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Love Struck

Page 11

by P. M. Thomas

  The incredibly ludicrous, escapism story appealed to many who were interested in only the physical beauty rather than the spiritual beauty of true romance, indulging in wetting their appetites with raw, carnal sex.

  She could not get lost in the sensual and sultry attractive love scene that should have been holding her undivided attention with the heavy petting on the heroine's sleek, sexy body that could have belonged to a supermodel and the hero's muscular, brawny build that would put a body builder to shame. She could not get sucked in by the intense sexiness. Her agitation showed no signs of easing.

  She looked at the window, her expression showed a growing unease, a rising insecurity, he was out there with his diva, doing anything together, she could feel something was going on between them, it was too good a temptation for her boyfriend to pass up on.

  Gloria faced the book again, tried her best to concentrate on the juicy portion of the story. It was no use, she constantly kept looking at the window, even when facing the book she was looking to the side in the corner of her eye. Tension, aggression and agitation grew rampant.

  Finally, enough was enough, unable to sit quietly any longer she slammed the book shut and got up. “Damn it all.” she growled frustratedly.

  Edgy and upset, she tried taking deep breathes to calm herself down, a valiant attempt that did not work. She was too concerned with Paulo, the more she remained sealed in the suite, the more intense she got. She was being suffocated in the claustrophobic room, it's space seemed more compact with Paulo nowhere in sight. Her tolerance wore out, the tether had snapped off with a sharpness, she would not remain cooped up, enduring such unbearable anguish on holiday while her so-called boyfriend was out having the time of his life, it was not fair at all, why should she suffer for his enjoyment. “Screw all this.” she scowled, putting her foot down on the end of the line. She had all she could stand. Gloria stormed out the suite, she had to get some fresh air and fast, bask herself in the outside to take her mind off Paulo and Sara.


  Gloria walked outside, taking in the crisp air, embracing the cool breeze. She sighed contently, her tension was easing fast, her worries were fading into obscurity, sidetracked by the paradise outstretched all around, as far as the eye could see. She could have turned her back on her problems and never turned back around to face them while out there in the sanctimonious resort. “That's much better.”

  She looked around at the beautiful paradise made even more stunning by the afternoon sunlight. There was no point letting a day like that go to waste, she walked onward, taking it all in, calming herself to a zen like state. “If Paulo thinks I'm going to stay cooped up inside while he enjoys himself, he's got another thing coming.”

  Her stomach rumbled, emitting the growl of a hungered lioness on the hunt for sustenance. “First things first, I better get something to eat, all this worrying has given me a fierce appetite.”

  Sara and Paulo were lead to a table outside a quaint and humble little seaside restaurant, their lanky, weary waiter, an eighteen year old who dreamed of bigger things than writing orders and filling seats up showed them to their destination.

  The star and her admirer sat down at the table placed with a glorious view of the beach and ocean painted by the evening sunlight cast down over it.

  “I'll be back shortly to take your orders.” the waiter said robotically with no humph in his delivery or drive in his wooden performance.

  The Waiter gave them their privacy, unaware that he was in the presence of a celebrity. Much to Paulo's annoyance. “You should be getting the star treatment.”

  Sara thought nothing of it, she couldn't get bouquets of astonishment thrown at her feet all the time, “It's not a problem. Can't expect to be remembered by everyone. The kids today have their own stars to idolize.”

  Paulo could not accept such an audacious thing. “It's a crying shame. Stars that should be idolized are ones like you, one's with style and substance. The kids can idolize the latest actors and actresses that will come and go, but I will always idolize you. I idolize you, not because it's a fad but because I admire you. Your beauty, talent and grace is unmatched.”

  Sara did not know where to look. “That's the nicest thing anyone

  has ever said to me.” she placed her hand on Paulo's hand, the potent spark of chemistry was conducted between them, coursing from one to the other. “Keep this up and I'll be inviting you into my hotel room a little earlier.”

  Paulo placed his other hand on hers, adding more currents to charge through them. “I'll love you so good.”, he leaned closer to her, on the verge of connecting with her and triggering an another jolt from their electrified contact. “So gentle.”, he rubbed her hand, gyrating an ecstatic friction. “So soft.”, their lips were moments away from pressing together and starting a new batch of fireworks to go off. “So tender.”

  Paulo and Sara could not hold themselves back any longer, their lips had been parted for too long since they left the cliff side, they drastically required some contacting stimulation, craved it like a narcotic. They fed their addiction, they kissed steamily, all the while his hand caressed her hand.

  Customers seated outside could not help noticing Sara and Paulo's hot display.

  The Waiter returned to take their orders, he spotted their kissing, waited with the roll of the eyes and click of the tongue for them to finish.

  Sara and Paulo savoured every second of it. It took a great effort but they finished their steamy kiss. “I would like you to love me so very good.” Sara said out of breath from his potent suctioning lips. “Gently, softly, tenderly.” The two lovers affectionately rubbed their noses together.

  The small break was over, their breath had regathered itself, they kissed again, their affectionate display was cut short by the sharp sound of a young woman clearing her throat. Her shadow loomed ominously over them.

  Paulo turned around, fearing who had made the aggressive, displeased sound directed at him. His face quickly turned pale in shock at the sight before him: Gloria, her enraged, piercing eyes could have burned a hole straight through him. His fear was right, he had been caught giving in to his impulses, powerless to deny his heart its throbbing devotion for his adored starlet, he had broke his word to his girlfriend, everything he swore to her was obscured by the voice of his will driving him.

  Paulo couldn't find a single word to say, he was numb from the sheer dread of being caught red-handed, and guilty for knowing he had betrayed her trust, an unforgivable act that was hard to make amends for.

  “Enjoying yourself?” she asked sarcastically, the dryness in her sarcasm reached a new intensity, it sucked all moisture from the air.

  Paulo managed to get one word out his stuttering, awkward lips. “Ah.”

  Gloria looked ready to lash out at him, she held her anger within, why she did was a mystery to her, some love she had for him was preventing her from dealing him the hurt he had inflicted on her. “I hope you remember what I told you if I found out you were doing anything other than being a tour guide.”

  She strived to refrain herself from crying, she did not want him to see he had beaten her down, winning over her and having his way with her. It was no use, the tears forced their way through her eyes.

  Paulo got up in a vain attempt to atone for his actions and ease her distress. It was the wrong move he had made with his scorned, furious girlfriend.

  Gloria lost all her composure, she could no longer hold herself back and be responsible for her actions. In a sudden outburst of anger, she swung her fist across his face knocking him backwards onto the table.

  “Stay the hell away from me.” she screeched in an hysterical frenzy.

  Sara helped Paulo up. He wiped his bleeding nose, unable to believe what had just hit him.

  “I want you out of my life. We're through. Finished. Over.” Gloria bellowed as she stormed away. She stopped to give Paulo one last look and get one last thing off her chest. “I hope you're happy now. You can finall
y have your precious Sara Sarracini.”

  Gloria turned her back on Paulo, never to have anything to do with him anymore, she left him to the choice he had made.

  “Gloria. Wait.” Paulo yelled, pulling himself out his haze, it was hard for him to bear the awareness he had hurt his girlfriend, or rather ex-girlfriend.

  Gloria did not stop, she did not turn around, she carried on walking as far away from him and his diva. “I'll leave your things at the reception. I don't want to hear from you again.”

  Paulo could not sit idly by, he went to chase after her, to try and make it up to her, to explain it to her and hope her could understand from his point of view.

  His arm was grasped by Sara, she knew what his girlfriend was going through better than he could understand, she gave him some advice, “Give her some space.”

  He calmed himself down, found the logical reason in her words. All he could do was helplessly watch Gloria drift far from him. He had lost her for his dream starlet, what hurt him more was that Paulo did not regret having lost Gloria and having gained Sara all to himself without any complications, he was actually kind of relieved, he knew it would be worthwhile.

  “I'm sorry.” Sara said softly to ease the blow of losing his girlfriend.

  “Don't be. It's not your fault, it's mine.” Paulo sighed in both relief and concern. “What am I going to do?” he had nowhere else to go. His future was uncertain during the remaining days on the resort.

  Sara put a comforting arm around him, he was not alone, she was there for him. “I can think of something.”

  Paulo looked to Sara, the obvious signs of her hospitality flew over his sidetracked head, he was still dazed over what had transpired with him, the effects of her punch of the face was as prominent as when she struck, he did not know she had it in her “What?”

  Sara gave him a look, his ex-girlfriend must have hit him harder than she thought. “Isn't it obvious?

  Sara raised her eyebrows, he caught the subtle hint directed at him. “Stay with you?”

  A wide smile graced her red, robust lips, “You got there in the end.”

  Paulo was speechless, he did not know what to say to her generosity and the fact he would be staying in the same hotel suite occupied by none other than Sara herself. “I'm... really honoured.”

  “I knew you would be.”

  “Are you sure I won't be a bother?” Paulo asked tentatively, he would have loved to have shared the suite with her as long as she was happy with his company.

  Sara loved his polite behaviour, he was living up to his stature as a gentleman. “Don't be silly, I'd be happy to have you.”

  “Even after discovering I had a girlfriend?” Paulo had to bring it up, he had not only deceived Gloria but Sara as well by giving the impression he was a single man, not once bringing her up and preventing them both from going past the point of no return and ending a relationship for their own pursuits.

  “Yes, and while I don't approve of what you did, I'm flattered

  that you would do such a foolishly reckless thing such as risking your relationship with your girlfriend for the chance to be with me.” Sara moved close to his cheek. “That's so brash, so romantic.” and kissed it “If things go well, this may be something more than just a holiday romance.”

  Paulo smiled at the thought of being with Sara with something much more long lasting than a holiday romance, he had hoped for it from the start but was tied back by his girlfriend, it wouldn't be a problem now, but even as it was, there was a prominent deep lamenting inside for losing Gloria, it was a case of guilt and grief, he would overcome it and move on from it, as would Gloria. Time would heal the wounds of their scarred relationship.

  Sara noticed the painful look in his eyes, he was hurting inside, she was familiar with it, they would heal his wound together, “Do you still want something to eat?”

  He was glad she was there to support him, otherwise he had no idea what he would have done. “Yeah, maybe food will help take my mind off it all.”

  Sara and Paulo sat back at their seats, like nothing had ever happened. The restaurant pulled itself back on track, the patrons resumed eating their meals, waiting for their orders to be written or to arrive. Passers-by who had stopped to gawp at the commotion up ahead continued to go on their way, minding their own business instead of minding the business of others.

  The Waiter approached their table, a lot more lively and less weary than when they first saw him. He was wrong about his line of work, it wasn't the same dull routine, day in and day out like his life was put on instant replay, exciting and unexpected scenes could take place.

  In his year working to sustain himself while looking for a more adventurous career choice, that was the most action he had ever seen.

  That was better than watching television or even a movie to see some larger than life theatrics play out.


  The sea flowed gracefully, the sound of the ocean was like a soothing melody, the view of the tides rhythm was like a perfectly choreographed dance, it served to wash away any apprehension, clearing the body of any worries, relaxing the senses in a composed state.

  It was what Gloria needed more than anything else at her point in life. She sat on the soft sand, gazed deeply at the wide open sea, the relaxing sounds and peaceful sight helped to ease her anguish enough to get by. She could not forget or forgive what Paulo had done, betraying her and throwing their relationship into the gutter for a fling, but she could think straight with her head soothed, no longer spinning around like a race track, dizzying her and sending her in a flurry.

  At the same time, Tommaso was utilizing the same therapeutic remedy to ease his problems and sooth his spirits. He strolled along the beach, a lonely figure in the setting sub, lost in his deep thoughts, given a form of clarity with the gentle pacifying music of the waves flowing in and out of the shore, crashing softly off the rocks.

  “Oh, Sara.” he muttered to himself as he stared out at the beautiful ocean outstretched before him, it was the kind of experience reserved for two to get the most out of it, “How I wish you were beside me.”

  Not looking ahead, he was engrossed in a fantasy of himself and his darling Sara taking a romantic, peaceful walk at the beach, lit up in the warm and loving colours of the evening, gazing at the sea tinted in the setting sun's coating, and there they would stop and share their first kiss.

  The romantic scene was abruptly interrupted. Tommaso found himself being pulled out his fantasy and back to reality quite literally as he tripped over what must have been a pair of feet. His image of Sara so close to him was replaced with the sight of himself crashing face first onto the sand.

  “Oh, I'm so sorry.” apologized Gloria, the stranger had accidentally tripped over her outstretched feet, neither day dreamer had realized what had just took place until it was too late to react.

  She crawled up to see if the tall, motionless man lying flat in the sand was fine. “Are you all right?” she asked with much anxiousness.

  The tall, over dressed man stirred, she had triggered a reaction, he was perfectly all right. He sat up, looked at the young girl crouched beside him. “I'm fine.”, he brushed the sand off his suit jacket and trousers. “I should have been watching where I was going.”

  She looked closely into the tall, stranger's eyes. His troubles in paradise matched her own. He could see the same turmoil in the young girl's eyes, they were kindred in that regard. “This trip is turning into a bit of a mess.” he sighed.

  Gloria looked at him sympathetically, she could feel a similarity between them. “I know the feeling.”

  “Would you care to have some company?” Tommaso politely asked, he felt he could confide in a fellow distressed soul, he had nothing else to do, he might as well drowned in his sorrows with another in the same boat than drown alone.

  “Sure.” Gloria accepted his invitation, she was in the same boat, her feelings in sharing the same predicament as a twosome rather than solo was mutua

  Tommaso and Gloria sat down, they turned to face the mystifying ocean in the centre, admired its splendour and grace together, washing away their pain a notch.

  “I wish I could stay here all day, stare at the sea forever.” the young girl said in a calm ardour. A soothing serenity was consuming her and her unknown companion.

  “Me too.” agreed the tall, sharply dressed man. They were caught in a shared train of thoughts, riding on the exact same wave length.

  “No pain.”

  “No complications.”

  “No betrayal.”

  “No troubles.”

  “Just happiness.”

  “Just simplicity.”

  Their enthralled, mesmerized gazes shifted from the sea to each other, they could not comprehend what was going on, it was out of this world, the find of their century, they had stumbled across their own twin spirit.

  The resort was paying off for them, giving them a taste of their own paradise to face their related troubles together, they were graced with a soul mate.

  “Hungry?” Tommaso asked his kindred acquaintance, plotting on inviting her to dinner, he would have preferred to eat with another rather than by himself.

  “A little.” after the strenuous excursion she had been through, it had skipped her mind that she had a bit of an appetite earlier on, despite her lack of an urgency to want to eat, she could not turn down a meal.

  “Would you like to have dinner with me? I set up reservations.” he kindly offered.


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