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Avoiding Temptation

Page 10

by K. A. Linde

  He had called her a few times, which she had shamefully ignored. She knew that she had to be around him for the medical wing, but that didn’t make it any easier. She would have to figure out how to handle that situation.

  Lexi pulled into the underground garage below the main Bridges Enterprise building and parked her car. She took the main elevator that exited into the entrance of the building.

  Nerves hit her unexpectedly.

  Too many bad memories resided in this building. She tried not to think about them, but when she was surrounded by the Bridges logo and the glass building and the clientele, it all rushed back. She let the nerves harden into barely repressed anger at the thought of the wedding.

  She walked over to the elevator and pulled out her phone to text Brandon to let him know that she was on her way up. She sent the text and tossed it back into her purse, and then her phone beeped immediately. Surprised that he would respond so fast, she fished it back out of her bag and saw that it was ringing.

  Jack was calling her. She glanced around the small alcove where the elevators were, wondering if he could see her or if he had just somehow known that she was in the building. There were two men standing by her, but neither were Jack. Surely, she would have noticed.

  She hadn’t spoken to him since the wedding…since he had married Bitch Bekah—not that he had tried to get a hold of her, which was fine by her. She didn’t want to talk to him. She should just silence her phone, go get Brandon, and vacate the premises immediately.

  Taking a deep breath, she clicked the Ignore button. She couldn’t remember ever having done that before. Her heart constricted, she inhaled deeply, and then she followed the two men onto the elevator.

  “Twenty-four, please,” she said softly.

  One of the men pressed the button for Brandon’s floor.

  Her phone beeped again, and she stared down at the text from Brandon.

  Sounds good, honey.

  She laughed. Some things hadn’t changed at least.

  Another beep came through her phone. Jack had left a voice mail. Really strange.

  She got off on her desired floor as she continued to debate whether or not to listen to it.

  Why did he always have to pop back up? She had just moved to Atlanta, she was moving on with her life, and he was married. Yet, he was still here.

  She sighed and decided it wouldn’t hurt to just listen to a voice mail. Surely, there was no harm in that. She wouldn’t even call him back.

  Once she had successfully talked herself into it, she clicked on the message and pressed her phone to her ear.

  “Uh…hey, Lex,” he said hesitantly. “I know you probably aren’t very happy with me or even really want to hear from me right now…and well, I’m sorry that it’s like that.”

  She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the wall, bracing herself. All she wanted to know was why he had called her.

  “I didn’t think it would all happen like this, but yeah…I guess…on with the point of this call. I have a question for you. Even though you don’t want to talk to me right now, will you still call me anyway? I promise, you’ll actually like the nature of this call. That, I can promise you. So, please call me.”

  He sounded so sincere that her heart felt like it was lodged in her throat. Stupid Jack Howard. How did he always make her feel like a ball of mush? Couldn’t he have just left her alone and moved on with his…wife?

  God! That was a terrible word.

  She pushed her hair behind her ear fiercely and then took a few steps in the direction of Brandon’s office. She made it halfway down the hallway before stopping and staring at her phone again. What could he possible want that he would call her and promise that she would like the nature of the phone call? She couldn’t think of anything off the top of her head.

  Her fingers itched to press the button. And with a sigh, she finally just gave in. It was better to know right away, so she could put it out of her mind instead of obsessing about it during her entire lunch with Brandon.

  “Lex,” Jack said with a hint of surprise in his voice. “I wasn’t sure you would actually call me back.”

  “What do you want, Jack?” Lexi asked. She didn’t want him to hear any of the emotions that had gone through her when she had seen he had called and left a voice mail. That was over and done with.

  He sighed. “You’re pissed.”


  “It’s all right. You have every right.”

  “Yes, I do,” she said stiffly.

  “I, uh…what are you doing next Friday night?”

  Lexi’s anger boiled over. “Jack Howard, are you asking me out? Is this a serious conversation we’re having? Did you really have the nerve to call me and ask me about next Friday, like we’re back in college and stupid? You even said that I would like the nature of this call. Well, you’re going to have to try again if you think I could possibly be happy about seeing you!”


  “No. You know what? I’m clearly the idiot for calling you back. Not sure what I was thinking. Old habits die hard and all that. Please, just leave me alone,” she snapped and then hung up.

  Her breathing was ragged when the phone went dead, and she hadn’t even realized how riled up she had gotten. Goddamn it! Why did Jack Fucking Howard always do this to her? It wasn’t enough that he had gotten married? Couldn’t he just let her at least try to move past it all?

  Her phone lit up in her hand, and she almost snarled in frustration.

  Not asking you out. I’m sorry. Jesus, I can’t seem to do anything right. I didn’t mean to bother you or make you feel like an idiot. I have concert tickets—that’s all. Can I call you back…please?

  Concert tickets? Well, that piqued her interest. Why the hell was he contacting her about concert tickets?

  If you hear me out and still hate me…you can hang up on me again.

  Lexi actually laughed at that, and then she looked up to see if anyone had heard. The hallway was empty. She didn’t have much time before she had to go see Brandon. Satiate her curiosity or just let it go…

  Fine. This better be good, Jack.

  Her phone rang almost immediately.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “Sorry.”

  “What is this about concert tickets?”

  “Okay, so the story is…Bekah got me tickets to the Sienna Sexton and D-Bags show in Atlanta next weekend.”

  “Oh my God…” Lexi breathed. It was their favorite band.

  “Yeah. Well, the mix-up at the, uh…wedding,” he began.

  Lexi cringed at the word.

  “Anyway, Bekah refuses to go and support them since they canceled last minute. Now, I have two tickets…and I guess I could have asked someone else, but I know you love the D-Bags.”

  “Yeah. That song of theirs playing on the radio is so good,” she murmured.

  That Sienna was a lucky bitch if she were fucking the lead singer because he was quite possibly one of the sexiest men on the planet. Lexi was sure she would use a pass with Ramsey to get to Kellan Kyle.

  “It is. And the D-Bags’ ‘Good-bye’ song…I can still listen to it on repeat.”

  “Me, too.”

  That song always sounded like someone had written it with a specific person in mind. It was so emotional, tugging at her heart and forcing her to feel every powerful, heart-wrenching word.

  Silence lingered between them as shared memories took up the space. Sometimes, she hated how easy it was with Jack. She was angry with him. She didn’t want to remember a time when they had been able to listen to their favorite band together.

  “So…will you go with me? Just as a friend. You know…someone who also happens to like the same music as me.”

  “What does Bekah think about that?” Lexi asked, deflecting. She had never been able to be Jack’s friend—never.

  “Bekah told me to take whoever I want because she’s not going.”

  “I don’t think she meant me.”

p; “She didn’t specify.”

  “Well, she’s not too bright, is she?” Lexi muttered before she thought better of it.

  “Let’s just…not, okay?” Jack sighed through the line.

  She wondered what he was thinking. She never really knew with Jack.

  “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but I know you’ve never seen them live. I just thought I was being nice.”

  Fuckity-fuck. Fuck.

  “I have to check with Ramsey.”

  “Of course. Take all the time you need. The show is next Friday night at seven thirty at Philips Arena. It’s sold out.”

  Lexi tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and sighed heavily. This was such a bad idea, but damn did she want to go to that show. The D-Bags had been one of her favorite bands since college. She was so excited that they were getting more attention, and they were even opening at a huge venue for Sienna Sexton.

  “All right,” she said, breathing out in frustration. “If Ramsey is okay with it, then I’ll go. You should probably make sure Bekah actually knows you’re taking me. If I’m going to the concert, then it’s not going to be a secret.”

  “Got it. No secrets. Text me after you talk to Ramsey. If he’s down, I’ll talk to Bekah.”

  It felt a little like they were getting permission from their parents, but at least she was going about it the right way. Under no circumstances was she going to risk Ramsey a second time for a fucking concert. She wanted to see the D-Bags, but that wouldn’t be worth losing him

  “Okay, I have to go. I have lunch plans. Bye, Jack.”

  “See ya, Lex. Also, uh…thank you.”

  She swallowed and nodded even though he couldn’t see her. She hung up the phone and placed it back into her purse. This was going to be interesting.

  Lexi walked the remaining distance to Brandon’s office and knocked. She heard muffled voices from the room and then laughed. He never ceased to amaze her.

  “Brandon,” she called, wondering who the lucky lady was that he was entertaining.

  “Just a minute,” he said.

  A minute later, the door opened, and a familiar brunette walked past Lexi.

  “See you soon, Kace,” Brandon said as she walked out.

  “Go to hell, Calloway,” Kace said, straightening her skirt.

  “Why does she still fight you?” Lexi asked. She shut the door behind her as she entered the office.

  “She likes to put on a show. I don’t mind role-playing,” Brandon said, cocking an eyebrow. “You interested, honey?”

  “Now, now, Pookie. You know I’m taken, by one of your bosses no less.”

  “That changes daily.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes and jabbed him in the side. “Don’t be an ass.”

  “Now, there’s a thought,” he said with a wicked glimmer in his eyes.

  “Oh my God,” Lexi said, a blush creeping up on her cheeks.

  He chuckled deep in his chest and ran his hand back through his dark hair. “I’ve missed you, Lexi. It’s nice to have you back in the city.”

  “Are we going to get lunch? Or are you going to be ridiculous?”

  “I can’t promise you that I won’t be ridiculous, but I think I choose lunch.”

  “Great. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  They left the office and walked out to the elevator. Brandon pressed the button and started firing off questions about her time when she had returned to New York, the new job, moving in with Ramsey.

  She laughed at his string of questions and tried to begin answering them, but he seemed to have another question already poised on his tongue before she could elaborate. She would be talking nonstop during lunch.

  The elevator dinged open, and Lexi followed Brandon inside. When she took the last step inside the elevator, she realized that Jack was standing in front of her. She stopped laughing at Brandon, her face going blank.

  “Lexi,” Jack said, surprised.


  “What are you doing here?”

  “I said I had lunch plans,” she said, sticking her thumb out at Brandon.

  “Oh, hey, man,” Jack said.

  He extended his hand out to Brandon, and the guys shook.

  Jack turned his attention back to Lexi. “If I’d known you were in the building, I would have just talked to you in person.”

  “Well, this is for the better then,” Lexi said, doing everything she could to keep her hands at her side. All she wanted to do was furiously push her hair behind her ears.

  His blue eyes landed on her brown ones, and he smiled that Jack smile. She swallowed, but didn’t look away.

  “Well, I hope you go to the concert. The seats are pretty good.”

  Lexi shrugged. “We’ll see. I should be able to make it as long as…everything works out,” she said vaguely.

  The elevator dropped to the bottom floor, and the doors dinged open.

  “Have fun at lunch then. Brandon.” Jack nodded his head at him. “Talk to you later, Lex.”

  Jack walked away, and Lexi sagged slightly as he disappeared into the Bridges lobby.

  Stupid bad luck!

  Brandon and Lexi moved forward in silence until they made it out to the parking garage and almost all the way to Brandon’s truck. Then, he couldn’t seem to hold it in any longer, and he started laughing.

  “You’re going to a concert with Jack?” Brandon asked.

  “Yeah,” Lexi said with a shrug. “I guess.”

  “You do know he got married, right?”

  “Yes, I know he got married,” she snapped a little too harshly.

  She took a deep breath. It was still too fresh, too early. She shouldn’t go to the concert. It was stupid, but the offer was too hard to resist. It certainly had nothing to do with Jack because she still wanted to pummel him.

  “But this isn’t about Jack. This is about Kellan Kyle.”

  Brandon continued laughing at her as he hopped into his truck. He was still laughing almost the entire way to the sushi restaurant.

  “Knowing what I know about you, Lexi, I feel like I should tell you that this is probably a bad idea.”

  “It’ll be fine,” she said, convincing herself.

  “You like me because I don’t shoot shit. I tell you how it is, like I always have. Like, I want to fuck you and see how that gymnast body bends.”

  “Brandon,” she groaned.

  “Yes, I want to hear you scream out my name, too, but that’s beyond the point, Lexi. Keep your mind out of the gutter.”

  “Insufferable,” she grumbled under her breath.

  “What I’m trying to tell you is that before, when you screwed up royally in the past, it wasn’t that bad because, while you were dating other people, neither of you were married.”

  “I know that!”

  “Well then, I’ll just remind you. Coming from someone who got the shit beat out of him for sleeping with a married woman, I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  “You get the shit beat out of you a lot, don’t you?” she asked, remembering the time Brandon had told her about Ramsey punching him because Brandon had started dating Parker. That all felt so long ago.

  Brandon smirked. “Hardly. This guy had an unfair advantage.”

  “Which was?”

  “A car.”

  “Oh Jesus,” Lexi cried.

  “Anyway, I don’t like to talk about serious shit. So, don’t do anything stupid.”

  “You mean, don’t act like you?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

  “Even I’m not stupid enough to push Bekah Bridges’s buttons. You have a few more degrees than me,” he said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes. “Use them.”

  Lexi shrugged and looked out the window. She had no intention whatsoever of doing anything with Jack. She had been avoiding him ever since the wedding and really the entire year before that. She might want to push Bekah off a cliff, but that didn’t mean she was going to do anything that would bring her closer with the
Bitch at a more normal occasion.

  Lexi tried not to think about it anymore. She would have to talk to Ramsey when she got home, and that, in itself, was not going to be a fun conversation, but it was one she needed to have. If she could yell at him about not holding back any more secrets, then she had to be willing to be more forthcoming about her own life.

  Lunch was refreshing, to say the least. Without Chyna, Lexi desperately felt the loss of close friends. She knew her old friend, Krista, still lived in the city, and Lexi might drop her a line. Maybe they could go visit the gym together. It had been too long since she had done gymnastics. Lexi was excited to get back into some kind of state of normality for her life.

  Brandon had kept her entertained through lunch, getting her mind off of the concert and what she knew lay before her when she got home. He had known her mind wasn’t fully on their lunch, but he hadn’t made any further comments about it. She loved him for that. They had promised to meet up for lunch again, at least biweekly, and then Brandon had dropped her back off at her car.

  She drove home in silence. She had never been good at this kind of thing. Hiding had always been a big part of her life, and just thinking about telling Ramsey made her anxiety pick up. It wasn’t even that she had anything to hide, but it was an old, familiar feeling. She wished it wasn’t that way. She wished she had made some better choices in her life, but this was who she was. Now, she had to fight herself to make it right again.

  Lexi parked her car in the garage and took the stairs up to the apartment she now shared with Ramsey. When she walked in, Ramsey was on the phone in the living room, pacing back and forth as he talked. He smiled at her and gave her a small wave before diving back into the conversation.

  “No, I agree. I think we should work on that tomorrow. We’ll have to solidify it by next week, so we can start breaking ground,” Ramsey said into the phone.

  Her stomach knotted as he talked about the medical wing.

  It was all for Lexi. That’s why he was doing this. She just repeated the mantra over and over in her head. It was how she remained sane.

  She didn’t like the idea of the project at all. Not that she didn’t support a new hospital facility in downtown Atlanta or even Ramsey following his dreams, but a lot of the time, it felt more like he was giving in to his father’s demands. She had never wanted Ramsey to change for her. She had just wanted the lying to stop. It was this fragile balance, and she wasn’t sure how far would be too far before it tipped.


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