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The Fake Mind (Time Alchemist)

Page 11

by Allice Revelle

  I just needed to make it quick and painless. Like ripping off a band aid, almost. I refused to look away from Ivan’s eyes, because the

  last thing I wanted to remember of Leon was his face; his beautiful, fighting face, and prayed that he would forgive me for following his last wish, even though my heart was shattering into a thousand, unfixable pieces at this very moment.

  “This is goodbye,” I said to Leon, even though he was gone. Even though he couldn’t hear me anymore. I refused to cry as I raised the weapon, hardening my broken heart into a block of ice.

  Then, it was like there was a tiny crack in Ivan’s mask. His eyes closed, and he smiled. A genuine, kind smile that made my insides ache.

  The tip stopped, just an inch from his heart.

  I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t—

  Ivan’s eyes popped open and he moved so fast I had no time for the mistake to even sink in. He had grabbed his weapon and swung it hard with such force I felt it crack against my own skull. The world went black for a second and I felt myself flying through the air. My knee hit the stone ledge and my arms flailed in front of me, grasping at air.

  My eyes focused just in time to see myself falling over the edge of the clock tower.

  I pushed at my inner core, forcing my Time alchemy out and wrapped myself up in my golden threads. I could feel myself falling slower, as if swimming through molasses, and managed to twist around just enough to grip the sides. I had dropped my weapon when Ivan had

  hit me, but even clutching the edge with both hands couldn’t save me.

  I let out a howl of pain when Ivan’s boot trudged on my hands, and that instant the Time around me vanished as quickly as it had come.

  He clucked his tongue, swinging his sword in his hands lazily. “I almost forgot about that pesky little alchemy inside of you, my little Emery.” Ivan smiled. “It may have helped then, but it won’t do you any good if you’re knocked out…will it? Should I just save you the trouble and cut your head clean off, my dear?”

  Ivan reached down, stroking my sweat soaked cheek with his hands, than inched down for the Elixir filled pouch. I tried to swing wildly, tried to summon my alchemy, but it was no good. I was stuck, like a rat trapped in the corner, and Ivan was the hungry cat ready to kill.

  Then Ivan’s arm burst into flame; the fires barely licking my cheek. He let out a howl and backed away, relieved his pressure on my hands and I barely had the strength to swing up, scrambling back over the ledge just in time to see Rick. He shot me a confident look as he reached over and gripped my arms, helping me up until I was stable on my feet once more. It was so good to feel solid ground again, but I think that my right hand was broken from when Ivan stomped on it. I flexed it tenderly, feeling a rush of pain shoot up my arm

  “You alright?” Rick asked.

  “What are you doing here?” I cried out. I wasn’t mad at him for

  coming at all—I was so relieved. So happy I could have cried.

  “What can I say?” Rick replied with a sheepish grin. “I heard a damsel in distress and came running. And don’t even think of telling me to leave now. I’m here to fight, by your side, Emery.”

  “But how are you even using your alchemy?” I asked, watching Ivan cower in the corner, patting the growing flames on his arms with an angry screech. Finally, he grew fed up with it and shed the jacket, tossing it over the roof.

  Rick’s grin widened, though a sheen of sweat had broken out. And then I saw, in horror, that the metal bands around his wrists were covered in blood, soaking through his jacket and covering his hands in a macabre scarlet glove.

  Rick had tried to claw the bands off. And when that didn’t work…

  “I always have a lighter with me,” Rick said triumphantly, raising his blood soaked fist, where a black lighter was gripped tightly. “And matches. But I thought this would be more effective. I may have not have my Runes now, but I’m still a damn Fire Alchemist, and nobody’s gonna forget that.”

  Ivan was furious, but that stupid, damn irritating grin was still on his face. “How nice of you to bring me a new host, my dear Emery.”

  A cold fist punched me in the gut. Oh god, I hadn’t even thought of that. I had been so set on fighting alone that, even if I lost, Ivan was

  going to lose his own battle anyway. How could I let Rick come? Why didn’t I try harder to make him stay back?!

  I turned fast. “You have to leave. Now! ”


  “You heard me!” I shoved him hard enough to the stairs. He stumbled from the sudden push and fell to his knees, scrapping his hands on the cement roof. “Go!”

  I charged forward, swiping my weapon from the ground and went straight for Ivan. He was teetering on the very edge—just one push—one push, and I could end this. I could save Leon and Rick. I wasn’t going to make the same damn mistake twice!

  But Ivan just grinned, rooted to the spot. Then, he brought his hands up and I saw Leon’s familiar iron wristband hit the wall. Gray sparks flew up the arches, all the way to the roof, and the metal bell began shaking violently, as if pushed by a hurricane.

  I barely had any time to register what was happening. As the ceiling cracked, I heard Rick shout out, “LOOK OUT!”

  Then there was a deafening crash and the world turned black. I slammed onto my back so hard the breath left me, and I gasped, choking up dark, dusty air. I gripped around blindly for my weapon, relieved to know it was next to me, then tried to get up.

  Only to hit my head on something hard. I winced, letting out a

  curse, then tried to press forward. But I could barely reach my arm out when I felt a smooth, metal surface. And then it dawned on me.

  I was trapped underneath the bell. Somehow, Ivan always had one last trick up his sleeve. And I should have known. Leon was an Iron Alchemist. I had played perfectly into Ivan’s trap!

  And now I was trapped, while Ivan had a perfect new vessel right before him. I shoved against the bell with all my might, but it was a lot heavier than it looked. Or maybe Ivan was holding it down with his Iron Alchemy. However, just because it was heavy didn’t mean I couldn’t hear what was going on.

  I cried out, slamming my fists against the surface until they started spurting blood. I grew even more frantic when I heard Rick scream in pain, and I pounded harder. I ignored the burning pain, ignored the swelling thumping in my chest and the choking fear that gripped my insides and pushed and pushed and pushed.

  “Rick! Get out of here! Rick!”

  But it was useless. Rick gave out another yell and fell silent. I heard Ivan give a howl of laughter so horrific I could feel it etch into my very bones.

  I slumped against the bell, my fists falling to my sides. It had grown silent, but I could hear Ivan moving around, possibly plotting his new escape with his new vessel. All he needed was me dead, and the

  Elixir that I had practically brought to him with a pretty pink bow on top.

  The Elixir…

  An idea hatched, but I had no idea if it would even work. And it wouldn’t work if Ivan thought I was alive—I couldn’t have him kill me.

  Because once I got out of this, I was not holding back. Not anymore.

  It was time to finally, finally, keep Leon’s last wish come to reality. I would not let Ivan succeed.

  I crawled away until my back hit the cold metal surface. I fished around for my weapon, cradling it just so in my palm, and prayed that my idea would work.

  Now, all I needed to do was die.

  The golden swirls I summoned seemed so painfully beautiful in this pitch blackness, dancing around me like fairies or lightening bugs. I tendered swirled a couple of strands around my fingers, almost in awe at how thin they felt…like sand.

  I was Emery Miller, almost seventeen years old, soon-to-be junior of St. Mary’s Academy and the Alchemist of Time. If this didn’t work, I had no right to be an alchemist. None.

  I move the strands around me, wrapping me up tightly like a cocoon, and I willed
the very Time around my fake heart to slow…to slow until it stopped beating. It felt like dying, and I so badly wanted to

  break out of my alchemy and breath, but too many lives were at stake.

  I felt my eyes close as I mentally paused the Time around my body, though I kept my eyes cracked open just a little…

  I felt my heart stop, and the grip around my weapon loosened.

  The strands disappeared, and all I could think of was, I’m sorry, daddy.

  There was an earth shattering crack, and the bell split open right in half, like a nut, and I fell back to the ground with a thud, unmoving. I could feel Ivan over me, cackling at my slumped form. He sent a kick to my ribs, but I lay motionless, even though I could feel the pain bloom up my side. The plan was working…so far…

  Ivan mumbled something under his breath, then bent down and reached for my hand. As some sick joke, he kissed my wrist, and felt with his own hands that there was no pulse.

  Just as planned… I could only hope I could do this.

  Ivan clucked his tongue again. “My poor Emery. Taken out by a bell? How pathetic. Humans really are so weak. No matter.”

  He released my hand, then gripped my neck, crushing my esophagus. I could feel his nails dig into my skin so hard that blood dripped. His hands were trembling—he was at his breaking point.

  Then, slowly, he let go, travelling down my throat until he gripped my shirt, along with the pouch, and lifted me up with such an iron grip that my shirt began to rip. “I’m going to enjoy tearing your body into so

  many pieces, my dear. I’ll scatter them all over your beloved school.

  Would you like that? I’ll even personally deliver your head to your father’s door. Maybe for a laugh I’ll kill him when he sees your bloody head served to him in a pretty box. Or would you rather I hang you beautiful skull up on my mantel? Why, I’ll do you one better and place you right next to your beloved Leon’s head. Now that I have a new host—

  thanks to your graciousness—that can easily be done.”

  That’s what you think!

  Just as Ivan began to rip the pouch from my body, I mentally summoned the strands once more, though I couldn’t see them, and wrapped myself up, like a caterpillar preparing for its transformation. I felt hot all over, like molten lava was pumping through my veins; like electricity was shooting through my nerves. My skin shifted from hot to cold, back and forth, and I felt charged up. I felt light, almost like I was flying in the dreamscape.

  In less than a second, my hand was on my weapon like lightening, and I moved in a blur so fast that the entire world was nothing but melded colors. All I could see was the coal black eyes of Ivan Novak, widening with surprise. In a flash, I was on him.

  And with a final thrust of pure white energy, I slammed the sharpened edge of my weapon into Ivan’s chest—right through his heart.


  My whole body felt limp from the exertion, and I found myself on my knees, choking for breath. My arms trembled from the weight of my weapon as I held it, but pure determination couldn’t be shaken so easily.

  Ivan too fell to his knees, hold up only by the weight of my

  “sword”. He spat out dark blood, and more fell hot and thick from the wound. It felt oddly familiar, taking my mind to my first day here at St.

  Mary’s, when I had been the one at the end of the sword. It was a very odd sensation, like déjà vu, but it filled me with an odd peace.

  The blow had struck Ivan into shock. He couldn’t even raise his hands to pry the weapon out. I think even he knew he was losing. His eyes still bore poison into me as he sputtered, “What have you done?!

  Are you really going to sacrifice this boy to kill me?!”

  I grunted, lifting my eyes in defiance. “Take a good look at what I really stabbed you with, Ivan.”

  With painful, twisting motions, Ivan struggled to turn his head, just enough to see a faint, reddish glow coming from the edge of the blade. Not from his blood, but from…

  “If the Elixir can grant immortal life,” I huffed out, coughing up a little, “Then it should be able to take it away!”

  Before Ivan could howl in protest, I mustered up all my strength, channeling all of my hate and anger towards him, and pushed forward, shoving the blade until it went through his heart, out his back with a sickening sound. The Elixir was in my hands, and it would do as I said. It had granted me my wishes already: saving Leon’s life…Dove’s….it could easily do this!

  Ivan’s screams of pains seemed ear splitting, but still I pushed further, even when the yells began to morph into a mixture of Ivan and Leon, making my heart crack right down the middle. But if this didn’t work, then I would finally, truly, grant Leon’s last wish. I would kill him.

  Disappear! I screamed in my head. Leave us alone! LEAVE!

  The weapon began to glow a bright, painful red, turning so hot that I felt my hands start to burn. But I held firm, watching as the glow traveled up the weapon and enveloped Ivan/Leon in a strange bright light. Ivan’s eyes widened, almost popping out of their sockets and he choked for breath, for air or sound.

  Then his jaw stretched wide open, and a disgusting, smokish substance flew out of his mouth, like a dark raincloud. Ivan’s eyes had turned white. And then, once the strange ashy cloud pooled out, his eyes flickered shut and the glow stopped. Ivan—no, Leon’s body, collapsed

  into me, sliding the weapon deeper into his wound. I quickly turned him over and rested him on his back, unsure as to whether to remove the weapon or not.

  The ashy haze floated over us, and I knew with no doubt that this was Ivan’s true soul: a being that had become dark and tainted and distorted for thousands of years. The dark cloud shuttered, and seemed to scream, before it literally dissolved into the air. And nothing was left.

  I felt like I could finally breathe. Even the air seemed cooler, cleaner. I felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I cradled Leon’s limp head in my lap, crying softly. He was breathing so faintly, just enough for me to pull the pipe out and force a piece of the Elixir over the wound. True to its nature, the gaping wound closed up.

  Maybe Leon wouldn’t live long enough, but I couldn’t stand to see him in that state. Instead, I raked a hand through his dark brown locks, ignoring the grime and sweat covering his face. Maybe only a second or a minute had passed but…

  Then, Leon’s eyes fluttered open. He let out a cough, sucking in deep air as if he had been underwater, and when he opened his eyes…I saw those sea-green orbs staring right at me. Not a hint or shadow of black in them.

  A ghost of a smile flickered on his lips, and I saw his arms twitch, but he couldn’t move him. I doubt he could move any part of his body at

  the moment, but I saw it in his eyes. I reached over with my free hand and squeezed the one I had placed over his chest. It was very faint, but I felt the tips of his fingers brush mine back, a sign that said “I’m here.”

  And “Thank you.”

  And he closed his eyes, resting.

  I was so happy I felt tears roll down my cheeks, hotter and faster, landing on Leon’s dirt and blood smeared face. I wiped them away hastily before I ducked, holding his head close to my chest.

  Then there was a pressure on my back, and I swung around to find Rick holding me, a wide smile on his face. I cried out and clung to him, too, relived to see he was alright.

  “What happened?” I asked, wiping away snot on the hem of my shirt.

  “I got my ass kicked,” Rick huffed out. He looked out of breath, but relieved. There were some cuts and bruises, but nothing too life threatening. Then I remembered overhearing what Ivan said about Rick, and gripped his jacket, sliding it off as best I could with one hand. The metal coin he wore around his neck bounced off my skin, and Rick gave out a snort of laughter.

  “I didn’t realize you wanted me to strip, but if you insist—”

  “Did he touch you?” I asked fervently. “Did Ivan touch you at all?”

>   “Er, besides kicking my ass?” Rick replied with confused look. “I

  don’t think so. But then again I did black out for a bit…”

  “Lift up your shirt! Please.”

  Though he wanted to say something sarcastic, one look at my panicked face told him to zip it, and he relented, shrugging off his jacket and lifting his shirt up to expose me to a very well built body (not like I was oogling it), and on his chest…

  Nothing. No mark. No Rune. Nothing.

  But still, I couldn’t be careful.

  I fished in the pouch, surprised to see only three shards left, and pulled out the tiniest one. “Take this.”


  “The only reason this has all happened is because of my carelessness,” I explained. “A couple of months ago, I managed to interrupt Ivan’s process in taking over Leon’s body, but he had a fragment of his soul already inside. Nobody caught it. Leon had been hiding that fact for almost four months. That’s why he ran away, Rick.

  He couldn’t stand the fact that Ivan was taking control over him, hurting Dove and…me. That’s why I came here to end this, and I took a gamble.

  So I don’t want this same mistake to repeat itself! Please…”

  Rick’s eyes softened, and with a nod, he pinched the tiny fragment between his fingers. “Uh…how does this work?”

  “Just…when you take it, wish for any evil to vanish?” I tried.

  “That’s what I did. Kind of…”

  “Here goes,” Rick popped the piece in his mouth and swallowed.

  After a couple of minutes, he cracked on eye open. “So what happened?”

  “Nothing…I guess maybe Ivan didn’t get to you. But better to be safe than sorry, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess—whoa, why are you crying?!”

  Before I realized it I was crying again for, what the tenth time this morning? And it was barely eight! It was just a mixture of relief and happiness, swelling inside of me like a hot air balloon, so much so that I grab my free arm around Rick’s neck and hold him tight, while my other clung to Leon’s sleeping form.

  Startled at first, Rick soon relaxed and looped an arm around my lower back, rubbing it in comfort.


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