Book Read Free

Dating Roulette

Page 12

by D. Kelly

  I place my hands on the bar, and Finn covers one with his as I steady myself.

  “You okay?” His concerned expression warms my heart.

  “I’m great.” I shove a nacho in my mouth with my free hand, and Sasha clicks her tongue.

  “You’re a lightweight, Bexley. I gave you one extra shot in each margarita and look at you. Better eat those nachos and tell me when you want that Uber.” She laughs as she walks away.

  Finn releases my hand as he digs in. “You’re right; these nachos are amazing.”

  “Told you so. Damn, I’m drunk. If I call Tristan now, he’ll want to come get me.”

  “Is that what you want?” Finn takes a sip of his drink.

  “No. I think I want to go home and surprise him by crawling into his bed.”

  He chuckles. “That’s the kind of girlfriend I need. Why don’t you finish your drink, eat your nachos, and we’ll stay and watch Eli. I’m only going to have the one drink so I can drive you home and catch a ride to my place from there.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a perfect plan. It would be a shame to miss Eli; I had the biggest crush on him when I was a kid. Now he’s all grown-up hotness.”

  Finn shakes his head when I gush about Eli. “I’m not sure I can attest to his level of hotness, but even the girls in my college were hung up on the guy.”

  “So how old are you?” I pop a chip in my mouth and wait for his answer.


  “Hmm, I’m pretty sure Sasha just turned thirty . . . I think.”

  “How old are you? Or do you subscribe to the mentality that a woman should never tell?”

  Laughing, I shake my head. “I’m not old enough yet to have that mentality, but one day, I probably will. I’m twenty-six.”

  “You’re mature for your age.”

  “Like you’re so much older than me.”

  He finishes chewing his chip before responding — brownie points for that. I’ve been out with a decent number of guys who talk with their mouths full, and it’s nasty. Finn’s eyes meet mine. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I’ve been out with younger women before where it’s obvious how young they are. I thought you were older and looked damn good for your age.”

  “Well, thanks . . . I think.”

  Sasha pops by with two more drinks. Finn waves his off. “Sorry, since you got my ride wasted, I’m now the DD.”

  “And I’m already drunk, so I should probably sober up.”

  Sasha grins. “Girl, you’ve got a ride, and Eli is coming up. Might as well keep drinking while that sexy piece of ass croons his heart out. I’ll bring you both some water, though.”

  She’s back a few seconds later with two glasses of water and her phone number for Finn.

  “Call me sometime if you want to figure out that answer for yourself. Fair warning: I’m a no-strings-attached kind of girl. Don’t call if you’re going to get all emotionally attached to me.”

  Some days, I swear Sasha is my hero.

  By the time Finn walks me to my door and calls for his ride, it’s close to midnight. He’s about to put the key in the lock when the door swings open.

  “Rita? What are you doing here?” I’m surprised to see her.

  Her expression is neutral, and I can’t figure out what is going on. “I’ve been calling you all night.”

  “My phone died.”

  “Her phone died.” Finn’s words land on top of mine, and for some reason, I find it hilarious.

  “What he said,” I tell her, and then laugh some more.

  Rita groans as I stumble into the house. “Thanks for bringing her home, Finn, but I’ve got it from here.”

  “No problem. Have a good night, ladies. Thanks again, Bexley. I’m glad we worked things out.”

  “Me too. Night.”

  Rita closes the door, and I’m trying to kick off my shoes, but for some reason, one of them won’t come off.

  “Oh Bexley, what did you do?” She sounds sad, but until I get my shoe off, I can’t hug her to make it better. Rita kneels and removes it for me.

  “Sasha got me drunk. Free shots for Bex tonight, but she didn’t know I was supposed to meet up with Tris. I’ve been dying to crawl into bed with him all night.”

  “Dammit, Bexley.” Rita sighs. “I can’t have this conversation with you while you’re drunk. Come on, let me help you get ready for bed.”

  “Rita, you’re sweet, but I think Tristan can do it. I’m so ready for these dates to be over. All I want to do is crawl between his sheets and call date seven a slumber party.”

  She rubs her face with her hands. “That’s not possible. Tristan is spending the night with Adam.”

  “Oh.” My expression falls, and it’s obvious Rita feels sorry for me.

  “How much did Sasha give you to drink?”

  “Six or eight shots? I’m not sure; she was burying alcohol in my margaritas. But I had at least . . .” I tick off the drinks on my fingers. “Three or four? Four, all three of mine and the one Finn didn’t drink I sucked down during Eli’s set.”

  “Eli Watts?”

  “Yes! I would have called you but”—I pull my phone from the front pocket of my jeans where Sasha tucked it as she helped me into the car—“phone is deader than dead.”

  Rita closes her eyes and exhales. “Why don’t you let me charge that for you, and we’ll talk in the morning. I’m not sure either of us is going to make it into work.”

  “Oh, we’ll be fine.”

  Rita eyes me apprehensively but doesn’t argue. She helps me change into my pajamas, and I can’t stop yawning.

  “Bedtime, drunkie,” Rita encourages.

  I’m starting to sober up a bit, which is probably why I’m so sleepy. “Why don’t you sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep in Tristan’s room?”

  She hesitates. “I’m not sure that’s such a great idea.”

  “Sure, it is. Tristan won’t care, and it will be nice to fall asleep with his scent surrounding me. Maybe if I’m lucky, he’ll come home before work and wake me up.”

  Her eyes dart back and forth between my bed and me, and she gives in. “Okay, thanks. If you wake up before me, wake me up please.”

  “Yup. Thanks for helping me tonight. You’re my best friend for a reason.”

  “Yeah, yeah, get some sleep.”

  Once I’m cuddled up in Tristan’s bed and as comfortable as can be, Rita’s sad face lingers in my mind. I’m a bad friend. It looks like she needs someone to talk to, and I’m useless tonight. Tomorrow, though, I’ll help her figure out what’s wrong.

  12 Hours Earlier

  This morning, I kissed Bex goodbye and promised her I’d give her a call later and tell her where Adam and I were going. I went to work, had a few meetings, and then left early to plan our seventh date tomorrow.

  It hit me in the middle of the night what I wanted to do for her. It’s so simple in theory, but making it happen is a different story.

  When we were teenagers, if I’d have taken Bexley out for a first date, it would have been to Rudy’s, simply because it’s her favorite place. It’s why that would have been my choice for our first date a few weeks ago, but the pick wasn’t mine.

  Now, I’m sitting in Rudy’s cramped office in the back of the diner and hoping I can make some magic happen on short notice.

  “What can I help you with, Tristan?”

  The older gentleman sitting across from me still wears the same mischievous smile he did the first time we met. For a man in his late seventies, he’s smart as a whip and involved in all the day-to-day business of the diner. Hell, he even cooks occasionally.

  I straighten my shoulders. “I was hoping you could help me with an unusual request.”

  He leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers. “I’m listening.”

  “Bexley and I are dating, sort of.”

  “Is that what the youngsters call it these days?”

The old man actually makes me blush. “No, not like that.” I take a few moments to explain Bex’s odd dating habits. “Anyway, date seven is tomorrow, and although it’s the last ‘technical’ date, it’s also the start of a new beginning for us. At least, I hope it is.”

  “You know, when I met my Mary, God rest her soul, she had a lot of suitors, too. I’d been saving up money from working at my old man’s diner so I could have a nest egg after high school.” His eyes light up as he shares the memory. “One day, the carnival came to town, and she was looking at it from outside the fence with stars in her eyes. I couldn’t run home fast enough to get my money. When I got back, she’d traveled along the fence, looking inside at all the attractions. I asked her if she’d like to go on a date with me inside the carnival.” He picks up a photo and shows it to me. It’s from their wedding day.

  “This is a great picture. You both look very happy.”

  “That we were for fifty-five years. The carnival was our first date of many, and every year when it came to town, I always made sure to take her back and relive that first night.”

  I lean forward in my seat and pass his photo back. “Then maybe you can understand. Rudy’s is Bexley’s and my carnival. I’d like to rent it out tomorrow night. I’ll pay you whatever you’d like, cover your costs. As long as you can have a waitress and someone here who can make chocolate chip pancakes, that’s all we should need.”

  Rudy’s eyes glass over, and he rubs his face. “My Mary’s birthday is this Saturday. I think maybe this is her way of letting me know she’s thinking of me too. What time do you want me to close?”

  Rudy and I hash out the details, and I leave the diner feeling better than I have in months. It might not be a vacation, or an expensive night out on the town, but I think Bex will love it.

  “Ready to go?” Adam shows up at the apartment right on time. It’s six thirty, and I figured if we left a little later than we originally planned, Bex would get to spend most of the night with us. She and Finn got off about thirty minutes ago, so she should be almost done with him.

  “Yup.” I lock the house behind me and follow Adam to his car.

  We decided on Just an Illusion so we could play some pool and get good food at the same time. Besides, Bexley loves it there, and Adam said Sasha is working tonight. She and Bex have a strange friendship. They don’t talk outside of the bar, but they’re great friends when they’re at the bar at the same time.

  “There is a rumor Eli Watts is playing here tonight,” Adam says as he pulls into the parking lot.

  “Well, that explains why it’s so fucking crowded on a Wednesday.”

  Adam finds a spot, and we head inside. “You know, Bexley is going to want to stay all night. Eli is worth a sick day tomorrow for her.”

  I groan because it’s Eli, and I’m not a fan. But thinking about how undeniably happy it will make Bex to see him play makes me smile.

  “You’re so fucking whipped it’s not even funny.” Adam laughs as he opens the door and heads upstairs toward the pool tables. We manage to score a table overlooking the far bar and the stage.

  “Man, I’m just happy. This has been a long time coming. What about you and Rita? How’s that going?”

  One of the waitresses grabs our order real quick, and then Adam spills. “The sex is fantastic, and she’s pretty cool. We’re just seeing where it takes us.”

  “Uh-huh, and when are you supposed to meet up next?”

  “She’s going to talk to Bex about coming here with her tonight. She has to help her grandma with some stuff, so she might show up at my place later, depending on how long we’re here.”

  The waitress brings our beers, and while Adam orders some appetizers, I scan the crowd below.

  “Tris, what are you … Holy fuck, is that Bex?” Adam leans forward. His disbelief mimics mine. Finn and Bex are walking through the crowd, and Finn has his hand on her lower back, leading her to the bar.

  I bring my beer to my lips and watch as he helps her get seated. What are the fucking odds they’re directly in my line of sight?

  “I’ll be right back,” Adam says, but I barely hear him. I’m not sure how long he’s gone because my eyes are drawn to Bex.

  “Here, you’re going to need something stronger than that tonight.” Adam’s back with a flight of five tequila shots. After slamming one back, I look at him to take the next one, but he slides the flight closer to me. “All yours, Tris. I’ll nurse my beer for now.”

  Sasha’s been chatting Finn and Bex up for a few minutes, and they all look pretty fucking cozy.

  “For someone who couldn’t wait to ditch this guy tonight, she sure looks like she’s having fun.”

  Adam’s gaze bounces between them and me. “Why don’t you call her? Or better yet, go let her know you’re here. She knew we were going out tonight; maybe she came to find us?”

  I consider what he’s saying, and I know I should give Bexley the benefit of the doubt. She’s never done anything to make me question her. But when Finn rests his head against hers, and she leans in closer and rubs up on his shoulder, I’m seeing red.

  I slam down two more shots and then pick up my phone to call her. I watch as she pulls her phone from her purse, looks at it, touches the screen, and puts it back on the counter. It goes to voicemail, and my heart sinks in my chest.

  “Son of a bitch,” I snap, and Adam looks at me disbelievingly.

  “Did she just really send you to voicemail?”

  “Apparently so.”

  Unsure of what to do next, I take the last two shots and wait for the alcohol to kick in. After everything I told her about my parents, I can’t believe she would do this to me. Especially with someone like Finn.

  “Did Sasha just kiss Bex? Damn, that’s kind of hot, Tris. Maybe you should go down there and get in on that action.”

  “Fuck that. I don’t want any of that action right now. Maybe not ever again.”

  Adam sighs, and I watch as Bex guzzles her margarita. “Tristan, Bexley loves you. I’m not one to play devil’s advocate, but I really think you should go talk to her. See what her reaction is when she sees you. I’ll stay right here, and you can tell her we saw her from our table.”

  “Nope, not fucking doing it.” The tequila is doing its job, and for right now, I’m content to wait and see.

  We watch as the two of them drink and talk animatedly. Bexley seems excited about whatever she’s talking about. “She’s just as excited now with him as she was with me on our date last night.”

  “I’m sure she’s just being . . . polite. Isn’t this part of a favor she’s doing for her boss?”

  I snort and shake my head. “If I asked my employees to do these kinds of favors, I’m pretty sure I’d get sued.”

  Adam runs his hands through his hair and sighs. “You have a point.”

  A few minutes later, she’s leaning onto his shoulder, and he has his arm around her. That’s enough for me. “Let’s go. I’m done here.”

  “Tristan, let’s just wait a minute. Or better yet, let me go talk to her.”

  I shake my head and look back down. I have to grip the edge of the table to steady myself. They’re fucking holding hands. Adam can’t even cover his surprise—his wide-eyed expression says it all.

  “I’m out of here. You can take me home or I can Uber.”

  As I storm out of the bar, I try to take some deep breaths, but with each inhale and exhale, my heart shatters even further. Once we’re in the car and on the way to my place, the pain slams into me.

  It’s over. I’ve lost my best friend and the love of my life.

  “What are you going to do?” Adam asks when he pulls into my complex.

  “I’m going to pack a bag and go to a hotel for a few days. I need some time to think.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Tris. You can stay with me.”

  I’m a few steps ahead of him as we walk inside. “Nah, I can’t. That’s going to be the f
irst place she’ll look. I can’t talk to her right now. I need time to . . .”

  “To what?”

  “Figure out if I can ever look her in the eye again.”

  “Damn, go pack your stuff. I’m going to call Rita.”

  Once I’m inside my room with the doors closed, I have to blink back tears. How could I have been so fucking stupid to cross that line with her? I grab a duffle bag from my closet and pack enough stuff to make it through the weekend.

  Before grabbing my bathroom items, I reach for the notebook on the side of my bed and sit down to write Bexley a note. After I’m satisfied, I get my things from the bathroom and zip my bag.

  The doorbell rings, and by the time I make it to the living room, Rita is kissing Adam. Fuck, they look happy. I wish I could say the same about myself. I clear my throat, and they separate.

  Rita locks her solemn eyes on mine. “Tristan, I’m sure this is all just a big misunderstanding.”

  I know Rita means well, but I can’t do this with her. “Nope, it was pretty obvious.”

  She shakes her head vehemently. “It doesn’t make sense. We ate with the blinds closed today because he was creeping on her. We had a deal that I would call her once an hour, and if she didn’t answer her phone, I would call you, and we would track her down. Once I got Adam’s message saying she was at the bar, I didn’t bother calling. Maybe I fucked up and should have. I’d just assumed if she were in trouble, you’d be the first one to take care of it.”

  With a shrug, I heave my bag over my shoulder. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you. Whatever happened at lunch doesn’t coincide with what happened at the bar. You’re welcome to stay here and wait for her, but I’m out.”

  I head toward the door, needing to get out of this oppressive apartment. Everything in here reminds me of her. It smells like Bex, and instead of wanting to drown in the pleasureful aroma, I want to vomit.

  Rita calls out after me, but I ignore her. “Wait! Could he have drugged her? Maybe we should call the bar and have them keep an eye on her.”

  “Sasha would have picked up on it if she were drugged. That woman has the drug-sensing abilities of a canine,” Adam tells her before kissing her goodbye. “I’ll call you when I get home.”


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