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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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by Jamie Salisbury

  Love Changes Everything


  Jamie Salisbury

  Love Changes Everything is purely fiction and based upon imagination, not fact or actual experience. Characters, locations are either products of the author’s imagination.

  Copyright @ 2016 by Jamie Salisbury

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review


  To all my loyal readers and future readers. Thank you.

  There are so many people I need to thank for their undying support. Jeannette B, Greg B, Kay C., Lauralynn E., Gretchen F., Debbie H,. Drue H., Anya K., Cara K., Elizabeth K, Betsy R., Nancy "Niki" T., Renee W. There are so many-if I miss a name, know you're in my heart.

  Lastly to Liam Malcolm K. who has had heard more than most people ever want to know about my writing process. You're a saint...well almost.

  Chapter One

  Some might say that Margaux Simeon had everything she ever wanted. Plenty of money. A successful career. A sprawling Manhattan apartment in one of the much sought after addresses, filled with pricey art and antiques. Yet lately she'd begun to feel dissatisfied. That is until she made a decision to change all of that. Or rather the decision was made for her.

  "See anything of interest Ms. Simeon?" a familiar New York accented voice inquired.

  Tonight was special. Not only was she covering Manhattan's premier wine competition for the publication she worked for, it was also the last time she would be doing it. In the future she would be attending as a winery executive. She pretended to look around as though she were searching the crowd for someone.

  "There are several outstanding wines. I'll be interested to see how everyone fares."

  "Including Chateaux Ste. Margaux?" He asked sarcastically.

  "No, not this evening Mr. Matthews."

  He grunted at her response. "Have you been in the back? Give me a hint of what we might be looking at here this evening."


  "Glad you could make it this evening all the same," George Matthews muttered. Margaux wasn't surprised. The chubby middle-aged man had been watching her all evening. George was an attorney and fancied himself a wine expert. Not!

  What Margaux really craved right now was a Grey Goose with a lime twist. And of course there was no bar. Instead she'd settle for a glass of champagne. One of the perks of the job. All the wine, or in this case champagne she could consume. Margaux wandered around the room, pretending not to show obvious interest over one wine or another.

  "Ms. Simeon," A heavily accented Italian voice said from behind. Mario Priori. "How are you this evening?"

  She pivoted on her Jimmy Choo heels, her most alluring smile on her face. "Mario! Where have you been? Has your father been keeping you tied to the computer or in the winery?"

  "Partially." He cut a handsome figure. Wavy dark hair, piercing black eyes. Quite the Italian playboy. "I've been hearing a rumor about you Margaux. Any truth to it?"

  "That would depend on the rumor, Mario. There seem to be so many these days," she replied, winking at him. It wasn't a flirtatious gesture, just one between knowing friends. "In fact I've heard a couple about you. You're getting married?"

  His face lit up like a man proud and in love. "Yes, that rumor is true."

  "Congratulations. When will the happy event take place, and better yet, who is the woman lucky enough to have snagged you?"

  "Thank you. Her name is Gabriele, and we're getting married in December. Just before the holidays."

  "Will you be spending more time in Italy then?"

  "Actually that's the other rumor," he chuckled. "Gabriele and I will be moving here to New York, early next year. My father wants me to oversee the import and distribution portion of the business. And you? Is the rumor true?"

  "Yes, it's true."

  "That's all you're going to give me?"

  "I'm going back home to Kentucky to assist my grandfather in the running of Chateau Ste. Margaux."

  "Taking over?"

  "No, not yet. He's not ready for retirement. In fact I doubt he'll ever retire. He wants a younger set of eyes on operations and things of that nature. Business has changed so much since he started."

  "Yes, it has. I have no doubt you'll be a great asset to him. Any regrets? Giving all this up?"

  "None. I knew this day would come. I only wish my siblings took as much interest in their birthright as I do. My brother Hayden seems to be the only one who does."

  "Ah yes, he run's the vineyard, am I correct?"

  "Yes, he does, and he's very good at it."

  "He is. Your brother has an incredible talent."

  "Thank you, Mario. That would mean a lot to him, coming from someone like you."

  "How is your departure going to be handled?"

  "I plan to announce it in my last column. Chateau Ste. Margaux will have a full page ad announcing my new position in the same issue."

  "While I shall miss your columns, I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor. I know you will flourish, Margaux."

  "Again, thank you, Mario," she replied, tipping her head at the sight of an approaching George Matthews. "If you'll excuse me, there are a couple more people I need to speak with before I leave this evening."

  "Very well. Good to see you as always, Margaux."


  Slipping outside Margaux hailed a cab as she always did. The subway might not be that bad at this hour, but in these shoes she didn't dare attempt the walk.

  After telling the driver her destination, Margaux slid back into the seat and gazed at the familiar Manhattan skyline. The pulse of the city had always fed some inner beast deep within her. For six years this city had been home. She thrived on what it had to offer. Silently Margaux wondered if she'd find that in Lucasville.

  The cab pulled up in front of her apartment building. Paying the driver Margaux stepped out on to the sidewalk and up the steps leading to the door of the fashionable older building. The doorman opened the door, cheerfully greeting her. The lobby was relatively quiet for no later than it was.

  Stepping into the elevator car, Margaux stood in the center and waited for it to reach her floor. She sighed as the car glided to a stop and the doors opened. Had her life really become that predictable?

  Opening the front door she was immediately greeted by Captain Jack, her moody Siamese. So aptly named from her chance of a lifetime, quite by accident meeting with Johnny Depp two years before. The cat had been a birthday gift from Louis, her soon to be ex.

  But ex what? They'd never married, though it had been talked about. Soon to be ex-boyfriend? Even that term was pushing it. At least in the last six months. Louis Smyth had blown into her life like a hurricane. Making sure he had some obscure business trip the week she was to leave worked out for both of them. The relationship was strained, and Margaux was relieved that at least he'd shown some class, some restraint in allowing them to part in peace.

  "Hello, Jack." She greeted the loudly purring feline, who was by now rubbing against her ankles. "Let me guess. You think you're hungry." This time the purring was matched with a soulful meow.

  Placing her keys in the blue and white porcelain bowel, Margaux kicked off the stilettos, setting her purse on the floor next to the hallway table. The cat faithfully followed her as she walked toward the kitchen.

  Entering the kitchen, Margaux t
urned on the lights and found a can of cat food in the pantry. Opening the can and emptying it into a bowl she set it on the floor and watched as Jack hungrily gobbled it up.

  "You're a pig, you know that Jack? One would think you were never fed on a regular basis watching you." The cat kept on, never looking up or acknowledging his mistress.

  Walking into the large living room, Margaux walked over to the sideboard Louis kept well stocked. She poured herself a healthy glass of Grey Goose. She walked over to the windows and gazed out at the Manhattan skyline. While she would miss all of this, it was time to move on. Time for a change. Margaux took a sip of the clear liquid and turned away. Walking over to the sofa, she set the glass down on the table beside the sofa.

  Louis had done quite well for himself. An investment banker, he'd never been scathed by the pitfalls of the industry as many of his colleagues had been. While Louis had generously offered much of what they'd purchased together over the past few years, Margaux was having no part of it. No, when the movers came in the morning all they would be taking would be her personal effects and a few antique pieces she'd brought with her, and some she'd purchased on her own. It was time.

  Chapter Two

  Margaux pressed the voice command button on the steering wheel of her red BMW 650i coupe and asked it once again to call her reckless younger sister. Again she got Simone's voicemail. This time she left a message as she continued down the darkened two lane road.

  The phone rang and she pounced on it. "Where are you Margaux? You should have been here already."

  "Hello to you too, Simone," she replied sarcastically. "I'm almost there. It's so dark I can barely see where I'm going."

  "You're talking hands-free aren't you?"

  "Of course I am. I couldn't talk to you any other way as my hands are permanently attached to the steering wheel right now."

  She heard a heavy sigh on the other end. Simone never had been able to stand anyone taking away the limelight from her. She always had to be the center of attention. Middle child syndrome or some such nonsense.

  "You should have flown, Margaux. It would have been so much easier to just pick you up at the airport. Rather than you driving across country."

  "That's so sweet of you Simone, thinking of me like that. I wanted to do this myself."

  "Just had to prove something to yourself, didn't you?"

  "No, not really. I just wanted to spend some time alone. Just me and Jack."

  "You brought your boyfriend?"

  Margaux chuckled. "Yeah, Captain Jack to you, Simone. My cat."

  "I knew that."

  Her eyes darted from the dark road to the GPS. "It says only ten more minutes."

  "Well you should begin to see some lights and stuff."

  She smiled thinking about growing up here. How she had been appalled as a teenager that her French grandfather had picked Kentucky of all the places in America to start his vineyard. Land was cheaper, and besides he told her on more than one occasion, he did not want Chateaux Ste. Margaux to get lost in the California shuffle. Funny how her attitude had changed since then and she agreed with him.

  Quietly Margaux pulled the coupe through the parking lot until she came upon an empty spot. She looked around at the cars. Decent enough crowd for a Wednesday evening.

  Margaux entered the restaurant and was coolly greeted by her sister Simone. She silently followed her to a table and sat down, eyeing the small crowd of diners.

  "Who's that?" Margaux asked her sister, taking a sip of the Merlot she'd placed in front of her.

  She snickered. "You mean to tell me you seriously don't know who he is?"

  "He looks familiar Simone. If I knew who he was I wouldn't be asking you."

  "Nikalye. Nikalye Fox."

  "That's what I thought. He owns Cosmopolitan Gentleman, his own line of clothing, and who knows what else. Used to model too, didn't he?"

  "Yes, but he's retired from that. Forced retirement, an accident or something."

  "Interesting. Why is he eating here?"

  "He eats here once a week when he's in town, which is often. And he's way out of your league, Margaux."

  "How do you figure?" She asked as the handsome stranger lifted his crystal wine glass in her direction, a subtle grin crossing his face.

  "He's gorgeous and he's younger than you, Margaux. Too young."

  "Since when did you become the boss of my personal life?"

  "Look at you. No man would want you. Not even Louis wanted you."

  Looking across the room she noted that Nikalye Fox had begun eating his entree.

  "A word of advice, Simone. Quit flirting with the customers and get back to work."

  "Or what?"

  Margaux took a slow sip of wine. "Or else you'll be finding yourself a new job, that's what."

  "You haven't been here an hour, and already you're being a bitch."

  "Simone, tread lightly. I'm tired and I won't be responsible for what might come out of my mouth."

  Simone bent over and whispered in her ear. "Screw you." Standing up, with a triumphant look on her face, Simone walked off toward Nikalye Fox's table. Margaux sat and watched her younger sister flirting with the handsome creature.

  "You two at it like oil and water, already?" A familiar male voice inquired. Margaux smiled as her brother Pier bent down and bussed her on the cheek.

  "Some things never change," she sighed watching as he sat down across from her. "I understand Grandpapa is at the vineyard."

  The vineyard was located about twenty miles from the main winery. Whenever he went to spend time with Hayden, he stayed overnight as he didn't like to drive at night, or so he said. He really liked to walk through the fields with Hayden discussing the grapes.

  "Yes, he should be back in a couple of days. You should have stopped off and seen him and Hayden."

  "I know, but I brought Jack with me."


  "My cat. He's out in his crate in my car, unhappy I'm sure."

  "You going to your new place tonight?"

  "Yes, I need to get Jack settled in."

  "Well, the stuff you bought was delivered yesterday."

  "Good. I'll be fine until the movers bring the rest of my things next week."

  Pier eyed the empty glass. "Can I get you some more wine? And did our sister take your order?"

  "No thanks on the wine, and no she never asked me what I wanted. She was more interested in flirting with the customers."

  "Well, why don't I go see what I can get for you? You need to try the catch of the day."

  "Sounds good. I'm starving," she replied. Looking at Simone who was still flirting with Mr. Fox, she sighed. "If I wasn't so tired, I'd reprimand her here and now."

  "Relax. You don't start officially until Monday. Enjoy it, settle into your new place. Which by the way I cannot believe you bought sight unseen. You know you could have stayed out here at the house."

  "Well believe it. The thought of looking when I got here along with the new job...Plus I was not interested in living in the family abode. Not with her." She watched her younger sister. "What's his story? Simone said he eats here once a week when he's in town."

  "I believe he owns a place close by. Long time girlfriend died in a horrific car accident about two years ago. Simone thinks because he eats here regularly he's interested in her."

  "Of course she does."

  "Let me go get you something," Pier replied, smirking at her remark. It was well known that though Simone preferred to hang out with the rougher, edgier men, she knew how to turn on the charm with those with money. Especially if she thought they were paying attention to her.


  A few minutes later Pier returned, placing a plate of panko crusted trout with asparagus and new potatoes in front of her. She speared a piece of fish. Suddenly she realized how hungry she really was. Eating here, it would be a pleasure to get to know what everything tasted like.

  She pretended not to notice the handsome Mr. Fox as he
got up to leave after Simone had brought his check. She'd also spent far too much time with him, ignoring everyone else in the restaurant. She was so obvious, but that was Simone.

  As Margaux neared the front door of the restaurant, she noted the tall figure of Nikalye Fox speaking with Pier. She knew she couldn't get away. Not without saying good night to her brother.

  "Can you find your way out of here?" Pier inquired.

  "Yes," she replied.

  "Nikalye, this is my sister, Margaux. She starts as our new general manager Monday. Margaux, Nikalye Fox."

  "Ms. Simeon, a pleasure." He extended his hand, taking her smaller one in his. A spark flew, like fire, the instant their hands touched. If he felt it, he didn't let on.

  "Nice to meet you Mr. Fox. My siblings tell me you're a frequent guest. That speaks highly of our kitchen."

  "Yes, I am. Perhaps once you settle in, you will join me some evening when you find me here. I usually dine here on a Wednesday. Not overly crowded."

  "I shall. Now if you gentleman will excuse me, I need to get myself and Captain Jack home. It's been a long day."

  Chapter Three

  The ice crunched under Margaux's boots. Only a few more steps to the front door. Why she had insisted on walking to Brantley's deli rather than getting her car out, she had no idea.

  Then it happened. It felt like slow motion, but actually moved so fast she barely had time to think. Both feet slid out from under her, and she had the sickening realization she was falling. Adrenaline shot through her veins as she landed flat on her back and she heard a loud thunk as everything went black.

  Margaux heard a voice as she came to. He was close, and he was muttering something to himself. She wriggled her toes. They worked. She spread her fingers. They worked, too. She tried to take a breath.

  "I didn't mean to scare you." He patted her cheek. "Are you okay?"

  She couldn't speak. Whoever he was, his voice sounded vaguely familiar and very British. Like heaven.


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