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Curveball: The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone The First Woman to Play Professional Baseball in the Negro League

Page 32

by Martha Ackmann

  in New Orleans, 71–73

  Pelican Stadium and, 77

  Ponce de Leon Park and, 88

  Robinson’s All-Stars and, 161

  trains and, 47–48

  travel and, 128, 152–54

  Johnson, James Weldon, 32, 92

  Johnson, Mamie “Peanut"

  background of, 157–59

  East-West All-Star game and, 187

  integration and, 202

  Monarchs home opener and, 180

  Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and, 207

  press releases and, 176

  Stone and, 162, 163–64, 167, 178

  at Yankee Stadium, 186

  Johnson, Marguerite. see Angelou, Maya (Johnson, Marguerite)

  Johnson, Ralph “Big Cat,” 100, 210

  Johnson, Walter “Big Train,” 24, 28

  Johnson, William Julius “Judy,” 94, 113

  Jones, Rita, 158

  Kansas City Athletics, 191

  Kansas City Monarchs

  Banks and, 98, 129–30

  financial troubles of, 193–94

  history of, 168–70

  home opener and, 133–35

  Morris and, 65

  Negro League and, 115, 118, 127

  Negro National League and, 113

  segregation and, 154

  Stone and, 164, 167, 172

  Keefe, Charles, 2–3, 4–5, 15, 19, 49

  King, Martin Luther Jr., 162, 196, 199

  King, Richard “King Tut,” 131, 152

  King, Saunders, 58, 60

  Ku Klux Klan, 30–32, 56n, 87–88, 171

  Lacy, Sam, 77, 148–49, 164

  Leland Giants, 112

  Lincoln Giants, 113

  Little Rock Nine, 196

  Lombard, Buddy, 94, 95

  Long, Huey, 88–89

  Los Angeles White Sox, 64

  Louis, Joe, 21, 100

  Louisiana Weekly, 80–81, 83, 91

  Louisville Clippers, 175

  Louisville Slugger, 140

  Love, Alroyd “Al,” 58, 60, 61

  lynchings, 11–12, 89–90, 154, 195

  Maggie Riley and her Male Devil Dogs, 121

  Manley, Effa, 115–16, 171

  Mardi Gras parade, 90–92

  Marshall, Bobby “The Grand One Man,” 40, 44

  Martin, J. B., 138, 141, 150, 175

  Martin, Pepper, 5, 30

  Martin’s Stadium, 195

  Mays, Willie

  age and, 98

  early career of, 96–97

  with Giants, 186

  integration and, 111

  Robinson and, 161

  Stone’s recollections of, 197

  style of, 201

  Williams on, 199

  Memphis Red Sox, 94–95, 115, 118, 175, 178–79

  Minneapolis Colored Keystones, 40

  Minneapolis Millerettes, 108

  Minneapolis Millers, 5–6

  Minnesota Municipal League State Championship, 18

  Mobile Black Bears, 116

  Montage, Eddie, 96

  Morgan, Connie

  after baseball, 203–4

  background of, 159–60

  brother of, 172

  Charleston and, 176

  at Connie Mack Stadium, 185

  East-West All-Star game and, 187

  integration and, 202

  Monarchs home opener and, 180

  Negro Leagues Baseball Museum

  and, 207

  photograph of, 195

  retirement of, 191

  statistics and, 190n

  Stone and, 162, 164, 167

  at Yankee Stadium, 186

  Morris, Harold “Yellowhorse,” 65–67, 74, 86, 171

  Motley, Bob, 171–72, 174–75, 177,

  188–89, 208

  Murphy, Janabelle, 12–14, 43, 49

  NAACP, 11–12, 105

  Nashville Elite Giants, 113

  Negro American League, 114–15, 121, 133, 173

  Negro Association Press, 122

  Negro House of David teams, 44, 48

  Negro League

  clowning argument and, 93–94

  decline of, 193–95, 200–201

  East-West All-Star game and, 149–50

  integration and, 111

  newspaper coverage and, 81

  opening day, 127

  opportunities with, 49

  Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, 205, 206–7

  Negro Leagues, history of, 112–14

  The Negro Motorist Green Book, 152

  Negro National League (NNL), 114, 169

  Negro Southern League, 48, 74, 113

  Neil, Ray, 124, 127, 135, 140, 163, 184

  New Orleans Creoles, 73–74, 86–87, 88–89, 94–96

  New Orleans Pelicans, 75–76

  New York Cubans, 44

  New York Giants, 5, 98, 111, 175, 186

  New York Highlanders, 24

  New York Yankees, 5, 61, 109, 111

  Newark Eagles, 99, 115, 171

  Newcombe, Don, 87, 186

  newspapers. see press coverage

  Oakland Larks, 64–65

  O’Neil, John Jordan “Buck”

  background of, 173–75

  Baird and, 111

  Banks and, 129

  on Charleston, 164

  with Cubs, 205–6

  education of, 181

  fight with, 190–91

  on New Orleans, 73

  opposing players and, 188

  on salaries, 75

  Stone and, 168, 183, 186, 189

  warnings from, 154

  Osage River Bridge, 144–45

  Owens, Jesse, 21, 64

  Pacific Coast League (PCL), 62–63, 70, 83, 99

  Page, Alan, 73–74, 80, 84–85, 86, 107, 118

  Page Hotel, 73, 84

  Paige, Leroy “Satchel”

  Bismark Churchills and, 41–42

  Black Pelicans and, 78–79n

  Hall of Fame and, 194n, 199

  quotation from, 199

  Robinson and, 68

  singing and, 113

  Stone and, 6, 211

  Wilkinson and, 170

  Parade Park, 179

  Parks, Rosa, 196

  Pelican Stadium, 74, 75–78, 86

  Peninsula Baseball League, 62

  Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, 203

  Peterson, Robert, 199–200

  Philadelphia Stars, 94, 96, 115, 118, 176

  Philly Stars, 22

  Phyllis Wheatley Negro Community Center, 14

  Pittsburgh Courier, 81, 93, 136, 148–49

  Pittsburgh Crawfords, 21, 94, 113, 175

  Pittsburgh Pirates, 61, 75

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 72–73, 181

  Police Athletic League (PAL), 158

  Pollock, Alan, 118, 151, 208

  Pollock, Syd

  Aaron and, 116, 118

  Baird compared to, 171–72

  Charleston and, 175

  clowning and, 93–94, 114

  contracts and, 115, 163

  decline of league and, 191, 194

  female players and, 150–51, 159, 160–61, 167, 185

  Haywood and, 124, 164

  injuries and, 139

  in Kansas City, 134

  Neal and, 124

  O’Neil and, 173

  press coverage and, 138

  press releases and, 121–22, 144, 176

  salary negotiations and, 126, 164–66z

  segregation and, 128

  Stone and, 118–19, 124, 136, 140, 143, 161

  travel and, 130–31, 132, 147

  uniforms and, 123, 172

  Polo Grounds, 140

  Ponce de Leon Park, 88

  Portland Rose Buds, 64

  Portlock, David, 63–64

  Posey, Cumberland Willis “Cum," 93–94, 113–14

  press coverage

  of Baird, 170–71

  criticism in, 136–38, 189

  of declining teams, 188
  Ebony feature, 142

  inadequacy of, 80–82, 186

  by Lacy, 148–49

  politics and, 83

  of Stone, 27, 37, 135, 150, 177

  press releases, 121–22, 144


  hospitality of, 155–57

  Stone’s uniform and, 172

  racism. see also Jim Crow laws; segregation

  Colored Giants and, 45–46

  fans and, 78–79

  restaurants and, 12–13, 117

  Zulu parade and, 90–92

  Rasberry, Ted, 194, 205

  reckless eyeballing, 154–55

  Richardson, Ted, 134, 140, 144

  Rickey, Branch

  Baird and, 170

  integration and, 111–12, 114

  Robinson and, 68

  segregation and, 87–88

  Street and, 25

  Rickwood Field, 96, 135

  Riley, Maggie, 121

  Robinson, Deseria “Boo Boo,” 143

  Robinson, Jack Roosevelt “Jackie”

  age and, 184

  All-Star team and, 160–61

  Baird and, 170–71

  decline of, 194

  fans and, 74–75, 186

  Hall of Fame and, 194n

  integration and, 67–68, 110–11, 112n, 114, 124, 182–83, 201–2

  Lacy and, 77

  Morgan and, 160–61, 176, 204

  quotation from, 193

  Robinson, Jack Roosevelt “Jackie”

  racism and, 79

  salary of, 126

  segregation and, 87–88

  Smith and, 136

  Stone and, 98, 150

  Rollins, Norman “Speed,” 14–15, 19

  Rondo neighborhood, 4–5, 6, 8, 200

  Rondo’s Welcome Hall fields, 38

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 52, 169

  Rudd, Charlie, 144, 147

  Ruth, Babe, 5, 19–20, 28, 62, 109, 170

  Saint Paul Colored Giants, 92

  Saint Paul Colored Gophers, 40

  Saint Paul Men’s Meat Packing League, 33, 46

  Saint Paul Saints, 5–6, 22, 25

  Saint Paul’s HighLex girls’ softball team, 18, 33

  salaries, 86, 126, 142, 164–66, 167–68

  San Diego Padres, 63, 67, 70

  San Diego Tigers, 64

  San Francisco Giants, 204

  San Francisco Sea Lions, 64–67, 69–70, 71, 80, 81, 86

  San Francisco Seals, 23, 62–63, 70, 83

  San Francisco Seals Stadium, 62, 64

  San Francisco Spokesman, 56

  Saperstein, Abe, 64–65

  Scroggins, John, 67, 85

  Seattle Steel Heads, 64–65

  segregation. see also integration; Jim Crow laws; racism

  in AAGPBL, 109

  barbershops and, 9–10

  Brown v. Board of Education and, 180–82

  children and, 12–13

  fans and, 77–78

  Hall on, 83

  history of, in baseball, 112

  Lacy and, 77


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