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Page 58

by Claire Adams

"How freaking embarrassing." She shook her head and turned to look up at me. "I'm sorry."

  "About what? I would have done the same thing, but worse. I'd probably have asked Easton to pee on it for me." I gave her a goofy grin and she smiled in return.

  "And I'd have done it too." He wagged his eyebrows playfully.

  "Let's get you back to the hotel." I rolled my eyes at the sexy dark-haired man that was soon to steal my heart if I wasn't careful.

  "That sounds good. The ointment should help a little with the burn. The doctor said I would be fine later tonight. It just stings like hell, but whatever." She shrugged and moved out of the clinic with my help. We took our time getting back to the hotel, making sure that Casey wasn't in any sort of pain.

  Easton offered ten times to carry her, but she wouldn't have any of it. She was independent and wanted to prove it to both of us. The girl had more spirit than anyone else I knew. She would be back on her feet and ready to have a good time within hours.

  "Let me go grab a key from the front desk and we'll get you settled." He moved away from us as I turned to Casey.

  "You really okay? I'm worried about you." I held onto her narrow shoulders and searched her face for the truth.

  "I'm good. It just burns, but no big deal. I'll get over it." She glanced toward the front desk. "I like him. He would be really good for you. Really."

  "I know." I followed her line of sight and let my eyes move across his thick muscular back as my body ached for more of him. "I'm just scared. We just met him. If I could assure myself that nothing but a friendship could come of it, I would be okay. I just don't think that's the case."

  "I understand that, but wouldn't you rather limp your way across the finish line of life having loved a million times and lost than to never have really experienced the exhilaration of being in love at all?" She gave me a soft smile.

  "Yeah, I think so, but this guy...he's different." I turned my attention back to her. "I don't want to focus on men right now, Case. I want to focus on me. My career is about to start, and I don't want to miss out on any of the moments coming up because I'm heartbroken from the latest bullshit some dude wants to put me through."


  "No, I'm serious. A night with him would be magical, a week – heaven." I shrugged. "Anything more, and I'm sure he'd soon discover what Jackson figured out."

  "And that is?" Her voice tightened as she narrowed her eyes on me.

  "Okay girls." Easton stopped beside me and lifted his eyebrow. "Wow. Looks like a catfight is about to start. Should I get in the middle or move back fast? I can pop a mean bowl of popcorn too."

  "We're good." I reached for the key he offered. "I'm going to take her back up to the room. If you'll wait for me, I'll run back to the beach with you to get our stuff."

  "Sounds good." He turned to Casey. "You okay?"

  "Yeah. Thanks for your help today. You're my hero." She blinked her eyes rapidly, making her impossibly cute.

  "Come on, love bug." I put my arm around her shoulder and moved us to the elevator without giving Easton another look.

  "You're wrong, Viv. I never step in the middle of your business, but I really think you're off about this guy. He lives in New York. He does something like what you want to do. He's crazy about you, obviously." She hopped to the back of the elevator and leaned against the wall. "Maybe he's the guy that's supposed to get you over Jackson."

  "What if I'm not ready to get over Jackson, Case? He was my boyfriend for ten years. It's been a month. If I was with Easton it would simply be a rebound, and I'm not that kind of girl. I'm a love over lust any day of the week type of person, remember?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting so badly to get her to move to my side for the first time in our lives. I always moved to hers. It was my turn.

  "He's not a rebound, and you fucking know it." She pointed at me. "He's a next step. You're passing up an opportunity here. Let down your guard just a little and see what happens."

  The door opened and I helped her out. "And you're going to hold me when he breaks my heart and leaves me with no choice but to change companies in two or ten years?"

  "I'll always be here to hold you." She hopped to the door and reached back for the key. "Get downstairs and get to know him better. If you still feel the same way in a week or so, then let it simply be a spring break fling. If not, he deserves a spot in your life."

  "What makes you think he wants it?" I stopped by the door and pressed my hand to the doorframe as she moved inside.

  "You know he does. So do I. Now, get out of here and do something about it." She moved in and let the door close in my face.

  After taking a shaky breath, I took the elevator back down and walked around the lobby looking for him.

  "Over here, Viv." He walked back into the lobby from the main door, his arms full of clothes and towels. "I decided to just go grab the stuff for us. No reason to drag you all the way back down there."

  "Thanks. You're too good to us." I took my shirts and shook them out before pulling them back on and doing the same with my shorts.

  "I'm almost wishing I hadn't gotten the stuff. You in that bikini was a treat and a half." He pulled his own shirt over his head.

  The cocky grin on his perfect lips stole my thoughts, and I contemplated asking him for the penthouse tour just to see how good we would fit together.

  "She really okay?" He asked, nodding toward the elevator.

  "Yeah. She's a beast. She'll be good." I reached up and tugged my hair down, loving the way he watched me so intently.

  "Hey, about the kiss..." He glanced down at the floor and back up toward me. "I shouldn't have done that. I know you're just getting over someone, and I'm really not looking for anything more than a friendship right now. I told you how crazy my shit is. You seem like a great girl. I just don't want to do anything that might–”

  "It's all good. We don't need to go through this awkward conversation." I forced a warm smile as my heart contracted painfully in my chest. Of course he was pulling back. I'd almost decided to step forward. "We're just friends. The kiss was nice and deliciously hot, but just part of the high emotions of what happened. I'm good."

  He nodded, not looking too sure of himself. "You wanna grab a drink or something?"

  "Naw, I'm going to get back up to Casey. I'd hate to think she needed me and I wasn't there." I bent down and picked up the cards, the I.D.s and my phone from below him. "Today was fun. Thanks for coming. I'm not sure I could have carried her, even if she is small."

  "How about dinner? I'll take you guys to a great pizza parlor down the strip. We can drive?"

  I stood up and realized what he was doing. Protecting me. He thought I was crushed by the kiss and subsequent pull back. He was working to save face. Was I really that pathetic?

  "I'll text you later. Let me see if she's up for it." I tucked the cards in my pockets and patted his arm like I would a mere acquaintance. "Okay, well, see you around."

  Without another word, I turned and walked toward the elevator as I chided myself. See you around? What the fuck was that? See you around?

  I turned when I got into the elevator to find him watching me intently. I glanced down at my nails, picking at them subtly until the door closed. Tears instantly filled my eyes, much to my dismay. He meant nothing and it would be bliss to tell Case that she was wrong. She was never wrong, but it would seem she was this time.

  Checking my phone, I noticed that my mother had called twice. She didn't leave a message, of course, because that would be too convenient.

  I got off on the floor before mine and walked to the end of the hall, pushing the exit door and moving out onto the balcony that overlooked the ocean. The wind whipped around me, and the desire to be needed, to be wanted pumped through me, but I ignored it. It would lead to more tears.

  After dialing my mom's number, I moved up to the rail and leaned against it.

  "Hey, baby. How is your trip going?" My mom's voice was thick as if she'd been crying.

bsp; "It's alright. Casey got stung by a jellyfish an hour ago, and I met a really cute guy who isn't interested in anything more than what this week has to offer, but other than that..."

  "Oh, Viv. That's not good."

  The sound of my mother’s sympathy always did me in. Tears blurred my vision and I pressed my teeth into my bottom lip as they spilled over onto my cheeks.

  "I really just want to understand why," I murmured through my tears.

  "Oh, baby. Are you crying? Don't cry or I will too." Her voice thickened even more.

  "I'm sorry, Mom. I hate being a cry-cry head. I just wish I could understand why Jackson felt the need to cheat on me. Ten years, Mom. Ten fucking years."

  "Watch your language, please. I'm so sorry. There is no excuse for what he did. He's a man, and men are pieces of shit. Plain and simple."

  I didn't believe that for a minute, but after the last few months I could see why many women did. My father was a good man, as was Casey's dad and my brothers.

  "That leaves me no hope for a good relationship, Mom. I'm thinking if I could just figure out what I did wrong, or what was missing for Jackson, then I could stop it from happening again." I brushed my tears away angrily.

  "This isn't the time for me to do this, but I was calling to tell you that your father and I are filing for divorce."

  Ice water raced through my veins as I stood up, shocked being an understatement. "What? Why? You and dad are like the most loving couple in the world."

  "We were. A couple of years ago I walked in on him sleeping with his secretary. I guess his late nights weren't always about scoring the right kind of business deal. He's a cheating bastard." Her anger bled through the phone and left my heart aching.

  "What? Two years ago? Why didn't you say something?" I pressed my hand to my chest and rubbed softly as I moved through memories to see if I could see the signs better. They'd hidden it well. Too well.

  "I really thought I was one of those women that could get over it. Your dad and I are so damn good together on so many levels that I wasn't willing to simply give up my claim to him." She let out a shaky sigh. "I think he's been faithful over the last two years, but there isn't a moment during the day that I don't wonder if I'm still playing the fool. I'm so angry, Vivian. I'm so far beyond angry that it's destroying whatever was once good between us."

  I nodded. "I understand that. I couldn't forgive Jackson for sleeping around on me, and we've been together ten years, not forty. And we weren't even married."

  Pain laced me, but I locked it up as a cute couple walked out on the balcony with me and moved to the far end to snuggle each other.

  "I had no idea." I wrapped my free arm around myself.

  "No one does. How does a man that has everything feel the need to take the one thing he didn't think he had and exploit it? I was so good to your father for all of these years, supporting his dreams and aspirations because I just knew my turn was coming. He's a spineless asshole. They all are." She barked into the phone just before her voice cracked.

  The sound of my mother lamenting over the loss of a forty-year marriage broke my heart in half. She had to be asking the same questions I was, searching for the reasons and answers to somehow validate all that had happened to us.

  "Mom... what can I do? You want me to come home?" I couldn't stop the flow of tears as memories moved past my vision. There were so many good times that we'd had as a family and they were suddenly washed away by my father's infidelities.

  "Just promise me that you'll be careful. I wanted to tell you all of this when you called crying about Jackson, but I couldn't. I just couldn't hurt your hopeful heart, baby. I'm not trying to hurt you now either, but please... please be careful."

  "Okay," I mumbled and sunk down to a squat as the air rushed from my lungs. "I need to go. I'll call you later. I love you."

  I dropped the call and sat the phone down as I worked to reign in my emotions. I'd almost gone off the deep end with Easton only having known him for a day.

  Was I that desperate to belong to someone?

  Yeah. I guess I was.

  Chapter 14

  Two Days Later


  The kisses at the clinic had been too much. The way she tasted and felt beneath my hands was overwhelming. I had no doubt that it had more to do with me not being intimate with someone and less to do with the silly idea that fate had put her in front of me. I hated to pull back from her, but after helping her with Casey, I realized that I was going to dive in deep, and in my fear, I pushed back. She'd taken it well.

  "Too fucking well," I grumbled as I lay on the large king-sized bed in one of the nicer single rooms. I'd moved around the hotel for the last two days in a fog, praying that I would run into Vivian, and yet not seeing any sign of her.

  By Thursday, I was going stir crazy. Stopping by the front desk, I gave the college-aged girl my best smile and tapped the marble-top desk between us.

  "Hi there. I have a new friend that's staying with you guys, and I haven't seen her for a few days. Her friend had a pretty nasty run in with a jellyfish a while back and I helped them out. I don't need a room number, but just wanted to make sure they were still here." I slipped my hands in my suit-pants pockets. "Her name is Vivian."

  The girl lifted her eyebrow at me as if contemplating just what type of creeper I was.

  "Please? I think I'm falling in love with her. Please." I glanced down at my hands and back up. It was a partial lie, but I was comfortable with it.

  "Last name?" She turned her attention to her computer screen as I internally sighed.

  "Last name...shit. I don't know it." I ran my fingers through my hair. "Can you just search for a Vivian and Casey in your system? They're staying together."

  "I guess, but I could get into trouble for this." She glanced back up at me as if expecting me to back off. It wasn't happening.

  "I don't need room numbers or last names. I just need to know if they're still here." I brushed my fingers by my lips and prayed the girl would just comply with my request.

  "Alright." She typed for a few minutes, her fingers flying across the keys. "I have them here until Saturday morning. Everything seems fine on the reservations. I could call their room and hand you the phone if you like."

  "No, it's good. Thank you so much for your help." I tapped the desk top once more and turned, walking toward the bar where I was sure to find Kevin. He'd been scarce lately, which was a little unlike him. I was grateful for the reprieve from him, but having spent two days alone with my bad decisions, I was in search of a conversation with just about anyone.

  "Hey, Kev." I took a seat at the bar beside him. "How's the job going?"

  "It's good. I've done a few write-ups so far, but I'm really looking forward to the one I get to do tonight." He pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to me. "Black Beach has a new club opening. The food is one of the main things they're touting. I'm going to make sure they’re not involved in false advertising." He gave me a creepy smile and wagged his eyebrows. "Plus, I already told them who I was. They're excited to invite me in and give me anything I want."

  "Sounds about right." I glanced down at the pamphlet, thinking back on my conversation with Vivian two days before. "Can I borrow this for a second?"

  "You bet. Keep it. I have another one in the room." He reached for my arm as I got up. "You going over there tonight?"

  "Yeah, I'm thinking about taking a girl I met. She's been talking about this all week." I folded it up and tucked it in my back pocket.

  "She got a friend?" He asked in a hopeful voice.

  "Nope." I turned and walked out of the bar as I pulled my phone from my back pocket. I decided that texting Vivian might be a little more prudent in case she'd decided that she didn't want to see me again. Not having texted or called each other over the last two days, I wasn't sure who was at fault for the lack of communication, but something told me that it was most likely me.

  I hadn't stopped thinking about her for more than a
few minutes. I couldn't count on two hands the number of times I'd lost my train of thought in the middle of an interview. Too many for my own comfort. The resort was immaculate and would have a great review from me like it always did, but that didn't mean that I didn't need to focus and do my job to the best of my ability.

  This damn girl was driving me mad, though.

  Me: Hey. Hope you're doing good. Sorry about the last few days. It's been a bit crazy. You still up for the trip to Black's Beach tonight? I'd love to take you and Casey.

  It took her more than ten minutes to answer, but finally I got a response as I was headed back upstairs.

  Vivian: We're going to catch a cab, but I'm sure we'll see you there. Glad your week has been productive. Case is doing great. Thanks again for your help.

  I growled as I moved off the elevator. She was diverting. I could tell. Her feelings were hurt by my actions, and she had every right to be. I needed to know what the hell happened with her and the last guy she was with. Even if we were deemed to be nothing more than friends, I wanted to be a good friend.

  Me: I'd really like it if you'd share that cab with me, or let me drive you guys. I won't get in your way if you need a bit of freedom. I'm just a concerned friend. That place is known for getting wild. Please don't deny me the chance to see you home safely from the party.

  Vivian: Case said if you're buying the drinks, she's in.

  Me: LOL. Tell her that I'll buy everything tonight. Just let me hitch onto your party line.

  Vivian: Alright, but don't expect anything from me. I'm leaving Saturday, and your only job tonight is to make sure that I don't drink myself into an oblivion and end up with a strange man.

  Me: Got it. Meet you in the lobby at eight tonight. Thanks.

  "Yes," I mumbled and walked into my hotel room, dropping down onto one of the beds and rolling onto my side. I could go and play protection detail for the two girls, no problem. The fact that she felt the need to mention another man left me wanting to choke someone.


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