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Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 3)

Page 5

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “Christ, you’re pussy is fuckin’ bare, Patience. Do you have any idea what feeling that soft, wet heat against my fingers does to a man like me, you wicked, wicked angel?” he growled into the curve of her neck.

  Patience shook her head mindlessly as his lips continued to scorch a path down her neck and over the swell of her breasts. Feeling him take her wrist and yank her hand between them to settle her palm over the hard swell of his cock, she bit her lip.

  “Does that answer the question, baby?” he bit out as he rocked his pelvis into the hand he held cupped against his crotch. “You did that to me. Now, I want to see what effect I’ve had on that hot pussy of yours,” he warned in a low voice a second before she felt him rip her panties off, the rending of the delicate fabric echoing in the tiny storeroom.

  “Abel!” Patience hissed, locking her legs and lifting a hand to grip one broad shoulder as he shuffled closer to her. “Do you know how much those panties cost me? Dammit! Those were La Perla, you caveman,” she complained, her eyes drifting to the ruined underwear now pooled on the cement floor.

  Sliding his fingers through her plump folds, he grinned unrepentantly. “Keep talkin’ and the dress gets it next, darlin’.”

  “Don’t you dare! This dress is Maggie’s, and you know she’d kill us both if you so much as…oooohhhh,” Patience rasped as she felt two broad fingers slide over the throbbing nub at the apex of her mound before filling her. “Abel!” she breathed, her body shuddering with pleasure as he used one hand to tug the bodice of her dress down. Convulsively tightening her fingers around the bulge of his erection, she heard him growl low in his throat before covering her parted lips with his. Their mouths mated wildly as Abel drove two fingers inside her with practiced ease, carrying her body toward Nirvana, and Patience moaned into his mouth.

  Gasping as she lifted her hips against his hand, Abel’s fingers plunged deeper, filling her. “Oh, God,” she babbled as her body tightened, readying her for release. “That’s…you’re….Oh, God!” Just as she felt her body begin to tip over the edge into a sensual abyss, she felt his hand wrench away, withdrawing from her pulsing channel. Eyes popping wide, Patience shouted hoarsely as she clutched his shoulder, “What are you doing?”

  “We can’t do this here, Patience,” Abel confessed, taking a few deep breaths as his eyes bore into hers. “This isn’t the place, babe. You deserve a hell of a lot more than a fuck against the wall.”

  “Are you insane? You’re stopping? Now? I was right there,” she growled as her core throbbed with a need she hadn’t felt in…well, for-freaking-ever. “Of all the dirty tricks you’ve ever pulled, Abel Turner, this takes the cake! You had the green light! The green freaking light, you asshole, and you put on the brakes!” she yelled, thumping a heavy hand against his chest just above where his heart – if the bastard even had one - would be.

  Raising one eyebrow, Abel chuckled. “Somebody gets testy when they don’t get off, don’t they?”

  Twisting her hand around her tormenter’s erection, Patience’s eyes seethed as they met his. He was making a joke? Now? When her body was screaming at her in all its unsatisfied fury. Bad move, Abel. Very bad move. “What did you just say to me, asshat?”

  Wincing as Patience’s hand locked around his straining dick in a dangerous grip, Abel shook his head and grinned as he stared down into her stormy gaze. “I’m not stopping, Hellion. No way in hell. I’m simply suggesting we relocate this party to a location more suited for the very bad things I want to do to this wicked body. Now, if you’d release the death grip you have on my dick, I’d be happy to carry you upstairs and show you just how loud I can make your engine purr.” Shifting his hands to her ass, he covered her mouth with his as he lifted her against him. “Put your arms and legs around me and hang on, woman. You and I are about to go for a very hard, long overdue ride.”

  Wrapping one arm around Abel’s neck as she locked her legs around his waist, Patience reached toward the door knob that led to her upstairs studio apartment with her free hand. Some distant part of her mind still tried to warn that sleeping with this man and allowing him back inside her body could be the biggest mistake she could make, but she was past caring about consequences.

  She ached, damn it. Deep down, low in her belly ached.

  And he held the cure.

  They both groaned as Abel began to climb the narrow staircase. Each step caused his dick to rub against her mound, promising her heaven, but intensifying the ache between her legs. Giggling as Abel tripped slightly on the last stair step, Patience’s arms tightened around his neck. “You drop me and I’m taking you down with me,” she warned, nipping his neck as she felt his grip around the back of her thighs tighten involuntarily.

  “Damn it,” Abel grunted as he lost his footing and caught himself against the wall. “If your sexy body doesn’t kill me tonight, your fuck-me shoes will,” he muttered, glaring at the pair of heels on the floor he’d just tripped over. “Jesus, babe, when was the last time you even thought about cleaning this place?” he asked, glancing around the small, messy studio apartment. Shoes and clothes littered the floor from the bed to the bathroom, and the mattress on the platform in the corner was an unmade tangle of sheets and blankets. “If it wasn’t for the silk underwear and the stilettos all over the place, I’d swear a guy lived here.”

  “Well, excuse the hell out of me,” Patience retorted as her pretty face hardened. “You really wanna criticize my cleaning capabilities right now? Between getting shot by my baby sister’s rapist, pandering to my middle sister’s pregnancy whims, and trying to mitigate the damage my eldest sister has been causing while doing an impressive imitation of a Southern Bridezilla intent on terrorizing the surrounding villages, I don’t know if you noticed, but I’ve been a little busy. Housework hasn’t been at the top of my priority list,” she snapped, releasing her legs from around his waist. “If your delicate sensibilities are offended by my humble home, though, I’ll find you a broom and a dust rag and you can forget all about the do-over you wanted so badly. I’m sure that I can find a young stud downstairs that will be more than willing to put out the fire you built while you put my apartment back in the order you seem to think is necessary.”

  “Christ, woman, I wonder if try hard enough if I can fuck the sass out of you,” Abel returned, bending and putting his shoulder to Patience’s middle before she could fire off another response.

  Squealing as she found herself upside down over his shoulder again, Patience slapped her hands against his back. “I’ve changed my mind! I’d rather clean than fuck you, you asshole! And that ought to say something about how very much I dislike you at the moment since I despise cleaning!”

  Striding toward the bed, he mounted the two steps leading to her mattress and dumped her in the middle. “Too bad,” Abel grunted, reaching for the hem of her dress and ripping it up her body and over her head. “And for the record, threatening me with another man really wasn’t the way to win your case, Sugar. One thing you might want to remember in the future: I don’t handle the threat of competition well. As in, I don’t handle that threat at all. I’ll simply eliminate them. Keep that in mind the next time you let those young bucks downstairs sniff around you in the future.”

  “Oh, please,” Patience scoffed. “Don’t tell me that I wounded your male ego. Besides, you don’t own me, Abel. I can do what I want with who I want any time I want.”

  Reaching for the buttons on his shirt, Abel’s lips slowly tilted upward as he looked down at her with a fond glimmer in his eyes. “You might have injured my ego if I believed for a second that you’d actually follow through on the threat of findin’ another man, darlin’. Fortunately, we both know that you aren’t nearly as free with your wares as you’d like people to believe you are. I’d have committed murder long before now if you were handing out samples of what we both know is mine to have. As for owning you, I think we both know who you belong to, Patience. You’re just a little slow to catch on to that fact. Hopefully,
we can speed the process along tonight.”

  Patience’s eyes dilated as she watched Abel shrug off his shirt, revealing his heavily muscled chest and gorgeous eight-pack abdomen. He had a body that screamed sin, and if she hadn’t been occupied planning his murder in her mind, she might have appreciated the scenery a whole lot more. As it was, it was everything she could do not to lunge toward him and claw out his eyes. Did this addled man actually think that she belonged to him? She didn’t belong to anybody and she never intended to. Oh, she was sure that there were plenty of women out there that would love to be claimed by somebody like him, but that woman sure as shit wasn’t her. Hell, her sisters Faith and Harmony friggin’ adored being attached at the hip to their men, but there was no way in hell anyone would see her signing on for that kind of commitment.

  “I don’t belong to you, Abel. Never have, never will – so, I suggest you rein in that ego you’re packin’ around,” she finally managed to growl, licking her lips when his tanned hands went to the buckle of his belt. “My admittedly amazing body might – and at this point, that’s a BIG might - be on loan to you for the evening, but that’s the extent of my commitment to you. And as for me having other playmates, a lady never kisses and tells, but I will say that I’ll make as many playdates as I want. This sandbox belongs to me, Abel,” she informed him with a seductive smile as her head settled on her pillow.

  “Baby, what you need to understand right now is that a bigger bully just walked on your playground and that bastard never shares his toys,” he returned in a deep rumble that brought about an almost imperceptible shiver from Patience’s slender body, but his sharp eyes caught every second of the show. Shoving his jeans over his lean hips, Abel offered her a purely predatory look as he ran his eyes over the luscious body lying on the bed before him.

  “I really hope that what you’re hiding behind those silk boxers is more interesting than the crap comin’ out of your mouth because I’m getting’ bored down here,” Patience returned with an exaggerated yawn as Abel’s slacks slid down his muscular thighs. Tilting her head against the pillow, she cocked one eyebrow at him. “C’mon, Abel. Entertain me. If you think you can.”

  Abel’s eyes roamed down her flushed face over the mounds of her breasts still just barely covered by a scrap of lace that was supposed to constitute her bra down to the bare plump folds of her pussy and licked his lips. Reaching a hand toward her, he slid two fingers slowly down the slick, pouty lips of her core and watched her shudder on the bed. “Darlin’, you get any more interested and I’m gonna need to find a fire hose because the way it feels to me, I’m doin’ a fine job of burnin’ you up from the inside out.”

  He wasn’t wrong, but Patience would be damned before she admitted it. Instead she called on every scrap of courage she possessed and bravely rolled to her knees and reached toward him, hooking her fingers in the elastic of the black silky boxers he still wore and tugging his body toward her. They were here for one thing right? What had he called it? A do-over? Yeah, that had been it.

  Well, it was time to get the job done, wasn’t it?

  Slipping an inquisitive hand inside the expensive material, she cupped one hand around his erection and stared into his eyes, his irises smoky with smoldering passion and caught her breath. He was big – much bigger than she remembered; for a second she wondered if she’d bit off more than she could chew. Of course, she quickly discarded those unhelpful thoughts. She was Patience McKinnon. There was no way she’d let herself be intimidated by something as trivial as Abel Turner’s package – even if it seemed to have grown more impressive during the three years since she’d seen it last.

  Wrapping her fist around his thick length, she heard his low grunt of approval and used her other hand to tug the underwear down his legs. Biting her lip, she forced herself to look away from his face and down his body over his sculpted chest to the goody she held in her palm and gazed at it with stunned wonder.

  “Holy hell,” Patience breathed, staring at Abel’s member.

  Abel lifted one hand to caress the side of her face, tapping his index finger against her slackened jaw as her eyes remained glued to his dick. “You don’t have to feign surprise, babe. We both know you have firsthand intimate knowledge of what I carry between my legs. Although, if you keep gaping at my cock, I’m gonna need to snap a picture. Your expression right now is too priceless not to want to capture.”

  Patience swallowed hard as she continued staring at the thick, heavily veined one-eyed monster she held in her grip. Dear God, he was huge. Not just big. Nope. Nuh uh. Hell to the no! He was freaking hung – much like she imagined Zeus or any of those other godly Greek freaks had been endowed. From the hard stem to the tip of the flushed, purplish mushroom head, Abel’s dick was a work of art. Well hung with a silver piercing at the tip that only promised to add to her pleasure, she had to wonder if that long ago night they’d shared had been a figment of her imagination. Because this was definitely not the same package she’d unwrapped that evening three years ago.

  “I am surprised. Trust me, I’d have remembered this,” she murmured appreciatively, flexing her fingers around the hot flesh in her hand. God, he felt good in a guaranteed-to-melt-your-panties-and-leave-scorch-marks-on-the-sheets kind of way. Feeling him firm and aroused underneath her hand, she fought the urge to climb him like a tree and impale herself on his long, jutting branch. Of course, he’d probably enjoy that… and this was Abel Turner, after all. She had to torture him a little first. The nature of their relationship demanded it – no matter how much her body wanted to fall on its back and throw her legs in the air like she hadn’t a care.

  “You know, I realize that I picked on your pecker a lot over the years, but I never thought you’d go and have cosmetic surgery over it,” Patience mused aloud as her thumb toyed with the silver hoop that ran through his crown and she licked her lips hungrily. I can’t tell you how heartened I am to know that my complaints made such an impact with you, Abel.”

  Narrowing his eyes on the top of her head where she bent over his dick, Abel hissed through his teeth as her fingertips swept up and down his length. “No plastic surgery, Hellion. That’s a hundred percent all me,” he managed to growl out as her fingers tightened around him.

  Peering up at him through her lashes, Patience smiled slowly. “Pharmaceutically enhanced, then?” she asked sweetly. “I’m touched that you’d pop a pill for ‘lil ole me.”


  Snapping the fingers of her free hand, Patience’s eyes danced as she met his gaze. “I’ve got it! You invested in a penis pump!”

  Threading his fingers through her blonde hair, Abel tugged until she rose on her knees and her face hovered in front of his. “No plastic, no pills, no pumps, woman. This,” he bit out, pumping his hips against her grip, “is all your doing.”

  “Well, you can understand my confusion,” Patience returned, cocking her head as she stroked him again. “You didn’t exactly rise to this occasion the last time we were together.”

  Abel’s eyes heated as she spoke and his hands tightened in her hair before he replied quietly. “This is the last time I’m going to say it, Patience. That night I wasn’t performing at optimum capacity for a lot of reasons and none of them… not a single one of them had a thing to do with you. You were perfect. I was fucked up. You got screwed, baby – no pun intended. I didn’t mean to, but I used you to ease an ache. I cheated you out of something special, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. Taking your innocence the way I did…it ought to be criminal. You have no idea how much I wish I could go back and change the way things happened, but I can’t. All I can do is focus on right now. And tonight is going to be as different from that night as night is from day. Tonight, you’ve got my full, devoted attention dedicated one hundred percent to pleasing you – to making you feel as good as a woman can feel underneath a man’s hands. There’s no alcohol, no recently failed relationship, and no stupid funk to cloud my judgment. Tonight you get
me. All of me. I’m going to wipe away every unsatisfying memory you have of my hands on you that night and love you now the way I should have loved you then. But you have to let me, darlin’. You have to be brave and let me in.”

  She didn’t want to let his words get to her, but they did. They spoke not only to that tiny insecure part of her that had wondered if she’d been the problem the night they’d spent together, but also to the woman she now was. And both of those crazy women liked what they heard. Of course, she wasn’t going to let him know how much his declaration affected her. She needed to distract him. Now. So instead of opening her mouth and talking to him, she shrugged her slim shoulders carelessly and dipped her head until she stared at his cock again.

  “Oh, shut it, Abel. You really didn’t expect that I was just gonna lie back and spread my legs for you without getting in at least a few licks of my own,” she murmured, darting her pink tongue out to swirl around his piercing. Scratching the nails of one hand up the inside of his thigh, she heard his low groan.

  “Dammit, Patience, you’ve got to listen to me,” he began to argue, slowly pulling himself away from the fiery heat her tongue created against him. Until that hand that had been innocently scratching his thigh suddenly cupped his aching balls. Then, he ceased movement altogether.

  “Abel, honey, I’ve got you quite literally by the balls right now,” she warned, her voice light and lyrical as she squeezed the sensitive sacs gently in her hands. “And I’m telling you, talkin’ is the last thing I wanna do. Now, do I treat these jewels of yours with kindness and care I’m sure you think they deserve, or am I gonna need to get downright ornery?” she asked, lifting her head to glare at him.

  Abel grinned at her sharp tone. “Darlin’, it’s impolite to talk with your mouth full,” he murmured, pushing his crest past her parted lips and sinking into the wet heat of her mouth.

  Humming happily as his staff slid over her tongue, Patience momentarily wondered if his piercing made him more sensitive to her touch. Quickly, she decided to test her theory and pulled back just enough, until only the head of his cock remained between her lips. She found the silver hoop with her teeth and tugged it lightly. The low grunt that escaped Abel’s lips was the only confirmation she needed that, yes, the head of his dick was definitely the most sensitive part of his masculinity and the piercing only intensified the sensation for him.


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