Book Read Free

So Sensitive

Page 19

by Anne Rainey

  Warm and safe.

  “I didn’t want to wake you. You look so peaceful when you sleep, Wade.”

  “I’m peaceful knowing you’re close,” he growled, as he sat her on the bed and waited until she scooted over before getting in beside her. He flicked the sleeve of the T-shirt she wore—his T-shirt, he noted with satisfaction—and said, “In my bed, you sleep naked. Off with it.”

  She batted his hand away and frowned. “No, I’m cold.”

  “I’l keep you warm.” Her frown turned fierce. He softened his tone and tried for persuasion instead of force. “I’l read Poe to you if you take off the shirt.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wil ?”

  Ah, now he had her. “If you take off the shirt, yes.”

  Like the cat that had spotted the mouse, Gracie grinned. She handed him the book. He took it and waited. She pul ed the shirt over her head.

  Like a heat-seeking missile his gaze zeroed in on her pretty piercings. Christ, he was fucking obsessed with those shiny bits of gold. “I should make it a rule. No clothes in the bed. Ever.”

  She laughed and lay back against the pil ow. “I’m waiting for my bedtime story.”

  Wade pul ed her close and yanked the blankets over them both. Contentment settled over him. He opened the book, then paused, spearing her with a look of disapproval. “You know, Gracie, only good girls get a bedtime story.”

  She nuzzled his chest and murmured, “I took the shirt off. I was a very good girl.”

  “But you left my bed,” he reminded her, “leaving me to sleep cold and alone.”

  “You’re anything but cold, Wade. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Her husky voice heated his blood, which had been her intention al along. “Little minx. Be good.” He kissed her, keeping it light and quick; otherwise he’d end up dragging her beneath him. Wade didn’t think she was up to more sex tonight. He’d taken her hard earlier. Her body needed time to recover.

  Or did it?

  Opening the book, Wade asked, “Where’d you leave off?”

  “I was to the part where Madeline dies.”

  “Ah, it’s just getting good then.”

  She glanced up at him. “You said earlier you liked Poe.”

  Wade nodded. “Yeah, he’s my favorite. The man had a way with words, even if he was a little warped.”

  She laughed and settled against him. Wade started to read. It felt right, natural, having Gracie next to him. It was as if they’d done this same thing hundreds of times. Several pages later, Gracie stopped him with a hand on his chest. “You’re a wonderful reader, Wade.”

  He felt his face heat at her praise. “Thanks.”

  She reached up and took the book from his hands, then placed it on the table next to the bed. “Tel me about your army days.”

  He rubbed her arm and tried to take his mind off the tempting swel of her breasts pressed against his side. “What do you want to know?”

  “Why’d you enlist?”

  He thought back to those days. Damn, it seemed so long ago now. Another lifetime. “My dad was in the service. I always admired him.

  Wanted to be like him. I joined up right out of high school. Christ, I was so damn young.”

  “When did you meet Jonas?”

  “In basic training. He cal ed me a pussy. I punched him. We’ve been friends since.”

  “You both joined Special Forces together?”

  He nodded. “We were adrenaline junkies. The danger was addicting, exciting. Special Forces seemed a natural progression. It didn’t take us long to realize how young and foolish we’d been.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  Her fingers kept sifting through his chest hair, distracting him beyond reason. If he could just get her to move those curious fingers a little lower. Damn.

  “Taking down terrorist organizations has its rewards. But when you come across a kid with an M16 ready to kil you—hel , eager to kil you—it puts things into perspective real quick.” He thought of Jonas. Wade couldn’t help but cringe when he thought of the hard-edged man cuddling up to his baby sister. Deanna was too damn innocent for a man like Jonas.

  “I can’t imagine what sort of life would lead a child to do something like that.”

  “They’re raised to hate. To fight. It’s al they know. It’s an ugly world for them.” He paused as the faces of those kids swam before his eyes.

  “Jonas and I grew up fast. I’ve always known that life wasn’t al roses and sunshine, but until you’re forced to make a decision that could save hundreds by taking out the one—”

  Gracie’s hand on his cheek stopped his outpouring. She forced his face toward hers. Pretty green eyes fil ed with compassion snared him in an enticing web, effectively yanking him back to the present. “You did what had to be done, Wade.”

  “Yeah.” He swal owed around the lump in his throat and gave her the bloody truth, one he’d had to learn the hard way. “There are a lot of nasty people out there, Gracie. Most live by one rule: kil or be kil ed.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dredge up bad memories.”

  He pressed his lips to her hair, inhaling her fresh, feminine scent. Springtime. That was his Gracie. “It’s okay. I don’t regret it. Freedom comes at a price. It’s important to remember that always.”

  Gracie shifted against him, and he groaned. Without thought, Wade tugged her face up to his and kissed her, hard, forcing out thoughts of blood and death and replacing them with thoughts of the sweet flavor of her lips, the beautiful sounds she made when she was aroused. His name was a plea on her lips. When her fingers delved into his hair, holding him firmly against her, Wade was a goner.

  Wade raised his head and looked at her. Gracie’s eyes were half-closed, face flushed. He knew she was ready for him. “Christ, you taste sweet, so deliciously sweet.”

  “You taste even better. Like warm apple pie.”

  He chuckled at her description. “Apple pie, huh?”

  Gracie blushed. “It’s true. You taste sweet and spicy and warm. I love your kisses, Wade.”

  I love you, he ached to admit. Wade held back the words that were sure to send her running and moved on top of her, his arms on either side of her head, caging her in. “You can have as many as you like. No calories. No guilt.”

  She grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. “My favorite sort of treat.”

  Reaching between them, Wade grabbed Gracie’s hand and brought it to his cock. “Feel what you do to me, little Gracie. Feel the way I ache for you, the way I need you.” Her smal , slender fingers, nervous at first, relaxed final y and wrapped around his engorged flesh. She squeezed, as if familiarizing herself with his weight and size. Her talented hand stroked in a slow, torturous rhythm. Wade’s voice was thick and unsteady when he gritted out, “Enough baby. I’l never last.”

  She ignored him and stroked once more. Wade took over, pul ing her hand away gently. “Naughty little tease.” Lowering his head, he pressed his lips to the swel of one breast, worshiping her with his mouth. “Satin and cream. And mine.” His tongue darted out and brushed the tip of one, before circling the areola. “Yeah, definitely cream.” Another lick. “Topped with little drops of cherries.” Then he gave in and sucked, long and hard, biting down just enough to make her squirm and moan.

  “God, Wade, it feels so good when you do that.”

  “You mean this?” And he continued to lick and nibble on the other breast.

  “Oh yes, that.” She arched her back as if attempting to get even closer to his voracious mouth. She squirmed under him, agitated, needing something just beyond her reach. When she began caressing the length of his back, her cool fingers sparking off flames everywhere they touched, it was Wade’s turn to moan. The woman turned him inside out. His lips journeyed down her ribs and stomach. His hands clutched her ful , womanly hips, massaging little circles with his thumbs. When he slid down farther, tonguing her bel y button, Gracie spread he
r legs, inviting him in. Wade released one hip and touched the springy curls between her thighs. Holding her gaze, Wade began an erotic discovery with his fingers. He rubbed his thumb across her swol en clitoris, enjoying the way her eyes slowly drifted closed, and her breaths began to come in tiny gasps. Holding himself back this time was easier. The release earlier had taken the edge off; now he was free to explore the beauty beneath him.

  “Open your eyes for me, Gracie.”

  She complied, and he thrust one finger into her tight cunt. The green of her eyes glazed over. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

  Wade began moving in and out; feeling her muscles clench around his finger was a sweet kind of torture. She was warm and wet and welcoming. He glided a second finger in and felt her body stretching to accommodate. She began to move against him, her inhibitions a thing of the past now. Wade let his thumb tease the tiny bud of her clit, rubbing back and forth, as he pumped her tight passage with his fingers.

  Caught up in the fires of ecstasy, Gracie undulated against his hand, throwing her head from side to side, pleading with him, begging him as her body began that rapturous climb toward completion.

  “I need to taste you, baby.” Wade slipped his fingers out of her, then moved down her body, never breaking eye contact. His tongue darted out, and he licked her from clit to ass. Ambrosia.

  “So damn tasty.”

  Wade pul ed Gracie’s legs over his shoulders and began lapping at her succulent pussy. He ran his tongue over her hard bud and flicked it back and forth. She shamelessly mashed her lower body against his face. Her fingers dug into his scalp. Wade groaned and slipped his tongue into her tight passage, the rhythm akin to what he wanted his dick to do. His hands closed over her breasts and squeezed. Gracie arched off the bed. Wade pinched her nipples and tugged at the little gold adornments. Gracie screamed his name, bursting al around him in a magnificent climax.

  Seconds passed before Gracie opened her eyes. At the knowledge that he’d thoroughly pleasured Gracie, a sense of predatory satisfaction took him. He gently placed her legs back down onto the bed. Captivated and more aroused than he’d ever been, Wade positioned his cock at her slick opening and thrust forward, penetrating her in one smooth movement.

  “Wade! Oh, God, yes!”

  He swal owed her cries with kisses meant to soothe and held himself stil while her body molded around him. His muscles strained, sweat dripped down his back. Angling his head, Wade began trailing little kisses everywhere at once. Touching his lips to her temples. Her eyelids.

  The delicate slope of her chin. He moved his hand between their bodies and began stroking her passions to new heights. Surprise registered on her face as she felt herself becoming aroused al over again. His caressing mouth moved lower, to her clavicle, then over the smal indent at her throat. Lingering there, Wade sucked the velvety soft skin into his mouth, bathing her with his tongue. Gracie moaned and twisted beneath him. Her quickened breathing amplified his need a thousand times.

  He pul ed his mouth away. “So fucking sweet. You take me to heaven every single time I sink into you, Gracie.”

  Wade began a gentle glide, building the fires deep within her body, al owing her to feel his ful ness a measure at a time. Gracie wrapped her arms around his torso, her legs around his waist. He felt her shyly stroke his back, her shaking fingers an indication of her excitement. With her entire body enfolding him in her intoxicating web of sensuality, Wade felt something inside him give way. As if a barricade had been torn down, he emitted a low growl of possession and pushed harder, faster, into her inviting wetness, continual y toying with her swol en clit. She arched upward, pressing her breasts against him as she soared over the precipice once more. Her whimpers fueled his hunger. Damn, he was starved, and she was a fucking buffet.

  Wade pumped harder, driving her supple body into the mattress, oblivious to anything but satiating both their needs. Gracie’s nails scored his back; the sharp pain tore at his control.

  Anchoring one arm beside her head, Wade smoothed her hair away from her face with the other, then kissed her, letting her feel every ounce of his passion. Gracie tasted of a juicy forbidden fruit, and he wanted to eat her up. In that moment, Wade had an inkling of what Adam had faced in the Garden of Eden.

  Gracie reached up and cupped his face between her hands, a soft, dreamy smile on her face. Her gentleness sucked the air right out of his lungs. She was so sexy and wil ing, and Wade wanted to hold the image of her like this in his head forever.

  He began pushing inside her heat. Tears sprang to Gracie’s eyes. He paused.

  “What is it? Are you sore, little baby?”

  She shook her head, eyes closed tight. “I’ve never experienced such pleasure,” Gracie whispered.

  Her words made Wade want to howl at the moon. Honesty forced him to admit, “Me neither. Only with you, sweetheart. Only my Fiery Angel could make me feel this damn good.”

  Wade moved then, slowly at first, then faster. Gracie’s arms came around his back, fingernails bit into his flesh as she matched his rhythm stroke for stroke. It was the final touch. Wade threw his head back and let out a low, rumbling growl. His body flared to life. The untamed sounds Gracie made had his dick swel ing even more. His bal s drew up tight. His larger hips pounded against Gracie’s softness as he fucked her with feral abandon.

  “Come for me again, sweetheart,” Wade demanded.

  The tight hot fist of Gracie’s cunt held his cock captive. She pushed her hips upward. Once. Twice. Then shouted his name as her climax washed over her, bathing his cock in liquid fire. “Christ, yes!” Wade shouted. Flexing his hips, he thrust deep, and then he was joining her.

  She moaned and clutched his forearms until her body settled back to earth. Only after she lay limp on the soft sheets did Wade al ow himself to slip out of her. He levered himself up and stared down at her. “It must be the red hair,” Wade blurted out. Gracie opened her eyes and stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. Hel , maybe he had.

  “I figure it must be al this sexy red hair,” he explained, “that makes you such a wild thing in bed.”

  Gracie rol ed her eyes. “You’re the one with al the wicked ideas.”

  He chuckled and grabbed a fistful of the object in question. “Blondes and brunettes are invisible to me now. The only thing that’l do it for me is a pretty, little, red-haired angel.”

  Gracie was quiet, and Wade wasn’t sure it was the good sort of quiet or the he’s moving too fast quiet. And he didn’t want to know either.

  Instead of pushing, like he usual y did, Wade moved to lie next to her. It wasn’t until he had her back snuggled up against his front that she final y spoke.

  “You’ve ruined other men for me too, Wade. And that scares me.”

  Her quiet voice did him in. Wade didn’t want to hear that she was too afraid to give him a chance. Too afraid to try for more than a good time between the sheets. Instead, he stroked her hair and murmured, “Shh, baby. Just sleep. It’l al work out, you’l see.”

  Even as the words left his mouth, he wondered if he spoke the truth or if he was merely fooling them both.


  The next morning Gracie sat at Wade’s kitchen table, her laptop open in front of her. She peeked out of the corner of her eye at the quiet man seated in the chair beside her. He was completely engrossed in her blog. He’d gone through every post for the past four months, and she was about to jump out of her damn skin. Gracie knew what was in so many of those posts. Her, going on and on about the hottie she was infatuated with. The friend of her boss at the massage therapy office where she worked. Gracie’s nerves were shot. There was no way Wade could misread that to mean any other man than him. Final y, he finished the last post and sat back, his gaze seeking hers. He grinned.

  Yep, the cat was definitely out of the bag.

  Crossing his arms over his chest and looking as if he’d just discovered gold, Wade said, “So, you’ve got the hots for ‘Mr. Hard & Dangerous.’ Anyone I know

  Angry that he’d found her out, Gracie snapped, “You’re supposed to be looking for clues about my stalker.”

  He quirked a brow and pointed at the computer screen. “He hasn’t commented. The blog is a dead end.”

  The news was as disappointing as it was surprising. “How can you be so sure?”

  “You go on and on about another guy, Gracie. There’s no way he would have sat back and kept quiet. At the very least you would’ve gotten an angry e-mail from him about it.”

  Gracie slumped in the chair. “Damn. I real y had hoped we could find something, anything.”

  “We stil have the e-mails. I want to go over those next.” He leaned forward in his chair and placed both hands on her thighs and squeezed.

  His warmth seeped right through the jeans she’d pul ed on earlier. “So, is Hard & Dangerous anyone I know, baby?”

  His cocky attitude had her speaking without thinking. “No. You wouldn’t know him. But it doesn’t matter because I’ve decided he’s too arrogant for me. And annoying. He’s very annoying.”

  He had the nerve to chuckle. “Oh, yeah?”

  Gracie batted his hands away from her thighs. “Definitely. In fact, if I saw him right now, I’d probably hit him or something.”

  He leaned back, his ornery grin speaking volumes. “Brings out the worst in you, does he?”

  To give herself something to do, Gracie started fiddling with the keys on her laptop. “I don’t know about the worst, but he does bring me to violence quite often.”

  “That’s not the tune you were singing in that last post. In fact, I believe you said something about wanting to eat him up because he’s so delicious.”

  Her temples started to pound. “I’ve amended my earlier assessment of the man.” Hoping to change the subject, Gracie stood and went to the fridge. “I’m hungry. We never had breakfast.” She pul ed the door open, then bent to see what sort of groceries Wade stocked. She saw a package of lunchmeat and a container of sliced cheese. Sandwiches would do the trick. “Want me to make lunch while you go through the e-mails?” When no response was forthcoming, Gracie turned her head to see if Wade had heard. He was watching her, his eyes dark with passion. He looked her over from head to toe, pausing for a heart-pounding few seconds on her upraised backside. Her too large backside, she thought, which was facing him in the broad light of day. Oh, God. Gracie quickly straightened and closed the refrigerator door. Wade shut the computer, then stood and came toward her. Every one of her survival instincts screamed for her to move away. Retreat. Instead, she seemed frozen in place. The closer he came, the faster Gracie’s pulse beat. She backed against the counter, clutching onto the edge to keep from melting into the floor.


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