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Avoiding Temptation

Page 9

by K. A. Linde

  Ramsey quickly changed the subject to something more neutral, letting Lexi zone out of the conversation. It took a lot of effort not to just throw her left hand out on the table, like Bekah had done that day three years ago back in Jack’s office. But Lexi didn’t want Bekah to pull that kind of emotion out of her. Lexi wasn’t going to give away their chance to tell everyone about their engagement. Bekah didn’t deserve that right. It would be on Lexi’s terms. No one else but Ramsey got the privilege.

  Brunch continued without much more awkwardness. Their end of the table was blissfully quiet other than Bekah’s incessant droning on to a few of the family friends that Lexi didn’t remember. They talked about everything from business to shopping to their summer vacations and the weather. Lexi tried to tune it out, and only an occasional smile from Ramsey helped her keep her cool. He knew how she felt, and those smiles reminded her that he was on her side. He had always been on her side.

  Ramsey’s father cleared his throat, and everyone fell silent.

  “Thank y’all for coming out to Sunday brunch. Thanks to the nice weather, we’ll be moving post-brunch activities to my estate. Everyone is more than welcome to come out for an afternoon cigar and cocktail.”

  Conversation started up again with people explaining their way out of attendance or confirming their plans to attend. The waiters took that opportunity to clear the table, and people started filing out of the room.

  Ramsey walked around to Lexi’s side of the table and took her hand in his. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, “We’ll tell them when we get back to the house, okay?”

  “Sure,” she said, looking up into his green eyes.

  He smiled proudly and kissed her lips. It was a chaste gesture, but the contact in public made her heart flutter. Not that Ramsey was against public displays of affection, but he usually kept everything discreet at the country club. It was the rules of the game.

  They followed Ramsey’s parents out of the country club and into the parking lot.

  “I’ll see y’all there,” Parker said with a wave.

  “Oh! Can I go with you?” Bekah asked. “You can swing me back by here on your way out.”

  “Sure, Bek.”

  “See y’all in a minute,” Bekah said. She fluttered her hands at them and walked off after Parker.

  Lexi caught Parker staring at Ramsey, her eyes distant. It was a familiar look. Lexi wasn’t sure she would ever get used to the way Parker looked at him.

  “Come on,” Ramsey said, wrapping his arm around Lexi’s waist and pulling her away from the girls.

  Lexi opened the car door and sank down into her seat with a sigh. This was going to be fun. Now, they didn’t just get to tell Ramsey’s parents. They would have a full audience that included Bekah and Parker. She wished they could have just told everyone at brunch instead of waiting. It made her stomach twist.

  What was Ramsey waiting for? Surely, the right time wouldn’t materialize out of thin air. It never did with things she was involved in. It was better just to get it over with than to wait for the moment. Then again…Ramsey was a planner. He had found the perfect time to propose just like everything else in his life, and he would only move forward with this when he knew it was right. The tension at brunch had been so palpable that Lexi was sure it would never be the right time around Bekah or Parker. They both put her too much on edge.

  The Bridges’ estate was only a few minutes drive, deeper into the depths of the country club–gated community. Ramsey pulled around to the side of the house and into an open space in the massive garage. Parker drove her Range Rover into the space next to his, which Lexi knew was Bekah’s normal spot.

  Lexi had been surprised to find out that their parents had left garage space for their two children even though they had both moved out years ago. It led her to believe they had attachment issues, and that slightly terrified her.

  They piled out of the car and took the short route through the Bridges’ mansion, out the back doors, and down the stairs that led to the backyard. Their parents were already set up at the pavilion with the afternoon drinks and cigars, as promised. Some lemonade, sweet tea, and finger foods were also on display. Only one other couple from brunch had arrived. Likely, the others would go home and freshen up before returning.

  Ramsey picked up lemonade for Lexi while he poured himself a whiskey drink to match his father. She wasn’t sure how he had known that she wasn’t in the mood to drink…or maybe he had just known how much of a lightweight she was, and he hadn’t wanted her to get drunk in front of his parents. Ramsey’s tolerance was through the roof though, so she knew that whiskey wouldn’t do much to him.

  “Excuse me,” Ramsey said to the group as soon as everyone had a drink in hand. “I have an announcement to make.”

  Lexi’s stomach twisted as everyone turned to face him. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in closer. The silence before he spoke was like a hundred-pound weight on her shoulders. Bekah suspiciously looked at Ramsey, her eyes darting between Ramsey and Lexi, like she was trying to piece together the puzzle. Parker only had eyes for Ramsey. She didn’t glance at Lexi once.

  Lexi took a deep breath and waited.

  “I wanted y’all to know that I asked Lexi to marry me,” he said softly. His eyes found hers, and he smiled. “And she said yes.”

  She only saw him in that moment, and the emotions that had crashed down all around her the night he had asked her to marry him ripped through her again. She was very, very lucky to have found someone who loved her unconditionally, who put up with all of her indecision, and believed in her despite her own fears. She beamed up at him, lost in the moment, lost to this man.

  And then, the moment was broken.

  But not from the commotion she had been expecting. It was from the silence. She turned to face the small crowd they had around them. Various looks of shock crossed their faces, but no one moved or said anything at first.

  “We’re getting married,” Ramsey confirmed when still no one had said anything.

  “Oh, Ramsey,” his mother said, walking forward slowly, “that’s wonderful news.”

  “Congratulations, son,” his father said. He was as stoic as ever.

  Neither of them really sounded excited.

  His mother moved to Lexi and wrapped her in a hug. “So glad to hear, dear.”

  Parker opened her mouth and then closed it. She looked between them as if she didn’t even know where to begin, then she swallowed and walked up to Lexi. “Congratulations,” she said, hugging Lexi next after Ramsey’s mother. “I’m sure you’ll be very happy together.”

  “Thank you,” Lexi whispered.

  She hadn’t expected Parker to be so genuine, but she didn’t sound spiteful at all. Maybe Parker was a little shocked, but everyone seemed to be shocked.

  The other couple that had been standing with Ramsey’s parents came forward and issued their own congratulatory hugs and handshakes. They said something to Ramsey that made him laugh, and it seemed then, for a second, as if all the tension had broken.

  Yet, Bekah still hadn’t said anything. Lexi chanced a glance in her direction, and she wasn’t sure what she saw reflected back in Bekah’s baby-blue eyes. Was Bekah realizing that after everything, she was giving up Jack, and Lexi was still going to marry her brother? Was Bekah plotting a way to ruin it? Could she be that stupid? Lexi would never trust her to do anything less.

  “Jack and I are getting a divorce,” Bekah said, straightening visibly as the words tumbled from her mouth.

  The silence that had been there at Ramsey’s declaration was now nowhere to be seen. Everyone spoke at once, and Lexi couldn’t even differentiate who was speaking and where the shouting was coming from. Lexi smacked her hands over her ears and hunched slightly at the uproar.

  Bekah’s announcement had shaken everyone to the core, and now, all the attention was on her—just like she liked it. Lexi glanced up at Ramsey, who looked furious. She figured it was because his sister ha
d once again stolen his thunder.

  After all, no one had even asked to see Lexi’s ring.

  “Rebekah Caroline!” her father bellowed over everyone else. “Explain yourself!”

  He looked beyond furious. His chest was puffed out, his eyebrows were drawn down as he surveyed his daughter, and his hand squeezed the glass of whiskey so hard that Lexi was sure he was going to break it, like in a movie.

  “Daddy…” Bekah murmured.

  “Do not daddy me, young lady,” he growled.

  Bekah’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t look happy that everyone wasn’t already on board with this. They had only been married for two years. It was an insanely short period of time, considering her parents displeasure for each other. Not to mention, they had spent nearly a million dollars on a wedding that was now being broken so quickly afterward. Lexi couldn’t blame them for being pissed.

  “He cheated on me with other women while we were married. I can’t continue to be with someone who cares so little for our marriage…and for me.”

  In that moment, Lexi was glad that she had met with Jack, and she had already known this was coming because she was sure that she would have snorted with laughter at the comment any other time. As it was, she was already well aware of Bekah’s accusations.

  “Do you have proof of this?” her father asked.

  “Yes,” she said confidently.

  Lexi wondered what that proof was. Had Bekah hired a private investigator? Was there video evidence or just pictures? No. Lexi was not part of this case. She was not going to be an attorney at the moment. She was just Lexi—hearing about the person she hated and the man she had loved splitting up. She could just be happy about it while everyone else freaked out.

  Then, she looked at Bekah and took her in from head to toe. Maybe Jack hadn’t been lying. Bekah was too confident, and Lexi never trusted her when she got like that. Could Bekah be bluffing?

  “At least the prenup will hold,” her father said, still clearly angry but deflating.

  “Prenup?” Lexi immediately asked.

  Jack hadn’t mentioned a prenup. Shit, shit, shit! This could be very bad. They could mean to bury him.

  “Of course,” Bekah said as if it were a common practice. “I wanted to protect myself.”

  Lexi knew she shouldn’t ask, but she had to know. “Did you include an infidelity clause?”

  Bekah smiled that evil smile, the one Lexi had learned to associate with only Bekah’s worst ideas. “I said I needed to protect myself.”

  “I guess I don’t have that much stuff,” Lexi said.

  “No, you really don’t. I didn’t realize you were such a minimalist,” Ramsey said with a smirk. “Then, I look in the closet.”

  Lexi shrugged. “I had priorities in law school.”

  “Like spending all of your nonexistent money on clothes?”

  “Like raiding my best friend’s closet. Seriously, Chyna trashes things after she’s worn them once.”

  “We might have to rearrange once we unpack everything,” Ramsey said with a shake of his head as he looked at the piles and piles of clothes.

  “Yeah…like move your stuff to the guest bedroom,” she said with a giggle.

  “Ha! Good luck with that.” Ramsey took a step forward into her personal space and forced her to look up at him.

  Her breath caught, and she tried to keep the lustful thoughts at bay. They still had quite a bit of work to do. Not to mention, after moving all of her things into his apartment that had arrived from New York this morning, she needed a shower.

  “Don’t make me use my womanly wiles on you.”

  “Is that an option?” he asked, ducking his head and planting a kiss on her lips. His handed gripped the back of her T-shirt.

  Stepping out of the embrace, she threw her hands up. “Ew, I’m seriously gross right now.”

  “I think you’re beautiful.”

  “Beautiful, and in need of a shower,” Lexi said, backing toward the bathroom.

  “I could join you…” He trailed off as he backed her into the bathroom. His hands pawed at her shirt, which he quickly guided over her head to where it belonged…on the floor.

  “I mean, if you insist,” Lexi murmured.

  He slid her running shorts to the ground. “Oh, I insist,” he said, admiringly sliding his hands down her slight curves.

  Ramsey backed up a step to flip the walk-in shower to its hottest setting before locating two towels and placing them on the counter. Lexi stripped out of her bra and thong, and then she walked right into the steamy glass shower. As Ramsey watched, she eased back into the spray, closed her eyes, and let her head dip back into the water. She heard him groan, and a smile played on her face.

  A few seconds passed, and then Ramsey entered the shower. His hands retraced their earlier progression down her now wet body. She breathed in sharply when they moved back up to her breasts and flicked gently against her erect nipples. He leaned forward and took one in his mouth, pushing them both through the shower and back against the tiled wall. Lexi gasped from both the feel of him against her and the cold tiles behind her.

  She wound her fingers into his hair and breathed in the air, thick with steam. He hoisted her leg up around his waist, pressing her harder against the wall.

  “Fuck,” she cried as she felt the length of him slide between her legs.

  “God, I missed you, Lexi,” Ramsey growled against her throat. “I don’t ever want you to go away again.”

  “A month in New York was too long,” she agreed, arching her back and swirling her hips invitingly.

  “Much too long.”

  Ramsey pulled her off the wall, turned her around, and bent her over at the waist. She followed his lead without complaint. She didn’t care how sore she was from carrying boxes and unpacking today. The only thing she could think about right now was the feel of his hands on her body and how much she wanted him.

  He took her in one stroke, and she gripped the bench before her. Her body moved in time with his as he pulled out and thrust back into her deeply. The water cascaded down their bodies, dripping from her long brown hair and making them slick and slippery.

  But all of that was lost on her as he plunged deeper into her each time. Her body tightened all around him, begging him to give her more. His hands dug into her hips to gain more leverage. Her eyes closed, and she arched her back, feeling the familiar ripples of the climax starting at her core.

  “Close,” was all she managed to get out as he picked up the pace.

  “Fuck. Fuck!” he growled.

  She hit her climax as he buried himself deep in her pussy one last time. He grunted at the feel of her orgasm tightening around his dick and came with her. Lexi felt all the energy leave her body, and her arms wobbled on the bench from where they had been holding her up.

  He slowly pulled out of her, holding her around the middle to keep from her collapsing, and then they both took a seat on the bench. Her head fell to his chest as the water splattered on their feet.

  “Mmm,” she murmured.


  After a couple of minutes of silence, they both finally cleaned each other up and got out of the shower just as the water started getting cold. Lexi wrapped herself up in the towel and twisted another one around her hair before plopping down onto the bed.

  It was an unbelievable feeling to be back in Atlanta…for good.

  She would miss New York, but it was wonderful, knowing that she was finally taking some control of her life. After walking out of dinner with John, Chyna had finally called her back. She was still a little hung up on the fact that Lexi had hidden that she had slept with John, but Chyna didn’t want to lose her best friend over it. They had some work to do in their relationship, but it wasn’t anything that wasn’t fixable.

  Over the next week, Lexi had received three calls with offers for jobs—two in New York and one in Atlanta. After confirming with Ramsey that he’d had no contact with the firm in Atlanta, she had
agreed to join their company as an attorney, pending her bar exam results. The money was a little bit less than the firms in New York, but the firm in Atlanta had more opportunity to move up, and as far as she could tell, they also had better, more flexible hours.

  Plus, this kept her close to Ramsey. She would be lying if she said it hadn’t been a difficult decision. She had always told herself that she wanted a corporate law job in New York City, which was why she had gone to NYU in the first place. But when the Atlanta job offer came in, she hadn’t been able to turn it down. She would miss the city and Chyna and even her roommate Rachelle, but it would be nice to be home with Ramsey.

  She had been so excited about it all. She had even agreed to move back in with him. At first, she had thought about getting her own place, but it seemed silly for the same reason it had seemed silly the last time she had moved in with him. She would be spending the majority of her time at the apartment with him. There was no reason to add the extra distance in their relationship. Not to mention, she didn’t have any intention of moving back out again.

  It all seemed like a no brainer.

  While Lexi missed Chyna terribly, another benefit of being back in Atlanta was getting to hang out with her friend, Brandon. She hadn’t seen him since the day, nearly four months ago, when he had corroborated Parker’s story about her relationship with Ramsey. The thought still made Lexi cringe…and she wasn’t sure when or if it ever wouldn’t. That had been a dark time for her.

  But with everything happening so quickly in her life, she hadn’t had any time to see anyone or had any time for herself. So, she had called Brandon to play catch-up and finally get her sushi buddy back.

  After reluctantly agreeing to meet him at Bridges Enterprise downtown, she had driven into town. Ramsey was supposed to be in meetings all day with his father, Parker, and the Global partner, Jessica, who had flown down for some of the groundbreaking work on the medical wing. Lexi had gathered that John wasn’t supposed to be in attendance, which had made her breathe easier.


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