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Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 3)

Page 6

by Sarah O'Rourke

  With that in mind, she set out to drive him crazy.

  Fortunately, she enjoyed his earthy taste in her mouth almost as much as she loved the low curses and long groans that she tore from his throat as she pleasured him. The high she got from rendering the usually unflappable attorney into a grunting, sweating mass of caveman rivaled the one time she’d stolen Uncle Jethro’s moonshine and spent the night contemplating the origins of the universe with her best friend, Maggie.

  Relentless, she pushed further, employing lips, tongue and teeth to nearly render him insane, and it took far less time than she’d estimated before he was jerking himself from her mouth and hooking his hands around her knees to topple her backward on her bed. “Hey, I wasn’t done with that,” Patience complained, her abs curling as she tried to sit back up and reach between Abel’s legs for the erection still pointed in her direction.

  “You’re done,” Abel replied, his low voice tight and gruff as he gently pushed her shoulder back toward the bed and planted one fist in the mattress beside her hip as he leaned over her. “You’re forgetting whose game this is tonight, Hellion. My dick, my do-over, babe,” he declared with a slow smile, trailing the tips of his fingers up the inside of one bare thigh.

  “My bed, my rules,” Patience reminded him breathlessly, biting her lower lip when he reached her nether lips and traced their seam with a feather light touch.

  Abel’s lips hovered above Patience’s mouth as their eyes locked. “Haven’t you figured out that there are no rules tonight?” Dipping his head, he nuzzled her neck and chuckled. “All bets are off, Patience. No rules and no limits, and no inhibitions for us tonight. Just pleasure. Fiery, intense, bone melting pleasure,” he whispered, licking the throbbing pulse in her neck.

  “You think a lot of your skills, don’t you?” she asked, wriggling underneath him. His deep voice was hypnotic, reeling her into the sensual web he was weaving and trapping her there. “Has it occurred to you that I like rules?”

  Reaching between them, he flicked the clasp of her bra, drawing back enough so that he could see her breasts, milky and full and just begging for his mouth. “Stop pouting, Patience,” he gently rebuked her, his sexy voice containing just an edge of harshness to it. “As much as I love what that dirty mouth was doing to my cock, I want a taste of you. Missed my chance three years ago. Didn’t realize what I had that night. Been kicking myself for three years for that atrocity. I didn’t take the time to savor you then. I should have, but I didn’t and that was my loss. Tonight, I’m gonna rectify that mistake. I’m gonna take my time and get to know every creamy inch of your sinfully delicious body. I’m gonna lick it and taste it and commit every fucking moment to memory, and you, baby, are gonna lie there and let me do it. Then, once I’ve tasted every inch of you… once I’m sure that I’ll never forget the flavor of your skin, I’m going to fuck you so hard and so deep that you’ll swear I made myself a permanent part of you. That’s my plan. That’s what I’m going to do. You understand?” he growled, ducking his head to nip one plump strawberry-hued nipple with his teeth.

  Shivering at the erotic promise his words held, Patience drew in a deep breath. Suddenly hesitant, she whispered, “Abel, I don’t know if…”

  “I know, Patience. I’m sure enough for both of us, sweetheart. All you’ve got to do is tell me yes and enjoy this, and I promise, you will,” he murmured against her ear, settling between her parted legs and rocking his hips against her bare pussy. “Yes or no, darlin’. Those are the only two options available here. Choose. Now.”

  She had doubts. There was no denying that. In fact, if her doubts could be measured on a Richter scale, California would definitely be falling into the Pacific Ocean. But she wanted what he offered. Deeply. Desperately. And most certainly of all, undeniably. So, she was extremely proud of herself when she whispered her assent with only a faint tremble in her voice.

  “Okay, Abel. Yes,” she whispered, fighting to keep her voice steady even though her heart threatened to explode from her chest.

  One side of Abel’s mouth quirked upward as he lifted his head to stare down at her. “Yes?” he repeated softly.

  “Yes.” When he did nothing more than remain above her, looking down at her with the familiar grey/green eyes she’d spent years resenting, she huffed impatiently. “Are you going to actually make a move or was this all a big tease, Abel?” she asked a few seconds later.

  “Patience,” Abel murmured, sliding a hand against her face and running his thumb over the apple of her cheek.

  “What?” she snapped, her body going hot and achy as he began to lower his head.

  “Shut up and let me be in charge for once,” he ordered before nipping her full lower lip. “From now until I leave this bed in the morning, the only words you’re allowed to say are ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘more’, ‘faster’, ‘harder’, and ‘deeper’.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding…”

  Lifting his head, he nailed her with a meaningful look. “Or I can go get a gag,” he offered pleasantly. “It’s your call.”

  Swallowing hard, Patience shook her head quickly even as she felt a thrill of excitement at the thought. “No,” she replied, deciding to play by his rules – for the moment.

  Licking the shell of her ear, Abel grinned. “That’s my brave girl. And since you’re being good, I’ll let you in on a secret. See, what you didn’t experience three years ago because I was off my game in a big way was the fact that, in the bedroom, I’m in control, Patience. Completely and totally in control. Of your pleasure and of mine. I say when. I say how. I say how slow or how fast. How deep and how hard. All of it, baby. It’s up to me. But, I promise you, you’re gonna be satisfied in ways that you never dreamed existed. All you have to do is trust me. Can you do that, Patience? Can you let go of the wheel and let me steer this?” he asked between gentle nibbles to her neck as he pressed his hips against hers.

  Man! That was a tougher question than he thought it was. She was a woman that took a lot of joy in being behind the wheel regarding every aspect of her life. Besides, on those rare occasions when she wasn’t in the driver’s seat, she was guilty of side seat navigation. It was just who she was. Safer that way, too. If she crashed the proverbial car, she only had herself to blame, right? But as she felt Abel slide his cock against her extremely sensitive happy place, his piercing rubbing just the right spot, she decided control was vastly overrated.

  He could have it…just as long as he didn’t stop doing that delicious hip roll of his.

  And a heartbeat later, when his hip roll became a solid lunge and he sank home, all thoughts of who was in control of whom became all but a dim memory. She no longer gave a rip. Abel was inside her, buried deep and true. Better yet, this time, he would remember the time he spent in her body. Feeling his warm tongue lap against the shallow indentation where her collarbone met her throat, Patience moaned. “Oh, God,” she breathed shakily, lifting her arms to bury her fingers in Abel’s hair.

  “Nope, last I checked, my name was Abel,” he declared with a grin against her neck. “And God wasn’t on your preapproved list of words, Hellion,” he reminded her, thrusting a little harder into her wet core as she shuddered underneath him. She felt exquisite, her pussy wrapped snugly around his cock, squeezing him gently as he moved in and out of her body, each surge of his hip sliding him deeper. “Fuck, you feel good, Patience. Hot. Tight. Wet. A man’s favorite three things. Tilt your hips for me; let me get deeper, baby.”

  Mindlessly lifting her hips and obeying his command, Patience gasped as Abel sank even further, touching some deep, magical spot hidden inside her. Hearing his rough groan against her temple, she met his driving strokes, urging him to move faster as she moved one hand to his flexing ass. The tingle she felt nestled in her womb slowly became a burning need to be filled hard, deep and fast. Digging her nails into one cheek of his ass, she answered his groans with moans of her own, her legs wrapping tightly around his hips as their bodies moved in perfect synchr
onicity. Turning her head, she searched blindly for Abel’s mouth, their lips meeting in a hungry kiss filled with need and desire.

  “Holy fuck, woman,” Abel growled when Patience’s teeth nipped his lower lip. “You’re gonna kill me if you keep that up,” he warned, growling when she somehow managed to contract her already-tight pussy around his cock in an impossibly snugger grip.

  “What?” Patience teased, dragging her teeth over Abel’s dimpled chin. “Can’t keep up with me anymore?” she challenged, moving her lips to his neck and sucking the taut skin gently.

  Palming her supple ass in his hands, Abel smiled down at the woman beneath him. “Oh, baby, not only am I gonna keep up,” he returned as his hips began to set a brutal pace, “I’m gonna race you to the finish line.”

  And for the next several minutes, they stayed neck and neck in that sprint toward the finish line.

  Patience wanted it noted that she won.

  By a whole three seconds.


  Several hours later, the games continued. Patience gasped for breath and screamed hoarsely as Abel’s mouth continued working between her legs. “I give! You win!” she cried huskily, thumping his sweaty, muscled shoulder with her fist as she struggled to breathe. Christ, the man was a machine between the sheets, taking her repeatedly with barely a few minutes recovery time between bouts of what she’d fondly come to think of as “extreme lovemaking.”

  Hell, if sex was an Olympic sport, Abel Turner would have taken the gold several times over.

  And the smug bastard knew it!

  “I’m aware that I’ve won, but you haven’t said the magic words that I need to hear to accept you conceding defeat, Hellion,” Abel reminded her, dropping a kiss to the expanse of flesh just below her belly button. “Verbal confirmation is key here.”

  “I’m not saying it, Abel,” Patience declared breathlessly, squirming underneath his talented mouth. She still had her pride. She refused to add air to his overly inflated head. Or heads, as the case was. Although, that secondary brain he carried between his legs really wasn’t so bad, she admitted silently as her eyes drifted down to his semi-erect cock. It might have a mind of its own, but it held some really fascinating ideas.

  If she hadn’t been at this exact point, lying in the middle of her rumpled bed with a very naked Abel Turner doing deliciously decadent deeds to her exhausted body, she never would have believed all that had happened between them was possible. Everything about their previous encounter had been completely and irrevocably erased from her befuddled mind, her less-than-dazzling memories of him between the sheets permanently dimmed by the pleasure he’d shown her over the course of one very long night. All that now mattered was the fact that he had more than enough firepower between his legs to prove his point. And damn, that little silver thingamabob hooked through the eye of his very pointy personal needle was just the cherry on top of the sex sundae he’d been serving her for the last five hours!

  She felt him nip her inner thigh and the bare twinge of pain produced by those straight, white teeth of his was just enough to draw her back into the present. Pulling tightly on his hair, she met his twinkling eyes as he demanded, “Say. It. Don’t make me tie you up again, darlin’.”

  The mere thought of what he had done to her when those silk scarves had delicately bound her wrists and ankles to her wrought iron headboard was enough to make her eyes glaze over for a moment. Shaking her head to gain some hope of sanity, she wrinkled her nose prettily. “Let me guess. You think I should say something along the lines of “Abel Turner is a sexual god among men and should be worshipped by all females across the universe.””

  Abel grinned widely as he paused for a moment, propping his chin on her hip as he pretended to consider her response. “Well, it does have a nice lyrical ring to it, but I’ll be satisfied with being adored by just one woman. You know how humble I am and all.”

  Rolling her eyes as she stretched languidly, the early morning sunlight peeking through her wooden blinds and bathing them both with a faint yellow glow, Patience shrugged. “I might be persuaded to admit to having achieved a small measure of satisfaction under your dedicated attention. Any more than that and I’m gonna get a reputation as easy. I know it’s hard for you, but that’s about as far as I’m willin’ to bend for you.”

  Now it was Abel’s turn to snort. Pulling up on his knees, he couldn’t help but appreciate the beautiful body laid out in front of him. Tracing a finger against her flat stomach, he said, “Babe, I’ve chased you all over hell’s half acre for nearly three fucking years. Easy is NOT a word that enters into your vocabulary or anyone else’s who knows you.” Trailing his finger up her delicate skin, he hovered just underneath her pert breast as he said with a widening grin, “We’re good together, Patience. Admit it. But I gotta admit, you got the hard part down just right.” Palming his growing erection, he smirked at her. “This is hard on me,” he whispered, shifting to drop a lingering kiss against her neck. “I get that way every time I look at you. Right now, I can truthfully report that I’ve never been this horny in my life. And I don’t think you have, either I dare you to tell me I’m reading that wrong, Hellion.”

  Hearing the serious edge of Abel’s challenge, Patience stiffened slightly underneath him. He was skating entirely too close to the truth now. It was time to deflect. And deny, deny, deny. Otherwise, he’d realize just how close she was to throwing caution to the wind and diving into him again. “Now, honey, horny is a real subjective term. It’s also a condition that a girl can take care of all by her lonesome as long as she’s got a couple of fresh double A batteries.”

  “Babe, I think we can both agree that as long as I’m around, those batteries can stay in the package. Your days of battery-fueled orgasms are safely behind you,” Abel replied against her ear, shifting over her to settle above her body.

  Pressing her head against the pillow behind her head, Patience frowned. “What are you talkin’ about?” she asked, her blonde eyebrows furrowing as he lifted his head to meet her confused gaze.

  “What do you mean, what do I mean?” Abel retorted, planting his elbow in the mattress beside her head and rearing up until his torso loomed over hers. “Why the hell would you need a vibrator when you have me now, darlin’? I might not have an engine in my dick, but I think I proved really damn well that I can make your engine purr.”

  Her body – which had been humming happily along after the last seriously strong orgasm Abel had given her – suddenly froze. She could swear that she could feel the blood draining from her face. By the concerned look on Abel’s face, he could see it, too. She needed to say something here, preferably something both witty and witchy that would remind this man that whatever had briefly transpired between them, it had been temporary. A blip on their radars…an anomaly… a one off….a freaking do-over! Not a “do, rinse, and repeat”until the end of time.

  He must have heard the grinding gears in her mind. His eyes became a greyish green cyclone of color, glinting ominously the longer their stare down continued. “Jesus,” he muttered just before the muscle in his strong jaw began to flex dangerously. “I knew you were gonna do this.”

  Patience raised her eyebrows, silently inviting him to go on. From his tone, she recognized his growing agitation, but she wanted to hear whatever bullshit he was about to spew her way. It would fuel her own anger, and right now, she needed to be pissed. It would make it easier to push him out of her bed and out of her life. Because if there was one thing that she needed to avoid at all costs, it was a relationship of any real kind with Abel Turner.

  She didn’t do relationships – at least not the kind she suspected he wanted to explore.

  “Woman,” Abel bit out, his deep voice threaded with frustration, “You were here last night. At one point, I think you forgot every word in your vocabulary except ‘more’. You experienced our chemistry. You felt it in every cell of your body just like I did. You don’t, for even a second, think that I’m gonna let you avoid
facing that, do you, baby? We have something here.”

  Patience tried to keep a reaction from her face as she shook her head. Licking her lips nervously, she shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Sure, I felt something, Abel. It was called an orgasm. Hell, I’ll even admit to experiencing multiple orgasms. It felt good. Great, even. But it was a temporary pleasure just like last night was a temporary departure from sanity for me. It happened. It felt like….”

  “If your next words aren’t ‘coming home’, then we’ve got problems, Hellion,” Abel warned softly, determination firming his jaw as he narrowed his eyes on her. “Because we both know that’s what it felt like.”

  Pushing at his defined chest with an open palm against his sternum, Patience felt her flight or fight instinct kick into high gear. And unfortunately, this was her apartment. She couldn’t just run away here. She was home. Which meant, he had to go.

  And that meant she had to fight. Or at least be a big enough bitch that he’d flee.

  “I never made you any promises or declarations, Asshat,” she returned sharply, her own eyes narrowing with irritation. “You wanted a do-over, Abel. Not a do it again and again. That option was never on the table.”

  “Baby, your lips might not have made me any promises, but your body doesn’t lie. It was makin’ them all over the place for you last night and this morning. And I’m gonna make sure you keep every single fucking one of them.”

  Okay, she was getting in way too deep here because Abel Turner was entirely too adept at saying all the things a woman wanted to hear. Somehow, someway, she needed to find a way to get him off of her and out of her space. “It was sex, not a lifelong commitment, Abel. We both got what we wanted out of this. I got off and you got to prove that your dick doesn’t disappoint. You want me to spread that shit wide for you since I’m the one that’s been mouthing off for years, then I will. But, you need to go. Now,” she demanded as she tried to scoot out from under his heavy body. Honest to God, she felt like she was burning up from the inside out. And not in the good way that she’d indulged in last night.


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