walkabout”: DEx, 6/19/97

  89 “killing fields”: DM, 6/29/97

  90 “anti-mines campaigners”: DT, 5/22/97

  91 Tony Blair invited: VF, 10/97

  92 “very charismatic”: TNY, 9/15/97

  93 “At last … I will have”: Ibid.

  94 “peacemaker.… She seriously felt”: Hello!, 9/27/97

  95 “wants me to go on some missions”: TNY, 9/15/97


  1 Diana received ninety: Mi, 11/16/97

  2 “It’s my birthday”: Ibid.

  3 “Wouldn’t it be funny”: Interview with Elsa Bowker

  4 “All the grief from my past”: Sun, 1/12/98

  5 “I have quit”: Mi, 7/13/97

  6 “unofficially engaged”: SuMi, 6/29/97

  7 “He accused Diana”: Mi, 11/9/97

  8 “sobbing her heart out”: Mi, 11/16/97

  9 by early evening: B-TS, pp. 97–98

  10 Fayed installed: MOS, 7/20/97

  11 “sparked a political”: SuMi, 7/13/97

  12 “Good God”: Ibid.

  13 “a little unsafe”: NOTW, 7/13/97

  14 she had sought and received: Gua, 7/15/97

  15 bodyguards recruited from: B-TS, pp. 97–98

  16 “If Diana wanted privacy”: ES, 7/14/97

  17 “noted that Fayed was so dishonest”: DM, 7/14/97

  18 “Mohamed was having a bad”: Interview with Nigel Dempster

  19 “fellow guests”: DM, 7/14/97

  20 DI’S AMAZING CUDDLE: Sun, 7/14/97

  21 “It is her mood almost of defiance”: DM, 7/14/97

  22 “She was happy to be”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  23 “relaxed and happy”: Mi, 7/15/97

  24 motorboat carrying reporters: DM, 7/16/97

  25 “candidly about the dark side”: Mi, 7/15/97

  26 “distressed … freaked out”: Ibid.

  27 claimed an exclusive interview: Ibid.

  28 “appeared upset … joked and giggled”: Ibid.

  29 “relaxed … comfortable”: DM, 7/16/97

  30 “getting increasingly distraught”: ES, 7/15/97

  31 making a “surprise”: Ibid.

  32 At one moment, she was crawling: DM; Sun, 7/16/97

  33 “[he had] never seen her act”: Sun, 7/16/97

  34 previous night’s arrival: B-TS, p. 105

  35 Dodi had bolted: Ibid.

  36 “glimpsed Diana’s current”: B-TB, p. 413

  37 “Dodi was many things”: Interview with Tina Sinatra

  38 called him a “boy” and a “kid”: Interviews with Jack Weiner, David Puttnam, Michael White

  39 “What endeared him”: Interview with Peter Riva

  40 “I didn’t think he was good-looking”: Interview with Nona Summers

  41 “someone you can depend on”: SuMi, 8/31/97

  42 acrimonious divorce: B-TB, pp. 14–15

  43 Dodi grew up in Alexandria: Ibid., pp. 17–18

  44 Shuttling between Egypt and: Interviews with Jack Martin, Jack Weiner; Ti, 9/14/97

  45 finished thirtieth: B-TS, p. 55

  46 he considered himself a Catholic: Interview with Suzanne Gregard

  47 Dodi left after one year: Interview with Philippe Gudin (Directeur Général of Le Rosey)

  48 even members of his family: Interview with Michael Cole; B-TB, p. 39;B-TS, p. 55

  49 Sandhurst for the six-month: Interview with Major Tim Coles

  50 he did enjoy lea
rning: B-TB, p. 42

  51 he served briefly as an attaché: New York Daily News, 9/1/97

  52 A frequent patron of Tramp: Interview with Johnny Gold

  53 “He had the attitude that”: Interview with Michael White

  54 “He had no discernible”: Interview with Jack Martin

  55 The Broccolis, who lived: B-TS, pp. 57–58

  56 Seeking to capitalize: Ibid., pp. 58–59

  57 “Dodi’s role was not”: Interview with Clive Parsons

  58 Mohamed similarly called: Interview with David Puttnam

  59 He began taking cocaine: B-TB, p. 65

  60 “Don’t ever come back”: Ibid., p. 69

  61 “He was into cocaine”: Interview with Nona Summers

  62 Among his mishaps: B-TB, p. 136

  63 Dodi spent more time: Ibid., pp. 136–37; B-TS, pp. 52–53

  64 “When he was around his mother”: Interview with Jack Martin

  65 “warm but very strong”: Interview with Corinna Gordon

  66 In 1983, Mohamed had set him: Interview with Jack Weiner

  67 “He had a passion”: Ibid.

  68 “I have no idea where Dodi”: Interview with Michael White

  69 “Around the office we used to”: Interview with Jack Weiner

  70 A number of Dodi’s creditors: Mi, Sun, DEx, 8/9/97

  71 “He was after acceptance”: Interview with Peter Riva

  72 like his father, Dodi carried: B-TB, p. 199; B-TS, p. 73

  73 “I don’t think a word of truth”: Interview with Nona Summers

  74 “Dodi Time”: Interview with Jack Martin

  75 “He didn’t have the ability”: Interview with Michael White

  76 “He had an innocence that was”: Interview with Marie Helvin

  77 he courted her avidly: Interview with Suzanne Gregard

  78 “You know he gets down on the ground”: Mi, 8/12/97

  79 Gregard tried to make: Interview with Suzanne Gregard

  80 Dodi insisted on putting: Ibid.

  81 “We were never alone”: Ibid.

  82 In 1989, Mohamed had tried: B-TB, p. 254

  83 Although he logged: Interviews with Jack Weiner, Jerry Weintraub, Jim Hart

  84 He had been dating Kelly Fisher: B-TS, p. 66

  85 On June 20: Interview with Bruce Nelson

  86 “Dodi couldn’t bear to leave”: NOTW, 12/7/97

  87 Mohamed’s wife Heini: B-TS, p. 107

  88 “We thought he was a sailor”: Ibid., p. 106

  89 “I knew his father was”: Ibid.

  90 Fisher took the Cujo: Ibid.

  91 “We ran postcards”: Interview with Piers Morgan

  92 “stealing the spotlight”: Mi, 7/18/97


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