Love Struck
Page 15
Sara was not surprised in the slightest, she was expecting the question to come up. “You really want to know?”
“Call it a lover's curiosity.”
Sara thought long and hard about the subject, unlocked old memories, opened old wounds, searched for the right words to describe him. “Oh, what could be said about my ex?”.
Like the light from a bulb being turned on, the correct words flashed into her mind.
“Demanding, difficult, stubborn, a bore, brutish. I could go on and on. He was a really bad tempered man, always had fits of rage. The strange thing is, even with his endless list of faults, he had a 'sweet' side to him, a side that
when shone, was the most truly beautiful thing I had ever seen. He made me feel like a million euros. Sadly, the romantic, sensitive side only happened once in a blue moon. I stayed by his side, so did my daughter. In the end, it became too much for us.” Sara stopped, wiped her eyes, stayed strong, she had an obligation to her admirer to give him the full story, one no one else had ever heard, not even Tommaso. “The fear, the fights, it wasn't healthy. I had to make the hard decision, I had to file for divorce. He didn't take it well, I had to be strong, I had to tell him that enough was enough, I had to do it. He eventually accepted it. That was five years ago. We stay in touch due to our daughter, if it wasn't for her, I would never see that brute again. If it wasn't for her by my side every day during the marriage, I don't know what I would have done. It scares me to think about it.”
Paulo's lips quivered, he was lost for any words, sometimes knowing the truth hurt, he was wondering if maybe he should have kept it to himself. The thought of the love of his life experiencing such pain hurt him as much as it hurt her.
“I gave up being an actress for the love of my life, I stopped my dream of going to America and breaking it in Hollywood for him who wanted to remain in Italy, I sacrificed everything for him and all we had to show for it was rocky years of too many downs and not enough ups, all to reach a bitter separation.”
Sara often wondered if she should have followed her ambition, but she could not have brought herself to break his heart, he loved her and she loved him, one did everything to make their love happy. Usually that happiness lasted for countless years to come, she just wasn't one of them to experience that. “It's been a lonely life. I never thought I'd find someone else.”
Sara gently held Paulo's hand. “Until now.” her glassy eyes were full of love, looking at a brighter side, had their marriage not fell through, she would not have met such a beautiful and caring soul mate.
Paulo tenderly held onto her firm gripping hand. His glassy eyes were full of the same rhythmical love. They both strived not to cry.
“I have to be honest.” Paulo said with a choked up voice.
“About what?”
“I only wanted to know what he was like in bed. If he was better than me.”
Sara and Paulo burst out in tearful laughter.
The orange shimmering glow from the evening shined over the crystal clear sea creating a sparklingly divine view. Boats became silhouetted models in the distance. Seagulls flew off into the distance.
Tommaso and Gloria sat apart on the couch, distant from each other and themselves, watching an old black & white romantic movie full of sentimentality and melodrama to give the romance a heavy weight to it and everlasting appeal long after the movie had finished. They were lost in the magic, grand romantic scene leading the way to an epic finale. A yearning to hold the ones they loved flooded their senses, they saw themselves and their lovers replacing the leading stars.
The romantic classic ended with a traditional beautiful happy ending, the guy gets the girl of his dreams, the girl gets the man she had always wanted.
Gloria and Tommaso were caught up in the highly emotionally driven moment, they stared silently at the screen as the film faded to black and the next scheduled programme would commence. Their eyes watered, their hearts cried out for love.
“That ending. It's so beautiful. It gets me every time.” Tommaso said, shedding many tears. He had seen it so many times he recited it word for word, knew it beat for beat and remembered it scene for scene, he had frequently dreamed of a loving romance like that with his Sara. When he noticed it was being shown again, he had to watch it. He loved the film so much he planned to write a remake starring the only actress he could envision in the lead, the task of obtaining the rights kept it reserved as a dream project and nothing more.
He wiped his eyes. “Look at me, a forty year old man crying at a movie. I must look pretty ridiculous to a hip youngster like yourself.”
“Normally I would think that, I'm not thinking it today.” Gloria wiped her own longing tears.
Tommaso spotted her. “We're quite a pair, aren't we?”
“We are.” sniffled Gloria with a light chuckle, they were shaping up to be two identical peas in the same pod.
“Two sides of the same coin.” the pain building up in his heart, clogging at it, could not be held back, he had to release it out into poetic, brooding words “Love, a gift of beauty we desire, long for in every inch of our bodies. Love, so far from our grasp, so unbelievable, a dream that we so desperately want to come true.”
Gloria was left amazed by Tommaso's powerful words spoken from his passionate, aching heart. It moved her more higher than any mountain “You've captured the way I feel, perfectly. It's like you've reached into my heart and expressed my soul.”
Overtaken by her emotions, she crawled along the couch towards Tommaso with a yearning need for some love from him to her. He could not believe what he was seeing.
“What...” Tommaso inched backwards, a vain attempt to distance himself from her. “What are you doing?
“I think you know.” Gloria answered vivaciously, she could not control her strong emotions running rampant throughout her yearning body.
Tommaso reached the end of the couch, there was nowhere left to scurry. He was cornered, trapped by her incoming lust for the feeling of love to rekindle her heart, to make her feel what it meant to be alive. He had no other option but to reason with her. “Are you out of your mind?”
“Perhaps.” Gloria remarked, invading Tommaso's personal space without any passing thought for him or herself.
“I'm old enough to be your father.”
“Right now, I don't care.” she leaned by his face, the tip of her nose made contact on his, the deep gaze of her eyes stared into him, seeing through him and his enticing manliness within. She was a woman, giving in to her natural necessity to be intertwined with a man.
“We hardly know each other.” he insisted on arguing against her advances, trying to put common sense back into her romantic mindset.
“Does it matter?”
“To me, yes.” Tommaso countered, adamant on resisting her, for the sake of his Sara and himself.
“Come on, I need a man to hold me, feel me, squeeze me, thrill me. I need to touch you, to cleanse me of my pain.” Gloria removed her top, tore off her bra, exposing her young firm breasts. Tommaso immediately gazed at the petite roundness of her bosom and sleek, hardness of her nipples.
“Oh...” Tommaso lost all rationality, his mind was shattered into fragments, his dedicated will was being overtaken by his lustful instincts, yet still he tried his hardest and fought against it “Oh my.”
“You want to touch my breasts, don't you?” she asked him without restraint.
Tommaso gasped heavily, he did not know where to look or what to do, he was at a loss, pressured into his own lust, his devotion to Sara was being shrouded by his own impulses, his will was failing, he was thinking of himself and his own needs which had been repressed for too many years to count. Sara was with her young lover, he was on the verge of being with his own.
“Or would you rather do something else to them?”
“I can't. Sara is the only one for me. It wouldn't feel right to betray her.” he fought back against his impulsive mind muting his he
art, held onto the dignity for his saving himself for his beloved.
“Well then, think of this as practice.”
“Practice?” his mind wanted to hear that, it would easily manipulate the heart.
Gloria was close to having him, she was reasoning with him, making him see it her way, she was in control to gain what she wanted the most. If Paulo could have Sara, she would have the starlet's personal assistant. “You want to make Sara happy don't you? You want to satisfy her every desire? Make her the happiest woman who's ever lived on the face of the earth?”
“Yes, I do.” his heart was giving in to his head, seeing it as a means to better his chances with Sara and making her the most fortunate woman in the world to have a loving partner like him, and only him.
“One thing a woman wants is not only love and affection, she wants the best love making in the world, she wants to feel alive. The love you feel for her has to be expressed to its full potential.”
Tommaso's conflicted heart found reason in her words. “You're happy to help me?”
“Oh yeah.”
He was giving in, putting a stop to his resistance, ending the fighting against himself, absolving his heart of the guilt from his mind, he would do this for the woman he loved. “Ok then, I will do this.”
Tommaso awkwardly held her in his arms, he had always envisioned it being Sara and not somebody else, but as he was familiar with, nothing ever played out how one imagined it. A perfect love scene was imperfect in execution, with the setting, lover and experience being contrasting to what was predicted.
“Pucker up you stud and kiss me.” Gloria begged him with a soft, seductive whisper.
He braced himself for his first ever kiss, he prepared to engage in interacting with another. He closed his eyes, readied his lips, he could not be committed with kissing someone who was not his love, Tommaso required motivation.
Sara stood gracefully in a field, clad in a white billowing dress that danced in the soft spring breeze, flowing in rhythm to the grass and sunflowers around her. She gazed lovingly into Tommaso's eyes. She leaned to him, her arms extended. He welcomed her embrace, they expressed their love in a romantic kiss.
Tommaso's deadpan lips livened up, his kissing picked up the pace. Gloria stared at him in wonder, she was simply stunned at how good he was, her lips were burning up in his intensity. It caused her much grief as their enigmatic lips slowly parted. They both enjoyed it, immensely.
“You're a real amazing kisser.” gasped Gloria in utter disbelief, her body was shook up and would not be calming down.
“Really?” the face of Sara and the field morphed back to Gloria and the hotel suite. Tommaso could not believe he had left her breathless, he was pulled out of his fantasy of giving his ultimate affection to his true love, he was in another world, oblivious to his actions in the physical spectrum. With his mind distracted, his body was free to operate without its sentience reflecting on its actions.
“For real. You'd lift Sara off her feet.” he had already lifted Gloria off hers, she would not be coming back down in such a hurry.
Tommaso grinned optimistically. “You really think so?”
“I do.” she meant every word of it, he was making Paulo pale in comparison and all they had done together was share one monumental kiss.
Gloria grabbed a hold of Tommaso's hot, anticipated hands, she wasn't through with him, there was much more for them to explore together. “Ready for your next lesson?”
“Yes...” Tommaso inhaled a mass amount of air, braced himself for what was about to transpire next. He reminded his heart it was all for Sara, all for his beloved. “I'm ready.”
“Here we go.” Gloria placed his hands firmly on her robust breasts.
“Oh... oh my.” gasped Tommaso with a quivering breath upon gripping such strong, luscious round orbs generating a sensual heat that melted through him.
Gloria relished the expression on his aroused face. “Go on, play with them.”
Tommaso closed his eyes, letting his hands do all the work as they caressed and played with the supple bosoms.
“Oh, that's nice. Real nice.” purred Gloria in aroused glee, his hands were miraculous, his massage on her chest was invigorating her, his fingers were both soothing and stimulating. Her body was warming up greater than any rising flame.
“Do you think Sara would enjoy this?”
“Without a shadow of a doubt.”
His fingers moved to her short pink areolas and the small, solid nipples, working them under his thumb and fingertip, rubbing them in a tingling clockwise motion that sent Gloria's body to melt inside like smooth butter under a hot flame, turning into a puddle of bubbling gratification “You're getting the hang of it.”
“You like it?”
“Oh, yes.” she hummed like a pleased kitten being pampered to her heart's content.
Tommaso got carried away, the high he was feeling from such an uplifting occurrence sent him to go a little unrestrained and wild, his fingers were compelled to pinch the two soft, hard fleshy mammaries.
“Ah.” exclaimed Gloria with a slight jolted squeal.
“I couldn't help myself.” his sentience returned, easing his carnal lust a fraction.
Gloria did not mind, she liked seeing him acting on wild impulses and becoming more natural with his instincts, he was showing his real side, that of a man, of flesh, blood and soul. He was less cold and calculating in everything he did, as well as less stuck up and robotic in his personality.
“So, are you ready for the final lesson?” Gloria grinned, keen to unlock the last gate of his untapped potential as a real, swooning lover.
“I am.” Tommaso replied more confidently, he was more sure of himself, the doubt of his abilities as a fervent lover were being stricken from his heart, he was proving to himself that he had what it took to be as passionate as other man, and surpassing them greatly.
Gloria immediately threw him on top of her, keeping him locked and secure with what they would do next.
“On the couch?” asked Tommaso, he was thinking more of the bedroom to partake in the act of expressing love through the body, from the soul.
“Why not?” here was as good a place as any for Gloria, she preferred spicing it up and changing the location to freshen up the love making.
“Isn't it more romantic to make love on a bed?”
“We can make love on the bed afterwards.”
“Twice?” in his youth he might have been more than capable to go at it more than once, at his wearier, vintage age, his body might have lacked the stamina.
“We can do it more times, if you've got it in you.”
Tommaso wasn't so sure about that.
“Women prefer to make love more than once in a night. You wouldn't want to let Sara down and spoil the perfect mood, would you?”
The last thing on earth he would ever want to do is let his darling Sara down, “If it will make Sara happy, I will manage it, for her”
“It will make her very happy. And me too.” Gloria unbuckled the belt on his pants with a raging impatience. “If you do last more than one round, I'll teach you all the moves.”, she pulled his pants down, felt at his underwear and more importantly at the length that lay behind it. “All the positions.”, she pulled off his shirt then his vest to reveal his aged body with greying chest hairs. She threw the rags aside, he had no more need for either. “You want that, don't you?”
Tommaso was fully in her power, at her command, given entirely in to his own sexual urges long subdued. “Yes.”, he could think of nothing else but making love to her.
Gloria could not hold herself back, she wanted to eat at him, her appetite for his love was made clear starting off with her biting at his nipple giving him a unexpected jolt. “Oh, not so rough.” he exclaimed with a sudden yell.
“The first time doesn't have to be gentle.” she said with a naughty grin then caressed his sore nipple with the tip of her wet, slippery tongue to wash a
way the stinging sensation. “Do it back to me.”
Tommaso lowered down, gently bit at her nipple, sinking his teeth harder. Gloria loved it, it was rubbing her in just the right, alluring way, her pain of losing Paulo was substituted with the pain of pleasure. The aggression Gloria and Tommaso both felt at losing their loves was being purified through their act of aggressive catharsis
“Oh, oh, oh.” she moaned. He performed a sensual massage on her nipple using his eager wet tongue, washing away the inflicted arousing pain, rising it down the hypothetical drain along with Paulo. Gloria purred like a well pleased kitten. “That feels so good.”
The foreplay was out the way, there was only one final part of the last lesson to carry out. Tommaso could do it, he would show he had what it took both spiritually and physically. He closed his eyes, imagined his lady love, gathered his determination from his muse.
Curtains billowed, a romantic moon beamed, the stars glistened. Sara stood over the bed in a silk white dress. Tommaso, wearing a white tuxedo, stood by the doorway. The two looked at one another in loving silence.
“Come to me.” she summoned him in a silent voice only he could hear in the romantic domain reserved only for them.
He moved to her, lightly, swiftly through the air, as if a force was guiding him to Sara.
“I love you, Tommaso.”
Sara's golden hair billowed, tenderly. Tommaso advanced closer, his love awaited.
“Take me.”
Standing in the presence of his one true love, he leaped into her loving arms, their lips engaged in a romantic kiss, their hands slowly removed each others clothing. Their naked bodies were illuminated in the moonlight.
Sara lay down on the bed, presented herself for her adoring lover. “I want you.”
Tommaso climbed onto the bed, lowered over his beloved Sara. Their lips pressed, their bodies met.