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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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by Jamie Salisbury

  "When can I expect to resume production?"

  "As soon as I've tasted all six. Be prepared to start the process all over."

  "Do you have any idea what you're asking? What's involved by halting production?"

  "Yes I do." She replied curtly. Picking up the box, she nodded to her grandfather.

  Outside as they walked back to the business office Jacques spoke quietly.

  "That is not the blend I approved, Margaux."

  "Yes, I know Grandpapa. You sent me a bottle of the one you really approved. Remember?"

  "I do, and that bottle had all three sets of initials on it. I may be old, Margaux, but I'm not losing my mind. I know everything that goes on around here."

  "I know you do Grandpapa. I have the bottle you sent at my house. I kept it."

  She saw the old man smile as he held the door open for her. They understood each other. She knew her grandfather's vision for the winery. He'd taught her well. Something that was about to be put to good use.

  Setting the box containing the wine on the corner of her desk, Margaux removed her coat and hung it on a coat rack. Sitting behind the desk she pulled her laptop out of her messenger bag. She sat back and waited for it to power up.

  "Unbelievable! You're not even here a full day and already you've got the staff up in arms, and you made a bad decision, Margaux," Pier spat. He stood in the doorway of her office, eyeing her with his dark brown eyes.

  "I see word travels fast around here. Care to sit down?" She motioned to a chair in front of her desk.

  "What are you doing shutting down production of the blend, Margaux? Do you have a clue what's involved in doing this? Not only will the entire batch be wasted, you're putting everything behind schedule. Not to mention the time and man hours to produce whichever new blend strikes your fancy."

  "Are you quite through?" she asked, sitting back in her chair, tapping her fingers together as she watched Pier. "This is not the blend Grandpapa approved, Pier."

  "Margaux, he's an old man. He forgets things. He simply doesn't remember."

  "He remembers quite well, Pier. He sent me a bottle of the approved blend. He wanted my opinion. What is sitting in production, what I tasted there is not the blend he approved."

  "You're positive."

  "I'm about to find out. If you would get me some glasses and a spit bucket, I'll re-taste all six."

  "And you'll remember which one he originally approved. Without the bottle he sent you."

  "I have all the information on my laptop, Pier."

  "I'll go get those glasses," he replied standing up and stretching his long frame to its full length.

  "Why don't you join me? Good learning experience for you."

  "Do you want something for lunch? I'm sure I can find something in the restaurant kitchen."

  "No thanks. Grandpapa is bringing me something."

  He nodded. "I'll be right back."

  While she was waiting Margaux began making notes of the morning's activities. There were ways to not only grow their customer base, there were ways to make extra revenue. She also had concerns.

  "You know we have a company computer? It's that thing sitting on the corner of your desk?" He walked to a small round table sitting to one side of her office and set the glasses down.

  "Something new to learn. This was quicker."

  "How do you want to do this?"

  "Set the glasses up. Let me get a legal pad. I'll pour one at a time. We'll taste it, and I'll put our yes or no on the paper next to the code number."

  "Easy enough. Do you know which one is the true one?"

  "It's committed to memory, but I won't look at my notes until we've finished."

  Margaux poured from the first bottle. Swirling the contents around her mouth like mouthwash she shook her head. Not it. Pier did the same. She did this five more times, each time observing Pier's reaction.

  When it came to the blend that was the original approved one, she nodded. Pier shook his head. As she poured the one in production he nodded his head.

  She walked over to her computer. Picking it up, turning it around, she showed her brother the blend that was originally approved.

  "That's simply not possible. Grandpapa's initial's are on both bottles."

  "He only signed off on one, Pier. This one."

  They sat there in silence.

  "That means someone forged Grandpapa's initials. Who? Better yet-why?"

  "Why are you two sitting here looking so solemn?" Jacques asked as he placed a sack in front of her. "It's just a sandwich, but eat it just the same."

  "Margaux is right. A mistake has been made with the blend."

  "I knew it."

  "But Grandpapa, she’s shut down production. It isn’t cost effective to do what Margaux is asking. We need to look the other way this time and resume production of the blend."

  "Your sister made her decision. She is in charge, Pier. Production of the blend is stopped. The correct one will begin as soon as production is ready."

  "Very well." He glanced at his watch. "I've got to go. Meeting."

  They watched as Pier left her office. He obviously was not happy.

  "Don't worry about your brother. He's been trying to do too much. With you here he can focus on his job. Marketing."

  "I'll return these bottles to William as soon as I eat, and inform him of how he's to proceed."

  "Very well. If you need me, I will be off site for a couple of hours. Call my cell."

  She stuck her head in Helen's office as she was preparing to walk back to production.

  "I'm going to production. After that I'm yours for one hour."

  "Thank you."

  "Do you have a list with everyone's company email?"

  "Yes, of course I do. I'll make you a copy."

  When she returned the bottles to William, it was quite obvious he was unhappy with her decision to terminate the blend all ready for bottling. Not her problem. It was not his or Jean-Claude's decision what got put into production.

  Her next action would be a memo in writing to all parties involved.

  The sound of her cell phone brought her out of her thoughts.

  "Hello, Margaux. How's your day going?" Nikalye Fox clipped British accent inquired.

  "Very interesting and eye opening. What can I do for you Nikalye? You checking up on me?"

  "Yes, as a matter of fact I am. How much longer are you going to work today?"

  "To be honest, I'm about through. I need to meet with the HR person, send out a memo, then head home."

  "Could I interest you in dinner?"

  "Nikalye, thanks but you don't have to keep watch over me. I'll figure something out."

  "I'm not. I leave town tomorrow, remember? If you'd prefer to eat in, I can cook. Just make a decision so I can get what I need from the grocery store."

  "Okay, okay. You win. I suppose you want me to call when I leave?"

  "That would be perfect. I look forward to your call."

  With that he was gone. Margaux had to smile. He was quite unusual. Mysterious.

  Sitting in front of her laptop she composed a memo regarding the halt of production, and the new blend that was to start production.

  Chapter Eight

  There she stood. In his doorway. Dressed in jeans and a sweater, Margaux Simeon stood before him like a goddess. A delectable treat he'd spent the past years waiting for, without realizing he'd been waiting.

  "Margaux, you came."

  "Yes, I did. I always keep my promises, Nikalye." She held up two bottles of wine. One white, one red. "I didn't know what you were having so I decided to play it safe."

  Nikalye took the bottles from her well manicured hands. "Chateau Ste. Margaux. Excellent choice." He winked at her.

  He led her inside to the kitchen where he was putting the finishing touches on dinner.

  "Smells wonderful. What is it?"

  "Veal scaloppini. I hope you like it. I don't have a chance to cook it very often. When I do ea
t it, it's a special occasion or something."

  "What's the special occasion tonight?"

  "Two. You agreed to let me cook for you, and for your first day at work."

  "Anything I can do to help?"

  "Just come over here and sit while I pour us a glass of wine. I can do the rest."

  "I won't argue about that."

  "We have a breakthrough! The lady is not going to be difficult. Seriously, how was your head today?"

  "Actually much better. No headache until I started working."

  "Excellent, that's what I want to hear. Job going to be rough?"

  "I don't think so. Not after everyone gets used to the fact that I'm in charge."

  "Have things been run a little loosely?"

  "You might say that. Grandpapa is treated as though he's a feeble old man. Nothing I can't handle."

  "Your Grandpapa is anything but feeble. The man's brain probably functions better than a twenty year old."

  "He proved that to me today. Again."

  "How did your siblings take to your first day?"

  "Simone was insulted she'd been called in for no reason. Even though staff meetings are held on Monday's. Which coincidently is one of her days off. Pier? I think he's just happy to have someone take some of the work load off him."

  "Some don't take to doing more than one job well."

  "Pier's one of those. Now he can concentrate on marketing, which has me wondering how he's not doing or missing some great marketing and promotional opportunities."

  "Care to elaborate? If you can."

  "Like why we don't have winery tours. Most wineries do. Even around here."

  "I've wondered that myself."

  "Excellent opportunity to introduce people to our wines. There's space to even have like a tasting of the day. Feature one wine, daily or weekly. Offer wines for sale, promotional stuff too."

  "So why doesn't Chateau Ste. Margaux offer that?"

  "I was told it would mean hiring extra staff to do it all."

  "But the payback in sales and recognition would far outweigh the cost of promotional items or staff."

  "Exactly, and promotional items would be sold."

  "Sounds like you have a challenge."

  "Yes it does."

  The pair sat through a pleasant, enjoyable evening. Exactly as Nikalye had intended. He had hoped Margaux would linger longer, but her new job was on her mind.

  "It's getting late. I need to get going. I'm sure you need to get ready for your trip."

  "Thanks for coming, Margaux. I'll give you a call from New York, just to see how you're faring."

  "Thank you for the invitation. Dinner was excellent. My compliments to the chef. Don't worry about calling. I'm sure I'll be fine."

  "I want to."

  He leaned down and tilting her head up with one hand kissed her gently on the lips. Margaux didn't resist his move.

  "I really need to go, Nikalye."

  "I know. I'll be in touch," he replied, his eyes dancing with mirth.

  He opened his front door, watching Margaux until she was safely inside her own home.


  Margaux scooped Jack up as she made her way to the kitchen. Jack immediately began purring at the attention. Setting the cat down, she picked up a half finished bottle of Cabernet. Despite Jack's loud objections, Margaux poured herself a glass. She needed to get a bottle of Grey Goose. It was always a nice change of pace from the wine. "Don't think you can trick me Jack. You've been fed."

  The cat continued with his con game. Rubbing against her ankles and meowing pitifully.

  "Come on. I need to try and do some work before it gets any later."

  Rather than wait for her laptop to power up, Margaux knew she should be attacking that stack of papers Helen had given her. Stuff like health and life insurance. Retirement. It could wait. Right now she needed to check on other things. The winery website for one. Chateau Ste. Margaux had a stellar reputation. Some of what she'd seen today made her question all that.

  She picked her Riedel glass up off the dining room table where she'd set up her temporary office. Licking her lips as though trying to relive Nikalye’s kiss, or taste some shred of him. She took a swallow of wine. His kiss had taken her breath away and her body had wanted more. Instead she'd made some moronic excuse about needing to come home. It was better that way. She didn't need the emotions of a relationship right now. Not with this new job. Not yet.

  Sitting down in front of the laptop, she took another sip. She set the wine glass off to one side and clicked open her corporate email account. If she'd really expected a reply or response to her email regarding the halt on the blend production, she was sorely mistaken. Nothing.

  Margaux turned her attention to the company website. It'd been a while since she’d last looked at it. While it was attractive enough, catching people's attention, the entire thing was overdue an overhaul. There was a page she noticed announcing the release of this year's spring blend.

  What she found odd was the little or lack of chatter about this year's releases. The fine wine that made Chateau Ste. Margaux stand heads above most American wines. Like its French cousins.

  Again nothing on the company web site. No promotional items, no mention of winery events. Surely Pier hadn't been that overwhelmed. She needed to talk to Hayden about what he was growing. Find out if there was anything new. She knew in the back of her mind how many acres of what type of grape was being grown over there. Her grandfather had drilled that into her head from an early age.

  Glancing at the clock on her laptop she realized it was too late to call Hayden. She'd continue to make notes and call him toward the end of the week. He knew she was back, and would not hesitate to call on her if something seemed amiss.

  Jack meowed, rubbing against her legs in his never ending quest for attention.

  "Let me get these forms filled out so I can turn them in tomorrow, Jack. Then we'll play."

  He purred loudly as though understanding her every word.

  An hour, and two glasses of wine later, Margaux was finished. She'd read, filled out and signed every required paper. Powering down the laptop she stood and headed for the kitchen. All the while the Siamese faithfully followed her, reminding her of the promise she'd made earlier.

  Chapter Nine

  Margaux pulled into her parking spot the next morning. It had started raining sometime during the night. Probably explained why the parking lot was emptier than it had been the previous morning.

  She opened the door to her office and turned on the light. She reminded herself she needed to find out what hours everyone kept.

  Powering on her corporate desk top she reminded herself she needed to keep her laptop separate.

  "Good morning." A voice greeted her from the doorway. Helen stood there bearing a mug of hot coffee. "Black, right?"

  "Yes, thank you and good morning."

  "You're welcome. Ready for another day?"

  "Yes, and I filled out everything for you. I just want to make a copy for my records." She pointed to the folder she'd just pulled out of her messenger bag.

  "I'll be happy to do that for you. Did you have any questions?"

  "No, it was all straight and to the point. Very easy to follow."

  She handed the folder to Helen. "Thanks. By the way, does someone keep a schedule of everyone's hours? Not time cards, just something that would tell me what hours people work?"

  "No, but I can write out something for you if you'd like. Another reason we need a receptionist."

  "I meant to ask Pier that yesterday. Judging by the way the phones were ringing yesterday, I'd expect we'd have one."

  "Yes we should." She replied, tucking the folder under her arm. "I have a couple of things for you. I'll bring them as soon as I make your copies."

  "Thanks for your help, Helen. Hopefully in a week or two I should have the answers to my own questions."

  "You're doing fine. Your Grandpapa has waited a long time to have you come on

  "Yes, he has. He's stubborn that way. Speaking of Jacques, where is he this morning?"

  "It's the second Tuesday of the month. Chamber breakfast."

  "Does he go alone, or does Pier take him?"

  "He drives himself. Rarely misses a meeting."

  "That's amazing. Go Grandpapa."

  "Yes, he is quite well liked in the community. Always has been. Let me take care of this for you. I know you've got a full day."

  Margaux walked around her office, studying what little had been left on the bookshelf. At one time this had been her grandfather's office, though the furniture was not his.

  She wandered out into the reception area as a balding fortyish man came through the door, briefcase in hand.

  "Ms. Simeon, correct?" He asked, shifting his briefcase to his left hand. He extended his right. "Calvin Jenkins, CFO."

  "Yes, I remember you from when I visited a couple of years ago."

  "That was me. Five years now."

  "When you get settled in I have a couple of quick questions I'd like to ask you. If you have time."

  "Let me put this up and grab a cup of coffee. I always have time. Unless it’s during budget planning or that sort of thing."

  "I know them well. I'll meet you back in my office."

  He nodded and disappeared down the hall to his office.

  She looked in Pier's office. It was dark and the door locked. Interesting. He probably had a meeting somewhere or was at the chamber breakfast.

  She met Helen at the door to her office. The woman had a manila envelope, a cell phone and another, smaller envelope.

  "Here are your copies as well as your corporate cell phone. I took the liberty to add everyone to your phone. There's also a list with them along with extensions for the main line." She waved the smaller white envelope. "This is your corporate Amex."

  "Thank you, Helen. Do we furnish cell phones for all staff?"

  "Only department heads."

  "What about this Amex? Who has one?"

  "Jacques of course. Pier, Hayden, Calvin, myself and Simone."

  "Thank you. If I need anything else, I'll let you know."

  Margaux knew she had a lot to learn. Like why did Simone need a corporate Amex card? A lot Calvin could answer. Her list of questions kept growing.


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