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Four's A Crowd

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  I mean sure underclassman girls were fun to look at, but it began and ended with that. Especially when I knew that a lot of those freshman were going to gain the freshman fifteen or thirty or whatever it was they gained.

  Especially when I knew I could come home to Chelsey. Perfect Chelsey. Sexy Chelsey. Geeky Chelsey who could give me a run for my money in Smash any day of the week.

  Chelsey who would never dream of doing something like cheating on me with another man. Not even with a guy like Rick. An asshole like Rick who went through girls like they were tissue paper for him to blow a load in while he was jerking off.

  And here we were back to the same thing that had been turning me on this entire time. Thoughts of my perfect geeky girlfriend getting with that asshole of a player that I called one of my best friends.

  I couldn’t stand it. I needed to do something about this. I didn’t care if she was in the middle of a game. There were ways of distracting her while she was in the middle of a game that would probably lead to some sexy times in the bedroom.

  I just had to distract her to that point.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she said with a barely suppressed giggle as I moved under her desk.

  She was giggling because she had to know what was coming even though she was still trying her best to keep her concentration on the game. Yeah, she was the thing that was going to be coming by the time I was done with her.

  Besides, I was just too fucking turned on not to do something. I had to have my fiancee. Had to do something with her. If she wanted to keep up with her game then we’d just see how long it would take for me to tempt her away.



  I got down on my knees and then climbed under her legs to situate myself under her desk. One of the things I’d been sure to try out when I was looking at this desk in the local office supply store was whether or not I could comfortably fit down here.

  I’d done the same thing for my desk as well. Hey, what can I say? It was important to have your priorities in order.

  Had I gotten some weird looks from people working at the store who knew exactly what I was doing? Maybe, but I didn’t give much of a fuck what they thought of what I was doing. The important thing was I had the ability to do exactly what I was doing now and fuck what they thought at the store.

  I looked up between her legs to the goddess laid out before me in her computer chair. Her eyes darted down to mine and it was clear from the half smile on her face that she was looking forward to what I was about to do, but from the way her eyes darted back to her monitor it was also clear she was going to do her best to play the game the way it was meant to be played.

  Only she was playing two games now. One with her computer and one where she was going to try her best to ignore what I was doing.

  I reached up and grabbed her shorts. Pulled them down to expose her panties. She was wearing a nice red set that clung to her body quite nicely thank you very much.

  I breathed in and enjoyed the scent that was her. Not too strong, but I could always smell her when I was this close. It was enough to get my cock immediately hard.

  It was the essence of Chelsey. It was a smell that was uniquely her. It was a pleasure that only I got to enjoy, damn it, and I was going to enjoy the fuck out of that pleasure now.

  Even if I was thinking about what it would be like to watch another man getting down on his knees in front of Chelsey. Would she let Rick get down between her legs? Would she be like so many other women who couldn’t resist his charms? Would she want to feel his tongue exploring her pussy?

  I didn’t know if that was something she would do, but I did know that it was turning me on thinking about it. Fuck was this fucking hot!

  I had to play this slow, though. If I went right for the money shot then she was going to tell me to get lost. This was all about the slow seduction. This was all about savoring every moment.

  She was a woman who deserved to be savored. To be enjoyed. To be pleasured nice and slow when she wanted it, and fucked good and hard occasionally when she wanted that.

  Again I was hit with a vision. Rick hovering over my beautiful fiancee. His cock splitting her pussy. Diving deeper and deeper inside her and pressing into depths that were supposed to be mine to enjoy.

  The sound of furious clicking above me brought me back to the reality in front of me. Sure it was hot thinking about her getting with Rick, but it was even hotter thinking about the pleasures that were waiting for me. Just inches away.

  And right now I was losing the game to a video game. I wasn’t going to lose this, damn it. Furious clicking meant she was concentrating more on what was on the monitor in front of her than she was concentrating on her man between her legs.

  I leaned forward. Ran my tongue down the length of her pussy. And I was met by a little gasp that meant I’d at least gotten her attention.


  I grinned. It was always so easy. I knew exactly how to make her feel wonderful, and from the way she was responding she was enjoying it.

  I pulled back. Looked at the trail of wetness my tongue had left behind. Then I looked up from under her desk and saw her looking down at me, though the moment she caught me looking up at her was the moment her eyes went back to the computer monitor in front of her.

  Oh yeah. She knew how to play the game. Well two could play at that game, damn it.

  Besides, there was more moisture on her panties than could be accounted for by my tongue alone. She was getting into this. She was enjoying it. From the way her ass wiggled hypnotically on the chair it looked like she was really getting into it.

  That was the tell that let me know she was enjoying whatever I was doing to her even if she was trying her best to act like she wasn’t getting into it.

  I leaned forward again. This time I concentrated on the spot where I knew her clit was. And this time I could definitely taste her arousal coming through. Oh yeah. She was soaking her panties and my tongue was right there to enjoy the fuck out of the taste sensation that was my fiancee.

  And meanwhile I couldn’t help but wonder what would be running through Rick’s mind if he got a chance to do something like this. If his tongue was the one that was going down on my girl and tasting her arousal.

  Would she get this aroused for him? Would she get this turned on for another man? There was a part of me that didn’t want to think she’d be capable of doing something like that, but then there was another part of me that had seen how so many other women reacted to Rick.

  That part of me knew that no matter how good and faithful my fiancee claimed to be there was a good fucking chance that she would give in to his temptations just as readily as so many other women had given into his temptations over the short few years we’d known him.

  And my cock was rock hard thinking about it. Fuck was that an intense thought. I was nearly coming in my pants, and that was something that rarely happened from going down on my girl.

  I moved down and kissed around her inner thighs. My cock was like the point of a diamond and it was all I could do to keep from blowing a load. I needed to do something that was going to be a little less intense than going down on her.

  When I thought I finally had it under control I started kissing my way back up. Back to that center of pleasure that had been my favorite fun destination ever since we started dating. Ever since the first time I conquered her.

  I pulled her panties to the side and there she was waiting for me. Her pussy was so slick. So wet. I could tell even by the light of the computer monitor filtering down.

  Oh yeah. She was turned on. It was time to go in for the kill. I pressed my tongue against her clit. I used every trick I’d learned over a couple of years of exploring her body and learning every little thing she loved. Everything that made her body tick. Everything that made her react like a woman possessed. Like a woman in a porno.

  And I found myself wondering what it would feel like to watch her like she was starting in a one-woma
n porno. What would it feel like to witness her on our bed with another man pounding her like she was one of those girls who popped up in all the amateur porn that had flooded the Internet in recent years?

  Oh fuck there was a sexy hot thought, and that pushed me to new heights of pleasure as I swirled my tongue around her clit and imagined it was Rick who was doing the tasting. Rick who was going down on her and feeling the pleasures that were my girl.

  It was having a hell of an effect on her too. Her hips were bucking and her pussy was so wet and she cried out my name as she fucked my face. As she tried to get more and more of my face in contact with that pleasure center between her legs.

  Finally it hit. I heard her rip her headset off and do a couple of clicks. Probably making sure she was muted. That would’ve been a hell of a trick if she ended up coming over the microphone. She’d have a few embarrassing conversations to go through with her guildmates if something like that happened, even if the thought of a bunch of gamer guys hearing my girl getting off suddenly turned me on way more than it probably should’ve.

  Now there was a hot thought. I’d never been a member of her guild. I’d never been big on MMORPGs to begin with, preferring games where I could get in and frag someone immediately based on my skill rather than having to spend the equivalent of a year’s worth of a part time job leveling up to the point where I could frag somebody, but I knew all about her guildmates.

  Particularly I’d heard a few of the conversations they’d had with her over the years. And sure they mostly treated her with respect, but there were always going to be a few people in guilds like that who liked to push things too far with the girl in the guild.

  And now that I thought about it she seemed to always be a little flirtatious right back at them. Maybe it was just my imagination, maybe it was me reaching for any example of her being flirtatious with other guys in that moment, but I could’ve sworn that had happened.

  I looked up at her and arched an eyebrow. “Who’s on right now?”

  Chelsey looked down at me with such an odd expression that you would’ve thought I’d grown a third eye in the middle of my forehead or something. Maybe she thought I’d gotten a little too drunk tonight, or maybe she was wondering if we’d gotten into something other than alcohol.

  “Steve and Jeremy and Pete right now,” she said. “We were doing a dungeon run with one pickup, why?”

  “Is the pickup on the voice chat?” I asked.

  “Why would it matter if the pickup was on voice chat?”

  I moved a finger up and pressed it inside her. Moved one of my free fingers up to manipulate her clit. That got her attention, that was for damn sure. Her eyes went wide and she gasped a couple of times as I manipulated her with the skill that can only come from being with someone long enough that you know how to play them like a familiar instrument.

  “Oh fuck,” she gasped.

  You see the thing is I knew all of those names. I knew those were guys who’d been into her at one time or another. I’d never been the jealous type, but now I was starting to wonder if maybe part of the reason I hadn’t had a problem with her continuing to hang out with those guys in a game was because I really wasn’t the jealous type.

  Like I was so not jealous that the thought of guys wanting to flirt with my girl, knowing they wanted to fuck her, was a turn on. Maybe this had been a low grade thing percolating in the back of my mind for years now, and it was only seeing Rick giving me that challenging look tonight that had finally set the fantasy free and had it gelling in my mind for what it really was.


  “They’re not on voice chat,” she said, her look clearly telling me that she was wondering what the hell I was up to.

  I grinned. This was crazy, but tonight seemed like a night for crazy thoughts.

  “I want you to turn voice chat back on,” I said.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” she hissed.

  “Come on. You know those guys all have the hots for you. It’s not like they’re going to mind if they realize what’s going on,” I said.

  She stared down at me for a long moment. A long moment where I wondered if I’d finally pressed things a little too far. A long moment where I wondered if I’d finally shown my hand and she wasn’t going to care for what was turning me on.

  Finally a little grin spread across her face. A grin that seemed to say she knew the game I was playing and maybe she enjoyed it.

  “They do have the hots for me,” she said. “If you saw some of the things they sent to me in private messages…”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a test or not, but I knew it had my cock throbbing thinking about those guys sending my fiancee naughty messages. I sure as fuck didn’t say anything that would give her the idea I was upset about those guys hitting on her.

  “This really is turning you on, isn’t it?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Would it be all that bad if it did?” I asked.

  “What happened to you out there tonight?” she asked.

  I thought about telling her about Rick. About that look. About the way he seemed to know that he could have my fiancee if he wanted her.

  I didn’t say anything though. No, we were already taking things pretty far down the experimental pathway what with having her getting on the voice chat while I was going to do things to her, and I figured telling her that one of my best friends, a guy I’d seen her looking at a few times to be honest, was interested in her would be taking things a little too far in that moment.

  “We can talk about that later,” I said. “Right now I need you on that voice line.”

  She didn’t answer me with words. No, she reached out and clicked. A single click that seemed to echo through the room. A single click that said she was live on their voice chat again.

  I grinned. That was all I needed. They were going to hear everything now, and I dove back in. If anything I was even more enthusiastic this time around because I knew she was going to have an audience.


  Voice Chat

  Of course she was going to do her best to not let on to that audience that there was something going on over on her end of the voice chat. That was all part of the game. We’d just brought new players into that game for a little more fun.

  She gasped just a little as I pressed my tongue down on her clit again. I kept working my fingers deep inside her and her hips were churning now.

  Oh yeah. She was really getting into this now. There was no way she was going to be able to keep from moaning for long. That was all I needed. One little moan. Something that would let them know that…

  I must’ve found a sensitive spot because she gasped and jumped in her chair. And that little gasp was apparently enough to get some attention on the other side of the line. She paused. She kept clicking, but it was clear from the erratic nature of that clicking that she was having trouble concentrating on much of anything.

  “No, I’m fine,” she said. “Just having a little trouble with…”

  Whatever she was about to say devolved into a long moan as I found another sensitive spot. If there’d been any doubt among her guildmates, among a bunch of guys who’d been flirting with her shamelessly if what she’d told me was anything to go on, as to what was going on here on the other end of the line then that doubt was gone now.

  There was no mistaking that sound. She looked down at me and her eyes were wide. The panic was plain there. It was clear that this entire time she’d thought this was a joke, a lark, and she hadn’t expected it to go this far.

  I guess the reality of having her moan going out over the Internet like that to her friends was finally hitting her. It had happened and there was no going back from that. There was no stopping them from putting two and two together and figuring out what the fuck was going on.

  “No, that totally wasn’t…” she started, then stopped.

  She blushed. It was clear to see in the light playing off of her monitor. God she looked so hot sitting there
chewing her lip and then she let out another gasp because I wasn’t going to let up just because she was having trouble convincing these guys that she wasn’t doing exactly what she was doing.

  “It’s Craig,” she finally said.

  More silence. I could only imagine what was going on on the other side of that conversation. I knew MMOs were one of those things where people seemed to get involved in relationships all the time, and I guess this was no different even if it was a friendship rather than a relationship.

  “Oh fuck,” she sighed.

  Yeah, she’d lost this game. The only real surprise was that instead of logging off of her voice chat she seemed more than happy to stay on there and keep giving them a show.

  “He’s down between my legs,” she said.

  That got my cock twitching. Fuck. Not only was she letting them know what was going on here, but she was going to give them a fucking play by play of everything I was doing! This was going far beyond anything I wold’ve expected!

  Fuck. If she was going to put on a show like that then I was going to make sure they got a fucking show! I dove back between her legs and set my tongue to work. I pressed it inside her and fucked her like my tongue was a cock for a moment before moving back up and pressing against her clit.

  It was weird. I’d gone down on my future wife plenty of times and it was always a good time, but there was something about the thought of a bunch of guys on the other end of a voice chat listening to her gasps and moans that made the whole thing that much hotter.

  Her body bucked and she was really getting into it now. She wasn’t even bothering to click her mouse or manipulate her keyboard at this point, but I could imagine that most of the group had probably stopped whatever the fuck it was they were doing and were listening in on her now.


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