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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

Page 10

by Jamie Salisbury

  "See you in a few."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Margaux sucked in a deep breath as she approached the turn-off for the family estate, located on the winery grounds, hidden by the trees and the lush old forest growth.

  Chateaux Simeon. Named by her late grandmother, it sat high up on a hill. Margaux had always wondered what sort of view it would have without all the trees. But then having it on display for all to see would take away from all the mystique. The main house was obscenely large, an exact duplicate of a French Chateaux her grandmother had fancied. There were two pools, one inside the main house, the other was a lap pool. It was housed in a structure with a retracting roof. It was here her grandfather came every morning and swam religiously every day. One hundred laps. Religiously every day, seven days a week, three hundred sixty five days a year.

  This was supposed to be home, but instead it was a cold, structure that housed bad memories. The only time she'd set foot back inside was when her grandmother Madeline had died. That had been seven years ago.

  Margaux sat in her car and stared at the house for a moment. This was excess, in spite of what her grandmother and mother had tried to instill in her. Time and time again they would remind her of the hundreds of years the Simeon family had produced some of the top wine in France. They were considered royalty, and as such lived in total opulence and splendor. Though Margaux considered it vulgar and obscene, this was her legacy. One day, and probably sooner than Margaux would like, this would all be hers. That was up until today. Now she wasn't sure what the future held.

  Her father had showed little interest in his heritage, choosing instead to wander back and forth between here and France. Sometimes taking his children, but leaving them most times to be raised by his parents. When her grandfather had given him the opportunity to sign over any claims to the family business, he gladly did. After all he was a free spirit, he couldn't be tied down by responsibility. No, leave it to the next generation. The next generation meaning Margaux.

  Stepping into the larger than life front foyer with the grand staircase, Margaux tried to shut it all out. The crystal chandeliers, the black and white marble floor, everything. To make it more obscene the house was in the process of being decorated for Christmas. Garland, poinsettias and a theme of red and gold overwhelmed the senses.

  She walked into the drawing room. Seeing her enter, her grandfather rose from his place in front of the large fireplace. He walked towards her slowly. For the first time Margaux could see that time was catching up to him. He looked as though he'd aged ten years since this morning.

  He bussed her on the cheek and led her to the gold cart situated to the side of the room. It had always been in that spot for as long as Margaux could remember.

  Margaux reached for the bottle of Grey Goose and poured herself a large glass. To her surprise her grandfather followed suit. Turning he walked back towards the fireplace. She followed wondering what was coming. It was unusual for Jacques not to be talkative, but today had turned out to be a black day.

  "We got through the day, Grandpapa. A few battle scars, but that only adds character. We'll be fine."

  She took a long sip off her glass, even though her gut was telling her to down it. After the day she'd endured what she needed to do was drown herself in alcohol. Even for an evening.

  "Will we? My brother has been quietly planning this for some time. He even used my granddaughter as a pawn in an effort to get what he wants."

  "Obviously his plan has backfired."

  "Has it, Margaux? Or is this what he intended all along, to put us in a vulnerable position."

  "He has done no such thing. I can manage Jean-Claude's position with little effort. In fact William and I are going to meet tomorrow to discuss the next year's production and releases. As for Simone's job? There are a couple of the wait staff who would jump at an opportunity to manage a restaurant and do it quite well. People who have been there for years. Hire a few people to replace Ellen and this new manager. The restaurant will be fine. In fact everything will be fine, Grandpapa. Please stop worrying."

  He smiled, then took a drink off his vodka. "You don't think he's trying to take everything over? Henri, I mean."

  "The attorneys assured me he would have a most difficult time. You and I are the majority shareholders. Neither of us are going anywhere. Pier and Hayden are on board."

  "Yes, that's what I thought. Still, there has been too much going on lately."

  "We'll get through it. It doesn't change anything but a couple of positions within the company." She swallowed the rest of her drink, ready to get the hell out of this house. "I need to go, Grandpapa. We'll start fresh in the morning."

  "Of course. Do you think you will join us for the holidays this year, Margaux?"

  "One thing at a time, Grandpapa."

  "I'm holding you to it."

  She sat in her car a few minutes later staring at her iPhone screen. Nikalye had texted her several times. The thought of him made gooseflesh appear. He was more than she could dream of, but did she need a relationship at this point in her life. She had a winery to run, in more than one way now.

  I'm at the winery. Leaving now.


  She groaned.

  I wouldn't be very good company.

  I'll be the judge of that. See you when you get here.

  Are you always so bossy?


  On the other hand, perhaps this deliciously sensuous man was precisely what she needed tonight. A welcome diversion. Especially if they ended up in the throes of whatever was going on between them.

  Okay you win.

  Drive safe on those dark roads

  She sent a couple of emoticons, wishing she knew how to design one more personal for Nikalye. He'd get the idea.

  Starting the engine, she drove down the drive, away from the house and into the night.

  Nikalye paced the floor in front of the floor to ceiling windows. He'd been unable to concentrate since Margaux had delivered the news. Except for his grandmother, family dynamics were fairly foreign to him. The closest he'd come to marriage was Pamela. After her tragic death he shut the door on ever getting married, let alone be in a serious relationship. Yet here he was. Falling in love with probably the most passionate, beautiful, stubborn and vivacious woman he'd ever met. Pamela had been the typical well bred woman who expected nothing but the very best. Margaux, on the other hand could play either side of the equation. She was comfortable in whatever life dealt her. Even this horrid mess with her family.

  A knock on the door brought him out of his daydream. Walking across the blond oak floors he felt his body hum in anticipation of what the evening might bring.

  He opened the door and there she stood. All five foot ten inches of her. She had obviously gone home and changed. She was standing there in skin tight, torn jeans, a white blouse held together by only one button and flats. She held up a bottle of Grey Goose.

  "I hope you don't mind. I stopped by my place to change and grab this. The last thing I want to drink this evening is wine," she said as she drew closer. She tucked herself against him, causing him to groan.

  "Not a problem. Come on in." He relieved her of the vodka bottle which was ice cold. Feeling her breath on his neck he kicked the door shut with his foot. "Rough day at the office?"

  "You have no idea."

  Her arms were wrapped around him as she began kissing him. Drawing her close he reciprocated her need. Dinner be damned.

  "I'm starving," she heard him say some time later.

  Looking at the bedside clock it wasn't nearly as late as she thought. Time had slipped by her since this morning. As much as she loved lying about with this handsome man, she was too keyed up by the day's events to sit still.

  "Come on, let's grab a shower. We'll go slumming."


  "Yeah. I'll take you to a local brewery, get some pub food, introduce you to the other booze-producing family in town."


  An hour later they were sitting in the new Love Brothers Brewing tap room sipping a couple of dark chocolate stouts.

  "My, my, my, lookie here. Margaux Simeon live and in the flesh. You looking for a job, darlin'? I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to adjust that fancy wine education to brewing."

  "Fuck you Dominic Love, and why would I ever want to go into brewing?"

  The blond man nodded at Nikalye as he sat down at their table.

  "Forgive her manners," he snorted. "She gets a little riled about her snobby wine education.” He held out a hand. “Dominic Love. Margaux and I went to school together."

  "Nikalye Fox."

  "What's up, Dom?"

  "Your sister Simone was here a while ago."

  "How nice."

  "She was going on about how there were some serious changes at the winery. Bragging that she was taking over."

  Margaux glanced at Nikalye. He was taking a sip off his brew, taking in everything Dom had to say.

  "Was she alone?" Margaux asked.

  "No. She was with some French dude. Introduced him as her husband."

  "Thanks for the info Dom," she replied, handing him a business card. "If you happen to hear anything else, don't hesitate to call me. My cell number is on back."

  "So it's true?"

  "In her dreams perhaps. You know Simone. Always one for the dramatic. She and Jean-Claude quit, so now she has to turn it into something out of a soap opera. Everything is fine at the winery."

  "That's what I figured. Another Oscar worthy performance by Simone Simeon," he replied shaking his head. He stood up as their food arrived. "Well, I need to go. Just came by to grab something to eat. If I hear anything I'll let you know."

  "Thanks Dom, and say hello to your family."

  "I will, but you know it would go further if you got your ass out there for a visit." He turned to Nikalye before Margaux could get another word in. "Nice to meet you. Don't believe a word she says about me. She loves to exaggerate." He gave an exaggerated wink.

  Watching him walk off, Margaux shook her head, smiling. She picked the tomato and lettuce off her burger, fully aware that Nikalye was watching her every move. Was he a smidge jealous?

  "What?" She asked noting his dark eyes were watching everything she was doing.

  "Nothing." He shook his head grinning before taking a long drink off his brew. He set the glass back on the table.

  "I don't happen to like lettuce and tomato on my burger. Is that against the law?"

  "No, not at all." He chuckled.

  "It ruins a good burger."

  "I believe you. Why not ask them not to put it on in the first place?"

  "Because it would probably get put on anyway. Always does." Picking up her knife she cut it in half.

  "Old boyfriend?"

  "Dominic? Pffft. We went to school together. That's it. If you lived here when we were kids you couldn't help but know him and his brothers. Now the place is getting too grown up. Why? Jealous?"

  "Curious, that's all. I also find it interesting about your sister and Jean-Claude."

  "They're up to no good, that's what they're up to."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Margaux sat at her desk, quietly making out a schedule of upcoming releases. Those that would be coming out of the aging process during the coming year. She needed to pull some herself and test it. Though this was done at regular intervals during the aging process, Margaux needed to do it herself.

  Not that she didn't trust William. She did. The man had worked for her grandfather since the beginning. Next to her grandfather, William had been an important figure in the winemaking process. But now, with all that had happened in the past week or so, she needed to just go and pick random casks to test.

  There was so much to do. Her days were running into marathons, though at this point it was all unavoidable. She was having to check and recheck anything and everything. From the time Jean-Claude first came on board as winemaker to the day he left. She needed no surprises.

  Glancing at the clock on her desk, she momentarily wished she could make time stand still. Instead she needed to be on her way to speak with Hayden. They needed to expand the vineyards, and that would take a few years to get the grapes mature enough for production. But where?

  Hoping her brother would have some answers, she shut her laptop down, along with the corporate desktop. She slid her laptop into her bag, put on her jacket and headed towards the door.

  "I'm going out for a while, Ellen. If anyone needs me, I have my cell."

  "Yes, ma'am," the young woman replied.

  No sooner had she started on her drive than her phone rang. At first she wanted to curse herself for having told Ellen that. Then she glanced at the screen. Nikalye. They had been seeing each other on a hit or miss basis since this had all happened. He understood, and he had his own things to do. Still the hours she'd been keeping wasn't conducive to how she'd like to be spending what little down time she seemed to have.

  "What's up, stranger?" She asked.

  "I was just about to ask you the same. I miss you."

  "You can always call, Nikalye."

  "True, but I was trying to give you some space. I know you've got a lot going on."

  "I do, but I always have time to chat with a handsome Englishman."

  He chuckled. "I may have a solution."

  "Oh? Do tell."

  "You're not going to get it out of me that easily, Margaux. Dinner? I'll cook. We won't have to go out and we can sit and talk."

  " long as we have dinner and talk first."

  "Don't trust yourself?"

  "Not when I'm alone with you."

  "Is it a deal?"

  "Yes. Do me a favor and call me about six. Make sure I've left my office."

  "I can do that. Where are you headed now?"

  "To see Hayden. It's past time to expand the vineyards. Now, that is the big concern."

  "Something else I may have a solution for."

  "You're just full of solutions and answers, aren't you?"

  "I plead the fifth, as you Americans say."

  "Chicken," she snorted. "I look forward to continuing our conversation this evening. Fully clothed. Don't forget. Call me."

  "I won't, and I look forward to this evening as well. Clothed or otherwise."

  He disconnected the call before Margaux could hit him with a comeback. She did enjoy his quirky sense of humor, however a man was probably the last thing she needed in her life right now. Nikalye wasn't intrusive. He made no demands on her or her time. He was the one person she could discuss business with who didn't have a personal stake in it or the outcome. Like what was going on with the departure of her sister and Jean-Claude.

  Driving along, she was amazed at how developed the area had become. Luckily people like her grandfather had snatched up land, knowing it would be needed in the future.

  She understood that the nearby land would have been convenient for Hayden to use, he was simply going to have to go with an undeveloped tract between the vineyard and winery. Late winter would be a perfect time to begin.

  They all had to make adjustments for the moment.

  She turned down the gravel road that led to Hayden's house and the building where the grapes were first processed when they came in from the vines.

  Hayden was the quieter of her two brothers, preferring the vineyards and his lab, as he referred to it over the office work he saw Pier doing. If not for his life-long love of the vineyards, Hayden would have made a great horticulturist. Like her, winemaking was in his blood. Hopefully in a couple of years they would truly be known as a brother-sister team in the industry.

  "Come on in," he called to her and she closed the door behind her.

  She saw him come towards her from behind a large stainless steel table.

  "Thanks for setting some time aside. I thought in light of everything we could go over this coming year."

  "That works for me. Always good to kno
w the members of the team," he grinned.

  "I suppose you've heard, Grandpapa is going to France. He's keeping his trip low key as he doesn't want Uncle Henri to know he's coming."

  "Pier mentioned it. I hope Simone hasn't figured it out."

  "From what Pier told me, Simone hasn't been staying at the house much. I guess she's afraid of the possibility for confrontation."

  "Yes, that would be my conclusion as well. She also knows Grandpapa is very angry with her right now. I doubt she'll ever be able to right this with him."

  "Rather than discuss the gloom that is our sister, why don't we look at some ideas I have for this proposed new vineyard."

  "I couldn't agree more, and can't wait to hear your ideas."

  Following Hayden to the large table she sat down. She pulled out her laptop and the two of them got to work. Looking up at her brother she didn't like what she saw. He was serious now.

  "I need to tell you something before we get started. Grandpapa knows the situation. He and I spent several days trying to come up with a solution."

  "Yes I remember when I first arrived he was staying with you. What is it, Hayden."

  "Part of the reason for wanting to expand, besides the obvious is we have a problem. One that's not just going to go away."

  "Now you've got me scared. What is it?"


  "GLD? You're certain?" Grapevine leafroll disease. It meant delayed fruit maturity, poor color, poor color and reduced yields. It was harder to detect in red grapes. Whites were easier. This virus was sometimes hard to detect because of the difficulty of recognizing symptoms. Hayden would know leafroll was not caused by just one virus or pathogen. He would have to be vigilant.

  "Yes, and Grandpapa and I had it confirmed. That's why I'm glad that land sold to someone else. Knowing what I do, I wouldn't be able to take a chance with that land so close."

  "Then the land next to the winery is perfect. How bad is it?"

  "I won't know until summer. I found it in the grapes we use for cabernet."

  "Yes, the red grapes have a more dramatic appearance when affected than the whites," she replied sardonically. "It'll take years to get the new vineyard up and running, and what are you going to use for plants?"


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