by David Garrow
Senate Judiciary Committee, 960
Senate Rules Committee, 986
Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, 963, 967, 976, 987–88
September 11 attacks (2001), 742–43, 747–48, 1042
Serdiuk, Claire
and Jack Ryan as competitive candidate, 907
and Obama DNC after-party, 941
on Obama family postelection vacation, 901, 903
and Obama fund-raising expansion, 847, 906
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 910
and Obama U.S. Senate primary campaign, 777, 784, 792, 796–97, 799–800, 805, 806, 836, 841
and Rezko approach to campaign funding, 869–70
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 795, 796, 806, 810, 823–24
endorsement of Obama, 853, 864, 866
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 827, 828, 832, 833, 849, 855
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. See U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
Severns, Penny, 620, 640
Sex Rebel: Black—Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet (Davis), 71, 229
Sexton, Brenda, 842, 843, 878, 879, 881–84, 888, 891
affidavit on Hull’s violence, 882–83, 884
sexual harassment suit, 565, 634–35
sexual orientation. See gay and lesbian rights
Shachtman, Lisa, 167, 170
Shadid, George, 594, 658
Shadow, Susan, 784, 906, 910, 913, 922, 942
Shadur, Milton, 512, 565
Shah, Tarak, 838, 900, 968
Shalom, Silvan, 982
Shapiro, David L., 332, 333, 334, 339, 349
Shapiro, Walter, 1000, 1017
Sharon, Ariel, 982
Sharp, Al, 731
Shaw, Bill, 306, 503, 504, 538, 649, 657, 739
Shaw, Robert, 263, 292, 315, 407
Sheehan, Michael, 933–34, 936
Sher, Susan, 464, 535, 662, 737
Sherman, Adam, 111–12
Sherman, Scott, 347
Shields, Purnell “Southside,” 365
Shields, Steve, 823
Shockley, Evie, 362, 363
Shomon, Dan
background of, 577, 593
and Chicago Law Bulletin profile of Obama, 605
and death of mother, 797, 805
and discord with Gibbs, 921–22
and driver for Obama, 847, 854
and Halvorson state Senate campaign, 577, 593, 868
and Hull-Sexton divorce issue, 882
and issue of Obama’s unusual name, 756
on Jones as factor in Obama political success, 960
and Michelle Obama disdain for politics, 674, 708
and Obama campaign finances, 738, 747, 988
and Obama congressional campaign, 661–62, 666–69, 675–82, 687–90, 697, 700, 705, 707–9, 713, 719, 789, 868
and Obama discriminatory-credit-scoring bill, 642, 651, 653
and Obama dislike of state legislature, 659, 711
and Obama Joyce Foundation presidency candidacy, 750, 751
and Obama missed gun-control vote, 687, 688
and Obama road trip through southern Illinois, 610–11
Obama’s personal bond with, 781–82
and Obama’s self-discipline problem, 688–89, 920
and Obama’s smoking, 921
and Obama’s state Senate issues committee, 717–18, 726
and Obama’s stress, 854–55
as Obama state Senate aide, 593–94, 596, 605, 606, 610–11
and Obama state Senate reelection campaign, 632, 637
Obama statewide candidacy promotion, 721
and Obama U.S. Senate primary, 755, 756, 762, 777, 780, 781, 784, 786, 789, 792, 793, 795, 799–800, 805–6, 812, 820, 821, 827, 836, 837, 857, 883, 898
and professional campaign advisers for U.S. Senate campaign, 906
and Rezko problem, 869
viewing on television of Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 941
as vital to Obama’s political success, 637, 1050
Shooting of Big Man, The (TV documentary), 435–36
Shribman, David, 480
Siddiqi, Sohale
on change in Obama, 150, 159
Genevieve Cook’s affair with, 208, 228
on Obama’s closeness with grandparents, 152–53
Obama’s shared New York apartment with, 131, 140, 143, 144, 145, 172, 173, 174, 176, 189–90
Sidley & Austin, 230, 276, 329, 348–49, 362–63, 366, 417–18, 465
Dohrn association with, 546
guests at Obama wedding from, 478, 480
Michelle Robinson employment by, 366, 381, 417, 454, 463, 546
Minow as senior partner of, 357, 591
Obama job offer from, 417–18, 454, 462, 463, 465
Obama possible positions with, 647
Obama summer job with, 348–49, 351, 357, 360–61, 380
Siegel, Martin, 344
Sierra Club, 240, 862
Siff, Scott, 388, 413, 436, 438, 439, 453
Signator, Mike, 889–90, 920, 928
Silva, Dina, 120, 121, 138
Silverstein, Ira, 638, 642, 754
and amendatory budget vetoes, 766
and Obama’s religious beliefs, 909–10
Simari, Fred, 23, 29, 33, 205–9, 223, 481
on meaning of community organizing to Obama, 313
Simmons, Adele Smith, 509, 517, 779
Simmons, Jamal, 910
Simmons, John, 823, 830
Simon, Jeanne, 697
Simon, Paul, 28, 34, 404, 472, 508, 512, 577, 757
and campaign finance reform, 588, 611, 612, 617, 619, 623, 628, 630, 764, 888
daughter’s TV ad endorsing Obama, 879–80, 881, 883–84, 891
death of, 857
on Illinois statehouse corruption, 582–84
on Obama as “rising star,” 871, 881, 891
on Obama election challenge to Rush, 667
Obama relationship with, 634, 697, 698, 709, 721, 765, 790, 816, 830, 863
on strong political convictions, 1063
successful Senate campaign of, 774
Trotter compared with, 660
on U.S. Senate primary candidates, 828, 829, 893
Simon, Sheila, 698, 857, 879–80, 881, 883–84, 891, 898, 905
Simon & Schuster, 431–32, 482, 490, 491
Simpson, Alan, 1059
Simpson, Dick, 693
Simpson, O. J., 544
Sinaga, Fermina Katarina, 64
Sinclair, David A., 52
Singer, Linda, 409, 410
single-payer health care, 776, 916–17, 932
Sinsheimer, Joe, 826
Sipes, Chris, 425, 438
Sirota, David, 993
Siskind, Sarah, 494, 561–62
Siverly, Bryan, 821
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (Birmingham), 948
Skaggs, David, 661
Skinner, Gary, 206
Skinner, Nancy
and Iraq war, 880
televised debate, 848, 849
U.S. Senate primary, 831, 833, 844, 857
U.S. Senate primary results, 900
Slevin, Jack, 512–13
Slifkin, Daniel, 389, 421
Smail, David, 356, 399
Small Schools Network, 612–13
Smiley, Tavis, 715, 910–11, 942, 957–58, 975, 1008, 1038
Smith, Callie, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227
Smith, Dean, 96
Smith, Harry, 1039
Smith, Hendrick, 155
Smith, Irv, 887
Smith, Kenneth B. (pastor), 256
Smith, Kenny (law student), 336, 343
Smith, Margaret, 595, 596, 600, 652, 739
Smith, Nathan, 856
Smith, Pam, 820, 840–41, 859–60, 877, 910
Smith, Rik, 84–85
Smith, Scott, 409
Smith, Zirl, 224, 225, 226–27, 235, 244, 311
Smoot, Julianna, 1003–4
Smooth Operator (film),
Smylie, Mark, 648
Sneed, Michael, 757, 761, 878, 882
Snider, Bill, 120, 121, 122, 124
Sniderman, Paul M., 614
Snowden, Edward, 1065
Snyder, Laurence H., 47
Social Investment Forum of Chicago, 665
Socialist Scholars Conference, 158, 159
social justice Catholicism, 238, 318
Social Security, 1038
Social Theory (Unger), 447
Society of the Divine Word, 30, 236
Socratic method, 333, 497
Soetoro, Ann. See Dunham, Ann
Soetoro, Lolo (stepfather), 57–58, 61–62, 63–64, 94
Ann Dunham’s disillusionment with, 73
Ann Dunham’s divorce from, 105, 118–19
death of, 260
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 73, 528–29, 729
emotional control of, 73, 529, 729
as Obama influence, 72–74
Soetoro-Ng, Maya Kassandra (sister), 470, 493, 789
birth of, 72
and birth of baby Suhaila, 945
Chicago visits, 272–73, 615, 696, 737
childhood of, 81–82, 85, 89, 94, 118, 119
“drop-dead gorgeous” description of, 348
education of, 139, 175, 214, 478–79, 510, 861
and European trip with Obamas, 564–65
and family Christmas celebrations in Hawaii, 379, 380, 641, 723, 963, 1021
and family Scrabble games, 950–51, 963, 1040
and grandmother’s death, 1050
marriage to Konrad Ng, 861, 945
and mother’s cancer, 540
and mother’s death, 549, 1051
and mother’s dissertation dedication, 470
in New York, 144, 214, 276, 404, 420, 510, 540, 615
and Obama as “Barry,” 122, 295
Obama’s appreciation of, 181
on Obama’s Law Review presidency, 394
at Obama’s law school Halloween party, 347, 348
and Obama’s marriage, 478, 479, 493, 737
and Obama’s presidential candidacy decision, 1021, 1022
and Obama’s presidential election, 1050
and Obama’s U.S. Senate win, 898, 957
reaction to Obama’s speech on race, 1043
Solid Waste Management Task Force, 35, 234, 310–11
Solis, Danny, 22, 241, 265, 287, 405
and Daley machine, 623, 807
and IAF training event, 230–31
and school reform, 235–36, 295, 303, 316, 317, 322, 405
Solow, Alan, 816, 841–42
Solyom, Bron, 484, 485
Solyom, Garrett, 484, 485
Song, Unmi, 749
Song of Solomon (Morrison), 110, 695
Sorkin, Jerry, 341
Soros, George, 892, 904, 922, 923, 1015
Sotomayor, Sonia, 1052
Soule, Whitman, 80, 514, 654
Souter, David H., 1052
South Carolina primary, 1041
South Chicago Savings Bank, 6, 35, 290, 299–300
South Deering, 38, 240
as essence of Rust Belt, 199, 211, 262
South Deering Improvement Association (SDIA), 17, 210
Southeast Chicago Development Commission (SEDCOM), 276
Southeast Side, 8–18, 21–24, 38, 213, 216, 234–35
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 126, 254, 440
Southern Illinois University, 617, 720
Southern Illinois University Public Policy Institute, 612, 635
South Shore, 1, 2, 362, 364, 459, 462, 492, 571
South Shore Cultural Center (SSCC), 418–19, 479
Obama fund-raiser at, 738, 747, 755
South Side. See Far South Side
South Side Irish Parade, 701
South Side United Neighbors, 32
South Side YMCA, 666, 716
South Suburban Action Conference (SSAC), 223, 238, 351, 406, 473–74
South Works, 18–19, 21, 24, 38, 207, 251, 253, 303
final layoff, 233–34, 236, 238
Souza, Pete, 1057
Sowell, Thomas, 193–94
Speer, Edgar, 7
Speller, Julia M., 256, 258
Spencer Foundation, 509, 510, 523
Spiegel, David, 760
Spitz, Jennifer Amdur, 779
Spiva, Bruce, 421, 423, 438, 442, 443, 776, 831
Spivak, Todd, 908
Stanback, Howard, 206, 275–76, 290, 294, 591, 625, 664
and landfill issue, 299, 300, 306–7, 308, 310, 311
as Woods Fund chair, 669
Stanford, Karin, 665
Stanley, Henry M., 48
Starks, Robert, 552, 553, 558, 562, 563
State Government Operations Committee (Ill.), 596
State Universities Retirement System (SURS), 183, 736, 851
Stathis, Maria, 179
Stauter, Jeff, 571–72, 661
Stavropoulos, Demitri, 990
Stazak, Don, 208
Steele, Shelby, 477, 1051
steel mills. See LTV (Ling-Temco-Vought) steel mill; South Works; Wisconsin Steel closure
Steffen, Peter, 719–20
Stell, Kathy, 541, 548, 558, 559, 576, 674
Stenger, Boyd, 944
Stenzel, Bill, 23, 24, 28, 29, 209, 212, 260, 266, 267
Obama friendship with, 236, 298
Stephanopoulos, George, 939, 946, 974, 1044
Stevens, John Paul, 1056
Stevens, Judy, 250
Stevens, Sandi, 462. See also Jackson, Sandi
Stewart, Russ, 904, 911
Stokes, Ronald A. X., 376, 435
Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, 986, 1057
Stolorow, Adam, 841, 896, 906, 933
Stone, Geoffrey “Geof,” 454, 466, 565, 566, 575, 828
Stone, Randolph, 466, 617
Storm, Hannah, 935, 962
Stover, Dave, 781
Stradt, Ron, 822
Strahler, Steven, 749
Strassman, Marc, 534
Stratton, William, 588
Strausberg, Chinta, 244, 553, 609, 703, 707, 739, 741, 800, 804, 806
Obama interviews, 747–48, 762, 773, 778, 816
Strauss, David, 496–97, 675
Strauss, Paul, 478, 499, 659, 667, 785
Street, Paul, 1048
Streeter, Allan, 503, 504, 538
Stroessner, Alfredo, 410
Stroger, John, 460, 503–4, 517, 522, 527, 656, 813, 901
Claypool election challenge to, 989
and Rezko dealings, 969, 970
and Rush congressional campaign, 674, 678
and Trotter’s political career, 660, 670, 674, 689
Stroger, Todd, 660
Strossen, Nadine, 435
Stroud, Joseph, 753
Student Coalition Against Apartheid (SCAA), 114, 122, 127
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 184
Students Against Militarism, 157
Students for a Democratic Campus, 159
Sturgies, Eva, 29, 221, 230, 238, 239
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
Suarjana, Made, 380, 420
Subrin, Stephen H., 332, 358
Suffredin, Larry, 519–20, 658, 675, 759, 857
Sugini, Cecilia, 64
Suh, Sung-Hee, 358
Sullivan, Dave, 642, 654, 704, 895, 928, 1077, 1078
Sullivan, Greg, 594, 799
Sullivan, Heather, 711
Sullivan, Jerry, 200
Sullivan, John, 780
Sullivan, Kathleen (law professor), 355, 413–14, 455
Sullivan, Kathy (politician), 1012
Sulzer, Ken, 111, 113, 125
Summers, Larry, 974, 1051–52, 1063
Sunstein, Cass, 785, 927, 1049
Supple, Chuck, 567
Supreme Court, Illinois. See Illinois Supreme Court
Supreme Court, U.S., 95, 216, 368, 379, 415, 471, 579, 730
Alito appointed to, 979, 983
civil rights record, 725–26
gender cases, 614–15
importance of clerkships, 392, 417–18
Kagan appointed to, 1056
Law Review issue on, 412, 413–14, 420–21, 426
on political funding, 419
presidential election of 2000 ruling, 722, 724
race-related decisions, 487, 614
Roberts appointed to, 975–76, 979–80
Sotomayor appointed to, 1052
See also specific cases
Suryakusuma, Julia, 380, 381–82
Suskind, Ron, 1052, 1053, 1057
Sussman, Arthur, 568
Sutherland, Pam, 601, 602–3, 806, 891, 916
Sutoro, Ann. See Dunham, Ann
Sutton, Nate, 673
Swarthmore College, 107, 167, 168
Sweeny, Chuck, 855–56, 1001
Sweet, Lynn, 667, 949, 958, 965, 983, 992, 997
and Obama-McCain dispute, 985–86
on Obama presidential candidacy, 999
and Obama’s state Senate records, 1038
Syverson, Dave, 595–96, 607, 627, 653, 682, 814–15, 926, 945, 1077
Szarek, Amy, 666, 667, 675, 682, 704, 755, 781
Talabani, Jalal, 982
Talbott, Madeline, 474, 475, 477
and ACORN, 32, 34, 201, 220, 493, 650, 664
and “Future of Organizing” panel, 501, 502–3
interviewed about Obama, 554
and New Party, 493, 494, 522, 562
and Obama’s political career, 739
and Obama’s state Senate campaign, 561–62
Tallmer, Matt, 912
Tamarin, Nate, 812, 813, 820, 829, 836, 837, 884, 920
and Obama campaign field operations, 857, 861, 889, 896
and Obama PAC, 968
and U.S. Senate general election, 907
Tanden, Neera, 1055
Tavares, Larry, 84, 96
Tavenner, Marilyn, 1075
Taylor, Robert R., 30, 464, 475
Taylor, Stuart, 814
Teachers’ Retirement System, 723, 726, 761
Teamsters Union, 821, 823, 879
Techny Towers, 236, 263, 287, 311–12
Tempting of America, The (Bork), 415
Terkel, Studs, 180
terrorism, 742–43, 747–48, 846, 990, 1014
Terry, Don, 953–54
Thacker, Thom, 347, 348
This Week (ABC), 946, 960
Thomas, Clarence, 471, 614, 856, 975
Thomas, Danny, 517
Thomas, Rosa, 269, 270, 297, 316
Thomas, Ted, 650, 664, 669, 677, 816
Thompson, Bill, 533
Thompson, Darrel, 525, 526, 910, 920
and Obama DNC speech, 923, 928, 931, 937, 938, 941
and Obama fund-raising parties, 927–28
Thompson, James R. “Big Jim,” 16–17, 34, 205–6, 207, 210, 280
Thompson, Kevin, 478, 812, 852, 889, 903
as Obama’s personal “body man,” 906, 910, 920–22
Thummalapally, Vinai, 115, 120, 478
Thune, John, 957