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Four's A Crowd

Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  The one poor bastard who was a pick up for their dungeon run was probably sitting there wondering what the fuck had happened to bring the whole group thing to a screeching halt. He couldn’t know that they were having a completely different group experience now and it was one the dude was being left out of because he wasn’t on their guild voice server.

  Her gasps were getting louder and louder. I imagined three other dudes in other parts of the country with their cocks out listening to my fiancee gasping and moaning on my tongue. Her chair shook and squeaked like it always did when she moved it, but the sounds were more exaggerated now as her body bucked and shook.

  It was so hot knowing this was an experience being shared. And it was also a nice way to dip my toes into the idea of sharing my girl.

  Sure this wasn’t nearly as intense as sharing her in person, it wasn’t nearly as fucking intense as some of the thoughts I’d had about her getting with Rick, but it was still pretty fucking hot knowing there were all those guys out there getting off on her gasps and moans.

  And the best thing about it was it was all a low stakes thing. They were all in completely different parts of the country even though her gasps were being piped out to those other parts of the country instantaneously.

  It’s not like they could actually do something to her in person. It was a fun way to share her without all the worries that came along with actually sharing her.

  And I felt her getting ready for something huge. She squeezed her legs around me and then I had to go with her as she leaned her chair back and I was in an awkward position where I had to lift up on my knees in a very uncomfortable position.

  Not that it mattered. I was in that weird state of mind that happens while you’re fucking. The state of mind where you’re willing to put up with just about any amount of discomfort or pain if it means the sexy times are going to continue.

  I’d do anything to make my girl feel good in that moment, and it felt like she was really getting into it. The way her thighs held me in a vice grip was proof positive of that.

  So I kept doing exactly what I’d been doing. That was one trick I’d always used to make the ladies feel good and it seemed like it’d always worked pretty well. There were so many guys out there who felt their girl getting close and their response was to switch things up which inevitably meant they stopped doing whatever it was they’d been doing to make the girl come in the first place.

  Not me. I kept hitting her clit with my tongue and she bucked and moaned and I knew she was having one hell of a good time.

  But finally, blessedly, she started to come down from that high. She put her hands back on her keyboard tray because I could hear it rattling above me. She let loose of that vice grip her thighs were keeping on my head and I pulled away and took in a deep breath.

  It’s not that I was complaining about being stuck down there, but it was getting harder and harder to breathe with her getting that excited and all. It was nice to be able to pull back for a moment.

  I looked up at her and grinned. She stared down at me in pure astonishment. Then she looked at the voice chat as though she couldn’t believe she’d actually just done that.

  “I have to go,” she said.

  And with that she pulled the headset off and she was gone, leaving me under the bed to contemplate everything that had just happened and wonder where the fuck things had gone wrong.

  She’d obviously enjoyed herself. Obviously there was a part of my fiancee that enjoyed the idea of a bunch of guys listening in on her while she had one hell of a rip-roaring orgasm.

  I guess it was just there at the end that she suddenly had a little bit of guilt or regret at what she’d done. Which I could totally understand.

  Now I had to go talk with her and figure out what the fuck went wrong there and how I could possibly make it better.



  I paused at the entrance to our bedroom and listened for a long moment. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to hear in there. Maybe some crying? Maybe her getting all pissed off?

  I didn’t hear anything like that though, and I figured maybe the coast was sort of clear. Maybe. It was hard to tell.

  It was my experience that you never could tell with women. You might think that everything was fine, that an argument was over, and then boom it flared up like a wildfire that had been smoldering just under the surface and you never realized the danger you were in until it was too late.

  I didn’t hear any telltale signs that might indicate I was in trouble though, so I figured it was safe enough to step in there and see what was going on.

  She was sitting on the bed staring down at her hands. Like she was expecting to find some of the answers to the great questions in life in her hands.

  Questions like why the hell she’d decided it would be a good idea to turn on the voice chat and let a bunch of guys she’d been playing a game with for years, guys who’d been flirting with her and hitting on her for years, listen to her having one hell of an orgasm as she came over the wire.

  Fuck. I guess I’d been so caught up in the moment, caught up in how hot it all was, that I hadn’t stopped to think about potential real world consequences.

  Though again in this case the “real world” consequences weren’t quite the same as real world consequences. I mean at the end of the day we were talking about a video game, after all. Not people she knew in the real world or anything like that.

  It was just what I was thinking earlier. This was a nice way to work through some of the potential pitfalls of the fantasies that had been running through my mind all night. Ever since that challenge from Rick.

  Because this wasn’t something that was going to blow up our real life friends group. This wasn’t something that was going to potentially have consequences that could screw us over in the real world.

  But it was still allowing us to feel the feelings and work through the dangers that I imagine a lot of couples had to go through when they started talking about stuff like this.

  I stepped into the room. No response from Chelsey. I figured that meant she was either very deep in thought or she was very pissed off at me.

  Or maybe it was a little bit of all of the above. Maybe she was so angry at me that she didn’t want to talk to me at all. It’d happened a couple of times before.

  I sat down next to her. Looked at her. She continued staring at her hands. I tried to put an arm around her and she let me.

  I figured that was a good sign if there ever was one. If she was letting me touch her then she couldn’t be too terribly mad, after all.

  At least that’s what I told myself.

  “So that was pretty intense,” I said.

  No response. Okay then. Maybe talking about what we’d just done wasn’t the best strategy. Maybe that would only make her more upset about what happened. Maybe I was only digging myself deeper.

  She looked up at me and I guess you could describe her look right then and there as “pretty intense” too. Like she really wasn’t happy about what just happened.

  I tried to think about it from her point of view. I’d been in the room for enough of her late night gaming sessions with those guys that I knew the line she was walking with them.

  She always tried to be flirty, something I’d never minded before and now I was wondering exactly why it was I’d never minded it before, but she also walked that line where she didn’t want to give them too much hope that something was going to happen.

  After all, she had me to come home to. Even if most of the time when she was on voice chat with those guys she was already home with me and I was right across the room playing my own game.

  The point is there was always a certain way these things went. She always tried to be flirty without going over the line. In fact now that I thought about it that pretty much described how she acted with all of our friends.

  She was one of those girls who was naturally flirty. There was nothing wrong with that. It was just how she was.
And it was something that turned me on.

  It took this long to realize it was something that turned me on, but there we were.

  I wondered if this was going too far though. If she was going to be forever pissed off at me for pushing her over that line she always walked. For sort of making her go from just being fun and flirty with a bunch of guys to doing something intense like coming over the microphone while they were listening in.

  And still I couldn’t get rid of those thoughts running through my head. Thoughts of guys jerking off furiously as they thought about what Chelsey had just done. Thinking about them thinking about her moaning and gasping and filling their speakers with her gasps as she came with what felt like one hell of an orgasm.

  Yeah, that had been intense and I was so hard. I don’t know if it was worth potentially pissing off and alienating the woman I wanted to marry, but it had been a pretty fun experience.

  Then her mouth quirked up in the beginnings of a grin. Enough to give me hope that maybe she wasn’t as pissed off as she’d let on. Or if she was as pissed off as she’d let on then at the very least she was starting to see the humor in the situation as well.

  “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, my mouth dry.

  What else could I say? I had enjoyed that. I’d really fucking enjoyed that. I’d engineered the situation on the fly so that I would get to see my beautiful girlfriend doing unspeakable things over a voice chat line and I didn’t regret it in the least.

  I mean I might’ve ended up regretting it just a little if it turns out she was pissed off about it, but even then the memory was so fucking hot that I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to forget it any time soon.

  She patted the bed next to her. Okay then. I figured that was good. Inviting me to sit next to her meant she wasn’t going to be screaming at me any time soon.

  Or maybe she just wanted to lull me into a false sense of security and she was going to start screaming once I was down on the bed next to her. I didn’t think it was going to go like that, but you could never tell with the ladies.

  I sat down. Braced myself for whatever might be coming. To my surprise what was coming was her wrapping her arm around my shoulder and leaning in. Placing her head on my shoulder and letting out a sigh that sounded pretty contented if I’m being honest.

  “That was kind of hot. I’m not going to lie,” she said.

  I blinked a couple of times. Okay then. Maybe this was going to go a hell of a lot better than I thought when I walked in here. Or maybe she was still trying to lure me into a trap.

  I couldn’t shake that feeling that she was trying to lure me into a trap of some sort. It was a strange feeling, but it was so strong. I couldn’t believe that this was actually going to go this easily.

  “Yeah, it was hot,” I said.

  She turned and I turned to meet her eyes. The question in there was pretty fucking obvious.

  “So was it hot for you because you liked getting me off, or was it hot for you because you liked the idea of those guys listening to me coming?”

  My mouth worked. I tried to think of a response to that. I tried to think of something I could say that wouldn’t piss her off but it would also get some of the feelings that had been running through me all night long off my chest.

  And I realized that there really was no way to get through this without just admitting everything. Admitting what had been running through my head since Rick issued that challenge at the bar. A challenge that felt like it had happened years ago what with everything else that had happened since.

  Even if “everything else” was just one hell of a voice chat session between the woman I was going to marry and a bunch of anonymous strangers she’d been gaming with for years.

  “Maybe I liked the idea of you teasing those guys,” I said. “Just a little.”

  I knew it wasn’t much to say that I only liked it just a little. That was trying to qualify something for which there was no qualification. I’d just admitted that I was turned on by the thought of my girl getting naughty with a bunch of guys, and there really wasn’t any walking back a statement like that.

  Even if it was a statement that seemed to interest her from the way she purred. God that purr was so fucking sexy. It was the kind of noise men dream about hearing from their wives, or girlfriends, or fiancees, and here I was getting to hear that purr after I admitted what had gotten me all hot and bothered tonight.

  “That’s interesting,” she murmured, her hand moving down my stomach and coming to rest on my cock.

  My cock twitched. It was the first real contact I’d had all night long. Sure I’d been shifting around and trying to get comfortable in my pants, but that wasn’t the same as having a hot chick reaching down and giving your cock a squeeze.

  No, it wasn’t the same by a long shot. Fuck was that hot. I pressed my hips up involuntarily to meet her hand and she gave me another squeeze.

  “My my,” she said. “Someone really is turned on today. So do you want to tell me what brought this all on?”

  And here we were. Back to the thing I hadn’t wanted to admit in the first place. Back to the thing I’d been thinking about all night. Back to the thing I’d been avoiding bringing up with her all night because I was terrified about how she’d react.

  I licked my lips. Mostly because I needed to do something to get the dryness out of my mouth. I was having trouble thinking straight. I was having trouble thinking of anything but a naughty scenario where my fiancee allowed herself to be seduced by one of my best friends.

  Seduced by a cocky asshole who thought he was God’s gift to women. And from the way women were always throwing themselves at him I had to admit that maybe there was something to it.

  It wasn’t being cocky if he was right all the time, after all.

  “It was something that was said tonight while I was out at the bar with the guys,” I said.

  “Really?” she asked, her hand slipping inside my pants now. “Were they talking about their girls? Did Rick have a new piece or something he was telling you all about?”

  My cock twitched again. And there was no way she missed that twitch with the way her hand was wrapped around my cock. She arched an eyebrow, obviously she realized we were now playing the world’s sexiest game of hot and cold with my cock telling her whether or not she was close to the truth, and she started moving her hand up and down my shaft.

  Gently. So gentle that I barely would’ve felt it if I wasn’t hyper aware of everything that was going on in my pants right about now. It was difficult not to be aware as keyed up as I was with everything we’d done tonight.

  “It was something like that,” I said.

  “Something like that?” she asked. “How could it be something like that? Rick always has a new girl with him.”

  Oh shit. How to explain to her that the new girl Rick was talking about tonight was none other than my girl. How to make it clear to her that I was still head over heels in love with her, but at the same time I couldn’t get the thought of her getting up close and personal with Rick out of my head.

  “None of the guys had any girls with them tonight,” I said. “I definitely wasn’t thinking about any girls tonight but you.”

  She hit me with a look that said she wasn’t believing a word of it, but she was going to go along with it because that’s what you did when you were in a relationship.

  It was the truth though. Even if it was a version of the truth that she might find just a little unbelievable if she knew exactly why I couldn’t get her out of my head. Yeah, she really wouldn’t believe that, but it felt so good to think about just telling her and being out with the secret.

  “What’s going on here?” she finally asked. “You’re acting all weird. You’ve been acting all weird all night long. You’ve never done anything like what you did in there encouraging me to do that over the voice chat.”

  I sighed. There really was no getting around this. She was going to figure
this out eventually. It was all going to come out and I suppose it was simply a matter of whether or not I was in control of how it came out.

  I just had to be very careful. I had to do this delicately. After all, she was obviously suffering from some insecurities tonight what with the way she kept asking about me looking at other girls. The last thing I wanted to do was say something that was going to upset her even further.

  The only question in my mind was whether or not the thought of Rick having the hots for her would be more or less upsetting than the idea of us hanging out with a bunch of sweet young freshmen in tight fitting clothes.

  “Rick was talking about a girl tonight,” I said.

  “Oh yeah? So what’s the big deal? He’s always talking about girls. He always has some new hottie on his arm.”

  “Yeah, well this is different,” I said.

  “How could it be different? Why are you being so weird about Rick? Rick talking about trying to get with a girl is like…”

  She trailed off. I didn’t say anything. I simply stared at her. Stared long and hard. I figured if I stared long enough and hard enough then she was going to get the point eventually and I wouldn’t have to actually say anything.

  At least that was the hope. And it looked like it might just be working, too.

  “Oh,” she said. “No. There’s no way.”

  “There’s totally a way,” I said. “He was talking about you tonight.”

  “That pervert,” she said.

  Though there was something interesting about the way she said it. You’d think a girl might be upset about a guy talking about her like that. Especially when she was a taken girl and there was no chance that a guy was ever going to get with her.

  She should’ve sounded pissed off. Instead she sounded the same way I’d felt all night long. A little angry, sure, because that’s not the kind of thing a friend is supposed to say about another friend’s girl.


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