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Brick: An Urban Paranormal

Page 9

by Natavia

  “I was waiting for you. I was ready to come, and crash your date until I saw a vision of you leaving,” Brick said. His heavy voice echoed throughout the woods. He would’ve looked like a giant statue if he wasn’t moving. His skin looked like cement, but he was still soft. He picked me up, and held me close to him with one arm. I wrapped my legs around his waist like I was a toddler.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  Brick flew up in the sky when I closed my eyes. I screamed when I opened my eyes because we were high up in the clouds. I fainted in his arms.


  “Wake up!” Brick said and tapped my face.

  “Where am I?” I asked.

  “London,” he said.

  “Are you joking?” I replied.

  “We are in London. Tell me why this place is special to you,” he said.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  “I know everything,” he replied.

  “No you don’t,” I said.

  “I can’t argue with that,” Brick said.

  I stood up, and crawled to the ledge of the building. I was too afraid to stand up although I knew Brick would’ve caught me. London was on my bucket list.

  “Just like that, huh? Just pick me up, and fly me across the world?” I asked.

  “I can be full of surprises,” he replied. I blushed when he looked down at me, and gazed into my eyes. His intense stare forced me to look away.

  “You are actually a sweet giant,” I said. He tossed me up, and his wing caught me in mid-air.

  “The moment was ruined fast,” I giggled.

  “I can’t let you have all the excitement,” he said. He sat down and pulled me down with him. I looked down at the city while sitting between his legs.

  “Is that the Tower Bridge?” I pointed.

  “Yeah,” he replied.

  “It looks better in pictures,” I said.

  “Everything looks better in pictures,” Brick replied.

  “Not the creatures. I read books with creatures in it when I was a little girl. They had long and slimy tongues with sharp nails. They were hideous all the way around. You are so different, and perfect. You seem unreal, and I have to ask myself if I'm dreaming. This is a fairytale,” I said.

  “You and Shawn are compatible because you both are nerds,” Brick teased, and I yanked a loc that rested on his shoulder.

  “Owww, shit. I was just kidding, damn,” he laughed. He moved my hair away from my neck.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  “A tattoo that just appeared out of nowhere,” I replied. He traced over it with his finger.

  “It’s the same pattern in the sky,” he replied.

  “No shit,” I said.

  “I thought I cured that smart mouth of yours,” Brick said. I looked up at him and his eyes glowed. I couldn’t help myself when I reached out to touch his face. I was amazed how scary, but beautiful his creature was.

  “This is the best date ever,” I said.

  “You call this date?” he joked. I rolled my eyes at him, and scooted away from him. His wing scooted me back close to him. I rested my head on his solid chest and relaxed. I heard slight snores seconds later.

  “BRICK!” I yelled.

  How can his big ass fall asleep knowing I’m afraid of heights? I asked myself.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “You fell asleep on me,” I said. He stretched his arms out, and yawned.

  “Your closeness is soothing. I’m usually up, and alert around the clock,” he replied.

  “Can we go now?” I asked.

  “You don’t want to watch the sun come up?” he asked.

  “All I wanted was to see the bridge. I saw it, and now I have to find other places in the National Geographic book that you can take me to,” I said. I was excited, and couldn’t wait to explore the world.

  “I’m your personal jet?” he laughed. Brick’s deep laugh echoed in the sky, and I punched his arm.

  “You allowed me to hit you this time, huh?” I asked. I broke my fingers the first time I hit Brick.

  “Don’t get carried away with it. One day you might hit me while I’m shielded, and that will be the day I won’t heal you,” Brick joked.

  “Asshole,” I said.

  He picked me up, and wrapped his wing around me. I thought he used his wings while flying, but he didn’t have to. He soared through the sky like a shooting star. I closed my eyes, and held on tightly. I was still afraid of heights, but being with Brick made me feel secured.

  The next day…

  I walked into work and Mr. Epstein eyed me with his eyebrow raised. I was supposed to return to work the day before, but I called out sick. Brick didn’t want me to go to work that morning, but he was too stubborn to say it. I cooked him a big breakfast before I slid out of the door.

  What did he do to me? I thought because I couldn’t stop thinking about Brick. Mr. Epstein was still eyeing me while I was thinking about Brick.

  “You look very well this morning,” he finally said with his arms crossed. I was the one who kept his office together. I did a damn good job. I also helped him with things that weren't work related.

  “I feel better,” I said.

  I walked past him, and into my office. I sat down at my desk, and he stood in my doorway. I was getting agitated with him.

  “Can I help you with something this morning, Mr. Epstein?” I asked.

  “Emilia is not happy about missing her hair appointment. The hair appointment that you were supposed to book,” he spat.

  “How old is Emilia again?” I asked.

  “Thirty-two,” he replied.

  “Exactly! She can book her own hair appointment,” I said.

  He grabbed his tie as his face turned red. He was taken back from my blunt attitude. I was sick of being his pet, and the pay was horrible. I was a college graduate, and I deserved a higher pay. I was living in a bad environment and couldn’t afford a new car. I would’ve been walking to work if it wasn’t for Brick. He totaled my car, but it was on its last leg anyway. All my job did was keep a roof over my head, so I accepted its many flaws, but enough was enough.

  “You are suspended without pay!” Mr. Epstein said to me.

  I closed the laptop, and placed it inside my purse. It was my laptop because Mr. Epstein was too cheap to buy me a computer, and I was exhausted from handwriting everything. I grabbed the rest of my belongings, and stuck them inside of a small box.

  “What are you doing? Put those things back,” he said.

  “Shut the fuck up! These are my things that I bought! I quit this job,” I replied. A few people inside of the office stopped what they were doing to watch the drama unfold. Sadly, I gave in to their perception of me, but fuck them all! Mr. Epstein closed my office door for privacy.

  “Please don’t quit! I’m only doing what I have to do as your boss. You called out sick, but Samantha saw you at a sports bar. I have to set an example. I didn’t mean to bring up, Emilia. Please don’t quit on me. I can’t depend on anyone else to do all of what you do for me,” he said.

  “You mean your dirty work? I worked around the clock for you! Not once did we talk about a raise. I came to work sick, and on my days off. I called out one time, and I’m being suspended for it,” I replied.

  “We can go over your raise when you come back from suspension. Just don’t quit,” he begged.

  “I will be expecting my last check in the mail. Don’t make me come to this office like the ghetto bitch y’all think I am if I don’t get my check. I think your wife would love to know what you have been up to, so don’t screw me over. Have a nice day Mr. Epstein,” I said.

  I grabbed my things and walked out my office. I stopped at Samantha’s desk, and whispered in her ear.

  “I should tell your boss that I saw you come into my neighborhood a few times to buy drugs. See you around, crackhead,” I said.

  Her face tur
ned red in embarrassment. She got up from her desk, and ran into the break room. A black Jaguar pulled up next to me while I was putting my things inside of my truck. I wanted to run for the hills when Shawn got out of the car.

  “The woman I came to see,” he said.

  “Good morning. What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I brought you breakfast. Did I catch you at a bad time?” he asked. I always wanted a clean cut man who wore a nice suits. Shawn was the perfect gentleman, but he caught me at a bad time because of Brick.

  Human men don't seem the same to me anymore. Wait a minute, I’m human too. Damn you, Brick! I thought.

  “I actually just quit my job,” I said.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you? My secretary is going on maternity leave for a while. Do you want to come to my office?” Shawn asked.

  “I will get back to you on that. Right now I just need to see what it is that I really want to do. This was something that happened at the last minute. Being someone’s secretary isn’t part of my future goals,” I said.

  “Smart woman,” he replied.

  “We can eat at the picnic table in the park,” I said. We made small talk as we headed to the park. It was the least I could do because he drove across town to bring me something to eat. A bird landed on my shoulder when I sat down at the table. Shawn balled up a paper bag, and threw it at the bird.

  “Damn scavengers,” Shawn said. The bird came back to me when I hummed the melody I heard in my dream. Shawn stared while I fed the bird a piece of my bagel.

  “Birds goes into trash cans. They are filthy with germs,” Shawn said.

  “And so are people. What is your point?” I asked.

  “I didn’t expect you to be the type to feed an animal while eating,” he replied.

  “I didn’t know you picked on small things that can’t defend themselves. This bird was someone’s pet, but they let it go because they didn’t want it,” I said.

  I’m freaking out right now! How did I know that? What in the hell is going on with me? Oh God, I’m Dr. Dolittle, I thought. The bird didn’t talk to me, but I sensed it.

  “How do you know?” Shawn asked.

  “I have my resources,” I replied.

  “I’m invited to a party, and I was wondering if you can be my date? I promise I won’t bite,” Shawn said.

  Turn him down, Nabila. Turn him down! I thought. Shawn was just too nice to turn down.

  “Okay. How should I dress?” I asked.

  “You look stunning every time I see you, so I will leave that up to you,” he said.

  Awwwwwwww, I thought.

  I decided it to keep Shawn around as a friend. What Brick and I had was a deal, and eventually we had to go our separate ways; we came from two different worlds. It wasn’t fair to me to miss out on a good man over a deal. Brick wanted his freedom and I wanted my life which was our real connection to each other.

  “Just text me the details, and I’ll meet you there,” I replied.

  “Great,” he smiled.

  We walked around the park and made small talk after we ate. The conversations were getting better because I initiated them.

  “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” I asked Shawn. It was more interesting than talking about boating and hiking.

  “I’m too embarrassed to say,” he said.

  Ugh, you are probably still a virgin, I thought.

  “Do tell,” I replied.

  “My parents had a party for me after I graduated law school, and I ended the night with one of my mom’s friends. It was a crazy night, but I was well pleased. I wasn’t the best looking thing in school which made me shy around women. I had a bad case of insecurity issues. I hired a stylist, and a fitness trainer after I landed my job at the firm. I had to look the part for my job. Nobody trusts a lawyer who isn't clean cut,” he said.

  “It turned out great for you, but what happened to your mom’s friend?” I asked.

  “She’s married to a pastor. We had a secret affair for over three-years, but I got bored with it. I wanted marriage and kids, and she couldn't give me that,” Shawn said.

  “I would’ve never known you were a side man. Your life is interesting after all,” I said, and he laughed.

  “I got to protect my image, and I still respect her enough to protect hers. You are the only person who knows besides us,” he said.

  “Thanks for sharing that with me,” I replied. He stopped and stared at me with a smirk on his face.

  “I’m waiting to hear about yours,” he said.

  “Prom night, and it was horrible. End of story,” I said.

  “That’s it? Was he your boyfriend?” he asked.

  “Yes he was, but it was horrible because he was drunk. He threw up on me while he was on top. Vomit got inside my mouth, and it turned into a near death experience for him and me. I wanted to die and kill him at the same time,” I replied.

  Who am I kidding? The orgasms Brick gave me was a near death experience, I thought.

  Shawn doubled over in laughter, and I wanted to hit him. He laughed until tears came out of his eyes.

  “That’s not funny corn ball,” I said, and he screamed.

  “Did you just call me a corn ball?” he asked. He wiped the tears from his eyes.

  Oops, that slipped out, I thought.

  “I call everyone that,” I lied.

  We joked with each other as we headed back to our vehicles. He wasn’t as boring after he loosened up to me.

  “You are one helluva woman. I enjoyed my time with you,” Shawn said.

  “You are not so bad yourself. I will see you later, and have a great day at work,” I replied. He caught me by surprise when he kissed my lips. I waved at him as he pulled off.

  What in the hell was I thinking? I thought because I quitted my job.

  It was too late to turn back because my pride wouldn’t let me. I had to put on my big girl panties, and figure out my next move.


  I walked into my kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. It was still early in the day, but I had nowhere else to be. I kicked off my heels when I sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until I came across Judge Mathis show. The wine began to make me sleepy...

  I walked down the hall inside of an ancient stone building. The building was roofless, and I could see big birds flying through the sky above me. I heard a loud noise behind me, and a deep gasp came from the pit of my stomach. It was a gigantic gargoyle standing in front of me. His locs reached down to his knees, and his goatee rested on his chest. His black wings dragged behind him as he walked towards me. I ran and hid behind a statue in the hallway. I was like Goldilocks when she was stuck inside of the bear's house. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming. I hoped he didn’t see where I ran off to. I heard a pretty melody, and it was hypnotizing. I came from out of my hiding place behind the statue but stayed in the shadow to be hidden. I peeked around the corner, and it was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was average in height, but her beauty was captivating. She too was a creature, but she wasn’t a gargoyle. Her skin was like chocolate, and she had big blue eyes. Her hair was long and dragged the floor when she walked. She was an ebony Rapunzel. I realized her hair was feathers when I looked closer. Her wings were gold, and so was the silk wrap dress she wore. The big gargoyle touched her stomach, and she blushed.

  She’s pregnant, I thought.

  A dragon size bird came out of the sky and landed on the floor. The bird’s wings were different colors like a garden of flowers. A gold plated shield covered the bird’s face to protect its eyes from the wind I assumed. The woman and the gargoyle flew onto the bird’s back. He wrapped his big arms around his mate, and her stomach glowed. He kissed her cheek, but he looks worried about something. She looked into his eyes to ensure him that everything was okay. The bird flew up and into the sky…


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