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Love Struck

Page 14

by P. M. Thomas

  Gloria and Tommaso made their way into the hotel. She entered, Tommaso stopped, turned to look in the direction of where the grand hotel resided, at the top of the impressive structure was his darling Sara and her new-found lover having a joyous and sweet night together as one.

  He was happy for her, but also angry at him, the young lover stealing the love of his life from him, so this was what a passionate heart felt like, to feel a powerful emotion giving him a determination to reach for what he strived for. It was building inside of him, and soon, one day, it would stand tall and strong, and when it happened, he would relieve Paulo of Sara Sarracini and give her the love he should have given her all those years ago, it was not too late to make up for lost time.

  In the meantime he could not go back to his hotel room, the thought of being under the same roof as them would be too much to handle, he might have ended up doing something rash and ruining his chance. He had to bide his time, wait for the perfect opening and move in, showing to Sara he could give her a lot more than his younger rival ever could.

  “Gloria?” Tommaso said, turning away from the brilliance of the grand hotel, catching up with his hospitable young acquaintance halfway down the lobby.


  “About the sleeping arrangements?”

  “What about them?”

  “I'm perfectly all right with sleeping on the couch. I don't want you to think it would be a problem.”

  “It won't be.” Gloria replied with a hint of disappointment, she would have preferred sharing the bed, one thing she loathed was sleeping alone, even more so when in a bed built for two. She kept it to herself, she did not want him to feel she was coming on to him and trying to take Sara's place, it was a pedestal no one could overthrow, not with that diva. Gloria had met her match, an opponent she could never win against.

  The door to the suite was opened, Gloria switched on the light, it was less spirited and less fun with her boyfriend out of the picture. “Here we are, my home away from home.”

  Tommaso politely walked inside, he admired the quality of the humble suite. “Very quaint.”

  She respectfully showed Tommaso the couch he desired to spend the nights on. “I guess this is where you'll be sleeping.”

  “It'll do.” Tommaso did not mind, he wasn't picky with where he slept, it all amounted to the same thing in the end wherever he was: sleeping.

  Gloria made her way to the bedroom. “I'll get you a sheet. Sit down and make yourself comfortable.”

  She entered the bedroom. Tommaso looked out the window, stared thoughtfully at the tranquil night. He sighed reminiscently as a thought came to him, he could not get her out of his head, not then, not now, not ever: his one true love, Sara was with him, all the time, every time.

  “Good night, Sara.” he whispered softly to himself, saying it to her as if it could travel through the night and reach out to her.


  Two silhouetted shapes in the night kissed and fondled on the spacious sized bed. The male shape trembled in delight, he was finally touching, holding, kissing the woman of his dreams. The female shape leaned up. The male shape rose up with her. The shape of the female's nipples fused with the male shape's lips. The female pulled her head back. A tantalizing moan, soft and stimulating, bellowed from her opened mouth.

  The two shapes rolled over, the female shape kissed her way down his tantalizing body, she would not be satisfied until she had tasted every last inch of his youthful, toned frame. Moans, young and excited, trembled from him as he turned side to side. The male shape gasped in unimaginable glee as the female shape covered his lower region, giving him something he never expected from his starlet but appreciated every second of it from her invigorating lips.

  The shapes rolled around again. The male shape was on top now, he kissed his way to the shape of her breasts, his lips fused with them, then his hands. He kissed lower and lower, adamant to savour every curve of her sleek, alluring physique. His face fused together with her beautiful womanhood. The female shape cried out in unfiltered delight, unable to control herself from the fire igniting within her, incapable to stop herself from rocking left to right, right to left from the electrifying encounter at its fullest setting.

  The male shape stopped, they proceeded to make love. Thrusting tenderly on the bed, the male shape held onto her tight, both heaving and moaning under their excitable, escaping breaths, it was an indescribable experience, like a dream, so amazing and unreal.

  The shapes finished, a gasp of content sounded from both. The male shape rested his head on the stomach of the female shape. She rubbed his back, he caressed her curves. The two shapes were one and would remain bound as such for the rest of the incredible, beautiful, special night.

  The dawn of a new day shined over the island, drenched in tranquillity for the two lovers in the grand hotel who had experienced what it meant to be in a dream come true.

  The sun light brightened up the bedroom through the drawn curtains, illuminating the silhouetted shapes of Sara and Paulo resting contently in their tender embrace, their naked bodies united. They were basking in the true defining meaning of paradise.

  The same could not be said in the hotel a few blocks away from the grandness. Gloria lay wide awake on her bed, uncomfortable and restless, all she could think of was her Paulo and struggling to find peace knowing he was in the arms of another woman, giving in to her, making love to her, being with her. It was maddening.

  Tommaso leaned on the windowsill, stared out at the rising sun. His weary darkened eyes were deprived of any rest, he had not had a single wink of sleep. He could not stop thinking about his beloved Sara and the other man she was spending a love-filled night with when it should have been with him, he could love her better than some young admirer, how he longed to barge into the penthouse and profess his swelling feelings for her, it was driving him crazy to sit back and keep it to himself for the time being, it would pay off in the end, he knew it would, to finally be with his truest love.

  Two troubled lovers, under the same roof, they were having much more in common with every passing hour.

  Part IV


  The sun had fully risen over the deluxe resort, blazing as radiantly as ever over the grand hotel. Paulo let out a mighty yawn, gradually awakening from his blissful slumber from an even more blissful awareness. It was the most beautiful day he had ever awoke to, the island appeared more outlandish than ever before, he really was spending his summer holiday in a sun kissed haven with his true love by his side.

  He closed his eyes again, there was plenty of time to see the sights with Sara later, right now he was more interested in spending the morning lying in with his lovely superstar. He rolled to his side, moved his arm to put it around his diva. Feeling nothing but the silk lining bedsheets, his eyes instantly shot open, she was up, bright and early.

  “Sara?” he called out, his voice travelled far across the spacious penthouse carried from one room to the next, there was no possible way she could have not heard him.

  There was no reply, Sara was nowhere inside the penthouse, she had left hours ago for breakfast.

  He leaned his exhausted, raw body up, he was still feeling the drained effects of his unrestrained session the previous night, all his pent up emotions he had collected when seeing her and thinking of her through all the years, built into a passionate cumulation awaiting to be released had finally been freed, given their moment to shine and be shown just how much genuine passion he had for her.

  He had been driven to near madness, if he knew her address he would have flown there and did everything in his power to charm her over, it was so prominent in his daily life that he was forced into suppressing his aching devotion for her, knowing he had no chance and so lusting for her would get him nowhere, only doomed to chase a shadow he could not catch. It made catching his elusive, distant shadow at last that so much more meaningful and satisfying for Paulo. He would not let her go for anything or anyone
in the whole world. He would never trade the true gift of Sara Sarracini, she was and always would be his definitively beautiful, definitively sweet and definitively wonderful divine, enchanting, precious Italian rose, held so dearly and so specially in his truly warm, truly caring, truly protecting heart, he would stand by that statement for all their love life together in this existence and the next.

  “Where is she?” he wondered to himself, bemused by her absence so early in the morning. Or was it?

  It got him curious to know what time it was exactly. He leaned over to the bedside table and checked the digital readout presented for him.


  “No way.” that revelation explained a lot. She was not up early, he was up late. Paulo threw himself back onto the bed. “Wow” he laughed “That was some night.”

  Paulo got out of bed, found his clothes scattered about the room, tossed without a care to the intense passion flooding his mind, taking the center stage. He picked them up, hurriedly slipped them on as he headed out the bedroom to recapture his beautiful shadow, she would not slip him by and fade into obscurity from him. Nor would she want to.

  Paulo headed to the reception desk. The Receptionist was pleased to see him heating her up with his sweltering presence making her skin cling to her clear white blouse and white bra underneath, visible through the thin material. He was looking at charming and appealing as ever, how she would have enjoyed to be romanced by him.

  “Afternoon, handsome.”

  “Afternoon.” he smiled, flattered by her comment, but taken by another “You wouldn't happen to know where Sara is?”

  She figured he would ask about his illustrious, superb date “Last time I heard, she was at the pool.”

  “The pool?” he looked around, at a loss by the size of the hotel, he had no idea where to go in the cultivated labyrinth. “Where is that?”

  The Receptionist courteously pointed him in the right direction. “It's that way.”

  That helped immensely, “Ah, thank you.” he said with his charming mannerism that could swoon a woman of any age.

  “You can't miss it.”

  Paulo looked set to head off and find his bathing beauty basking at the pool.

  How she would have loved to have been the object of his adoring devotion, bathing in her own slim bikini, alas she was struck behind the desk and he had his superstar to contend with, The Receptionist had one last thing on her mind, something she had to do, a quick diversion to stop him momentarily. “Can I ask you something? If you don't mind?”

  “No, not at all.” Paulo replied, looking back at the smitten Receptionist.

  “My boss will flip his lid. What is Sara Sarracini actually like in bed?”

  “She is...” Paulo quickly paused, tried to find how to put her into a word to define her, one jolted to his mind “so electrifying.”

  Paulo walked off with a cheeky grin. It was just how the Receptionist thought, despite his fascination with his diva, she could have shown him a thing or two. It was his loss, she could find another young stud who was not attached to another, until then, she had her husband to hone her skills with, he did not complain, neither did she. It was one of the benefits with being a swinging couple, no risks of complications to their own relationship while having string-less encounters with others, it spiced up the marriage well on for thirty years and showed no signs of simmering down any time soon.

  Speaking of her husband, her partner, The Hotel Manager sneaked out of his office, approached the Receptionist. “Well, what did he say?” he enquired with a keenness.

  “She's everything you imagined her to be.” the Receptionist answered, looking to her pudgy and big partner on the verge of bursting from anticipation.

  The Hotel Manager's lid was instantly flipped off, “I knew it.” he blasted with his mighty vocals. What transpired in that penthouse was the stuff of legends that no man like himself could ever comprehend. How he envied the youthful stud swaggering off to trigger more legendary encounters that only the gods and goddesses could perceive in their Olympian palace reserved only for Paulo and Sara.


  A huge, phenomenal sized indoor swimming area packed full of guests in the pool and around on the sunbeds, Paulo walked along the edge of the big blue pool, searched around for Sara, it wouldn't take him long to spot her among the other swimmers and bathers under the glass ceiling, harnessing the rays of the sun and concentrating them into a golden beam to warm and tan everyone below.

  “Sara?” he called out, trying valiantly to make his way past the abundance of various guests crowding the water and the tiled flooring, making it increasingly difficult to move about without bumping into someone or tripping over them.

  One of the kids ran past him, accidentally bumping into Paulo. He lost his balance, he strived to prevent himself from falling into the watery depths. Success, he managed to get a hold of his footing, he stepped away from the pool, narrowly avoiding a soaking without the correct attire of a bathing suit. In hindsight, he probably should have headed upstairs and slipped into one then went to the pool.

  “Awake at last.” came the sweet, harmonic sound of his darling Sara's voice behind his back.

  He turned around, his eyes caught the drawing display of his beautiful and fresh star clad in a complimenting two piece swimsuit that showed off the unflawed curvature of her womanly figure from her breasts, to her stomach, to her thighs, all the way down to her legs perfectly.

  He was left speechless at her outstanding appearance, she was a bathing beauty, without a shadow of a doubt. His foot slipped on the wet tile, he found himself careening backwards into the pool with a great splash. An uproar of laughter flooded the pool. A drenched Paulo emerged out. Water spurted from his mouth like a fountain, appropriate for the pool, he would have made a fine addition to the decor.

  “You should go back to the suite and dry off. You don't want to

  catch a cold.” Sara said, holding back the urge to chuckle at the funnier side of his trip.

  Paulo climbed out the pool, soaking wet to the bone. He instantly spotted Sara struggling to refrain herself from giggling. “You find this funny don't you?”

  “No.” Sara almost let a giggle slip out her lips, she quickly sealed them to prevent it from breaking.

  The more she looked at him, drenched with a cute, serious pouting expression on his face, the more difficult it became to keep a straight face.

  “Go on, get it over with.” groaned Paulo, the sooner he faced his humiliation, the quicker it could be put behind them and they could move on.

  “I don't know what you're talking about?” she pleaded ignorance to his claim, she was not fooling anyone, not with her red face from holding the laughter inside.

  “Laugh, I know you want to.”

  “No I do not.” a chuckle almost broke through, she couldn't keep holding it at bay for much longer.

  “Yes you do.”

  No longer able to contain herself, Sara finally burst out laughing. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't help it. I love it when a man makes me laugh.”

  Sara bathed on the sun-bed, eyes closed, basking in the warmth of the blazing gold sphere burning in the sky. The radiant light from the glass ceiling complimented her splendour, she could have dedicated her entire afternoon on that spot, putting the sight seeing on hold for the next day, it would still be there for her and her handsome guide by morning. Besides, there was a much more charming sight she was pleased to see.

  Paulo re-entered the pool, all dried off, wearing his slim, revealing trunks that showed off his masculine body and his enticing package.

  He sat on the sun-bed beside her. “Ah, much better.”, he sighed in relief to be rid of his damp, soggy clothes.

  Sara concurred with her admirer's remark ““Yes, much better.”, marvelling at her toy boy, she was deep in admiring his physique, enjoyed the sight of him in his trunks. She could not lie back, close but apart from him, she had to have him in a heated embrace, locking their lip
s. “Come here, handsome.”

  Paulo could detect the arousal in her tone, it pushed all the right buttons within him. He leaned over, she pulled him into her arms and gave him a hot wet kiss he would not be putting with all the rest.

  “Whoa.” was all he could utter in true speechless wonder after their lips smacked off from one another.

  Sara grinned, she had a feeling he would enjoy it and so would she too. Her whole body was on fire whenever close to his blistering proximity “I don't know how to describe it, you get me so wild. You bring out the teenage girl in me.”

  “Last night proved that. You drained the life out of me. I can't believe I stayed asleep for so long.”

  “Oh, I know, I tried waking you up multiple times, you wouldn't budge an inch. Reminded me of my honeymoon, my ex-husband did the

  exact same thing. He was lifeless, didn't wake up until, oh about

  four or five in the evening.” she grinned with a cheekiness at the memory. “I get a little carried away in the bed department, the flesh of my lover on my flesh drives me crazy.”

  “You're too much for us men to take.” he chuckled.

  Her mention of marriage sparked a natural curiosity in Paulo. He had heard about her retiring from film to settle down and live a domestic lifestyle but other than that, her personal life and years in retirement were a complete blank mystery to him, one he had often mused over uncovering, since the topic had been brought up, there was no harm in pressing further into it, “A moment ago, you said you were married? What was your husband like?”


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