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Brick: An Urban Paranormal

Page 10

by Natavia

  It was nine o’ clock at night when I woke up drenched in sweat. I took a shower to cool off. I dried off and got dressed in a maxi dress with a pair of cute tie-up sandals. I was on my way to Brick’s home. He didn’t know I was coming, and I wasn’t sure if he was home because he wasn't answering his cell phone. An invisible force was pulling me to him, and I couldn’t ignore it. It was eleven o’ clock when I arrived at his home. The door was unlocked, so I walked in.

  “BRICK!” I called out.

  “What are you yelling for?” he asked me. My heart almost skipped a beat when I turned around. He wore jeans, but he didn’t have on a shirt. His construction boots and tool belt gave me dirty thoughts. I thought about male strippers as I stared at his chest.

  “Ummm, I thought you weren't home,” I said.

  “I just got here. I knew you were coming, so I left the door unlocked. I just finished a job,” he said. He walked past me, and I followed him into the kitchen.

  “What did you have to do?” I asked.

  “A garden. I can’t wait to finish it so that I can add it to my portfolio,” he replied. He grabbed three jugs of water out the fridge and finished them in seconds. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

  “You look stunning,” Brick said. I rolled my eyes at him because he was mimicking Shawn.

  “You have to admit he’s a lame,” Brick teased.

  “Are you jealous?” I asked.

  “You do know we are married right?” Brick asked.

  “We didn’t have a ceremony,” I replied.

  “It doesn’t matter. You are still a part of me whether we go to my planet or not,” Brick said. He tried to mask the anger in his voice. Something unexplainable was happening between us, and it started after we became intimate.

  “I can’t date other men because of this temporary thing we have going on?” I asked.

  “Do what you want to do,” Brick said. He walked out the kitchen, and I followed him into his shop. He took off his tool belt and slammed it on the floor.

  “I don’t know why I’m upset because I don’t care what you do or who you do it with,” he said.

  “Do you think it’s because of what you did to me?” I asked.

  “How in the hell I'm supposed to know? You are the first and last to receive what I gave you. I’m just as clueless as you are,” he said.

  “I quit my job today, but I’m sure your nosey ass already knows,” I said.

  “Let me know when dinner is ready,” Brick said. He sat on a stool and grabbed a pencil. He began to draw on the long sheet of white construction paper.

  “Who said I was cooking?” I asked. He looked at me with a raised eye brow. It was something about his male dominance that excited me. He had me wrapped around his finger, and I hated myself because of it.

  “Whatever,” I spat. I stormed out of his room with the door slamming behind me. I cooked him a tray of lasagna with alfredo sauce, garlic bread, and a bowl of salad. I sat my portions to the side and gave him the rest. He was still working when I walked into his shop. I peeked over his shoulder, and the layout of what he drew was beautiful.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “A serenity garden,” he said.

  “This looks very expensive,” I said.

  “It’s a lot a labor, so it does cost a lot,” Brick said.

  “You do landscaping too?” I asked.

  “Yeah, and I do it all by myself,” he said.

  Brick was like a magnet to me. I couldn’t resist him any longer, so I reached out and touched him. He turned around on the stool so that my hands could roam over his solid chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He dug his hands into my buttocks and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him as he held me up, and kissed me. He massaged my plump backside as he deepened the kiss. I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted his tongue to dip inside of my honey pot again. He stood me up and pulled away from me.

  “Ask your human friend to taste you. The only thing I’m tasting is the food you cooked for me,” Brick smirked. He walked past me, and out of the shop.

  “ASSHOLE!” I yelled out behind him.

  Everything I cooked for him was gone in less than ten minutes. I went inside of his bedroom with my plate and turned on his TV. He had the kind of bedroom where the rest of the house wasn’t needed. Brick’s bedroom was like a mansion itself. Something caught my eye from the bird fountain. I sat my plate down and walked over to the fountain. The water was so pretty and blue that it looked fake. I placed my hand inside the fountain.

  “You made it up the stairs by yourself?” Brick asked from behind me.

  “I’m shamefully used to your house,” I said and he chuckled.

  “That water is from my planet,” he said.

  “It’s prettier than the water in the Caribbean,” I replied.

  “We will go to my planet tomorrow morning, so rest up,” he said.

  “I don’t know if I want to go,” I said.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he replied.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

  “I guess you can,” he said. He took off his clothes and stood in front of me naked. I tried not to focus on the heavy equipment between his legs, but I couldn’t ignore it.

  I cleared my throat, “Do you have dreams about a big gargoyle and a bird woman?” I asked.

  “All the time, but I don’t understand them. I have been trying to connect everything, but it doesn’t make sense,” Brick replied.

  “Have you ever flew to the star pattern in the sky? In the dream, there was a window. In front of the window was the star pattern like the one on my neck. It seemed as if I was looking at the stars from the other side. The signs are there, but time will tell,” I said.

  “I tried it, and nothing happened. There is nothing behind those stars,” he replied.

  “We have to figure this out,” I said.

  “We?” he asked.

  “I’m having these dreams too, and I need to know why. This isn’t just about you anymore. It’s about us whether we want to believe it or not,” I replied.

  “You want to join me in the shower?” he asked.

  “I took one before I came,” I answered.

  He took off my dress and unclasped my bra. He took my braids out of the ponytail I had on top my head. He picked me up and carried me to the shower.

  “I can walk,” I said.

  “You move too slow,” he joked.

  “I think you like carrying me,” I said, and he stood me up.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, beautiful,” Brick said.

  I grabbed the bar of soap and stood underneath the water fall. I washed and massaged his back. He pressed his hands against the shower wall, and hung his head down to wash his hair. I wasn’t an ass person, but he had a perfect ass for a man. He was so perfect that I believed he was carved from out of the sky. I nervously washed his chest. I didn’t know why I was nervous, but maybe it was because of how his tall he was. He made me feel small, and easy to prey on, or it could've been the way his bedroom eyes looked at me. His hands clasped around my neck, and his heavy body pressed me against the shower wall. He deeply kissed me, and my legs turned into noodles. He turned me over, and my face was against the wall. He kneeled onto the shower floor, and spread my cheeks. I held my hands against the wall like I was being frisked by an officer. I couldn’t wait for what he had stored for me.

  “OHHHHHHHHHHHH” I whined when his tongue entered me. He gripped me by the waist, and lifted me. My knees rested on his shoulders in a bending position. My arms were pressed against the wall to keep me up. He stuck his tongue inside of me, and I almost screamed. I clawed at the wall when his mouth latched onto my clit.

  “STOP!” I cried out.

  He was applying too much which made me dizzy. He feasted on my pussy until my body went limp in his arms. His pleasure gave me my own version of Viagra. My sex drive was insane, and I wanted him buried deep within my
walls. I slid down his body, and my leg lazily wrapped around his waist. He knew what I wanted without me telling him. I closed my eyes when he entered me. I almost lost my breath when he pushed my stomach up to my chest. The sweet melody I heard in my dreams was inside of my head. My stomach lit up, and so did the rest of my body. I was ready to freak out, but I cried instead. I wasn’t crying from pain. I cried because of how good he made me feel.

  “It’s so wet for me,” Brick whispered in my ear. He pushed himself further into me and went faster. His body slammed into me, and the shower wall cracked.

  “GO HARDER!” I yelled.

  He pulled me down onto the floor and fucked me. His hard shaft drilled into my hole like a pile driver. His wings wrapped around me and trapped me inside of a cocoon. Our bodies got lost in each other’s spirits.


  Birds were resting on the headboard chirping when I woke up. A few of them were at the fountain drinking water. It was so many of them around me, I felt like Cinderella. I didn’t know about the hundreds of species of birds, but I knew they didn’t come from Earth. I groggily climbed out of bed. I got dressed in one of Brick’s t-shirts. I walked down the long, spiral staircase, and lost my footing. I screamed as I tumbled over. A swarm of birds appeared out of nowhere, and covered my body. I floated the rest of the way down until I landed on my feet. The birds strangely disappeared like they were never there.

  “BRICK!” I yelled.

  He came out his work shop eating an apple.

  “What’s the matter now, beautiful?” he smirked.

  “A gang of ghost birds stopped me from falling. Where in the hell did they come from?” I asked.

  “They came from your spirit. They protect you if I can’t,” he replied.

  “This is some crazy sci-fi shit,” I said.

  “Welcome to my world. I think I figured out the rock,” he said.

  I followed him into his workshop. It was something about the rock that gave me chills because I knew it came from another world.

  “This rock is a map. The stars are of different planets. Not the planets the humans taught you. These are planets of my world,” he said.

  “Interesting,” I said.

  “That’s what I figured out for now. Are you ready to go to my planet?” he asked.

  “Right now?” I replied.

  “Yes,” he said.

  My mind spun out of control while I showered. I was frightened, but Brick said he was going to protect me. A white bird appeared on the sink, and chirped at me.

  “Your ass better look out for me too. I can count on you and your posse if Brick fails me,” I said to the bird.

  I’ve lost my damn mind talking to this bird, but I can’t help it. I feel like it understands me, I thought.

  I wrapped my braids into a bun after I got dressed. My palms were sweaty, and my heart was pounding. I sat on Brick’s bed and prayed that I made it home safely. I thought of the possibility of them killing me, and taking my brain. Brick came into the room wearing jeans. His jeans sagged a little showing that perfect “V” shape that led to the piece I was addicted to. He gave me a small cup which smelled like fresh herbs.

  “It will calm your nerves,” he said.

  I took the small cup from him and took a sip.

  I want my old life back, I thought.

  My old life was boring, but my new life was erotic and confusing. After much thought, did I really want my old life back?


  N abila fell asleep after she drank the herbs. It was a remedy we used to make ourselves sleep after going months without sleeping. I tied her tightly to my body. Flying to Vada would’ve sent Nabila into shock. Her head rested on my chest, and I stared into her face. She had a face like an angel. Her full lips went into a small pout which made her appear innocent. I traced the outline of her soft lips before I kissed her forehead. She became more a part of me each day. It seemed as if I’ve known her for eternity. I left out of the house, and took off towards the sky. I was headed to a place I use to call home.

  On planet Vada…

  I landed on top of the kingdom with Nabila in my arms. I tore the rope off her before it left whelps on her skin. I headed to my domain at the bottom of the kingdom. The soldiers stopped what they were doing when they saw me carrying her.

  “Is that a human?” one of them asked.

  “It looks like it,” another answered.

  “Can I hold her?” a gargoyle name, Dalith, asked.

  “Hold her like she’s a pet? She’s mine and back away! All of you get in line!” my voice boomed inside the dungeon. They went back to their stations, and Eagle followed me into my domain.

  “Welcome back, brother,” Eagle said.

  “Hopefully my last time here,” I replied.

  I laid Nabila on the cement block that was meant for resting. Eagle brought me a bowl of water to wake her up with. I poured the water on her face, and her eyes fluttered. She jumped up, and hid behind me when she saw Eagle.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Eagle said.

  “Is he a baby or something?” Nabila asked me.

  “Brick is bigger than all of us,” Eagle answered. Nabila peeked her head around my wing. She was a little girl in a dungeon of oversized men.

  “I’m Nabila, and you are, Rock?” she asked Eagle. I roared with laughter, and so did Eagle.

  “She’s quite interesting,” Eagle said.

  “What’s funny? I thought you all were name Brick, Rock, Cement, Stone and the list goes on,” Nabila said.

  “My name is Eagle, and it’s nice to meet you. Or should I say “what’s up?” Eagle asked.

  “You’ve been to Earth too I see,” Nabila replied.

  “Naw. Brick uses their slang here all the time, and now we all are hip,” Eagle said.

  “Bad influence,” Nabila whispered to me.

  “Hush it up,” I replied.

  “Does the king know you are here?” Eagle asked me.

  “Not yet. I will arrive during feast time. Tell the other soldiers to keep their mouths shut,” I said to Eagle. He nodded his head before he left out of my domain. Nabila looked around the place that was considered my apartment on my planet.

  “All you are missing is shackles. This is like prison,” she said. My body changed out of combat mode, and my wings shrunk into my skin.

  “We can only be ourselves inside of our domain. When we walk around the kingdom we have to be in combat mode. Don’t freak out if you see a lot of large men with their wings dragging behind them,” I said. There was a knock on my door, and I slid it back. My father Rudan stood in front of me with a scowl on his face.

  “Where is it?” he asked.

  “Where is what?” I replied.

  “The human you gave yourself to!” he yelled.

  Nabila grabbed my hand, and I held on to it. She was scared, but she didn’t have a reason to be because I was her protector.

  “Is that the mark of Urane on her neck?” my father asked. The stars on Nabila’s neck highlighted the side of her face.

  “You know about that?” I asked.

  “I’ve heard stories about it,” he replied…

  “They are coming! Hide him,” a soft voice said.

  I couldn’t see or move. I only heard loud noises and yelling. A piece of material was placed over my face.

  “Don’t take him! Please don’t take him. You already took our water! You destroyed our kingdom. What else do you want from us?” the voice said.

  “Your planet to die!” the voice muffled…

  “Is everything okay?” Nabila’s voice brought me out of my daydream.

  Was I taken from my original home? I asked myself.

  “Those visions are just dreams and nothing more!” my father said. He knew when I had them, and he didn’t want me to believe in them.

  “Asshole,” Nabila said.

  My father charged towards her, but I blocked him.

  “You can forget about me if you e
ver lay a hand on her! Nobody in this kingdom is to touch her. I will go against everyone in order to protect her. Get out of my domain, and tell your bitch-ass king that I will be up shortly. I know you already ratted me out when you found out I was here,” I spat.


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