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Dating Roulette

Page 11

by D. Kelly

  She yawns and squeezes my hand. “I’m starving, but can we go home and get pizza?”

  “Yup, that sounds good.”

  When we get home, Bex hops in the shower, and I get the plates and napkins ready for pizza night with a couple of bottles of water.

  Thankfully, it’s a different delivery driver than last time, and the timing is perfect. Minutes after the driver leaves, Bexley joins me, looking relaxed and comfortable in her pajamas.

  “Mm, this is heaven.” She moans as she takes a bite of her pizza. I wonder if there will ever be a time I don’t associate her food appreciation noises with sex because now that I know what she sounds like when she comes, I can’t unhear it.

  I settle in with my pizza, and I see her eyebrow wrinkle begin to form. “What has you breaking in your wrinkle?”

  She rolls her eyes but sets her plate in her lap. “What happened today? I haven’t seen you so stressed out in a long time.”

  “Licensing issues with some upcoming games, production issues with the one that’s releasing in the spring, and my CFO finally quit.”

  “Can I help? Maybe on the weekend I can come in and take care of the important stuff until you find someone new.”

  I finish my pizza and grab another piece. “Thanks, but it’s not your job. I’ll figure it out.”

  “Tris, I know it isn’t my job, but I know the job. I helped you in the beginning, and I can help again. Let me do this for you, please.”

  She hasn’t worked in my office before. Maybe if I let her, she’ll realize she likes the environment and want to come work there. Wishful thinking, but with the end of the year coming, it could take a while to find someone, and I could really use her help.

  “Okay, we can go into the office on Sunday for a bit, and you can help me sort through a few things. Maybe help me go through some resumes?”

  “You posted the job already?” She sounds surprised.

  “I had to; it’s priority number one right now. Besides, as much as I’d love for you to take the job, I know you’re happy where you are.”

  “Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t.” Her words are so soft they’re almost a whisper.

  “Why? I thought you loved your job.”

  “I do, but I hate seeing you in a lurch, and I know that if I were the one running your finances, you’d never be in one.”

  I put the plate down and reach for her feet, pulling them into my lap. Her eyes roll back in her head when I start massaging them. I try to ignore her soft sighs and focus. “I love you for wanting to help, but my problems aren’t yours.”

  “There will never be a time when your problems don’t affect me. I’m always going to be your best friend, and I’m always going to want what is best for you.” Bex finishes her pizza and sighs blissfully. “I could get used to this.”

  I would rub down every inch of her body each night if she wanted me to. I’m starting to feel a little pushy about us, though, so I change the subject. “Where are you and Finn going tomorrow?”

  “Don’t say it like that. It’s not a date, Tris, and honestly, I’m not sure. My plan is to show him a couple of gyms, popular neighborhood restaurants, and some places he can hang out and get a drink on the weekend or after work. I’m hoping if we drive around and I point them out, we’ll be done in less than an hour. We’re leaving straight from work.”

  I pull her up, and we start putting the food and dishes away.

  She bends over to load the dishwasher, and I admire the view. “Well, if that’s all you’re doing, call me when you get home. Adam and I are going to find a bar and play some darts or pool. Maybe you can meet us if you’re up for it.”

  “That sounds like fun. A night of beer, games, and two of my best friends is exactly what I need.”

  When I walk her to her bedroom, I pull her into a hug. For some reason, tonight I just want to have her in my arms.

  Sixth date notes

  The good parts:

  Tris, the look on your face when we walked into the arcade was worth every penny. You’ve been so stressed out lately, and when it all melted away from your shoulders, when your frown lines turned into smiles, it made me feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

  At the arcade, it dawned on me how well we know each other. We didn’t have to make awkward small talk, and we played off each other’s cues. I already know what you love and what you don’t. Dating you is like falling into a romance novel. Everything about us works, but I know even if we stumble, our love is stronger than our faults, and we’ll always be okay.

  Do you realize you leave your socks under the coffee table? That you rarely rinse your coffee mug? You always leave your wet towel on the bathroom counter and the lid off the toothpaste. You make this God-awful sound when you chug water after your run, and sometimes you snore loud enough to rattle the windows.

  You’re probably wondering how this is good. Your annoying habits don’t bother me. They’re practically endearing . . . okay, maybe not, but I’m used to them. I rinse your mug, I recap the toothpaste, I toss your towel in the hamper, your socks in your room, and when you snore, I pop in some earplugs. And when you chug your water, I watch as the sweat trails down your chest, across your abs, and down your happy trail. Feel free to chug away whenever you’d like as long as I get to enjoy the view.

  You offered me a job again, and I know it’s not only because we’re friends, it’s because you feel I’m the best person for your company.

  You massaged my feet like it was no big deal. Feet are gross, Tris, but you don’t seem to mind. At least they were clean this time.

  The bad parts:

  Not being able to tell you I love you yet. With each passing day, I want to confess. I want to whisper it in your ear, trace the words onto your skin with my tongue, and show you with my body. The wait is torturous, but you’re worth the pain.

  Watching you stress out about work. Do you know how much I want to throw caution to the wind and quit my job? It would be too much, too fast, and if we’re going to be lovers and roommates, we need some distance so we don’t tire of each other—although I can’t ever imagine getting sick of you.

  I had to turn the job down again. It kills me every time.

  But the worst is that I’m sensing you pull away. I think you’re scared I’m going to call it quits. I wish I could reassure you that’s not the case, but I know you need to see it through to the end before you believe it. Don’t pull away from me, Tris. I’m right here.

  “The big date with Tristan is tomorrow, right? Number seven. Are you excited?”

  Rita and I are eating lunch in my office with the blinds closed. I usually keep them open, but Finn’s office is across the hall, and he’s constantly looking over here.

  “I’ll be more excited after I finish showing Finn around tonight and can finally breathe.”

  Rita packs her salad container back in her bag and pulls out some grapes. “How is that going anyway?”

  “He’s a lot to handle.”

  She laughs. “He looks like it, in more ways than one.”

  Exhaling, I lean back in my seat. “Tristan doesn’t like him, doesn’t trust him, and he’s right not to. Finn isn’t taking the hint that I’m involved. He keeps pressing with inappropriate questions. I’ve dodged some of them, but then I thought maybe if I answered some, he’d let it go. He didn’t.”

  “What’s Tristan say?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m not telling him that now. He’d have a fit about me going tonight, and I have to. I went to breakfast this morning with Bradley.”

  Rita’s head snaps up, “Wait, Bradley, who you went to dinner with a couple of weeks ago?”

  “The one and the same. We’ve been talking here and there; he’s a nice guy. He wants to be friends, and he’s going about it in a way that reminds me of how Tristan and I became friends. I think I have a soft spot for him,” I say. Rita raises a brow but doesn’t say a word. “Anyway, I told him about Finn
, and he didn’t like it either. He offered to run a background check on him for me.”

  “I hope you took him up on it.”

  “No. If he still pushes after tonight, I might, but maybe he’s lonely and harmless.”

  She eyes me skeptically. “Why don’t I call you once an hour tonight?”

  “That would be great. I’m hoping I’ll only be with him for an hour.”

  Rita gathers her things and stands. “Make sure you answer. If you don’t, I’m going straight to Adam and Tris.”


  At six p.m. sharp, there’s a knock on my office door.

  “Come in.” I look up from my computer, and Finn walks in. He leaves the door open and takes a seat.

  He clears his throat. “I think I owe you an apology.”

  “For . . .?”

  “Well, I was talking to my sister this afternoon and told her how you’d been showing me around, and how you seemed hesitant to talk about yourself. She asked for some examples and then proceeded to point out that you probably think I’m an overbearing creep.”

  “Maybe a bit,” I reply with a slight grin.

  “Right, so in the spirit of full disclosure, I’m recently out of a relationship. I jumped at the chance of relocation because of it. Meeting you at the conference seemed fortuitous. What were the odds you’d be from my new office? And the one assigned to show me the ropes?”

  It’s nice to see him relaxed and not trying too hard. “I understand, and it’s okay. As long as we’re clear that we can only have a working relationship. Tristan is important to me, and no one is going to come between us.”

  “We’re clear. Here’s what I’m thinking for tonight: show me all the must-see places, and then let me take you for dinner and a drink at this bar closer to our houses. Just as friends, I swear. It can be quick, but the thought of eating another dinner alone sucks, and as much as I love my dog, he doesn’t talk back.”

  If we make it quick, I can still meet up with Tris and Adam. I can tell Finn is trying, and he feels bad. “Okay, but I do have plans later, so it will have to be quick. Let’s get going.”

  We drove around for about forty-five minutes while I showed Finn some important places to know both close to work and close to home. He typed in names on his phone of places he was curious about.

  The bar he directs me to is Just an Illusion. It’s packed tonight already. “This is a little off the beaten path for you. How did you find it?” I ask, pulling into the parking lot.

  “I was running and decided to see what was back here. The murals on the exterior piqued my interest, so I took a photo and looked it up when I got home. Have you been here before?”

  I park the car and grab my purse. “Yeah, it’s actually one of our favorite places. You know the band Bastards and Dangerous? Their cousin owns it, and they come here frequently. They have good bands that play here too. Also, their nachos are seriously to die for.”

  “Well, let’s go have some. You can’t go wrong with nachos and margaritas for dinner.”

  It’s packed for a Wednesday, but it doesn’t surprise me. As we weave our way through the cars in the lot, I remind myself to call Tris once we’re settled.

  Once we’re inside, Finn puts his hand on my back and guides me through the crowds to the bar on the right-hand side. Just an Illusion has two, and I always go to the one on the left. I’m actually not sure if I’ve ever been to the other one, but there’s a first time for everything.

  We manage to snag two seats in the middle of the bar. It’s so weird being here with someone else.

  “Hey Bex, long time, no see! Who’s the stud?”

  Finn scopes out the pretty girl and flashes her an enigmatic smile. “I’m Finn, and you are?”

  Sasha holds up a finger and turns her attention to me. “New love interest? Fuck buddy?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Actually, I’m seeing someone else. You’re good.”

  Sasha leans forward, putting her cleavage on display, and immodestly holds out her hand. “Sasha, bar manager and bartender extraordinaire. Also, single and a freak in the sheets, in case you were wondering.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Sasha, freak in the sheets. Is that a self-designated title or one you’ve earned?”

  She leans in closer. “Both. If you’re lucky, I’ll show you sometime, and you can tell me if it’s well deserved. If you’re brave enough that is . . .”

  The owner of the bar joins her and tries reeling her in. They’re best friends, so he only half means it when he scolds her. “Sasha, less talking, more working.”

  Sasha flips him off but straightens up. “Ignore Jordan; he needs to get laid. What can I get you guys tonight?”

  “Two orders of nachos—”

  Sasha’s eyes widen.

  “One,” I correct. “Finn, they’re massive. If you’re still hungry after, we can get more, but I don’t think you will be.”

  “Okay, one order of nachos, and I’ll take a margarita on the rocks.”

  “And I’ll have a blackberry margarita, blended with sugar, no salt.”

  “You got it. I’ll be back soon. Don’t go anywhere, sexy. I’m not done with you.” Sasha trails her fingers over Finn’s hand, and he nods.

  When she leaves, he scoots in closer to me and tilts his head against mine. It’s so loud in here; it makes it much easier to hear him this way. “Is she always this forward?”

  “Pretty much. Sasha is a woman who knows what she wants, and it seems like you’ve piqued her interest.” I take a hit to the back, and I reach out for Finn’s shoulder to steady myself.

  “Sorry,” the man behind me says sincerely. “I’m blocked in on the other side and was trying to squeeze out. This place is a madhouse tonight.”

  “At least he apologized.” Finn reaches for my hand and holds on until I’m a little more stable on my stool.

  “Thanks. You never know what you’re going to get with people out drinking. Oh, and speaking of, I need to call Tristan.”

  I reach into my purse and pull out my phone, which is completely dead. Shit. I wonder if Rita has tried to call yet. I texted her right before we left the office and didn’t even notice my power was low.

  “Everything okay?” The bar is becoming increasingly louder as the band for the night sets up.

  “My phone died.”

  Finn pulls his from his pocket. “Want to use mine?”

  I consider it for a moment, but if I call Tristan from Finn’s phone, they’ll have each other’s numbers, and with everything that happened the other day, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Finn’s done a complete one-eighty tonight, and if he and Tris hadn’t gotten off to such a rocky start, they could possibly be friends. I would call Rita, but she switches her number like underwear, and I gave up trying to memorize them long ago.

  “Nah, it’s okay. He knows I’m out tonight. I was just going to update him on where I am.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, and feel free to tell me it’s none of my business, but is he a bit overprotective?”

  Sasha picks the perfect moment to drop off our drinks. “I’ll be back in a few with your nachos. Sorry for the wait, but the kitchen is slammed tonight. Next drink is on the house!”

  I look up at her and shake my head. “Thanks, but I’m only having one tonight.”

  Sasha isn’t having any excuses. “No one turns down a free drink in my bar. I’ll get you an Uber if I need to. Live a little, Bex.” She leans in close and licks her lips as if she’s going to kiss me. Finn takes in the two of us like a man who’s found his favorite porn. “Eli Watts is going to play in a bit. Shh, don’t tell anyone.” Sasha winks at me and kisses me on the cheek before moving to another customer.

  Finn clears his throat. “Is she always like that?”

  I gulp down half of my drink and fan my face with a napkin. “I’d have to say that’s a first. I think she’s trying to get your attention.”
/>   He laughs. “She’s definitely got it. So, about my earlier question . . . too much?”

  Damn, I thought I dodged a bullet. “Tristan is protective but not excessively. We’ve been through a lot together, and I’m equally protective of him. I’m not calling him because I have to. It’s a mutual respect thing. We don’t make each other needlessly worry. If we’re going to be late, we call.”

  “Not text?”

  I shake my head and finish off my drink. Sasha notices and tips her head toward me. I turn my attention back to Finn, “That’s a me thing. Texting is impersonal, and with Tris . . .” As I push my glass away, I release a sigh. “I love his voice. It’s the easiest way I can know what he’s thinking or how he’s feeling.”

  Sasha drops off a new round of drinks, and Finn raises a brow. “All from the sound of his voice? You know him that well?”

  These margaritas are so good. I’ve chugged about a quarter of it before answering him. “Absolutely. There’s a certain edge he gets to his tone if he’s had a bad day. Or this sort of relaxed laziness to it if he’s having a great day. When he gets sort of monotone, it means he’s really not paying attention to me at all but in a developing zone.”

  “Developing zone?”

  I nod and sip some more margarita. I’m feeling it already; they’re stronger than usual tonight. “He owns a video game company. Tris is a genius. But when he’s lonely, he gets this sad infliction in his voice, and that’s my least favorite sound. Lately, though, since we’ve been dating, he has this new sort of huskiness, and I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I like it.”

  Thinking about Tristan puts a smile on my face, and I lean my head on Finn’s shoulder. He wraps an arm around me like a good friend would do and speaks into my ear. “I’m pretty sure that voice means he’s in love with you, and if I had to guess, I’d say the feeling is mutual. I also have a feeling you’re already drunk, and that Uber Sasha promised is going to be our ticket home tonight.”

  Sasha grins as she places our nachos in front of us. I’m starving, so it’s perfect timing. “Did I hook you up or what?”


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