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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

Page 11

by Jamie Salisbury

  "I have some plants. I have them isolated in the greenhouse."

  "Do you think, is it possible this could be a deliberate act?"

  "You mean do I think someone infected the vineyard? Of course I do. Anything's possible."

  "I figured as much. What do we do now? Without raising suspicions. I don't want word getting out about this. Not yet."

  "We continue as we always do. We're lucky cold weather has set in. It gives us a few months to come up with a strategy."

  "Good, we'll begin readying the land for the new vineyard. Meanwhile I'll have to figure out where we're going to get more grapes should we need them."

  "Ask your friend Nikalye. He's a smart businessman with a lot of contacts."

  "I'll keep that in mind."

  "We're going to need all the allies we can muster to get through something like this."

  She raised an eyebrow in her brother's direction at his remark. He was right of course. "Why would Simone and Jean-Claude ruin the vineyards? It wouldn't help them if heaven forbid they did take over."

  "It would give them reason to convince me, Pier and Grandpapa the best way to combat this is by teaming up with Uncle Henri."

  "And push me out."

  "Exactly," he said darkly. "Now do you understand why we need someone like Nikalye as our ally?"

  "Yes, I do and I'll speak with him."


  Nikalye paced the floor of his condo. Margaux was in route, having grown tired of the reminder texts he sent her after 5pm. He had an idea, one he'd been mulling over for several days. Actually since the day the mayhem began at the winery. He was unsure how she'd receive his idea. As strong willed as Margaux was he wouldn't be surprised if she blew him off or worse yet, refused his help.

  He knew she'd been caught up in inventorying and checking every wine. Not simply testing every barrel. That would take a small army. Rather she and William had been going at it for over a week. Choosing random casks and testing their acidity or even spot tastings. Nothing so far seemed out of place. The wines were maturing as expected and on schedule.

  On top of that she was meeting with her brother Hayden about expanding the vineyards on some unused land the vineyards owned. It wasn't what Hayden had wanted, but the land adjacent to the vineyards had gone up or sale and sold in the blink of an eye. The new owners he'd just found out, but had yet to tell Margaux. Another piece to the puzzle that was Simone and Jean-Claude.

  His cell phone lit up. He grabbed it off the nearby table. Margaux.

  "Please don't tell me you're still at work, Margaux?" He chided gently.

  "Not at all. I'm at my place feeding Jack. I'll be there in just a minute. Anything I can bring?"

  "Just your smiling face," he replied.

  "And the rest of me with clothes, Nikalye. You said you had something to discuss. Don't think you're going to charm your way into sex."

  "What about after?"

  "Dinner, talk, then we'll see if sex is in the equation."

  "Working hard makes you no fun."

  "So sue me."

  "I'd rather slap that fine ass of yours," he smartly replied.

  "Promises, promises. See you in a sec."

  She was gone. He headed toward the door to wait on her.

  After a fine dinner, the pair retired to the living room. Dishes could wait.

  "Grandpapa is heading to France. No one knows he's going except my brothers and me."

  "Where does everyone think he's headed?"

  "To Chicago where two old friends live. Luckily he goes there every other year, and this was his year. They're aware of the situation at the winery and are covering for him," she replied. She took the glass of Grey Goose he handed her and sat down on the sofa. "The only problem with this ruse is if Simone and Jean-Claude were serious they could attempt something while he's gone."

  "Do you? Think they'll attempt something."

  "I honestly have no idea. I haven't seen or spoken with either of them in over a week. That alone puts me on edge."

  "I have a proposition for you."

  "Do go on. I can't wait to hear what this is all about," she said breathlessly.

  "I come on board, perhaps as Pier's assistant. Unofficially of course. I know you have a lot to do in the cellars and vineyards. I could be your eyes in the office."

  "Do you suspect something?"

  "I'm not sure. At least if people think I've come on staff, I may be able to find out things. A consultant of some sort."

  "You could be the face of Chateaux Ste. Margaux."

  "Something like that."

  "What would you really do?"

  "Whatever we decide is needed. I leave it up to you."

  "And your business? You can do this? Step away?"

  "Whatever is needed."

  "Let me ask you something. Why would you do this Nikalye? What's in it for you?"

  He sat down next to her and took her free hand. He knew he needed to let it out. To share with her the one emotion he never thought he'd feel again. Love.

  Was it too soon? Would she freeze like a deer caught in the headlights? He knew he had to let the past go and open up his heart and life to new adventures. A new love. A new beginning. He chose his words carefully.

  "I respect your grandfather. Not only as a businessman, but as a man. He had a dream and he pursued it and didn't forget about his family along the way. I suppose you could say I look up to him as some sort of father figure," he said carefully. He watched her face for any sort of a reaction. She was smiling.

  "He would love to hear that. You've come a long way yourself, Nikalye."

  "True, but this isn't about me."

  "Isn't it?"

  "No. When I first moved here your grandfather was one of the few to show me around, who understood what I wanted. That I wasn't after building a plant or raping the land."

  "Well, there are others who had done that all by themselves with their developments. Horse farms once dotted the landscape, now they're disappearing."

  "You said you moved here in part to get away from bad memories. What will you do once you've healed? Move back to Manhattan?"

  "You're getting off course, Margaux. This is about what I might possibly be able to do to help your family through this difficult period."

  "And I'm trying to figure out what you think you're going to get out of this," she replied, settling back on the sofa. She took a drink of Grey Goose, her eyes never leaving his.

  "I expect nothing. Margaux, you have opened my eyes in a lot of ways I thought never possible again."


  She was toying with him, deliberately making him squirm. She was far from being stupid. Margaux Simone was going to make him confess his feelings.

  "Yes. Margaux, I would do whatever I could in my power to help you and your family through this. Since I met you, I have found myself able to laugh again. You've also shown me it's possible to love again after such a loss," he said, as he drew in a deep breath. "I'm falling in love with you Margaux."

  "Oh, Nikalye."

  "What? Did I overstep?"

  "No, not at all. You have no idea how long I've waited for you to give me some sort of sign as to how you feel. Because I feel the same way."

  "You're falling in love with me?"

  "Yes, but I'm afraid we should put our feelings aside. At least until we can get this all under control."

  He was not going to let her use her work as a way to avoid their personal feelings for one another. This was why he was volunteering to assist as needed, and time to bring out the big gun.

  "We can do both, Margaux. As you have stated on numerous occasions, you are quite good at multi-tasking."

  "Okay, okay, but there's a lot on my plate. A lot that has to be figured out."

  "Part of where I can come in. You may need outside grapes for next year's production. Am I correct?"

  "Yes, but how did you know?"

  "Not important. I have a way to help."


  "I have a vineyard in Washington State. The grapes are primarily for reds. Cabernet and Merlot at present."

  "I didn't know you had a vineyard. Why hadn't you told me before now?" She was shocked at the fact that he had failed to mention something as important as purchasing a vineyard.

  "Because I didn't until about a month ago. The owners I purchased it from never got around to establishing their own label. Instead they sold the grapes every harvest. I'm willing to sell Chateaux Ste. Margaux whatever is necessary this coming year, and beyond if necessary."

  "Nikalye, you are a life saver," she murmured before adding, "Are you planning to establish your own winery?"

  "Perhaps in time. I'll need help you know."

  "You will?"

  "Yes. I'll need an expert."

  "What about this place? I can't just turn my back on my family, Nikalye."

  "I'm not asking you to. However, you must open your eyes up to all possibilities."

  "You're talking a hostile takeover by Uncle Henri?"

  "Yes, especially if your father can't reason with him."

  She sighed and lifted the glass to her lips, emptying all the contents. Eyeing the glass for a moment, she then lifted her eyes to him.

  "I can't imagine that happening. Why can't everyone work together?"

  "Perhaps they can learn. It's never too late for that."

  "I don't know. Two head-strong old Frenchmen."

  "Exactly why they may work together. They're older. A lot older. What they want is almost the same exact thing. Do you realize how huge a deal that would be in the wine industry? The merging of the French and American branches?"

  "Hypothetically if it were to happen Nikalye, it would be too large for me."

  "You wouldn't want to stay on?"

  "I don't think so. Uncle Henri would want to bring his people here. Grandpapa would want his people in France. Cross train. But we're just talking hypothetically."

  "Yes we are," he replied as he stood up, stretching his long frame. He reached down and took her glass.

  "So tell me about this vineyard in Washington," she said, standing and following him into the kitchen. She watched him place both glasses on the counter. Whatever he was cooking smelled heavenly, and made her realize how hungry she was.

  "Why don't we shelve any further discussion about business until later?"

  He refilled her glass with a healthy pour of Grey Goose and passed it to her.

  "What do you want to talk about?" She asked coyly, a saucy smile crossing those pouty lips he'd come to love.



  Chapter Sixteen

  Having Nikalye come on board took a load off Pier and Margaux. His sparkling personality never wavered. He was able to handle the public relations spin as rumor spread about discord at Chateaux Ste. Margaux. Though Pier was the marketing man, having Nikalye in-house allowed Pier to concentrate on a short term marketing strategy.

  Margaux had to admit Nikalye was good. All it took was one of his dazzling smiles and the ladies were under his spell. Men too. A good solid handshake and a clipped answer and any and all speculations were quashed. Nikalye had the answers before they asked the questions. Which was a good thing, because with Grandpapa in France speculation was growing. No one knew he was in France, only that he'd gone to visit friends. Even that added fuel to the fire, thanks to Simone and Jean-Claude.

  Hayden busied himself with the new vineyards. Not much could be done regarding the problem with the grapes at the main vineyards until better weather. Rather than make it look as though he were in the middle of a crisis, Hayden began having the land cleared readied as best he could until warmer weather resumed.

  Margaux was still checking wines in various stages of aging. It kept her busy and kept her mind off the larger problems. As Nikalye had suggested, they were all in a holding pattern.

  What she found extremely interesting was the fact that while Pier had begun wine tastings once a week at the wine bar in town, so had Simone and Jean-Claude. Their effort was of course far more involved. It was presented as a wine tasting class. Not simply a tasting. Patrons were charged a fee to sign up for the course. In return they received a binder covering six weeks of rudimentary wine production-from vine, to aging, to table.

  Where were they going to get the wine from? Had they made a deal with a distributor to showcase various wines from competing wineries? Or worse yet, had they stolen the wines they intended to use from Chateaux Ste. Margaux? To her knowledge there were no shortages in inventory.

  They were biding their time. For what Margaux was unsure. The pair had remained quiet, but quiet wasn't her sister. No, Simone far preferred to be in the limelight, the center of attention. She didn't have to wait long.

  Nikalye, Pier and Margaux were discussing the annual holiday party Jacques gave every year. Normally it was held at the house, but her dislike of the place she'd grown up in was making Margaux lean towards using the restaurant.

  They all turned towards her office door as they heard a ruckus in the lobby. Simone. There was no denying her shrill, catty voice. Ellen was attempting to keep her at bay. No longer an employee, the young woman knew Simone was not welcome to just come and go.

  Simone however conned Ellen into finding out if she had time to see her. By the time Ellen had Margaux on the phone, Simone was in her doorway.

  "Simone, that was rude," Margaux muttered sitting back in her chair.

  "I really don't care what you think. I came over here as a courtesy."

  "That's a first," Pier snickered.

  Only Nikalye sat unaffected by her presence. She thrived off chaos, and he wasn't about to give in to her. Instead he sat back in his chair and observed.

  "What is it, Simone?" Margeaux asked.

  "Jean-Claude and I are having a party at the house this Saturday. None of you are invited, and you Pier need to find somewhere else to stay beginning tonight."

  "What? You can't just take over the house. It isn't exclusively yours, Simone," Margaux said.

  "And where am I supposed to stay during all this?" Pier asked, shocked.

  "Don't know, don't care, Pier. Just make sure you get whatever you need by nine this evening or I'll have your stuff packed and dumped here."

  "I don't think Grandpapa is going to like your taking over the house like this," Pier said, tapping the end of his pen on the desk.

  "He's not in town, now is he?" She stood in the doorway eyeing all of them as though they were beneath her. Something was off. Something didn't feel right here. She smiled sardonically at everyone, then pivoted on her heel to leave. "Nice try with the Chicago story."

  None of them bit, which was exactly what she was hoping they'd do. Instead the trio pretended to get back to what they'd been discussing before her interruption. Something she couldn't stand.

  "You still here, Simone? Don't you have some party to plan?" Margaux asked without missing a beat. She felt Nikalye's hand on her knee. A warning or an endearment?

  The sound of her heels on the wood floor was all they heard before the door opened and closed.

  "So much for keeping Grandpapa trip secret," Pier drawled.

  "Someone in France must have leaked he was there. It's the only way," she replied.

  "Well, she knows. Now what?"

  "Not a thing Pier. Oh, except that you need to go pack."

  "Yeah, I better get that out of the way. If you two can handle things without me. Maybe I'll find some stuff out while I'm up there."

  "Wait a minute. Are the two of you simply going to give in and allow her to have a party at the house?" Nikalye asked, gazing at them both. "Don't you see, by allowing her to take over the house for a party, she's moving in. Taking over will begin."

  "How?" Pier started to question. "You're right Nikalye. By telling me to get out, she and Jean-Claude have full run and control of the house."

  Margaux stood up. Furious. "He's right and she'll take that house over my dead body."r />
  "We need to confront her, and tell her that her party is a no go at the house," Pier replied.

  She looked at Nikalye. "I need to make a call to Grandpapa. It isn't too late there, is it?"

  "No, you should be fine."

  "I'll make the call. Pier you get Hayden up here now. We'll all go together and confront her."

  "On it."

  "What do you need me to do, Margaux?" Nikalye inquired.

  "Not a thing. Yet."

  Margaux placed the call to her grandfather, putting it on speaker phone once he answered. She told him the situation and how they were planning to proceed. He told her that he wanted Simone out of the house and off the property for good. If it took a court order he would see it done.

  Sensing Jacques’ mood she assured him that she and her brothers, along with Nikalye, would handle it.

  "I was not planning on returning until after the holidays, Margaux. Henri and I have been catching up. Making up for lost time two stupid young men deprived themselves of."

  "Stay if you want. We've got it handled, Grandpapa. I just wanted to make sure you knew about it."

  "I do now, and Simone needs to be the one to pack and leave. Not Pier," he said quietly. "Henri and I have talked business. Right now it is only the talk of two old men."

  Margaux hung up a few minutes later. She would stay alert until her grandfather returned. Until then it was time to evict Simone from the house.

  Before she had a chance to speak with Nikalye, Pier returned.

  "Hayden's on his way. You speak to Grandpapa?"

  "Yes. He didn't give her permission for anything and wants her off the property. At least until he returns."

  "How are he and Uncle Henri doing?"

  "They're catching up, having a wonderful time. His words."

  "That's good. Isn't it?"

  "I suppose so. At their ages, it's probably better to put the past where it belongs. In the past."


  "According to him, they've discussed business. That's all. Talked, nothing more."

  "Thank god. What if we have problems with her? Getting her to leave?" Pier asked bluntly.


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