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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

Page 6

by Jamie Salisbury

  Calvin appeared, coffee and legal pad in his hands.

  Sitting behind her desk, Margaux picked up her legal pad and set it in front of her.

  "What can I help you with?"

  "I suppose we can start with, how do I requisition things? Say I wanted to purchase some artwork for the walls in here? How would I go about it?"

  "Anything under one hundred dollars needs no approval. There is a requisition form that has to be filled out for items over that amount. You list the vendor, the amount and what it's for. Before it is purchased."

  "So say I go to the office supply and purchase file folders every week. As long as it's under one hundred dollars I can do it."

  "In a case such as office supplies, I would tell the person they need to go to Helen with any office supply request."

  "What about over one hundred?"

  "It needs two signatures. In the past it's been your grandfather and Pier. I'm sure he'll turn that over to you now. Everything must be turned in by the last day of the month. That includes expense reports. I write checks on the fifteen of the month. Anything after that rolls over to the next month."

  "Any exceptions?"

  "Only for your grandfather."

  "That's good to know, Calvin."

  "Anything else earth-shattering I can help you with?"

  She smiled. He was a likeable man and seemed to have a good grasp on everything financial.

  "A couple of things. Is there money for a receptionist?"

  "Yes, of course there is."

  "I’m looking at why we don't have tours, and why there’s nowhere for visitor tastings or even a place for guests to purchase wine. I've been told it isn't cost effective."

  "There's no reason why any or all of that can't be done. Wine is sold through the restaurant, but it hasn't been too successful. Not as successful as having it in another area as well."

  "Who oversees wine sales there?"

  "That would be your sister, Simone."

  "Lastly, and when you have time, could I see the expense reports for everyone for the last three months?"

  "Margaux, you may see anything you like. I'll get those for you. Anything else?"

  "No. I'll get back with you and schedule some time so we can go over the financials."

  "Just let me know. My door is always open."

  She nodded, watching the man go. Staring at the computer screen, she decided coffee was next on her to-do list. Picking up her coffee mug Margaux headed to the break room. Staring at the variety of coffee choices, she slid her mug in place and waited.

  "Good morning. I see we didn't run you off." She heard her brother murmur.

  "Morning, and no you didn't. I got in here a while ago. Met with Calvin."

  "How'd that go?"

  "Quite well. He's easier to talk to than most numbers guys. Talks in a language you can understand."

  "I think that's one of the reasons why Grandpapa hired him."

  She removed her mug from the coffee maker. "Speaking of Grandpapa, I understand he's at a monthly chamber breakfast."

  "Yes. That's why I was surprised to see you here so early. I figured he would have dragged you along with him."

  "Give him time."

  "He's been telling anyone who'll listen about you."

  "I can only imagine." She blew on her coffee, taking a sip. "You got a minute?"

  "Of course. I want to run something by you."

  They settled in her office.

  "Have you been up to the house?" Pier asked.

  "No, not yet. I figured I'd wait until I'm asked."

  "You know Grandpapa was really expecting you to move in up there."

  "I know. I just couldn't, and I think he understood why. I can't believe you're still living there."

  "It keeps me close by."

  She nodded her head and took a sip of coffee. "How do you think I need to handle the situation with the blend?"

  "I thought you'd already decided that by halting production. Having second thoughts?"

  "Not so much second thoughts. Jean-Claude deliberately went with the blend he wanted. Someone forged Grandpapa's initials on the bottle. If he'll do that, changing the blend, what else has he done no one knows about?"

  He shrugged.

  "There was a tasting in New York before I left. I never actually tasted it, but several people had commented that the new Merlot was not up to our usual standards."

  "I guess we need to keep our eyes open then."

  "Yes. Now, I don't like doing this, but I'm going to go ahead and resume production on the spring blend as it is. There isn't time to redo it and get it to market on time. The consumer who purchases it isn't your classic wine snob."

  "I agree with what you're saying."

  "Jean-Claude will be reprimanded, severely. Part of the reason Grandpapa brought me on was for my winemaking skills. Jean-Claude is going to have to learn that I will be included on every detail."

  "When are you going to tell him? Better yet what are you planning to do to reprimand him?"

  "Undecided on both counts. I think letting him stew is a start. So what did you want to talk to me about?"

  "Concerts on the green this summer. Have musical entertainment on Sunday, people can bring picnics and spread out on the lawn. We have the room, we have the parking. If we worked it right, we might be able to rent space for more parking from one of our neighbors."

  "I like it. It would tie in perfectly with some of my other ideas."

  "Fantastic. Let me write up an outline, put something together a little more concrete."

  "I'll do the same on the tours and tour wine tasting."

  "God, I'm so glad you're here, Margaux."

  "Are you out of your mind, Margaux?" Simone shrieked from the reception area.

  "I think she knows about the production halt," Pier whispered.

  "And now the fun begins."

  "There you are," she spat. Simone glanced at Pier, those penciled eyebrows of hers arched as she glared at Margaux. "I should have known the two of you would be in here thick as thieves."

  "We're working, Simone. Something you might try sometime." Pier retorted.

  "What I want to know is who gave you permission to halt production? Did you know because of your little stunt to attempt to impress Grandpapa Jean-Claude may quit?"

  "Not that it's any of your business Simone, but Jean-Claude put his choice into production, not the one selected and approved by Grandpapa." She paused. "I can shut down production Simone, I can shut the entire place down for that matter."

  "And may I point out you're not the head winemaker."

  "Worry about your own job, Simone. Leave running of this winery to me. It's what I was hired for."

  Margaux stared across the room at her--and for a split second wondered why in the hell she'd ever accepted her grandfather's job offer.

  Simone took a slow, deep breath. "I will talk to Grandpapa. I will make sure you are removed not only as general manager, but that you lose any interest you hold in this business."

  "That sounds like a threat to me, Simone. If I were you I'd tread very softly." She didn't break eye contact.

  "Whatever it takes to be rid of you."

  Closing her eyes, Margaux sucked in a deep breath. She needed a second to regain her composure from this drama. Just a second to pull it together.

  When she reopened her eyes, she addressed the woman in front of her. How was it possible they were even related?"

  "What are you doing here so early, Simone? The restaurant doesn't serve lunch on Tuesday's? Never mind. Since you're here why don't we meet? You can tell me everything you do. What your job entails.” And what it doesn't.

  "I don't have time. I'm busy."

  Simone pivoted on her heel in an attempt to flee the interrogation.

  "Ten minutes. Right here in my office. That way it'll save me any confusion as to which office to meet you at. Since you have two offices and all."

  "It appears you have made an enemy."
Pier whistled as Simone stormed out of the room.

  "I wasn't hired to be the most popular cheerleader, Pier."

  "When are you going to give Jean-Claude and company the good news?"

  "As soon as I tell Grandpapa. I want him to hear the reasoning behind going back on my decision from me."

  "Then I suggest you do it as soon as he walks in."

  "Why's that?" She asked noting her brother was now looking out her office window.

  "Because Simone has him cornered in the parking lot as we speak."

  "Great. See why I didn't want to live at the house?"

  "She's only there when it suits her to be seen."

  "I’ll bet. We can finish this another time. Grandpapa will be fine. He knows Simone. Trust me."

  "Oh, he's got her number. She just refuses to admit defeat."

  "Yes. I better arm myself with another cup of coffee before he comes inside."


  Jacques Simone stood quietly at the window of his granddaughter's office. He'd waited too many years to bring Margaux on board. Though he should have done it a number of years before, he put his own dreams on hold. Not wanting her to feel forced into the family empire, he encouraged her to try new things. And so he watched her sharpen her skills, writing first for a fashion magazine, then as she became a popular columnist for one of the most respected wine publications.

  When he told her it was time, she pulled up stakes and came. His protégée and the future of Chateau Ste. Margaux came home.

  "Next month I shall take you with me to the chamber breakfast. People are most anxious to meet you,” he said as he saw Margaux enter her office in the reflection of the window.

  "I look forward to it."

  "I also plan to host a small party for you. I want people to begin to recognize you as the new face of Chateaux Ste. Margaux."

  He knew she wouldn't disagree or try to talk him out of it. Margaux had long figured out the position she had been groomed for. So unlike her siblings.

  "Just let me know when and the details. Are you planning on having it at the restaurant?"

  "No, though it might suffice I don't want your sister complaining the staff has too much to do. I thought the house would be nice."

  "I look forward to it as well."

  "Simone has decided to be most difficult during this transition. She refuses to cooperate."

  "Since we're discussing the production halt of the spring blend and Simone's reaction I need to make sure I have your support on whatever decisions I make."

  "Margaux you are the general manager now. This may only be your second day, but any decision of yours has my support."

  He sat across from her, curious to see what her first decisions would be.

  "I want to explain something first. To try and re-do the blend and get it to market on time would be an almost impossible task. Not to mention the cost."

  "But one you can handle."

  "True. This is all new to me. I need to focus on a lot of things right now. My plan is to go ahead with this version of the blend."

  "I see. That's what your sister was upset about. The production halt."

  "Which I find interesting because the winemaking process isn't part of her job."

  "You're quite observant." He sat back in his chair and waited.

  "Jean-Claude may think he's won a battle, but I can assure you this little stunt of his will cost him. He will not go unpunished."

  "What do you have in mind, Margaux?"

  "Ninety day probation. This will go through the release of the summer blend. Everything comes through me. I have final say to anything that goes on in winemaking. I have to sign off before any new wines are released."

  "That's part of your job anyway."

  "I know, but after this discovery with the spring blend, I believe Jean-Claude has his own agenda."

  "Care to elaborate?"

  "I need to do some more research first. What I will tell you is this. Two people have commented to me that a certain wine is not up to our standards."

  Jacques nodded his head.

  "Do whatever you think best. Don't worry about your sister or anyone else. Just keep me in the loop."

  "I will, Grandpapa."

  "Can I interest you in dinner at the house tonight?"

  He knew Margaux's intense feelings regarding the place that had once been her home as well. A reason he didn't fight when she announced she would purchase her own place. In time perhaps he could change her mind.

  "I can't tonight, Grandpapa. I'm suppose to see the doctor when I leave here. At the emergency room. He wanted me to come by since I didn't have a doctor here yet. The restaurant? Tomorrow evening?"

  She smiled at him. The look on her face told him she had another reason for wanting to go.

  "I accept. We'll decide a time tomorrow."

  "Excellent. I'll be sure to copy you on anything I put in writing to Jean-Claude regarding this matter."

  "When do you plan to restart production?"

  "As soon as I have everything written up to give to Jean-Claude I plan to go tell production. First. It'll give them a chance to call him. Let him gloat for a few minutes before I bring the hammer down."

  Chapter Ten

  Armed with a folder containing Jean-Claude's written reprimand, Margaux grabbed her coat and walked outside. As she headed to the production building, she glanced up at the clouded sky and hoped that the anticipated storm would hold off. She'd already halted production by a day.

  Opening the door Margaux noted how quiet the place was. Walking deeper into the building she ran across several men in the midst of cleaning. Out of the corner of her eye she saw William walking towards her.

  "Good morning, Margaux. I was about to call you."

  "Then I've saved you the effort. Early spring cleaning?"

  "It's always good to use time between production and bottling to tidy up."

  "Good. I thought I'd come tell you the news in person. I want you to resume production. This is a onetime thing. If it weren't for the tight schedule we're already under on this I'd dump all of it. But I don't have that option, so we'll use this."

  The man grinned. "We'll get started on it as soon as we're finished cleaning."

  "Excellent. Keep me posted. This is the last time Jean-Claude will pull a stunt like this. This is a business decision and no one should look at it as a win for Jean-Claude. No one wins on this one."

  "I understand. Anything else?"

  "Yes. Our newest Merlot. Can you have a couple of bottles sent to my office? I heard some great things about it at a tasting I attended recently."

  "Yes ma'am. I'll deliver them myself."

  "Thank you William. I'll check back later."

  Pivoting on her heel Margaux turned and walked out. Two birds killed with one stone, so to speak. Resume production and acquire a bottle of a questionable wine. Gazing over at the building where the winemaker had his office she sucked in a deep breath. This would be fun. Her first disciplinary action and she hadn't been here a week.

  She stopped in her tracks, the bitter cold wind whipping around her. She watched curiously as her sister exited the building in a hurry. Simone never looked around. She was walking as fast as she could toward the restaurant.

  Now why would Simone need to be anywhere but the restaurant or business center? She'd be willing to bet when she walked inside Jean-Claude would be waiting. Expecting her.

  Some people are so damn predictable.

  Slowly she opened the heavy oak door. Many of the buildings here were either replicas or close imitations of the family winery in France. She stepped inside and stood for a second. Too quiet.

  She proceeded down the hall to Jean-Claude's office. He sat as he had the day before. Behind his desk on his computer. She wondered what he was reading. There was no way to tell from her angle, and if she could he'd just close it.

  "Margaux, how nice to see you. I just got word that you changed your mind about dumping the blend. I'm pleas
ed to see you came to your senses and saw things my way. Hopefully your foolishness didn't set production too far behind." He smirked. Cocky, arrogant bastard. How she'd love to knock it right off his face.

  "I don't know what your problem is with me Jean-Claude, but I can assure you the reason I've had production re-started has nothing at all to do with you."

  "I have no problem with you, Margaux. Other than the fact you have no experience in such matters. I am the winemaker here, not you. It is me who has brought this winery to the success it sees today. No one else."

  "That's funny, Jean-Claude. You have quite the ego because we both know it's my grandfather's years of experience that have done what you claim you have. You haven't been here long enough. So if we can cut through the bull crap, let me explain what your little stunt of changing the approved blend is going to cost you."

  She tossed the folder across his desk.

  "Ninety days probation. During this time everything, and I do mean everything, must be run by me and approved by me. As a reminder since you seem to have forgotten, this is protocol. The way things are done. Questions?"

  The Frenchman was fuming.

  "This is completely unacceptable. You cannot do this."

  "I can and I did. One thing I will not tolerate is insubordination. Now read it, and sign it. I'm sure you have other things that need your attention."

  "No. I will not sign it, nor do I accept any of this. I'll speak with Jacques about this."

  "My grandfather backs whatever decisions I make. He's the one who hired me to run this winery. The sooner you accept that fact the easier it'll be for us to work together."

  Margaux reached down and picked up the folder. She took out the extra copy she'd made for Jean-Claude to keep. She'd already signed it.

  "Plan on being in my office at nine in the morning. We'll go over what's coming up."

  Rather than say a word, Jean-Claude picked up the papers and tore them in two before tossing them into the trash can.

  "Fine. Your choice, Jean-Claude. I'll see you in the morning."

  She turned and left, heading toward the business center. She needed to document everything that had just occurred. Later she'd poke around and see what she could learn about Jean-Claude.


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