Love Struck
Page 10
Paulo averted his eyes off the bare road occupied only by their sporty vehicle to admire a real lush and fresh spectacle that was Sara. The sight of her silky golden hair billowing majestically in the breeze took his breath away.
“Me too.” he said in identical elation.
Sara caught him idolizing her, putting their lives on the line for a glimpse at her exciting beauty. “Shouldn't you be keeping your
eyes on the road?”
Paulo looked back to the road, blushed that he got caught. Sara found it extremely cute.
“Traffic isn't much of a problem around here.” he said, trying to save face and excuse his moment of weakness in her womanly intoxication.
Sara looked out at the endless blue sea glistening from the view over the cliff side. “So, are we almost there?”, contrary to how it may have sounded, she was not losing patience and growing weary of the journey, she was loving every second of the trip and the postponement to the big surprise that waited for her, she relished being alone with her adoring admirer in the car with her, living life freely, off the lines. She was just asking a curious little question.
“Almost.” he smiled, he could not hide his excitement of seeing the monumental expression shine on her vibrant face when shown the wondrous spectacle.
Sara eagerly awaited her surprise. “It's going to be worth it. I know it.”
She was not wrong. “Believe me, it will be worth the wait. Until then, just sit back and enjoy the ride.”
“I will.” Sara turned to Paulo, admired his strapping, firm physique and charming, sweet nature perfectly in balance together to make him one beautiful and alluring member of the opposite sex. Part of him reminded her a lot of Tommaso when he was roughly the same age. That could have been the main contributor towards the kinetic attraction she had for him.
It could have been a subconscious urge to be with the man she thought the world over, and this was the closest way possible to being next to him.
Paulo drove up the trail to the cliffs. The momentous surprise was drawing ever so nearer to his anticipating passenger. “Not much farther now.” he announced with the same raring anticipation to unveil the glorious treat for her eyes only.
“Great.” Sara's heart rate increased significantly, pumping at her exhilarated chest, coursing massive amounts of surging adrenaline throughout her invigorated body like a biological power plant being set to full power. The moment she had been waiting for would be upon her.
They almost reached the top of the trail, from there her surprise lay. “Close your eyes.” Paulo beseeched her, he wanted the reveal to be perfect and its impact to be lasting on her senses, it had to be the ultimate surprise she had ever received in the years which predated him.
“You're a tease, you really want me to wait for this hot spot.” giggled Sara.
“I want this to be a real big surprise for you, one you will be amazed by.”
She looked into his youthful eyes, there was no way she could refuse such a sweet young man. “Oh, all right then.”, she complied and closed her eyes.
“No peeking.”
“I won't, I won't.” she laughed. Naughtily, her eyes squinted open to take a quick peek.
Paulo spotted her. “You're peeking.”
“You got me.” she laughed even harder. Paulo burst out in the same playful laughter.
It was the most frolicsome fun she had since she was a younger girl, she could recall the last time she had to close her eyes for a surprise, she was at a party, celebrating her seventeenth birthday in the back garden, her parents were out for the day, leaving her in charge of the house, she was given her shot to show them she was a blossoming young woman whom they trusted was mature enough to do the right things and keep the festivities at a reasonable rate.
All her friends and their friends had gathered, offering handfuls of gifts in her honour which moved her and made her feel like a princess at her grand coronation.
After the unwrapping of her beautiful and thoughtful tokens of appreciation dedicated to her, and the ceremonial serenade affiliated with blowing out the candles on the freshly baked cake and making of the deepest, personal of wishes, one of the friend's announced they had a special surprise waiting for her upstairs in the parent's bedroom, she had no idea what it could have been, all she knew it was hyped to be the ultimate surprise to make her birthday fully complete and superior to any of the birthdays that went, and setting a bar that other birthdays to come would struggle to compete with.
Closing her eyes, lead up the stairs by her giggling and excited friends.
Impossible to fathom what it could have been, she blindly went along with them to the bedroom door, hearing the sound of it being creaked open, guided in and sealed behind her, a voice from in the room told her to open them. It was a soft and tender voice belonging to someone she had thought about constantly since first laying eyes on his chiselled, wild, suave perfection, he was a young man who had the energy, behaviour and passion of a famous musician in the making, Umberto was his name, her first crush who was about to become much more than that.
When she opened her eyes, she could not comprehend that he was actually standing at the bed, greeting her with the swagger and passion she had seen many times and made her fall for him in the class room every time.
Sara had often told her closest friends about her crush on the enigmatic, hopeful musician, loved listening to him play on his saxophone during music class, savouring each jazzy, heartfelt note, and how she would have loved to have played music together with him, in more ways than one.
Granting her birthday wish, her friends had told the dynamic Umberto about Sara's feelings towards him, and as luck would have it, he had a giant crush on her since first seeing her enter the class room with her long jet black hair, crystal blue eyes, innocent shy features, little red necklace and white and red uniform, all adding to her general empowering appeal. She was all he could think about in lessons and at home. When he played the saxophone, she was there in his heart, giving him the inspiration to play such beautiful melodies for her.
Her friends were not exaggerating one iota, it was the greatest birthday she had ever experienced and it sure was tough competition for her upcoming other birthdays. They spent many hours making music of the most beautiful and passionate kind, she had her first kiss and first taste of a man in one thriving afternoon. She was accustomed to the sheer thrill of what it was to love and be loved.
As for the relationship between Sara and Umberto, it lasted a roaring year and a half, but like many young loves, it came to a sudden end. Only a handful had the honour of lasting a lifetime, hers was not one of them.
Umberto's aspirations of being a musician came before her, he could not let love hold him back from becoming the top jazz performer of the century.
Sara did not get in his way, through the tears and her first sensation of heartbreak, she carried on, concentrating on her own aspirations of becoming the greatest movie star of all time, holding off from another love for many years.
In the end, both Sara and Umberto achieved what they aspired to be, they had seen one another's fame but never had the courage to see each other, it would have brought back too much pain in the process of reaching their stardom.
They would have their memories of their first loves to remember fondly, but would ultimately have to move on from it. Sara and Umberto had loved, lost and moved on. It was how it had to be between them.
The more she thought about it, she saw an element of Umberto in her charming admirer too. Another reason why she was so captivated by him, she was reliving her old, first love with a whole new twist to it.
Paulo stopped the car at the end of the trail, there was no road left to travel to the destination. “We're here.”
“Can I look now?” she grinned, feeling her racing heartbeat pulse harder and hearing the thuds off her ears. She was raring to open her widening eyes and see what delightful location the charming admirer had brou
ght her to.
“Not just yet.” there was still a small distance to trek across on foot.
Paulo helped Sara out the car, “Watch your step.” he would be her eyes and guide her to the beautiful destination.
She could feel his gentle hand holding onto her own, it was soft and gentle on her skin, he moved her along the hard gravel, past what seemed like leaves rustling by their bodies, once or twice she felt a branch brush across her cheeks. The travelling through the beaten track was not very long, she soon found herself being lightly stopped at what seemed like the edge of the ground, had she took one step forward it would have been on thin, weightless air.
“Can I open my eyes?” she was at the verge of gazing at the wonderful sight ahead of her, she could feel it instinctively in her stomach.
Paulo could not wait to see her reaction when opening her eyes. The time had come, the surprise was ready for her “Go ahead, open them.”
Sara slowly opened her raring eyes. Her mouth opened, her eyes widened. She was speechless and breathless with what was laid out before her. “It's... beautiful.”
Her reaction was precisely how he imagined it, the surprise was as impressive and world-shaking as he expected it would be. He knew she would love the superb display laid out for their viewing pleasure.
The sight of the land below and ocean afar from atop the cliff was like something from a highly detailed, wonderfully created landscape painting by a grand artist with photorealism in his palms manipulated into the brush.
“I come here many times, the view always centres me. Whatever may be going in my mind, the sight of this beauty causes it all to drift away.” Paulo explained to her, sharing a special piece of himself to her.
“I can see why, it's just so calm.” she was greatly impressed by the inspirational spectacle “We're so high up, the whole world could pass us by. We're free from the hustle and bustle of the world below.” Sara could feel the immense inspiration flooding her, filled up inside, mandatory to be released outside for the world to know. “Nothing from below can stop us. We are free to live our lives, in our unrestrained world, standing so gloriously at the top, above the heavens. It's such an amazing, liberating feeling.”
Paulo was astonished by her beautiful and mighty poetic words expressed so graciously, she was amazing him even more than before “That was incredible. Did you take up poetry or creative writing in college too?”
Sara shook her head. “I just speak from my heart.” she told him plainly.
Paulo was even more love struck by her and who she was. “What a beautiful heart you have.”
Sara and Paulo moved closer to one another, stronger feelings came over them, powerful emotions took a tight hold of them. Their gazes stayed on the view, the intensity rose, the magnetism was at its highest peak.
“I know this sounds crazy.” Sara started, letting him know the kinetic attraction she had for him and she could tell he had for her “I'm finding myself more and more charmed by you. I feel an attraction that I've never felt before.”
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.” Paulo was giving in to the flow of his searing emotions for her, as she was with him.
“Do you think this could be a holiday romance?” she asked, not sure how their future would go, it would be best to start small and go on from there.
“Feels like it.” he shared the same mutual feeling as his dear diva.
“What should we do? Should we roll with it or push it away?” Sara asked, she wanted to see if he was willing to declare his fullest devotion for her.
Paulo was caught up in the moment, he replied without any hesitation. “Roll with it.”
Sara was caught up in the moment, she replied without any hesitation. “I want that too.”
He held her hand, more tenderly and more softly with a high intimacy. “Follow our hearts, spend the holiday of a lifetime together, it's better than holding our emotions inside.”
She had no qualm over giving in to her spontaneous feelings, he was just as willing as she was. “I've never had a holiday romance
Their cheeks were so close to pressing together. Paulo was on top of the world right now, nothing could ever bring him down. “I have. Not so indescribable as this before.”
“This is going to be so much fun.” Sara said with huge cheerful zeal.
“I couldn't agree more.” Paulo said sharing the same zealous cheer.
They moved that extra bit closer, their cheeks touched with a sweet warmth. The two magnets were together, the sparks were flying out vigorous and vivacious, they were connected and it felt so right.
“You know what else is exciting?” Sara said with a giddy excitation.
“What?” he asked, Paulo could not wait to hear what she had to say.
“You're going to be my toy boy.” it was so surreal to say, but she liked it “I've never had one before.”
“You know what excites me too?” Paulo said with a similar giddy excitation.
“I've wanted you so badly, now I can have you, hold you, kiss you.” Paulo gently coiled his arms around her, he could not contain his intense emotionality, it felt so surreal like a dream in motion, made even more surreal by the fact it was actually happening “Last but not least, make love to you.”
He cuddled her warmly, holding onto her so romantically like the cover to a romantic novel containing a roller-coaster ride of love and passion shared between two bona fide, fevered lovers. “I desire you.”
“Hush you romantic fool, kiss me.” Sara said with a commanding heat, it was far more intense in person than in any of her hottest roles in her hottest films.
Sara and Paulo turned to one another, his endless fantasy to kissing her would no longer be reserved to his mind, the imaginary contact of their lips would be realized in the flesh. Their devouring lips met at long last.
The kiss was long, passionate and extremely steamy, Paulo's body span into a turbo-drive, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, he could have passed out from the sweet tasting, soft robustness of her, his dreams of her kisses was nothing like the actual thing. He wanted it to last all day, alas they had to part their lips with an electrical spark.
Paulo was breathless, it was an amazing feeling, so unreal to experience. “Wow.”
“You like that?” Sara smirked, knowing very well what the answer to that would be.
“Very much.” was all he could say in his stunned state of amazement.
“Was it as good as you ever hoped for?” Sara asked, overeager to hear how she lived up higher to his deepest expectations built up over the years.
Paulo answered truthfully, “Without a doubt, it was better than I ever could have imagined.”
“Do you want to kiss me again?”
“You've read my mind.”
Their lips compressed once more, unable to be apart. Paulo's hands slid their way to her breasts nestled in the alluring blue bra, cupped them, wasted no time groping them softly.
Sara pulled his hands down from her chest, stopped kissing him from a brief interlude. “Slow down tiger.”
“Huh?” he asked with a gasp, his body was moving ahead of his own consciousness. His youthful zest was getting the best of him, it brought on a form of impatience.
“You're going a little too fast.”
“A girl wants to be romanced.” she explained, simmering his flames a small notch until the time called for it to be ignited at maxium capacity.
“Of course.” Paulo's mind caught up, it was in control of his body.
“The best place to romance a girl is dinner.” she was hinting at a proposal, one he caught on the spot.
Paulo thought of the perfect restaurant. “I know just the place, great atmosphere, very romantic.”
“I like it already.”
“Do you want to go there now?” Paulo gracefully offered to his graceful angel.
“Not just yet, can we stay here a little longer, enjoy the
and our company?”
“If that's what you want, that's what we'll do.” Paulo kindly obeyed, her wish was his command. He would dedicate anything to please her.
“There's always time for food later, right now I have something else on my mind.”
Paulo had a sneaking suspicion with what she wanted from him. “Like what?” he asked, happy to oblige.
“Your lips.” her face breamed with a vivacious sensuality, her eyes gleamed with a blue liveliness, her lips beckoned from his own, she was like a wild fire out of control and only he could cool her flames.
Sara and Paulo were involved in another kiss, it was another component to make the picturesque view as an even more truly beautiful landscape painting to captivate and enamour all the senses.
The orange glow from the afternoon sun shined serenely over the composed hotel on the front, but past the calm surface, scratched further, it was gripped in troubling disturbance within the tranquillity that not even a peaceful settling evening could fix it.
Gloria lay on the couch, in a tensed up discomfort, trying desperately to take her mind off her problems by reading her book. It wasn't working, she could not focus on the words to the steamy, seductive pulp romance aimed at the girls looking for a thrill with a romance that was uncommon for many in the real world due to the aesthetics being different from that on paper and ink written by an author who controlled the fate of the love story and where the searing heights of passion would play out. The tales of carnal attraction created a fiction where the body was taking importance over the soul instead of the soul taking importance over the body. It worked in filling the masses with a reflection of their own lives which lacked the same active sexual life for some and the high strung dreams that more often than not would not be coming true for others unless they were fortunate to personally set their standards high enough and manage to find a specific targeted man who fitted the novel's humanly impossible description and personality, rejecting anyone who was human and normal with a beauty that surpassed any novel's perception, obscured in their eyes devoted to chasing a two-dimensional fantasy rather than seeking a three-dimensional reality.