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Page 59

by Claire Adams

  The club would be insanely hot, and a great way to touch Vivian once more before she went back to her own life. I deserved to not get to see her again at all, but somehow I'd wiggled my way into her good graces enough to at least have the evening with her.

  I most likely had Casey to thank for that. I'd have to find a way to get close to Vivian's friend to get the story on Viv. Some part of me knew that I'd have no luck getting the information out of Casey, seeing that I'd probably been black listed after my actions earlier in the week, but I was willing to try.


  I changed into a nice shirt, boots and a pair of dark jeans before heading down to the lobby. I had no clue as to what the girls would be wearing, but I was hoping that my attire wasn't too far out of place.

  They were already waiting for me in the lobby when I got there, and I was grateful for the few moments I had before they discovered my arrival. Casey was in jeans and a tight shirt, but Viv was in a black dress that hugged her hips and left her breasts center stage for attention. The black sandals she wore brought her look down to something more casual. But with the number of eyes on her just in the lobby, I knew it was going to be a long night.

  My body reacted strongly to her as I moved toward them, catching the subtle hint of her perfume as I touched her lower back and moved around her.

  "Hey, beautiful." I moved my hands to my pockets, knowing good and damn well that I would touch her every chance I got if I didn't. "Hey, Casey. You look beautiful too."

  "Thank you kindly, Sir. I hear you're our security detail tonight." Casey gave me a warm smile, but it was Viv's tight expression that demanded my attention. Hurt sat at the edge of her eyes, and I hated myself for the possibility of it being my fault.

  "I sure am. Let's get over there. It's supposed to be crazy." I offered each of them an arm and luckily they both took it. We walked out to the circle drive toward a sleek black Lexus that the hotel had loaned me. "You girls can both get in the back or one of you can call–”

  "Shotgun!" Casey yelled as she released me and jogged toward her side of the car.

  Vivian pulled out her phone and moved to the back seat, getting in and not turning to give me a second glance.

  "Fuck," I mumbled under my breath and got into the driver's side, making sure to adjust my rear-view mirror so that I could see her better. "Did you guys have a good week?"

  "It was good. Lots of food, fun, and sun. I think miss moody back there is ready for New York again, but I could honestly stay here forever." Casey pulled her seatbelt on and bounced in her seat. "Everyone has been talking about this club."

  "I like New York, too. It's classy and homey for those who were raised there." I glanced up to pin Viv with a stare. She looked up and nodded curtly before turning back to her phone. I'd lost her. I was almost sure of it.

  It's a good thing, right? Then why the hell does it feel so bad?

  I continued. "Yeah, my co-worker, Kevin is going to be here tonight. He's a food critic." I turned my attention to the road in front of us and drove slowly, trying hard not to run into any of the million people that moved along the sidewalk ahead of us.

  "Oh nice. Is he hot?" Casey turned and lifted her eyebrows.

  "Not in the slightest, though I might not be the best judge of what a hot guy looks like." I turned on the radio and pulled onto the main strip, pointing out a few things to Casey here and there as she seemed the only one interested in talking with me at all.

  "Here we are." I pointed to the club. "Exposé. Interesting name."

  "Right? Seeing that we're on a nude beach, it's quite fitting." Casey unbuckled as I pulled up to the valet.

  "Make sure you have your I.D.s, girls." I got out of the car and turned to Viv, wanting to say a million things to her.

  "Got it." She lifted it and waved it in front of her face before walking toward the door. "That's one hell of a line. We'll never get in."

  I moved up beside her and pulled out my business card. "Sure we will. Follow behind me and hold on tightly to Casey."

  The large bouncer at the door lifted his eyebrow at me and smirked. "Line's back there, Mr. Big Stuff."

  "I'm here to critique the club as part of Wilmington and Branch." I lifted my card toward him and tilted my head. "Get your manager if you need to check me in. I'm on your list."

  "And the girls?" He nodded back to Viv and Casey.

  "Both mine." I put my wallet back into my pocket and moved back before wrapping an arm around each of them. "Need to double check my credentials?"

  "Nope. I know who you are now. Your food critic is already in the back. Enjoy your time here, Mr. Parks." He nodded and moved back.

  "Wow. That was cool." Casey turned to face me as I released them just inside the club.

  "Naw, just the norm. Part of the gig, I guess." I turned to find Viv gone already. "Where'd she go?"

  "Bathroom, I bet. Let's get some drinks and then we can find her." Casey took my hand and pulled me toward the bar.

  Now was my time to talk to Casey. I wasn't sure how receptive she would be to discussing Viv with me, but it didn't matter. I needed to right the wrong I'd done. Vivian was back to being as withdrawn with me as she was on Sunday night on the plane. Actually worse.

  I ordered three beers and turned to Viv's petite, pixie-like friend. "Did I upset her? Is that why she's barely talking to me?"

  "Something like that, but I'm not so sure she's necessarily mad at you. She's just closed back off. I told you that she's just gotten out of a really bad relationship." Casey watched me as she took a long drink of her beer. "She's not ready to move on just yet."

  "Bad relationship as in the guy was bad to her? Hit her or what?" Anger burned through me at the very thought of anyone laying his hands on Vivian.

  "They were together for ten years." She sighed softly as if a memory rushed across her vision. "He finally asked her out in fifth grade, but I had to almost twist his arm to do it. She was a tomboy back then, and really into sports. There aren't many sports that she doesn't play, or didn't use to, really."

  "Ten years and then what?" I turned to see Vivian walk out of the ladies room, her eyes moving across the hordes of people as she searched for us. I lifted up, using one of the barstools beside me and waved until I caught her attention.

  "Then she found him fucking another girl in his dorm room. He'd been sleeping around for years. She's just trying to get over it now. She's been pretty numb for the last month or so."

  I cringed as I moved back down to the ground. How anyone would cheat on a woman like Viv was a mystery to me. She seemed to be the full-package deal.

  "When did she find out about him cheating?" I wanted to talk to Casey for hours, but knew my time was running short.

  "Early February. This was supposed to be their Valentine’s slash graduation trip, but she canceled it after dumping him. We got the airlines to move it to spring break and put it down for the two of us, but I basically had to tell them the situation. We got someone who actually had a heart on the phone when we called them." She turned and lifted her beer. "I didn't tell you any of that."

  "Nope. I know nothing." I extended the beer to Vivian. "We got this for you. Hope it's good."

  "Yeah. Thanks. Why do you two look like you're plotting my doom?" She gave Casey a cocky smile, but it slid off her pretty face as she glanced back toward me.

  It took every ounce of willpower I had not to reach out, grab her and pull her against me, reminding her how good we were going to be together when we both got over all our shit. I didn't move a muscle. She wasn't ready for anything from me, and I could quickly see why our kiss earlier that week hadn't been the best move on my part, nor the subsequent pushing her back.

  I was an ass, and needed to figure out how to make things up to her.

  "What a dick," Casey mumbled, bringing me from my thoughts.

  Vivian stood next to me, her pretty face far more pale than I'd seen anyone before. She looked like someone had just informed her that her par
ents were killed in an accident. I reached for her, unable to help myself.

  "Viv, what's wrong?" I slid my hands around her waist and turned her to face me. "Talk to me."

  "Her ex is here...and he's not alone." Casey pressed her shoulder against mine. "That ex..."

  Chapter 15


  As if it weren't bad enough to have to be around Easton and act like everything he said and did didn't turn me into a puddle, but now Jackson too?

  "You gotta fucking be kidding me." I let my eyes run along Easton's beautiful face as concern filled his eyes. I turned my attention down to Casey. "I've gotta get out of here. I can't do this."

  "Yes you can. You and I are together. Got it?" Easton slid his hand up my side, over my shoulder and cupped the side of my neck. "Pretend that we're lovers, and I'm totally smitten by you. It wouldn't be far from the truth. He can suffer just watching us."

  "I'm not going to use you like that. I'm not that kind of girl, Easton." I started to pull away from him, my heart already beating rapidly just due to our closeness.

  "Yes you are. This is going to be great." Casey squeezed my shoulder tightly. "Play the part. Jackson's going to flip his shit."

  Tears filled my eyes and I tilted my head toward the ceiling, trying to blink them back. "It's not that easy, guys. He has my heart."

  "I don't like it," Easton mumbled and forced me to look back down at him as he reached up and brushed away a few of the tears that escaped my eyes. "Let me help you tonight. Please."

  "It's too dangerous, and I'm not looking for another heartbreak, but thank you." I pulled from him and turned, letting my eyes scan the floor until I spotted him. Jackson was nothing compared to Easton in terms of looks, just a silly, country quarterback against a sexy well-to-do suit, but he still had ten years of my life wrapped around him.

  I lifted my beer to my lips and ignored Casey and Easton's hushed conversation. I wasn't interested in playing any part, or I didn't think I was. The minute Jackson glanced up and his eyes widened, everything changed.

  Taking a step back, I bumped into Easton and reached back, pulling his strong arm around my waist and pressing against him. Chill bumps broke out across my skin as he complied, taking my demands a step farther and pressing his soft lips to the side of my neck before dragging them slowly up to rest beside my ear.

  "I know you're upset with me, but use me tonight. I want to make it up to you. I want us to be friends for a long time." He kissed my ear, and I nodded.

  "Okay, but nothing more than this." I turned to brush my nose by his. "Just this night at the club."

  "If you end up in my bed, it's because you wanted to." He slid his hand along my jaw and pulled me down for a long kiss.

  I forgot all about Jackson and everyone else in the room for a minute. I'd just started to turn to press myself against the front of Easton, when I heard my name spoken reverently from the same voice that lorded over my life for so long.

  "Vivian. What're you doing here?" Jackson had his hand wrapped around a pretty blonde's hand, her breasts spilling over the top of her tiny dress and leaving nothing to the imagination.

  I turned and took a quick breath as Easton moved to my side a little, but kept one arm wrapped tightly around me.

  "Just decided to have a vacation. This is Easton, and of course you know Casey." I moved a little as Easton extended his hand.

  "From the small town to the big city, hm?" Easton smiled and shook Jackson's hand.

  My ex had a look on his face that I'd seen far too many times. It was a mixture of discomfort and anger.

  "Yeah, sure. Not sure what that means, but whatever." He glanced down and shook his head. "You meet this guy here or take him with you?"

  "We've been dating for a few weeks now." Easton moved to my side and draped his arm over my shoulders.

  "He's big shit in New York." Casey poked Jackson in the chest, and something inside of me cringed. I should have hated him completely, and a large part of me did, but I didn't want anyone hurting him or berating him on my behalf.

  "Dance with me?" He turned his attention back to me. "Just one more time."

  I realized that he hadn't introduced his girl, but he probably wouldn't. He was a cheating ass, but some part of me believed that the boy I'd fallen in love with and planned my future with still lived inside of him. My mother could turn men into villains all day long, but there was more to it than just black or white. There had to be.

  "Go ahead if you want." Easton glanced down at me and smiled. "I'll be right here when you get back."

  "Okay." I lifted to my toes and brushed my lips across his, not having to feign attraction at all. Jackson was my past, and though Easton probably had no hold on my future, it didn't mean that I couldn't easily see him having all of it, if he only wanted it.

  He pulled me in closely and kissed me sensually, like I was the only woman in the room. Funny how the feeling dissipated the minute he released me. Reality set in, and the thought of not being good enough for neither Jackson nor him threatened to consume me.

  I took Jackson's hand and ignored his date's glare as best I could. Glancing back at Casey, I nodded toward the girl. "Be nice."

  Casey huffed. "Fuck that. I'm not the nice friend. You are, remember?"

  "This isn't good." I glanced up at Jackson as he moved us to the center of the dance floor and turned, pulling me against him and gripping my hips tightly. "Casey isn't going to be nice to that poor girl."

  "That girl is a vicious bitch, she'll be fine." His eyes moved across me slowly as he licked at his lips. "You look fucking hot. I haven't stopped thinking about you, you know. Not a damn day goes by that I don't regret what happened between us."

  "You moved on, Jack. Plain and simple." I slid my hands up his chest and forced the memories of us making love from my mind. It wouldn't take more than a few kind words from him and I'd limp away from the dance floor, crippled emotionally by the need to get my life back. "And you dumped me, remember? You cheated on me for years and then dumped me when I found out."

  "Only because you couldn't forgive me, Viv. You and I are supposed to be forever. I've said that a million times." He pressed his strong body to the front of mine, his erection thick and hard. "If you don't see that, then you're ignorant."

  I pushed a little against his chest and shook my head. "No. Those days are over. I thought we would be forever, too, but you changed all of that. Besides, I'm with someone else now."

  He laughed and nodded toward the bar. "That guy? He's not even your type, Viv. I'm your type."

  "You were my type. You're nothing to me now. How could you be? You traded everything we had for a few nights of passion with others." I glanced to my left, catching Easton's strong gaze. He didn't look happy at all, and the very thought of him being upset over me and Jackson thrilled a part of my heart that was turning icy far too fast.

  "I messed up, okay? We both know that." He slid his hands back to cup my rear, and I pushed at his chest, not willing to play his game.

  "Yeah, you did, and I'm not sure what the fuck you're doing in Miami when you had to have known that I would be here too." I narrowed my eyes at him. "You knew I was here, didn't you?"

  "I actually didn't. I assumed you'd go to Jamaica. Remember we used to always talk about having our honeymoon there." He reached up and brushed his thumb over my cheek. "I love you. I always have. You're the only woman I could even think about spending my life with, Viv."

  "I'm not doing this here. I can't." I pushed at his chest once more and broke the contact. "I wasn't enough, remember?"

  Tears burned my gaze as he reached for me. "I was being a dumbass. I broke it off because I thought I could find better, but I can't. I want you. I'll always want you."

  "She's taken." Easton's voice was low and ominous as he tugged at my arm and moved in between me and Jackson. "And she's dancing with me now, so fuck off."

  I turned and moved into Easton’s arms as he wrapped them tightly around me, molding his b
ody to mine and dancing with the music. I pressed my face to his chest and tightened my hold on him as a soft sob racked my body. The very last thing I wanted to do was let Easton know anything about me, especially all my relationship dysfunction. It was something I was hoping to hide for just a few more days from him.

  Just a few more days and I would have been on a plane, headed back to my life, and you could get back to yours.

  "Shhh. It's okay." He kissed the side of my hair and spoke to Jackson a few more seconds, but I ignored them, needing so badly to forget everything and everyone, even for just a night.

  Easton’s strong hands massaged the back of my neck as I lifted my face to his and tried to speak. Nothing came out and he gave me a smile that wasn't filled with pity, but adoration.

  "You don't need to say anything. I forced Casey to tell me a little bit about it. You can hate me later." He moved down and brushed his nose past mine. "No wonder you're so guarded."

  "I just want to understand why. If I knew what I did then maybe I could–”

  "No. People who are cheated on don't do anything to deserve that shit. It's all on him, Vivian. It has little to nothing to do with you." His eyes moved around my face as his body hardened against mine. "You're so far beyond beautiful, so innocent and kind. He's a fucking idiot."

  I pressed against the sexy man holding me and slid my hands over his hips as I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself as he said I was. It wasn't possible, but it didn't matter. I wanted to feel the intense sensation of being wanted, even if it was a lie that would slip through my fingers the next morning.

  "He's all I know." I turned my head to look back at the bar.

  Jackson and Casey were in each other's faces, but they had been our whole lives. It was nothing new, and he wouldn't hurt Casey no matter what. They were like siblings, which was half the fun of sharing life with both of them.

  "Then you need to get out more. Not everything has to be a heart-breaking love story." Easton slid his hands along my face as I turned my attention back toward him. His piercing green eyes studied me, his lips so soft and wet.


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