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Page 63

by Claire Adams

"This is Easton." I cleared my throat, and hoped like hell that it wasn't my boss. I had a million things to do, and the day was virtually shot for getting any of them done.

  "Hi, baby. Your dad and I just wanted to check up on you. How's Florida? Have you taken any time for yourself?" My mother's voice was upbeat and filled with warmth.

  I glanced at the clock through squinted eyes and walked back to the living room as I stretched. "Yeah, I'm having a good time. I just took a day off to enjoy the beach and stuff. I guess I passed out on the couch."

  "Did I wake you? I'm sorry," my mother cooed.

  "No she's not. She does that shit to me all the time." My father's voice was muted, but his response caused my lips to lift in a smile.

  "Shut it, Carl." There was humor in her voice just before she broke out into giggles. My father had to be tickling her. If there was one relationship I treasured more than all others, it was the one between my mom and dad. I wanted a love like that, but it seemed impossible. Or was it? Vivian and I experienced something very similar right before we fell asleep.

  "I should be home by Sunday if everything goes according to plan. Let's plan on breakfast Monday morning, though. There's a girl I met here, and I'm pretty sure she's gonna want to go to dinner Sunday night. She flies out tomorrow."

  "Oh my goodness! Carl, he's found a girl," my mother screamed into the phone as she lost her mind with excitement.

  I rolled my eyes and leaned back, sinking into the couch. She acted quite similar every time I talked about taking a girl out or having even the slightest interest in a woman. She was baby crazy, and in all honesty, I wished that one of my brothers would marry young and divert the pressure off of me.

  "Mom. We're just friends." I glanced around the room and thought of Vivian, knowing that there was truth in my words but longing for a lot more than a friends with benefits arrangement. Some man was going to sweep my beautiful woman off her feet if I didn't soon. She wouldn't be on the market for long at all.

  "Friends is a great starting place. It's the foundation of a good, solid relationship, Easton. Tell me all about her."

  "I will when I get back home. I'm going to shower and take her to a concert that I got us tickets for." I sat up. "I'm honestly a little freaked out about whether to take the friendship to the next level."

  "Do you care about–” My mom was cut off and my dad's voice filled up the phone. I swear the two of them were my free counseling session on steroids.

  "Will you miss her when you part ways?" My dad's voice was gruff.

  "Yeah, like crazy."

  "Have you had sex with her?"

  "Dad, really?" I stood up, and waited for him to give me an out, but as per usual, he didn't. "That’s none of your business dad. Shit."

  "Whatever. You're in love with her. Take the next step. Stop being a puss. Love hurts. You win, you lose, you grow up and get over it."

  "Give me that phone," my mother's voice was shrill. "Don't listen to that gorilla, Easton. Take your time and court the girl. If she's the one, then don't rush into anything. She'd not appreciate that, and you won't either."

  "And if she's not the one?" I walked to the bedroom, knowing very much that Vivian could be the one.

  "Then it's okay to let her go. Until you figure that out, you need to protect your heart. Okay, baby?"

  "Mom. You're the one waiting with baited breath for me to marry and have kids. Are you telling me to back off now?" I chuckled and started the shower, wishing Vivian would have stayed to take one with me. There was nothing more that I wanted to do than lather up my hands and run them all over her body, worshiping every inch of her until she begged me to stop.

  "No. Yes. I don't know. I just hear something in your voice I haven't heard before. Just be careful. Your dad and I will see you on Sunday or Monday. Your brothers should be home for the weekend too. They're not headed back to school until later in the week."

  "Okay. I love you." I pulled a towel from the cabinet and slung it over the shower door.

  "We love you too. Good luck." She kissed the phone a few times, and I released the call before stripping down and getting into the shower. My mom and dad meant the world to me. If they could hear in my voice how much I'd fallen for the beautiful vixen that had stolen my breath, then I'd fallen for her.

  She was going to push back against me, though. She had much more stock in protecting herself after what Jackson had put her through. I couldn't blame her, and I wouldn't push at all, but I did want to let her know that I wanted more. I could carefully tread through the waters of what that might look like.

  I turned and lifted my face to the hot spray, letting everything else go. Vivian and I would have a great night tonight. And if sex was part of the deal, then I would lavish her generously in pleasure just to remind her of how good we could be together when she left me the next day.


  She was wearing a tight skirt that stopped about mid-thigh and a series of tank tops that make her look all of nineteen, but with her hair down and makeup dark and smoky in appearance, she was every bit twenty-one. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as I approached her, and something inside of me snapped as I reached for her, pulling her against me and lowering my face to hers.

  "You look incredible." I let my eyes move from her lips to her gaze, which was wide and filled with curiosity. "I'm highly considering giving these tickets to anyone who wants them and inviting you back up to finish last night properly."

  "Don't make promises you don't intend to keep." She brushed her lips by mine and moved out of my hold as Casey stared at us wide-eyed.

  "Um. Wow. I'm gone for one night and you two are a thing all of a sudden?" She smiled and tugged a tall, Hispanic guy toward us. "This is Paul."

  I ignored her probing and extended my hand, shaking the guy’s firmly. "I'm Easton. Nice to meet you man."

  "Alright. This party train is leaving. I got us a cab." Casey moved in front of me and Vivian, before linking her arm with her date's arm. "That okay?"

  I slipped one hand into my pocket, checking for the tickets and reached for Viv's hand with the other. "Perfect."

  She squeezed my hand and let out a squeal as her beautiful face filled with excitement. "I love this band. They're one of my favorites, but it's always so damn hard to get tickets. Not to mention how expensive they are."

  "Well, these were free, but I'd have bought you tickets if I'd known." I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed her fingers softly as I glanced over at her. My mother's words washed through my mind, but it was my father's that stuck with me. I was being a puss. This woman was everything I wanted in my life, and yet the fear of losing her at the first turn in the road left me pulling back more than I should have.

  "Stop being sweet. You'll have me regretting our time together." She gave me a cheeky grin and walked toward the cab, getting into the back with Paul. Casey was up front, already giving the poor cabbie full instructions on how to get to the amphitheater, as if the guy hadn't been there a million times.

  I got in beside Viv and slid my hand down her thigh, gripping her possessively as my body woke up and desire riddled my insides.

  "Are we eating somewhere or just grabbing a hot dog at the event?" Casey turned back to pin us with an inquisitive stare.

  "The hot dogs are actually pretty good there," Paul spoke, his voice raspy like he had been chewing on glass half the night.

  "I'm good with eating there. You?" Vivian turned to me.

  "I'm down with whatever. I just want to be with you and enjoy the show." I moved my arm to wrap around Viv's shoulders and tugged her a little closer to me so that I could press a kiss just below her ear. "You're leaving me tomorrow, aren't you?"

  She turned to face me, her mouth so close to mine that I could smell the subtle hint of peppermint on her tongue. "Yeah, but like you said, we can have lunch or dinner some time back in New York. You'll just have to hit me up when you're in town."

  I didn't know her well enough to know if the idea of o
ur parting hurt her at all, but the slight flinch along the edge of her eyes told me that perhaps it did.

  "I'll be calling all the time then." I ran my fingers over her shoulder and smiled at her. "You look incredible. Did I say that already?"

  Casey turned from the front seat and laughed. "Only ten times."

  "Well, I want to say it a million more." I sat back, releasing Viv as we pulled up to the event. Opening the door, I got out and helped Viv out before giving the cabbie my card.

  "I got this." Casey moved around the car with Paul in tow.

  "Naw, I got it. It's all good." I smiled at her, liking the girl more and more each time we hung out. She and Viv were almost polar opposites, but I could see why they made such good friends. They complimented each other well.

  "Let's go. I'm excited." Viv pulled at my arm as I finished paying the cab driver.

  I laughed and turned, taking her hand and half jogging with her to the gate. I handed everyone their ticket and got in line behind my girl. The breeze picked up and the smell of her perfume washed over me, causing my stomach to tighten as I reached for her.

  She pressed back against me, turning her head a little to give me a great view of her profile. "What's up?"

  "You’re up." I brushed my erection by her rear. "And you're causing me to get up. I swear you're the hottest woman I've ever seen in my short life."

  She smiled, reached back and stroked me over my jeans, squeezing my balls softly before tugging on them a little. "You're just horny."

  "Yeah. For you." I ran my hands down the top of her outer thigh and nudged her forward. "Stop playing with me, or I'll find an empty stall and see if you're wearing panties under that dress."

  She handed her ticket to the attendant and turned, a smile lifting her beautiful face. "You'd like to know..."

  "Fucking right I would." I handed my ticket to the guy and moved toward her as she turned and jogged toward a series of stairs.

  "Come on. Casey and Paul can catch up later. I want to see everything." Her hair billowed behind her as she took the stairs, and I couldn't force myself to move another inch. I wanted to watch her, though there was almost too much irony in letting her rush from me.

  "You waiting on an invitation?" Casey popped my butt as she jogged by me. "You're cordially invited to come the fuck on."

  I laughed and took the stairs two at a time, buzzing past Casey and catching up to Viv in time to wrap my arms around her and spin her once at the top of the staircase. She yelped and the sound delighted me, warming my entire body from the center out. We could have what my parents had. I could feel it.

  "Let's go." She moved from me and reached back, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward our seats.

  I didn't care at all about the music or the experience; I just wanted to be around her while she enjoyed herself. As the band started to play, we all took to our feet and I shuffled in behind her, sliding my hands over her hips and breathing her in deeply. Tonight was it, but it didn't seem like an ending for some reason.

  Maybe there was hope.

  Maybe I could force it.


  "That was kick ass awesome!" She bounced on the balls of her feet as we stopped in the cab-line at the amphitheater. Casey had taken an earlier ride home after getting sick on something she ate, but she wouldn't let anyone go with her but her new guy. Paul said he would take care of her, and once Viv agreed to it, I did as well.

  "I know, right? I loved every minute of it." I opened the door for her as she got into the cab and scooted over for me.

  "What now? Want to try for ice cream again or are you tired?" She moved toward me the minute I shut my door, her actions lighting my heart on fire.

  "I just want to be with you. I'd rather the night not end." I wrapped my arm around her and turned, pulling her into a long kiss.

  She worked my tongue with her long draws on it, leaving my mind doused in depravity and my body aching for the rest of the night to be played out in the nude. I kissed her once more and pulled back as warmth raced up my chest and coated my neck and cheeks.

  "Wow." I sighed softly and kissed her again, not wanting to break contact with her. "Come to my room with me. Spend the night with me."

  "Let's go to the hot tub at the penthouse. Is there one in there?" She reached up and brushed her fingers by my lips.

  "Yeah. That sounds divine. No swimsuits, right?" I wagged my eyebrows.

  "Yes, swimsuits. I'm leaving tomorrow just before lunch. If stay up all night, I'll be a holy hell wreck again, which isn't good for anyone in my path." Her smile was radiant, and I had to force myself to sit back and not reach for her again.

  "Alright. Swimsuits, but we're playing twenty questions. I want to know everything about you before you leave me here to fend off these crazy people by myself for the next few days." I licked at my lips, wanting to taste her again.

  "How long are you here?" She snuggled in beside me and let her fingers dance along my thigh.

  "I leave out on Sunday. I'm supposed to have some time with my parents before I head out for my next trip, but I'm not so sure it's going to happen." I sat up, pulling from her as the cab stopped in front of La Mage. "You wanna grab your suit from your room and meet me in the penthouse?"

  "Sounds like a plan." She took my hand as she got out of the cab, her free hand slipping over my cock and squeezing as she rose to her toes and kissed me lightly. "See you in a minute."

  I growled as she released me and turned to watch her go. She would have to be the one to put her foot down on our new relationship. I couldn't end anything with her. I was teetering on pushing it toward exclusivity. Maybe once we were back in New York she would be receptive to such a conversation.

  I was without option. Her hold on me was far tighter than any woman before her had held.

  The question was whether she knew it or not.

  Chapter 21


  I didn't think to knock before I walked into our room, but I should have. Paul had Casey against the wall, fucking her hard as I stopped at the door.

  "Oh my God. I'm so sorry." I turned my back to them. "I need my swimsuit. Or never mind. I can just not go swimming."

  "Wait. It's fine." Casey called after me, but I didn't dare turn around. I'd seen my best friend in various compromising positions, but it didn't mean I wanted to see it again. "I'll get it."

  I moved my hand behind my back and pressed my free hand to my face as I held the door open with my body. She dropped it into my hand and popped my rear.

  "Have fun tonight. The room should be free again in an hour or so."

  Nodding, I moved out in to the hall and tried to release the extreme embarrassment that rolled through me. Casey was obviously feeling better.

  I knocked at the penthouse door after riding the elevator up with a large crowd of rowdy partygoers. They each took a turn inviting me to join the fun, but I simply denied them politely until I was the only one left on the elevator.

  Easton opened the door after my first knock and smiled at me. "Casey okay?"

  "Yeah, you could say that." I ducked under his arm and moved into the room. "I walked in on her and Paul having sex. Lovely sight for a porno maybe, but not something I enjoyed."

  He chuckled as I shuddered. "Well, let the image go. No need to have you all hot and bothered when we're just going to relax in the hot tub."

  I gave him a cheeky grin and rolled my eyes. "You're just baiting me, but I'm not falling for it. One night was too much to forget with you. Two would kill me."

  "Why do you have to forget anything?" He moved toward me and reached out, brushing his fingers down my arm as his eyes moved across my face.

  "Hot tub. Twenty questions, and my room is free in an hour. Nothing more. Promise me." I pressed my hand to his chest. He was pushing forward with his desire to make more out of us than we could be. I wanted to join in, but I wasn't playing the fool again – not ever.

  "Alright. What the lady wants.”

's not entirely true." I shrugged, removed my hand from his thick chest and turned to walk toward the bathroom. "Let me change real quick."

  "I'd rather you left the bathing suit on the bathroom floor, but if you want to wear it..." He let out a long, playful sigh that caused me to chuckle.

  "And here I thought you were a good man. Corruption has taken a hold of you." I stopped by the bathroom door and glanced back to catch him watching me with hunger in his gaze.

  "I was that man until a goddess made love to me last night. Now, I can't seem to pull myself out of the muck." He put his hands on his hips and shrugged. "I blame you entirely."

  I snorted. "Of course you do. Typical male ego."

  Disappearing into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and changed into my black bikini. After checking my appearance three times in the mirror, I finally resigned myself to going back out to finish our evening together. There was nothing I wanted more than to make love to him all night, but it was foolish to think that I could walk away unscathed from our short love affair. I had no hope in a future together, and that he did hurt me even more.

  Was I giving up the chance to try again?

  He said himself that he couldn't keep a relationship alive to save his life due to his incessant travel. And what if he met someone on one of his trips? What if I wasn't enough?

  "You haven't been up to this point. Why would this be any different?" I leaned toward the mirror, only to jump and yelp as his voice came through the door.

  "Are you talking to yourself in there? Get out here. The water's perfect."

  I smiled and pulled a towel from the rack behind me, grabbing him one too and walking out to enjoy the view. His black swim trunks only seemed to accentuate just how big of a package he was sporting. The memory of seeing him naked and bare before me the night before caused a shiver to run through me.

  "Cold?" He asked with a cocky grin on his face.

  "Nope. Just thinking about how good you look naked. I'm lamenting a little over the fact that you didn't let me taste you." I shrugged and walked past him, trying hard to keep my tone very matter-of-fact.


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