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So Sensitive

Page 18

by Anne Rainey

  A long time passed with Gracie stiff, a frown marring the beauty of her face. Final y, she said, “I wil let you . . . try, but I want a safe word.”

  That had him rearing back in shocked surprise. “And how are you familiar with safe words?” It was a term used by couples who enjoyed bondage, dominance, and submissive-type sex. The idea that she might have done such things with someone other than him, bothered Wade .

  . . entirely too much. He had no right to inquire of her past relationships. He had a rather checkered past himself and wouldn’t relish an inquiry by her. Stil , he was just chauvinistic enough to wish that he had been the only man to try such things with her.

  Then, her next words had him sighing a little too vigorously in relief.

  “I read it in a romance book. The heroine was experimenting and wanted to play the sex slave to the hero. They used a safe word, which meant that if she spoke it aloud, the lovemaking stopped instantly.” She explained, as if tutoring him. “So, I want a safe word.”

  “You read some very interesting books, little Gracie,” he murmured, amused and turned on at the same time. “There’s something you don’t know, though. Safe words are for both the dominant and the submissive. If the submissive wants something the dominant isn’t comfortable with, then he can use the safe word to stop the play.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that. Do you want that option?”

  Wade chuckled. “No, I’m certain you won’t push me to a point that I’m uncomfortable. But, you only need to say ‘stop,’ Gracie, and I’l stop.

  We don’t need a safe word. At least not with this particular sex act.” His dick swel ed painful y as they talked; images bombarded his head, making him want to flip her to her stomach and slide into her tight, puckered opening.

  She smiled, and some of the tenseness left her shoulders. “And here I was al prepared to shout ‘Bambi.’ ”

  Surely, Wade had not heard her correctly. “Huh?”

  Gracie laughed, her body relaxing even more as she grew comfortable with their conversation. “It was the first thing that came to mind. Don’t ask me why.”

  Unaccountably charmed by her in that moment, Wade leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers. So soft, like butterfly wings. He could sip at her for hours. “Another time we’l use ‘Bambi.’ I promise,” Wade whispered against her mouth, their hot breaths mingling. As he locked his gaze with hers, Wade slowly lowered his head and kissed her gently between the legs. She moaned beautiful y for him. Lifting to his feet, Wade noted that Gracie’s gaze never wavered. She watched his every move, her anxious expression cutting through the haze of his lust the way nothing else could. Tenderly, he wrapped his hands around her waist and moved her to the center of the bed. Careful of her cast, Wade maneuvered her until she lay sprawled out on her bel y; he arranged her legs wider. The sight of her would be stamped on his memory forever.

  “Are you uncomfortable? Is your wrist okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’d al but forgotten about my wrist.”

  Wade stared down at her lying in the center of the rumpled bed, the low light of the bedside lamp turning her skin a creamier shade. His beautiful Gracie, al spread out for his pleasure, her luscious body and plump bottom mere inches away from his eager fingers and cock. He nearly whimpered like a whipped pup.

  “You are a feast, baby.”

  She turned her head to speak, and Wade helped her by moving her silky, dark hair away from her face. “I’m too plump. I’m sure you’ve been with women in better shape, with less baggage too, I’m sure.”

  Her voice, smal and unsure, turned his heart to mush. “I’m not going to deny that I’ve been with other women, but none could compare to you.” Wade caressed the length of her back with his palms until he cupped both round ass cheeks. “Your body is the softest bit of paradise I’ve ever touched. I want to spend days playing with you.” When he touched her little pink pucker, Gracie trembled. “I don’t want to hear you talk of yourself like that again. I wil punish you.” He rubbed one palm over her bottom, while he used his other hand to tease the sensitive skin protecting her most forbidden hole. “Remember how I punished you earlier, Gracie?”

  Her cheeks heated at the reminder of the erotic spanking he’d given her. “I remember,” she whispered.

  Impossibly, Wade’s dick hardened further. “That little spanking is just the start. Now tel me you believe me when I say that I find you perfect just as you are.” A nod was his answer. The sleek skin of her ass was softer than any silk he’d ever touched. So round and firm. So spankable and kissable.

  So far away from his mouth.

  On his knees between her legs, Wade leaned down and licked one smooth cheek, moving from the crook of her leg to the smal of her back.

  The startled sound that came from Gracie was not so much from fear, but from sexual hunger. He recognized her sounds already. Her needy little whimpers and anxious groans. He wanted to make her scream with a satisfaction that only he could give her.

  Wade moved off the bed. “Stay put, baby. I’l be right back.”

  “Hurry, Wade. I’m about to lose my nerve here.”

  He touched the cleft of her ass and stroked her intimately. “You’l be a good girl and wait for me.”

  She didn’t speak, but her body told him al that he needed. She was giving him her total acceptance. Wade would treasure it for what it was, a gift.

  Not wil ing to be away from Gracie for even a second, Wade quickly retrieved the body oil he kept in the bathroom cabinet. It wasn’t anything special, an off brand he’d bought at the drug store. Soon he would buy her something special. A deliciously scented oil that would mingle with the heat of her arousal.

  Resuming his position between the silky thighs of the woman he loved, Wade popped the top of the bottle, watching Gracie closely for any signs of fear or worry. As he poured a smal amount of oil into his palm, smoothing his hands together to warm the slippery liquid, he could see a slight blush to her skin. She stiffened a little, her past experiences coloring what they were about to do, no doubt. What had her past lovers done to cause such a reaction? His protective instincts boiled to the surface.

  “I would cut off my own arm rather than cause you pain, baby.” Her nearly imperceptible nod touched him. His sweet, brave little Gracie.

  Wade touched her shoulders first, and he could tel she was surprised. Apparently Gracie had expected him to dive right in. She should know him better than that by now. Wade savored and enjoyed.

  Slowly, Wade smoothed his hands over her col arbone next, then the delicate line of her neck received extra special attention. She had an elegant neck, soft and vulnerable. “The bruises are barely visible now, Gracie.”

  “Mmm, that feels so good, Wade. You have the magic touch.”

  The husky tone of her voice had the effect of a lick over his engorged cock. Damn, she was potent. As he skated his palms down her arms to her bound wrists, he could feel her hum of pleasure. He massaged the oil into the skin of her good wrist, easing the restraint a little until her arms were now barely tied at al . He didn’t need to truss her up to get off. It wasn’t about that for him. Pleasure came from her total submission.

  Her trust in him. That’s what turned Wade’s blood to molten lava. Knowing Gracie was able to get away, but chose to give al control to him instead, it did things to him. Wild, untamed things.

  Once Wade was satisfied that he’d made her as comfortable as possible, he poured more oil into his palms and touched her spine. He took utmost care in massaging each vertebra, feeling her relax even more. He chuckled. “At this rate you’re going to be asleep before we even get to the main event.”

  “Sleep is impossible when you’re so near . . . and so naked.”

  Masculine pride had his chest swel ing. “What’s your favorite scent, Gracie?”


  “Yeah, I want to buy you some body oil. Something besides bargain brand crap.”

  Her eyes were closed, a dreamy expression on
her face. “Coconut,” she answered. “It reminds me of the beach. Sun and warmth. No cares.”

  Wade leaned down and placed a smal kiss on a spot on her back that he’d already massaged. “Coconut it is then,” he murmured against her slippery skin. “When this is al over I’l take you to my beach house in Miami. You’l like it there, sweetheart. It’s secluded. And there’s a great big hot tub.”

  Her eyes drifted open, and she looked over her shoulder at him. “You have a beach house?”

  He shrugged as he massaged her lower back. “A spur of the moment purchase. Costly, but worth it.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “You’ve taken other women there?”

  Wade chuckled. “I wasn’t celibate before you, Gracie. But, no, I’ve never taken a woman there. I use it whenever I need to unwind. Get away from al the pressures. Jonas and I own it together actual y.”

  “Oh. It sounds lovely.”

  “You’l see it soon.”

  Wade smoothed his fingertips over her hips and groaned. “You’re so damn pretty. A warm, sweet treat. My treat.”

  “Mmm. It’s not easy to talk with you doing that. Oh, my, Wade, you’re incredible.”

  Wade grinned, feeling cocky and turned on at the same time. He let his fingers drift over the smal indentations above her bottom. “So, slave, would you like your reward now?”

  She grinned, peeking at him through eyes half-closed. “You mean this isn’t it?”

  Her playfulness sent al his blood south. Gracie was sexy as hel when she played. “Ah, but this is only the beginning.” Wade’s slick fingers slid between her ass cheeks and stroked up and down over her tightest opening. He needed to ensure the delicate skin was completely coated with the oil. When he slipped a single digit into her a bare inch, Wade saw Gracie bite down on her lower lip.

  “Shh, pretty baby. Let me love you.” Tamping down his own needs proved harder than Wade had imagined. He needed to fil her with his cock. He wanted to own every inch of her.

  “Wade, please. I can’t think straight.”

  Her pleas tore straight through his control. “Easy. Gentle and easy, Gracie. For now, I want you nice and slick so that when my cock slides into that tight little ass it wil feel so fucking good. I’m going to fil you up. Every inch of me, Gracie. You wil crave this type of lovemaking once I’m through. I promise you.”

  “Oh, God, it just feels so . . . I don’t know how to describe it.”

  “Forbidden,” Wade helpful y supplied. “You are my forbidden pleasure, Fiery Angel.”

  She mumbled something that he couldn’t quite make out. Wade continued to tease her inner tissues with his finger and said, “The warmth from my finger and the oil, mixing with the sensitive nerve endings just inside of you here”—he wiggled his finger for emphasis, rewarded by a moan from Gracie—“it’s making me want my cock there. It’s going to be so good. Spreading you open and pumping into this pretty little bottom. Tel me, do you want more? Do you want my cock?”

  “Yes, Wade! I want you there, please.”

  “Not yet, Gracie. I need to make sure you’re ready for me. Two fingers now.”

  Slowly, al owing her body to adjust to the invasion, Wade slid a second finger into Gracie’s tight heat. He thrust in and out, then scissored his fingers, stretching her farther. She moaned and spread her legs wider, pushing backwards.

  “Mmm, now you’re ready,” Wade ground out, barely maintaining control over his body’s need to bury itself inside the woman he loved. On fire and aching for release, Wade couldn’t wait another second.

  He reached for the bottle of oil once more and slicked some over his throbbing shaft, already swol en and dripping with precome at the thought of being inside his pretty red-haired vixen. Gently, Wade separated the round globes of Gracie’s backside and touched the head of his cock to her entrance. Slowly, aware of every little tremor of Gracie’s body, he moved a mere inch inside. It was such sweet torture to hold back from thrusting deep. Fucking her hard and fast, the way his body so desperately craved.


  Her breathless voice caressed his senses and made him want to howl in triumph. Her body vibrated beneath his, and as he slipped in another inch, she whimpered and bucked wildly.

  “Easy, pretty baby. We’re going to build the pleasure. One inch at a time. I want you to feel me there, even when I’m not. I want you craving it.”

  An inch more and suddenly Gracie thrust herself backwards, taking control of their lovemaking in a way that both surprised and pleased him.

  Her body bowed, and he had to clutch her hips to keep from going in too far too fast.

  “No, Gracie,” he growled, his tone brooking no argument. “This virgin ass is so very tender, sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you.” Wade refused to cause Gracie even an ounce of pain—despite the primal instincts battering at him to fil her completely.

  Holding her hips firmly, keeping her stil for his slow invasion, Wade heard Gracie let loose a needy little whimper. The yearning, delicate sound turned his heart to mush, and he gave her another heated inch of hard flesh, unable to deny her. In the same instant, he took his right hand from her hip and toyed with the lovely little bud of her clitoris. Fascinated, he watched the play of emotions on her face, as she became a slave to her body’s delicious sensations. She moaned and pushed against him as her orgasm took her. It was sheer ecstasy to bring her to al new heights of pleasure. She was ten thousand more times the woman than any other.

  “Mmm, such a hot little ass,” he snarled. “Do you want it? Wil you let me fuck it good?”

  “Yes, damn it!”

  A rumbling growl escaped him at her feral response. “As you wish, baby.” He pushed himself the rest of the way inside her tightest opening; her muscles sucked him in, and her flesh immediately tensed.

  Wade swore a blue streak, the pleasure-pain of her body’s clutch both glorious and tormented.

  “Ease up, damn it.”

  “I-I can’t,” she cried.

  Wade reached up, tore the tie from her wrists, and flung it away. At once, Gracie threw her arms out to her sides and grabbed hold of the blanket. He stroked the sweat-soaked hair away from her face, then covered her body with his own much larger frame, folding himself around her protectively. He kissed her upturned cheek and felt her muscles relax the slightest bit. “That’s a good girl,” Wade praised her. He littered her with kisses, making a slow path to her neck where he bit the smooth column. He got an eager response for more from Gracie. Wade was only too happy to oblige.

  He licked and suckled, relishing the wild sounds she made, before beginning a gentle rhythm with his hips. Unhurried, Wade built the pace until his hot flesh slapped against hers.

  “Mine,” he groaned.

  She didn’t speak, didn’t bother to deny or confirm his claim, only licked her lips and pushed against him, joining in the rhythm of their beautiful dance. Soon, he felt himself swel , and his bal s drew up tight. One more thrust and he was there, his cock erupting inside of her, hot jets of his come fil ing her. Suddenly Gracie shouted his name, as she joined him with her own climactic finish.

  Wade just barely kept from col apsing on top of her. Bracing himself on either side of her body, Wade gingerly pul ed out of her, then moved to lie down beside her. Her breaths came in short pants; her entire body flushed a pretty shade of pink. Wade smoothed his palm over her ass, then dipped his finger between the cheeks. Feeling the sticky warmth of his come did things to him. Crazy, possessive things. “My pretty little angel.”

  “You’ve destroyed me.”

  He chuckled. “Baby, that goes both ways.” He watched her turn over, her eyes drowsy. He stroked one pierced nipple with the backs of his knuckles. “I can’t get enough of you. I’l never get enough.”

  She grinned and leaned toward him until her lips were within kissing distance. “That goes both ways too.”

  Then, shyly, sweetly, she pressed her mouth to his. Damn, the woman was an addiction. White-hot and every bit a
s lethal as TNT.

  And Wade was more than ready to go up in flames.


  Wade woke, instantly alert to the knowledge that he was alone. Gracie. His heartbeat sped up as the icy-cold fingers of fear traveled down his spine. Just as quickly he pushed the fear away, and his army training kicked in. He glanced at the clock next to the bed. Two in the morning. He listened for some indication that she might be in the bathroom or maybe had decided to raid his fridge. But there wasn’t any sound at al .

  That worried him more.

  Leaving the bed, he found his jeans in a crumpled heap on the floor and pul ed them on. As quietly as possible, he opened his nightstand drawer. Grabbing the Ruger he’d tucked in there after returning from the shooting range, he cocked it and took the safety off. On silent feet he moved toward the doorway, letting his senses scan his surroundings. It’d be hard for her stalker to get through Wade’s security system, as it was state of the art, but he wasn’t taking chances with Gracie’s life. He took a step, then another; that’s when he heard it. A shuffling, like paper.

  Wade leaned his head through the doorway and looked to the left. There, tucked in a chair in front of the bookcase, Gracie sat al curled up like a cat, reading. Wade let out the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. She glanced up, smiled—and frowned when she spied the gun.


  “Damn, baby. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “Uh, I couldn’t sleep.”

  Wade ejected the bul et and flipped the safety back in place before placing the bul et and gun on a table. He came toward her; angling his head he read the title on the spine of the old, worn book she held close to her chest. “So, you decided to read a little Poe?”

  “I love Poe.”

  Wade crouched in front of her. “You can read it in bed.”

  Wrapping his arms beneath her, he lifted Gracie out of the chair and carried her back to where she belonged, al tucked up close to his side.


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