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Brick: An Urban Paranormal

Page 14

by Natavia

  “Your beauty is still more captivating,” he said, and her cheek glowed from blushing.

  “You always know what to say,” she said. He stood up, and she gazed into his eyes. I burned with anger, because the queen never left her tower unless it was for Neoth. She didn’t acknowledge me because she thought she was better than the rest of us on the planet.

  “I’ll be waiting for you,” she said. She flew onto her bird, and they headed back to her tower.

  “I won’t be able to see you as much, Rudan,” my brother said to me.

  “She’s evil,” I said, and he laughed.

  “She’s anything but evil. I’m actually looking forward to spending eternity with her. Her voice is enough to hold me captive forever,” he said.

  Jonelius's kind were called “Peots.” Vada wasthe only planet that was out of Urane’s realm. The peots were known for stealing pieces of her planet to create their own kingdom. Pieces of her planet began to die, and separate from our planet, Lacas. Urane was helpless because she was pregnant, and needed her strength to carry Midas. After Midas was born, Urane used her magic to rejuvenate the twelve dead pieces that separated from Lacas. Those pieces werelarge enoughto become twelve new planets. The peots felt threatened because she had twelve new planets surrounding theirs. Jonelius's father was the king at the time. He ordered his soldiers to destroy the planets that surrounded them. Neoth went to war with them, and he killed the king. Neoth was a killer, but Urane wasn’t which was her weakness; she had the magic to kill all the peots. Neoth, claimed planet Vada after he killed their king because Vada was reborn from our water. Many ages ago, Vada didn’t have trees, grass, flowers or water. The peots had to obey Neoth after the war, but Jonelius was against it. He didn’t want to live underneath Neoth’s rules…

  “I will make you a protector of my kingdom if you get rid of Neoth,” Jonelius said. I was eating a fish by the lake in the forest.

  “How did you get on this planet?” I asked Jonelius.

  “I have my ways of sneaking in. My father taught me well,” he replied. He sat next to me and looked at me in disgust.

  “Creatures like you belong in a dungeon,” he said.

  “I’ll bite your head off, and eat it for dinner,” I replied.

  “How does it feel not being appreciated? Your brother lives in in the clouds, and you live down here on the ground. He didn’t make you a protector of anything because your wings aren't strong enough. I can fix that for you,” he said.

  “How?” I asked.

  “I can give you my father’s wings, in exchange for Neoth's life,” he replied. I always wanted to fly high, but because of my deformed wings I couldn’t. Neoth didn’t care about me anyway, so his death wasn’t as important as my wings.

  “Neoth’s strength can wipe out a whole planet. How can you kill him?” I asked.

  “He will sacrifice his life for his son’s. Urane will slowly die because she isn't as magical as she once was. She used a lot of her magic supplying water for her planets, and the medallion she made for Neoth. I know her magic is in that medallion around his neck, and I want it,” Jonelius said...

  It was time for Midas to know who he was, and what he came from. I was aware of the consequences of betrayal, but I was brave enough to accept my punishment in any way he saw fit. I knew how to find Midas because I followed him to Earth one day. It was my fault for showing him the way a few years ago. He traveled with me to a bookstore, and immediately he became smitten by his surroundings. He began to visit Earth without me, and more frequently. He went to the bookstore, and learned about humans. He watched the way they acted, and talked. It only took him two weeks to learn their ways. His psychic ability helped him create an Earth identity for himself. Jonelius wanted to punish me because Midas became distant from, Vada. Jonelius spared me because I told him I was training Midas to become General. I told him I needed a few years, and the few years were up.

  I stood on the ledge of the kingdom and prepared myself for Earth. I had taken Jonelius’s side long enough. I wasn’t a peot, but I was a gargoyle. I was supposed to help protect my kind.


  The next day…

  N abila and I went our separate ways after we left planet, Star. Matthew sent our vehicles to my house because we left them at his home the night of his party. I was in my work shop designing a new project when I heard the sound of glass breaking. I went outside to see where the noise was coming from. Eagle and Odega were outside of my domain wrestling.

  “Cut it out!” I yelled.

  “What else is there to do? All we know is training,” Eagle said.

  “I have to admit you two look odd wearing human clothes,” I laughed. Eagle playfully charged into me, and I choke slammed him into the ground.

  “Warn me next time!” Eagle yelled while climbing out of the hole.

  “You two take a walk with me. I don’t want Casha to hear any of this,” I said. We walked for a mile into the woods.

  “What happened?” Eagle asked worriedly.

  “What we discuss stays between us. I don’t want Casha to know shit,” I replied.

  “Speaking of Casha, she’s kind of been angry with your disappearance. I heard her in your room breaking things. I didn't want to interfere out of fear of snapping her neck like a twig. Why is that Dove here?” Eagle asked.

  “Casha is not trustworthy. I don’t know how much she heard while we were talking in the forest on, Vada. I didn’t want her to tell Jonelius about our plans. She might care about me, but she won’t spare the two of you,” I replied.

  “Can we kill her?” Odega asked.

  “I can’t allow that,” I replied.

  “Do you still love her?” Eagle asked.

  “I still care about her well-being. Death is too harsh for her, although I’ve wanted to crush her neck for the past few days,” I replied.

  “We need to get rid of her,” Odega said.

  “We will after this shit blows over,” I replied.

  Eagle walked around me in a circle tapping his chin. He was observing me.

  “What the fuck is up with you?” I asked Eagle. He and Odega burst into a fit of laughter. They behaved like human children. They had freedom on Earth, so they were themselves. I wanted to twist their wings the past few days. My domain was in an uproar since I bought them back from, Vada.

  “You have a suckle mark on your neck, my brother. Casha is going to burn your wings in your sleep,” Eagle laughed.

  “You mean a hickey?” I asked Eagle, and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “You cannot go around this city talking like an outer space nerd,” I said, and Odega laughed.

  “I was watching TV earlier, and the human rap videos were unbelievable. Nabila has the same ass as the humans in the videos. We need to bring some of them to our planet once we find a new home,” Odega said.

  “The females on our planet are good enough,” Eagle said.

  “I have to disagree brother. The females on our planet are like warriors. I want a delicate female, and being with one like Casha is not up for debate. Why are the angels more stunning than the gargoyle females anyway?” Odega asked.

  “Female Gargoyles protect their land, and females like Casha like to look pretty,” I replied.

  I went to my room to see how bad it was. I spent most of my time inside of my workshop. I stayed away from the upper-level to avoid Casha. She sat on the floor in tears because I spent a day away from home with Nabila on planet, Star.

  “Take me to my planet!” Casha yelled at me. She flew at me, and I caught her in mid-air by her wing.

  “Clean up my room and do it now! What in the fuck did you do this for, huh? I didn’t tell you to leave your husband to follow us! I didn’t say shit to you about being together again. I let you into the private part of my domain, and you do this?” I asked.

  “I never had to clean up anything. That's what your kind is for!” Casha yelled at me. I stepped away from her to observe her. I thought it was
something special about her, but it wasn’t. I was drawn to her because of her beauty, but she was one of them. She was against my kind, which meant she was against me.

  “I’m speaking out of anger, and you know that. I didn’t mean it,” she said.

  Casha thought I brought her to Earth because I still loved her. I brought her with me for collateral. I was going to kill Casha if Jonelius didn’t give us our water. I didn’t want to tell Odega, and Eagle until I had a solid plan.

  “We’ve spent so much time together, and you are throwing it away. What can a human do for you?” Casha asked.

  “What can you do for me is the question. Clean this shit up, and don’t leave out of this room until you do! You are in my domain, and you will obey my rules. Your pussy can’t get you out of this one, so put your clothes on,” I gritted. She snatched a sheet off the bed and covered herself with it.

  “You are going to want me again. Your eyes never lied to me and never will. It’s not an easy task to resist me, Midas. I can have any male I want, but I choose you,” she said. She grabbed my dick, and I smacked her hand away. I left out of the room when she winked at me.

  I went inside of my workshop and closed the door. I wondered what Nabila was doing. I saw a vision of her in the tub while talking to Risha about Shawn being a bitch-ass dude. I chuckled to myself because of her choice of words. She headed out of the door after she washed and got dressed. Nabila was on her way to see me. She was addicted to me the same way I was addicted to her. Our souls connecting is what was pulling us together.

  I went inside of the kitchen to grab a few things out of the fridge. I laid the food out on the counter. I whistled out to Eagle and Odega. It was another way we communicated.

  Eagle came into the kitchen, “We were watching TV,” he said.

  “Don’t get spoiled with the human’s traditions although their entertainment is addictive. I need you to help me cook,” I replied.

  “What?” Odega asked when he came in.

  “Nabila is coming over, and I kinda wanted to surprise her. She cooks for me all of the time, and now I want to return the favor,” I replied.

  “What happened to my macho icon? I looked up to you,” Odega said. I slammed a cook book down in front of him, and he picked it up.

  “Read it to me so me and Eagle can fuck up this kitchen,” I replied.

  “I know a little something. Remember I had feast duties,” Eagle said.

  “Eating half raw meat is not really cooking. Nabila eats like a human unlike us. We have to cook everything for her,” I said.

  “It's healthier raw,” Odega said.

  “You all have a lot to learn. Just follow me,” I said.

  “What are you making?” Odega asked me.

  “Baked chicken, rice and broccoli,” I answered.

  An hour later, we were almost finished. I almost killed Odega because he read the directions backward.

  “Why does it have to be in order?” Eagle asked.

  “I’m ready to snap on the both of you. We have to prepare the food in the same exact order as the directions. That’s the whole point of it being a cook book,” I fussed.

  “It doesn't matter. Trust me it really doesn't,” Eagle said.

  Heels clicked down the hallway towards the kitchen. I smelled her sweet perfume before she made it to the kitchen. She smelled like a rare flower. Nabila sat the grocery bags on the counter by the sink. I tried to surprise her, but I failed.

  “What in the hell is that smell?” Nabila asked me.

  “Brick burnt the chicken,” Odega said. I smacked him on the back of his head, and he laughed. Nabila opened the stove, and a cloud of smoke filled the kitchen. The water boiled out of the broccoli pot, and the rice was stuck to the pan. I sat down at the kitchen table while Eagle, and Odega made jokes about me.

  “I don’t know what you did to him, but undo it,” Eagle joked with Nabila.

  “Leave the big baby alone,” Nabila laughed.

  “Fuck all of y’all!” I said. Eagle and Odega left out of the kitchen chuckling.

  “I want my domain back to myself,” I said.

  “You did this for me?” she asked.

  “No,” I lied.

  She playfully pushed me, and I pulled her down onto my lap.

  “I know what I can eat,” I said while rubbing her leg. She smacked my hand away.

  “Get out of the kitchen. I will call y’all after dinner is ready. I need to clean this mess up before I cook. How did you manage to make such a big mess?” she asked, and I shrugged my shoulders. Casha came into the kitchen with a sheet still wrapped around her.

  “What is she doing here, Midas?” Casha asked.

  “She’s wanted here,” I replied. I pinched Nabila’s fluffy backside, and she slapped my hand away.

  “Why can’t I touch?” I asked Nabila.

  “You know where I’ll end up if I let you. Get out of the kitchen, and leave the chicken here. She’s naked already, so I don’t have to pluck her. All I have to do is toss her in the oven,” Nabila said about Casha. Casha dropped her sheet and stood in the middle of the kitchen naked. Casha’s behavior was getting bizarre because she envied Nabila’s connection to me.

  “I finally found your nest, Brick. It’s literally between her legs. Is that a duck egg in your nest? I mean you really need to shave that shit,” Nabila said. The females on my planet didn’t shave between their legs. My kind found it attractive because it was securely hidden from others to see.

  “You mean my love nest. The nest Midas spent many nights in. Say what you want, but you are still beneath me,” Casha said. She left out of the kitchen naked.

  “She walks around the other ones like that too?” Nabila asked.

  “It’s natural for us, but she's married so she isn't supposed to,” I replied.

  “Get out of the kitchen,” Nabila said.

  I left out the kitchen and went back to my shop. I called Odega, and Eagle into my shop.

  “I have a big project coming up, so I was thinking if you two can stay until I’m done. The extra hands can be useful, and it will be more money for us to survive with on this planet,” I said.

  “I’m following you, my brother. We can stay here if you want us to, but we do need our water. We should be able to have access to it anytime,” Odega said.

  “Don’t worry. We will figure it out,” I replied.

  I showed Eagle, and Odega drawings of my designs. We used our bare hands building things. Our bodies were like weapons, and tools on our planets. We could survive anywhere, but we needed our planet’s water because we burned a lot of energy. Drinking Earth’s water was like drinking air—it did nothing for us.

  “That smells good,” Odega said sniffing the air.

  “What is that?” Eagle asked while sniffing.

  “Fried pork chops. She also puts this thick sauce over it. I think she calls it, gravy. It’s very delicious,” I explained.

  “I’m starving,” Odega replied.

  “I eat first. Just remember that if you don’t want broken wings,” I said. Nabila called us into the kitchen, and I was the first one at the table. Eagle wanted to eat his food in front the TV. He was addicted to it, and I wasn’t sure if he even knew what he was watching. Odega ate with his hands, and he broke a few dishes. Our table manners weren't the best, but I took my time around Nabila. Nabila couldn’t eat her food because of Odega. I grabbed her plate and told her to follow me outside to the garden.

  “Come and sit so I can feed you,” I said.

  “What's the catch?” she asked.

  “If you can do that thing with your tongue on my ear again,” I replied. She sat next to me, and I pulled her closer to me. I listened to Nabila’s thoughts. She was skeptical about Casha walking around me naked.

  “We are not all human, Nabila. Our ways are different, so Casha walking around that way is normal to us,” I replied.

  “Can I walk around your brothers that way too? At least I’m bald down there,
” she said.

  “Casha is a free spirit because she left her planet. You, on the other hand, are my partner,” I replied. I placed a piece of pork chop inside of her mouth, and gravy dripped down her lips. I licked the gravy off her lips, and she giggled.

  “I think I somewhat like being your partner,” Nabila joked.

  “I can sense that you do, but don't worry. I know what to do when you bad mouth me. I will show no mercy on your womb when you step out of line,” I replied. She laid in my arms after I fed her. Nabila hummed another hypnotizing melody. It gave me a feeling of peace.


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