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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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by Jamie Salisbury

  "You hit your head." Margaux felt the back of her head cradled in a very large hand. Long warm fingers slipped through her hair and over her scalp, moving effortlessly. "You got the wind knocked out of you."

  "Hmph," Margaux replied.

  "Take a breath."


  "Good, you're breathing." He continued rubbing her head, his fingertips roaming as he spoke. The ice and snow burned against her back and legs. "You've got a cut on the back of your head. It's bleeding."


  "You know it's pretty dumb to wear spike heels out in this mess."

  Margaux opened her eyes to see concern in the bluest eyes of the most handsome man she'd ever laid eyes on. Oh God, it was him!

  He studied her as he still knelt beside her. "Margaux? Do you remember me? From the other night at the restaurant?"

  She tried to nod her head, but it hurt too much. "Nikalye?"

  "That's right. Nikalye Fox."

  Nikalye slipped his arm around her shoulders and helped her sit up.

  "You might want to see a doctor for that cut," he suggested. He took her elbow and helped her up.

  She swayed toward him, still dizzy. All she had to do was get inside the building and upstairs. She couldn't seem to move.

  "You are not okay." To her amazement, he scooped her up in his arms. "Do you feel dizzy, sleepy? Do you have double vision? How about nausea?" He was walking toward the front door of her building.

  Margaux's stomach rolled with each step Nikalye took. She was not going to throw up. She was not going to throw up. He wasn't even breathing hard when he lowered her to her feet inside the lobby in front of the elevators. The building was one of the newer ones, meant to attract the new, rich crowd that was moving out of Lexington.

  He noted she was pale and felt clammy to touch. Not good.

  "Hold on, I'm taking you to the hospital to have you checked out."

  "No..." She cried out. "I'm fine. I just need to lie down."

  "No arguing, Ms. Simeon. You're going to the hospital, and you're not driving yourself.

  He led her to a Range Rover and helped her settle in. Walking around to the driver's side, he hurled himself in and started the engine.

  Margaux settled back in the seat and closed her eyes. Her head was hurting. Bad.

  "Margaux, do not go to sleep. Do you hear me? Open your eyes. You need to stay awake."

  He glanced over as he held onto the steering wheel with one hand and gently shook her shoulder with his free hand.

  She forced her eyes open and glared at him.


  He smelled divine, though she couldn't place the scent. A musky, masculine, but clean smell.

  "Talk to me, Margaux."

  "I can't. My head hurts, remember?"

  "Say anything, just don't go to sleep. Tell me about Captain Jack."

  She smiled at the thought of her cat. "Jack. I met the real Captain Jack you know. Johnny Depp. That's how my cat came to be named after him."

  "I'll have to come meet the captain." He came to a halt in front of the emergency room doors. He put the Rover in park, then slid out to help Margaux out.

  "Come on, easy does it," he said as he reached in and unfastened her seatbelt. "Here take my hand, I'll help you inside." Margaux took hold of his large hand. He eased her out of the seat. She tried to stand, but everything around her began to sway.

  Just then a nurse came rushing through the sliding doors with a wheelchair, helping him ease her into the chair.

  "What do we have here?" she asked Nikalye.

  "She fell on the ice, her head's bleeding a little on the back." He knelt down. "I'm going to park the car. I'll be right back."


  She was shown to a dimly lit room dominated by monitors, IV medication pumps, a rolling cabinet and a computer. The nurse helped her onto the narrow bed just as Nikalye entered the room. He dropped her purse on the floor next to the bed.

  "No sleeping," he muttered, pulling up a chair and sitting.

  They didn't have long to wait. A doctor strolled through the doorway.

  "Hi. I'm Dr. John. What have we got?"

  "This is Margaux. She fell on the ice in front of our building," Nikalye explained.

  The doctor moved closer and pulled a small flashlight out of his coat pocket. He sat down on a rolling exam stool.

  She tried to stay focused on the doctor. Thinking of her five hundred dollar chocolate suede boots she tried to look pitiful.

  The doctor examined the back of her head, shone a light in her eyes, and said, "How many fingers, Margaux?" He held up three.

  "Two," Margaux responded. Nikalye let out what sounded like a groan.

  "Are you nauseated? Sleepy? Have a headache? Follow my fingers, okay?"

  "I feel like an idiot."

  She glanced over to see Nikalye watching her.

  "If you need to leave, I'll be fine," she said.

  "No, I'm not going anywhere."

  "I'm going to order a CT scan. Just to be safe. We're also going to stitch that cut. Sit tight and I'll send the nurse in to start the process," the doctor said.

  Margaux tried to sit up. "I'll be fine..." The room spun around. The doctor caught her just before she fell off the side of the narrow bed.

  "Of course you are," the doctor replied. He helped her lay back, shaking his head as he left the room.

  "Is there anyone you want me to call?" Nikalye asked. "Your sister? Brother or grandfather?"

  "No, please don't. I just need to get through this without the family drama."

  "I understand."

  "May I ask you something?"

  "Of course."

  "What were you doing outside my building?"

  He chuckled. "I live there. I believe you must be my new neighbor."

  "I figured you lived in one of the hotels when you were in town."

  "No. I'm relocating. I knew I didn't want a house just yet. A colleague of mine told me about the building and the amenities."

  "Ah yes, the gym. Weight room. Muscled men."

  "A fitness buff, are you?"

  "I suppose. You don't have to stay, you know."

  "I'm here, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me," he replied. "Besides it wouldn't be very neighborly of me to just leave you here. Being you don't want your family knowing and all."

  "No, I don't want them knowing. Not yet."

  "When are you supposed to start your new job?"


  "Gives you lots of time to rest, and get better."


  After all the tests, the doctor finally rejoined them to give Margaux the news.


  The doctor outlined Margaux's course of treatment before turning her over to a nurse for discharge instructions.

  "Come on, let's get you home."

  Margaux was sitting, eyes closed as though every sound hurt her head. Probably did too.

  "If you can just get me inside my place, I'll be fine."

  "Yes, of course you will be. We're getting you home, and you're doing exactly what the doctor told you to do. You're going straight home and going to bed."

  "I'll be fine."

  "Of course you will be. In a day or two. You said you don't start work until Monday. Today is Thursday. Do what the doctor told you and you'll be fine come Monday."

  He knew she couldn't argue with him. Her head hurt too bad.

  "Okay, you win. Only because my head hurts."

  He pulled his Land Rover under the building and into his designated parking space. He got out of the vehicle, crossed to the passenger door, and opened it. "Let's continue this conversation inside."

  Nikalye followed Margaux into her condo. She promptly tripped over the cat, rubbing on her ankles, wanting his master's attention. He reached out, caught her around the waist and set her back on her feet.

  "Damn cats," Nikalye muttered.

  Margaux wriggled out of his grasp and bent down to pet the fe
line as she unzipped her boots. She clutched her head. "That's Captain Jack you're talking about."

  "Perhaps you should sit down and then do that."

  She limped across the entry into the living room to an off-white leather couch. "Better?"

  "Much. Thank you."

  "I don't have time for this," Margaux told him." She dropped both boots on the hardwood floor and leaned back against the couch. The cat jumped up in his mistress's lap. "Please sit."

  "What do you absolutely have to do between now and Monday?"

  She wasn't meeting his eyes. She was twisting her hands in her lap. Obviously there was something more going on here.

  "Unpack. Get somewhat settled in. The movers won't be here until next week sometime."

  "Nothing that can't wait then."

  She rubbed one hand over her face. "No, but I'll be fine. I'm sure by morning everything will be back to normal." She struggled to her feet. "I'm being rude. Let me get you something to drink. What would you like?"

  This woman didn't know when to give up. She was swaying again. He grabbed her elbow. He wondered if she ever relaxed.

  "I can get it," he said. "What would you like?"

  She collapsed on the couch again in a heap, leaning back against the leather.

  "There's not a lot here. No kitchen stuff yet."

  "I do amazing things with a takeout menu."

  "Don't have any yet..."

  She pushed herself off the couch again. Before she could take a step, he slipped his arm around her waist. Her forehead drooped onto his chest. Her arms were clasped loosely around him. He knew she was only trying to keep her balance, but the jolt of attraction scorched through every nerve in his body.

  "Let me find a pillow and blanket for you."

  "On the bed," she replied. "All I have right now."

  He set her back down on the sofa. "I'll be right back."

  "Thanks for taking care of me. You really don't have to stay."

  He returned and spread a blanket over her, then tucked a pillow beneath her head. Her eyes fluttered closed. A few minutes later, her breathing evened out. She was asleep. Prince Jack perched on his mistress's chest.


  A masculine hand gently shook Margaux's shoulder and an accented voice in her ear said. "Talk to me for a few minutes, Margaux."

  "No. Leave me alone." She tried to pull the blanket over her face, but he pushed it back.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Like I got run over by a freight train. How do you think I feel?" She mumbled. "Now let me sleep."

  "Do you know where you are?"

  "Of course I know where I am. Question is, what are you still doing here?"

  Margaux's outrage was cute. He perched on the edge of the couch.

  "Let's see if I can get your attention."

  "Nooo. I want to sleep."

  She snuggled into her pillow again.

  "See you in two hours."

  "Go away." She protested.

  "Not happening, love." He knew she was probably in pain. He couldn't resist teasing her though.

  Nikalye attempted to stick to the doctor's orders, but found his charge somewhat resistant to his best efforts.

  "It's time for you to talk with me again."

  "Bite me. Go away." She pulled the blanket over her head, sending Jack flying to the floor. Not to be deterred, the feline jumped back on his mistress's bed.

  "Ah, the lady has a temper."

  "You're having fun with this, aren't you?" She turned to face him, her lips curved into a smile. She gently forced herself into a sitting position. She saw a lap top open on the floor nearby.

  "I, uh went and got my lap top while you were asleep. Thought I'd get some work done."

  "What do you do exactly? Besides the magazine."

  "I've got several business interests. I've started my own men's clothing line. Not an entire line. Not yet. Just essentials like briefs, undershirts, socks, ties."

  "That's nice."

  "How's that?"

  "That you're not blitzing everyone with an entire line. You're doing it subtly. I like that."

  "Thank you. That was my thought as well. I'm not a designer by any stretch of the imagination, but I've had the good fortune to have met and worked with some of the best in the industry."

  "Why Lucasville?"

  "Too many bad memories in London and New York," he replied looking away. "I've always loved this part of the country. Besides with the internet and stuff, I can run things from anywhere in the world. The brunt of the business is still in New York and London. I plan my trips accordingly."

  "So you've moved here?"

  "Yes. Eventually I'd like to purchase a small farm. And you?"

  "I left Manhattan for this winery gig I'm starting next week. I wrote a column for one of the big wine rags. Also did articles for a few fashion magazines as well. When my grandfather started talking about my coming to work at the family business, I knew it was time to put the rest aside."

  "How's that?"

  "I'm sure you know the story behind my family's wine business. I always had a huge interest in it. I love the vineyards in France, the history. He paid for my college, but it wasn't time, and I didn't want to go to work for a rival winery. Nor did I want to work for my uncle's winery, even though he offered." She paused, rearranging herself on the couch. "So about a year ago my grandfather and I began having these conversations. He wants to be sure everything stays in the family, and I can't blame him. He's worked too hard to make the business what it is today. So Monday I begin a new chapter in my life."

  "I've met your grandfather, several times. A very wise man."

  "Wise, but demanding."

  "The best kind to have. I take it there's only you and Captain Jack? No husband, ex or boyfriend waiting in the wings?"

  "Nope, just Jack and me now. I was in a relationship, but we drifted apart. We talked marriage, though he never proposed. When this offer came, he was more than gracious about dividing the stuff up. All I wanted though was a clean break. So, I bought a car and Jack and I saw the country first hand. And you?"

  "Same thing, sort of. There was someone once. She died in a car accident a few years ago. I found myself traveling more and more. Never staying at home. I came out here on business a couple of times, fell in love with the area. The rest is history."

  "I'm sorry," she replied. "About your girlfriend."

  He hesitated, not looking at her. Not directly.

  "Thank you." He picked up a stack of take-out menus from the table. "You need to eat. Pick something. My treat."

  "I have no idea what's good and what's not anymore. You choose."

  The phone rang. They looked at each other. Without looking, Margaux hit the button.


  "Geez, why don't you say hello at least?" Simone inquired. "There was a message on my machine. Something about an accident?"

  "Yes, I slipped on the sidewalk." Margaux told her younger sister her dilemma. For once in her life, Simone listened without interrupting.

  "So how did you get home?"

  "Nikalye drove me home."

  "Nikalye Fox drove you home? You meet him at the restaurant and low and behold you just happen to slip on the ice outside your building and he comes to your rescue? Unbelievable!"

  "That's what I said, Simone, and please stop shouting."

  "Where is he now?"

  Margaux knew if she didn't tell her, Simone would get in the car and come to find out for herself.

  "Sitting right here, petting Jack. We were just getting ready to order dinner when you called."

  "Oh my fuckin' God!" Simone yelled so loud, she was sure Nikalye heard. It left her clutching her head.

  "Stop it. That hurts my head."

  "Sorry. What's going on?"


  "Yeah, sure," she replied. Margaux could almost taste the sarcasm.

  "Was there something else you wanted, Simone?"

  "No. Nothing a
t all," she all but spat. "You're pathetic you know it?"

  "How's that?"

  "The old fall on the ice routine. Concussion. A likely story. By morning you'll have fucked his brains out. I know how you are."

  "Good night, Simone. Thanks for your concern."

  She hung up the phone and passed it to Nikalye.

  "You order. I need something for my head. If it wasn't hurting before, it certainly is now."

  Chapter Four

  Margaux awoke the following morning to an empty bedroom, void of Jack and Nikalye Fox. He'd insisted that, per the doctor’s instructions, he was staying and making sure she was okay. Gently forcing herself to sit up, she picked up her cell phone. Nine fifteen. Late. She couldn't afford to lay in bed or at home another day. She needed to get to the winery and get a more in detail look-see. In broad daylight, and before Monday.

  Slowly and cautiously she walked toward the sound of Jack meowing. She walked into the kitchen and found her cat rubbing against the ankles of her ice savior.

  He turned around upon hearing her.

  "Good morning. How are you feeling?"

  "Morning. Too soon to tell," she replied.

  "You should have waited for me to help you."

  "Sorry, needed to get up."

  "Here," he said, placing an arm around her waist. "Come sit down on the sofa. I'll bring you something to eat."


  "I went next door to my place and brought back what I needed. I wasn't gone five minutes."

  "Oh, okay."

  She sat down and petted on Jack, who had jumped up next to her. Nikalye handed her a bottle of water and two ibuprofen tablets. She tried to smile her thanks, but her head was pounding at the moment.

  She swallowed the pills with the water and sat back.

  "Crappy day, I see."

  He disappeared for couple of minutes, and returned with a couple of plates of eggs, toast and sausage.

  "You really didn't have to go to all this trouble."

  "No trouble at all."

  "I think I can take it from here, Nikalye. I'm sure you've got a bunch of far more important things to take care of today."

  "Nothing that can't either wait, or I can't do online."

  "Well, I can't stay cooped up here another day. I've got to get out to the winery. I need to look around, see where everything is. My office..."


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