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Brick: An Urban Paranormal

Page 12

by Natavia

  “I don’t understand your selfishness, Casha,” he said.

  “We both are, and that's why we are perfect together. We were always for ourselves, and it drew us together. Why can't you remember?” I asked.

  “She wasn't supposed to find out this way! I wanted to talk to her, and tell her that I turned her into an immortal. She knew what I wanted, but she thinks we used her, so that me and you can be together. This shit was never about you, and you know it! You always find a way to ruin shit when you don’t get your way,” he fussed.

  “I do what I do because I know there is something still there for me. I want to protect you the same way you use to protect me. We are not supposed to trust humans! It’s written down in our kingdom,” I said.

  “Your kind created bullshit rules to enslave us into becoming their weapons!” he yelled.

  I walked into the wash room, and covered my face with my hands. I cried because it wasn’t supposed to be that hard. Brick told me he was going to love me forever, and I knew he meant it. I had to figure out a way to get him away from the human.


  T ears stung the brim of my eyes as I drove home. I didn’t want to cry, but I couldn’t help how much I liked the jackass. He tried to explain what happened, but I heard enough of it. He admitted that he went back to Casha to see if the feelings were still there. He told me she suggested leaving with him, but he didn't agree with it because he already had his own plans. I heard enough of Brick’s lies because he would've left her home if that was the case. I thought he wanted to be out of Vada’s military, but what he really wanted was a life with Casha. Vada was filled with immortal manipulators. I was manipulated into giving my body to a creature, so he could be with someone else. I was better off not knowing about the fantasy world’s existence.

  It poured down raining, and the weather reflected how I felt at that moment. I was jealous of Casha—the gorgeous dark beauty. She was beyond perfect, so Brick couldn’t resist her. She had a body that women on Earth paid for. I was expecting the women on his planet to look like creatures too. Casha was like the beautiful goddess we saw in paintings. Brick breaking my heart reminded me of my first heartbreak that happened a few years prior…

  “I just think we should go our separate ways,” Rod said to me. I invited him over to my apartment for dinner because of how distant he seemed to be.

  “What did I do wrong?” I asked.

  “I’m just not attracted to you anymore. My homeboys think I can do better, so Dave hooked me up with his cousin. I’ve been kicking it with her for about two months now. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how to. I’m going to miss your cooking though,” he said. He continued to eat my food after he admitted he didn’t want me, and was cheating on me.

  “Get your broke-ass out of my house before I get one of those thugs outside take your car. Get your bitch-ass up!” I yelled at him, and he jumped from the table.

  “I can’t finish my food?” he asked.

  I picked up a plate and threw it at his head. He held his face as blood dripped from his nose. He called me a bitch before he rushed out of my apartment. I left the mess on the table, and on the floor. I went into my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. I lifted up my window to let the spring air come in. A falling star caught my eye, and I remembered my mother told me to make a wish whenever I saw one. I wished for a perfect man. I wanted him to be so perfect that he wasn’t human. I wanted him to be strong like an ox, and the most handsome man I ever laid eyes on. I wanted him to tower over me like a giant so that I could feel protected. I didn’t want him until the time was right. I wanted him to come to me when I was ready to fall in love again, so that I could give him my all. After I made my mediocre wish, I finished the rest of my wine...

  “You gotta’ be fucking kidding me! Wishes don’t come true from falling stars. Oh my God, I wished for Brick? No way in hell I did,” I said out loud. Wishing on a star was a silly belief that existed, but I believed in it because I met Brick. Anything was possible if there were planets like Vada in the sky.

  A feeling of emptiness hit me like a ton of bricks when I walked inside of my apartment. I grabbed a few items out of the medicine cabinet for a bath. I turned on the water in the tub, and added bath beads and oil. My gown fell to the floor as I stepped into the tub. I rested my head against the wall, and closed my eyes. Something inside of me began to crave Brick, and not just sexually. I wanted to hear his voice, see him smile, and get lost in his eyes.

  “I’m not chasing him!” I said out loud, but nobody was there.

  I began humming the song in my dreams, and peace came over me. The water in my tub turned crystal blue, and pretty pink flowers filled the tub. White birds flew around my bathroom, and one landed on my shoulder.

  This can’t be happening, I thought. I closed my eyes again, and they were still there when I opened them. My stomach glowed like a night light. I closed my ears when the birds made noises that sounded like sirens. I covered my ears to save my eardrums. Pain ripped through my back, and almost snapped my neck. I climbed out of the tub to call an ambulance, but I fell on the floor.

  “STOP!” I yelled as the birds flew around me in a circle. There was some kind of ritual going on, and I was the sacrifice. A bone in my back snapped, and I screamed when I felt it break through my skin. Blood poured from my mouth while I fought to breathe. I laid still and closed my eyes as I welcomed death. Two black, bloody wings burst out of my back. I laid on the floor shivering, and in pain. My bathroom looked like a bloody, pig slaughter house. My heart stopped beating, and I closed my eyes.

  My eyes popped opened, and I sat up. I looked around, and the blood was gone. I felt my body to make sure it was real. I thought I died, but I was still on the floor inside my bathroom. There were no signs of any birds. I stood up to look in the mirror. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming. My body belongs in an art museum. I turned around to catch a glimpse of my back. I had the same wing tattoo as Brick, but my wings were different. My wings came together like one wing.

  “OH HELL NO! That son-of-a-bitch turned me into a pigeon!” I yelled out.

  I snatched my robe from behind the bathroom door and stormed into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels off the counter, and popped the top off. I guzzled the whiskey halfway down.

  “I need something stronger than this!” I said. I searched in the cabinets, and came up empty handed. I sat on the kitchen floor to finish my bottle. I didn’t have a job, I was no longer a human, and my soul mate already had a mate.

  “Why did you have to land on my car? Couldn't you land in the Zoo? Just take me, God!” I slurred.

  Maybe I can fly to heaven, I thought.

  My phone rang on the kitchen table. I crawled to the table to answer my phone.

  “Sally’s pet shop. Parrots for sale. How may I direct your call?” I answered.

  “Is everything okay with you?” Risha asked.

  “I was gang initiated by a damn group of swans. Am I an ugly duckling to you because I think I turned into a big beautiful bird. Help me,” I cried.

  “Are you and Brick smoking crack? I knew something was off about his weird eyes,” Risha said.

  “Shut the hell up Risha, and listen to me. Go get me a bird cage. The biggest one you can find. My life is not the same anymore. Please just save me,” I slurred.

  “I’m ready to come over there to smoke whatever you are smoking. I’m sliding my slippers on now. Save me some of that weed, and you better not smoke it all. I’m on my way,” she said before she hung up. I paced back-and-forth on the floor thinking about a solution to my problem. I opened the window to see if I saw any flying stars.


  “Get out of the window crazy bitch!” someone yelled at me.

  “FUCK YOU LIMP DICK!” I screamed.

  I hurriedly got out of the window just in case someone decided to shoot at me. I continued to pace back-and-forth until there
was a knock on my door. I opened my door, and Risha stormed in.

  “Did you save me some? I haven't had weed like that since I was eighteen-years-old,” she said.

  “I didn’t smoke anything,” I replied.

  “Are you doing bath salts?” she asked.

  I regretted answering her phone call because she was the last person to understand what I was going through.

  “I’m drunk,” I replied.

  I sat on the couch, and hugged myself. A bird flew in my room, and landed on my shoulder.

  “Awww, that's why you wanted a bird cage? You got a pet bird. What kind of bird is it though? It looks like it cost a lot of money,” she said.

  “I don’t know, Risha,” I replied.

  “What’s the matter with you?” she asked.

  I had to tell her something because she came over to see what was going on with me.

  “Brick’s girlfriend is back in town. I caught her hugging him in his bedroom, and the skank was naked,” I replied.

  “Ohhhh that's why you said you were an ugly duckling. Is she beautiful or something?” Risha asked.

  “Yes,” I said sadly.

  “Did you slap her?” Risha asked, and I rolled my eyes.

  “That’s not my man,” I replied.

  “Yes it is, but are you telling me that you left that skank with your man?” Risha asked.

  “He’s not my damn man,” I spat.

  “Okay, so get over it then,” Risha said. I wanted to choke Risha for suggesting that, but it wasn’t a bad idea. Like Casha said, “they no longer needed me.” I had to live my life as a woman with wings, and the thought made me cringe.

  Why do I need wings if I’m scared of heights? I thought.

  “I’m over them already,” I replied.

  “Are you hungry?” Risha asked and I nodded my head.

  She went into the kitchen to fix me something to eat. I didn’t have anybody, but Risha. She annoyed my soul at times, but she was the only friend I had.

  “I love you, Risha,” I said.

  “I knew you liked me. That's why you never gave any of these men a chance,” she joked. I turned on the TV, but I couldn’t focus on watching anything. I had thoughts of Brick screwing Casha the same way he did me. Her kind thought they were too good for his kind. They were segregated. The gargoyles on Vada were like slaves, and Casha’s brother was their master. She was too ashamed to show her love for Brick, but I wasn’t ashamed of him. He was beautiful, inside and out. I began to feel sick, lonely and miserable. I silently wept while Risha sang and danced around the kitchen.

  “Why can’t I find a perfect man?” I asked Risha.

  “Even the perfect man is not a perfect man. A perfect man doesn't exist, Nabila. A perfect man is what we think he should be, and not what he really is. We are all flawed in some kind of way, but what makes us perfect for someone is if they can look past our flaws, and love us for who we are,” she said. I sat up on the couch, and placed my hand over my chest.

  “Oh my God. You just said something I understood,” I joked.

  “I may not have your education, but I do have common sense. Stop being hard on yourself and give Brick a chance. A blind person could see that he was into you. The woman he’s with is there because you won’t let your guard down. I know he isn't into her because he was too wrapped up in you,” Risha said.

  “I’m afraid of getting hurt again,” I replied.

  “So, what are you going to do?” she asked.

  “Probably date Shawn to see where it goes. He doesn’t have a lot on his plate,” I replied.

  “That’s because he doesn't have a life,” Risha said.

  She was telling the truth, but Shawn was easy for me. He wasn’t complicated, and my feelings didn’t spiral out of control when I was with him. Brick’s presence alone was enough to make me become putty in his hands. The way he made love was enough to make a sane woman commit suicide. He was dangerous to me. Risha made me a steak sub with homemade fries. It was the best comfort food any scorned woman could ask for. She stayed over and watched TV with me. I covered her up with a blanket when she fell asleep on the couch. I went into my bedroom, and opened up the window. I stared at the stars until the sun came up.

  A few days later...

  I stepped into my black heels which matched my black cocktail dress. I spent the last few days lying around the house, and watching love stories. I was still having those dreams, and the birds came and went as they pleased. I prayed they didn't follow me to the party I was going to with Shawn. I left out my apartment, and headed for my truck. I thought about taking the job Shawn offered me until I found something better. The offer was still on the table, but I needed a little bit more time to myself before I went back to work. Mr. Epstein mailed me a check for ten thousand dollars. I guess it was his way of keeping me from telling his wife about his mistresses, but it could've been because he wanted me to come back. It was actually the money he owed me after I thought about it.

  Forty-five minutes later, I pulled up to a beautiful mansion. It sat on a hill, and the lights surrounding it made it more beautiful than what it was. I left my truck with valet, and met Shawn by the door. He looked handsome in an all black tuxedo. He placed his hand on my lower back, and pecked my lips.

  “Wowwwww. I knew you were going to look better than what I imagined,” he said.

  ‘You look very handsome yourself,” I replied.

  He held his arm out, and I put my arm through his; he escorted me to the party. A waitress walked over to me with a tray of champagne. It was Moët with a strawberry at the bottom to calm the fizz.

  “This is a beautiful house,” I said.

  “Stick with me, and I will show you the world. There is the man I wanted you to meet,” Shawn said. The man he introduced me to was an older white-man with a bald head, and a gray mustache. He reminded me of professor Xavier from X-men. He wore an Italian made suit with a pair of leather dress shoes. I could tell by his physique that he took care of his body.

  “This is Matthew Colleen. He’s a friend of my family, and Matthew this is Nabila Obway,” Shawn introduced us.

  “Is this the lovely lady you have been speaking about? She’s remarkable. You got your good taste from me,” Matthew said to Shawn. Matthew was pretty down to earth. I thought he was going to be a rich and uptight snob like the rest of the crowd. Shawn introduced me to the rest of his associates, and they all had the same personality. They laughed at each other’s corny jokes, and held deep and drawn out conversations about everything.

  “There he is! I want you all to meet the man who designed my garden, and now he’s working on a big project for me,” Matthew beamed. I almost dropped my champagne glass when he introduced Brick as Midas to everyone. Brick was dressed in a black tuxedo. The way his suit fit him had me, and the other women mesmerized. His hair was pulled away from his handsome face, and his grayish eyes bored into mine. He stared at me until I looked away.

  “You do a wonderful job. I love all of your work, and your designs are unique. Maybe we can get together one day, and go over marketing. You definitely need more exposure.” A Caucasian woman name, Amerie said to Brick. She eyed Brick like he was a glass of chocolate milk.

  “I will keep that in mind,” Brick replied.

  His eyes landed on Shawn’s arm which was wrapped around my hip. Brick felt as uncomfortable as I did.

  “Wow, so you are the one who’s the talk around town? I heard great things about you,” Shawn said, but Brick ignored him.

  “How is your night going beautiful? I haven't seen you in a long time,” Brick exaggerated.

  “You two know each other?” Shawn asked Brick.

  “Do we know each other, Nabila?” Brick asked. I almost choked on the strawberry inside of my champagne glass.

  “How is everything going? Where is your wife?” I asked.

  “She’s here,” Brick replied.

  “Did you two go to school together or something?” Shawn asked. He w
as intimidated by, Brick. Brick was more handsome, taller, and had a presence that drew attention. Shawn was used to being the center of attention because of his mannerisms, and handsome features, but Brick took it all away the moment he stepped foot inside the house.

  “I taught her a few things, so you might as well say I was her teacher,” Brick said.

  Shawn didn’t realize Brick took a shot at him. Shawn excused himself to speak with one of his golf club buddies. Matthew walked Brick around so he could brag about him to his guests. Women who were with their husbands drooled over, Brick. I wanted to kick my heels off to fight the woman who squeezed his arm.


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