Love Struck
Page 16
Tommaso and Gloria, naked on the couch, kissed extensively. She really could not believe how good he was, Paulo was close to second rate when compared to him, the bombastic exhilaration he caused her toppled the previous nights with her boyfriend, as the residents of the hotel were discovering.
Tommaso kissed his way down to give his sweetheart the taste of his feelings for her. Hot tingles were sent throughout every fibre of her being. Sara ground her teeth, clenched her eyelids shut, let the sensation flow through her body. She enjoyed every second of it.
Tommaso kissed his way down to give his mentor the taste of his feelings for who she represented to him. Hot tingles were sent throughout every fibre of her being. Gloria ground her teeth, clenched her eyelids shut, let the sensation flow through her body. She enjoyed every second of it. “You're better than I thought.” she gasped. Sheer delight shot down her thighs “Oh.”
Sara and Tommaso made love, sweetly and delicately with every ounce of their ageless and timeless emotions conducted throughout one another.
Gloria and Tommaso made love, sweetly and delicately with every ounce of their ageless and timeless emotions conducted throughout one another.
At the peak of the climax, Sara thrust her head back, heaved her body upward, giving in to the power of love coursing through her. “Oh yes.”
At the peak of the climax, Gloria thrust her head back, heaved her body upward, giving in to the power of love coursing through her. “Oh yes.”
Tommaso rested in Sara's arms. She ran her fingers through his hair, petted her lover. Their expressions showed the pure love they felt for one another in their hearts.
Tommaso rested in Gloria's arms. She ran her fingers through his hair, petted her lover. Their expressions showed the pure love they felt in their hearts, unsure if it was directed at each other or their lost loves, maybe it was both.
“So that's what love making feels like?” it was distinctly a wondrous gift to be shared between two, if only it could have been shared with his Sara, it would have been a night to fondly remember for years to come.
“Pretty much.” although, she had to admit, he was like no other, she had almost completely forgot about Paulo to the point of becoming a distant memory of the past best left there while she moved on with her life. She did not think it was possible, until meeting Tommaso, he was like a blessing from the island to her, to put a stop to her heartache.
A grin shined on his face. “It's really fun.”, deprived of it for countless years, he appreciated it more than any other could during their first time or the many times that followed.
Gloria smirked, she was glad he enjoyed it.
“How was I?” he asked, curious to know how his performance was, the greater it was, the more he had a chance to make his dear Sara just as happy.
Gloria was at a total loss for words to describe how amazing he was.
“Would Sara be happy?”
“Immensely.” Gloria almost felt envious to say that while thinking of Sara being bestowed with that kind of love from the heart expressed through the body. It had been given to her, she did not want to think of the diva having it too, Sara already had her boyfriend, why should she have him as well, did she have to take everything from her.
It was the best news he could ever hear, he was believing in himself with each passing second, he was positive as all hell that he could win over Sara and be the lover she deserved, giving her all the beautiful variations of love that would all lead to make her a very happy woman and in return, make him a very happy man.
Meeting Gloria was like a miracle from the paradise of a resort, given to him as a mentor to open his eyes and see he had what it took to love a woman. Had it not been for her, he would have been back in his hotel room, alone to his own thoughts, doubting his skills as a lover and uncertain he was ever meant to give his love to another, maybe he was not worthy, perhaps that was why he held himself back, adding to his fear of rejection. That anxiety was long gone, in its place was the promising hope of sharing his love with his darling Sara, it was that kind of uplifting hope that kept everyone going and gave them a celebrated goal to keep going in life and reach their desired dream, cherishing the reward of it coming true and this was his. If he did not have that hope, he would have fallen into an inescapable pit of despair. Some hope exceeded none at all “I can't wait to go at it again. Improve my love making skills even further.”
Gloria exhaled. “Give me a minute. You've completely exhausted me.”
A giant orb of light rose in the pitch black sky, sparkling diamonds in the sky gathered, adding to the charming magic of the night.
Paulo, dressed in eighties fashioned clothes, combed his hair into a mullet. Done, he closely examined his appearance in the mirror: he looked convincing, like he had stepped from a time machine into the present day, or the future in his point of view, and was now spending his days as a man out of time, a stranger in a strange land called modern society.
“I should have been in the eighties.” he pulled himself away from the lounge room's mirror, looked to the door to the bathroom where his illustrious star resided. “Are you ready?”
“Almost.” came a direct response from inside.
While waiting, Paulo performed a little retro dance, he had seen all the music videos from back in the pink neon lit era and memorized the style off by heart.
The bathroom door opened, he froze in his tracks, the smooth moving dancer turned red from embarrassment to have been caught fooling around with his light-hearted cheesiness.
“Nice moves.”
Paulo shyly laughed. “I've extensively studied the dance choreography. I've seen plenty of dance movies and videos from the eighties.”
He faced Sara to be almost knocked off his feet at the heavenly vision before him: Sara, frizzy eighties hair, eighties dress, pink lipstick. It all added together to one equation: a true bombshell.
“Ta-da.” Sara said with a little striking, modelling pose to add to her glorious reveal.
“You... look... fabulous.” Paulo could not speak in a full on sentence to express what he thought, he was too busy getting lost at the spectacular vision in front of him. His dream had come true. His eighties diva had returned. He could not stop admiring her.
She was his sincerely glamorous, sincerely fabulous and sincerely breathtaking eighties queen with a genuinely frizzy, genuinely stylish and genuinely radiant pink, gold and glittery beauty that sparkled, glowed and shined like a big silver disco ball painted in neon lighting that all were rightfully enchanted, rightfully enthralled and rightfully engrossed with because she was a really vibrant, really enchanting and really entrancing eighties majesty. One he loyally adored and faithfully served with much absolute devotion and much absolute reverence as her truly loyal and truly faithful devoted, adoring subject.
“You're a goddess among men.” his ability to speak more than one syllable with a pause was coming back to him. “You were, you are and you always will be a tremendously vibrant, tremendously alluring and tremendously breathtaking 80s goddess with immensely radiant beauty, immensely colourful charm and immensely frizzy captivation that makes you a true monumental and true dazzling bombshell to the whole world with a pink shining energy that glows so extremely bright and always will for your true youthful splendour and true beguiling enchantment will always resonate inside and out, and never fade like the timeless and ageless deity that you are, always and forever.”
Sara could feel the desire in his gaze, hear it with his every word, she could tell he desired to make love to his eighties starlet there and then. “Easy there my sweet Casanova, save the loving for when we get back, otherwise we'll never leave the hotel.”
Sara and Paulo waited in line to enter a retro nightclub stylized and designed to capture the purest essence of the good old days that was the nineteen-eighties.
From front and back, everyone was decked out in the varying kinds of fashion and style common during the cheesy and c
ool time, it was like stepping through a time machine for Sara, a woman all too familiar with her golden, glittering era.
“It's funny seeing everyone dressed up in the gear and everything, it's so surreal.” Sara could barely contain her giddiness, she was pumped to step inside there, she was so glad he had recommend the favourite spot to her. “I'm so excited, it'll be like living in the eighties all over again.”
“You're not wrong, these retro clubs capture the look and the
feel so exact, so authentically, it's like hopping through a vortex and arriving back in time.”
The line moved forward, it was just a small step further and Sara and Paulo would be entering the time machine and arriving out into the neon soaked past.
“Do you go to these kinds of places often?”
“Occasionally, my girlfriend...” Paulo stopped, he was having trouble getting used to the fact she no longer was as such with him. “My ex-girlfriend isn't a fan of places like this, neither are my friends. So I come to these places when I have some free time. A little treat, once in a blue moon.”
The line moved forward. They were next in line to take a step back in time to the loud and stylish decade.
“You can go to places like this more often now with me.” Sara openly suggested.
Paulo liked the sound of that. “It'll be more fun than flying solo.”
The couple in front stepped inside. Paulo and Sara were next, they approached the burly mullet haired Bouncer at the doorway leading into the gateway to another era. The Bouncer observes their style, it was flawless, so authentic he could have mistook them for an actual duo from the era and created the illusion he was in the eighties again.
“You're in.”
Paulo and Sara eagerly entered the club, travelled to a fun time ahead. The Bouncer watched them walk in. A sense of deja vu came over him. “I swear I've seen her before.”
Sara and Paulo stopped at the cashier counter. The shoulder pad, long haired Cashier focused on Sara, there was something familiar about her, he could not quite put his finger on it. He got to the important subject at hand in the present decked in the past, “That will be ten euros, each.”
Sara took out twenty euros to pay for her and her date's entry. Paulo protested. “What are you doing? You've paid enough for me already. You keep this up and people are going to start thinking you're a 'cougar'.”
“Then I guess that's what I am.” Sara handed the money to the Cashier. He took it without any objection, “Here you go.” he gave them both wristbands to acknowledge they were paying customers. It was their keys to traversing into another time.
Sara and Paulo put them on, they were permitted to enter and experience a real blast from the past.
“I spent my whole life worrying about what people thought of me,
now I live for myself.”
“Fair enough.” responded Paulo, respectful to her opinion, she had a valid point. “It just feels so strange being spoiled. Usually
I'm the one spoiling my date.”
“Get used to it baby, I'm going to spoil you rotten.” Sara smiled, it was a promise she was going to keep.
They headed into the club. The Cashier could not shake the familiar feeling generated from her, he knew her yet was a complete stranger to her. “Where have I seen her?”, thinking hard on it, putting a name to the face, his eyes widened, it flashed in his head, it was no obvious to him. “No way. It couldn't be.”, it was, natural beauty like that was reserved to only one naturally beautiful woman on the whole planet since time began and woman first walked the earth, she was the extraordinary representative of the fairer sex.
A deep regret came over him, if only he had realized sooner, “If only I asked for an autograph.”
Sara gasped in sheer disbelief as she exited the gateway to a world drastically alien to the world she left behind at the doorway. The eighties were alive and kicking in there, any semblance of the modern era had no place within the flashing, neon drenched walls of the nightclub.
From the music, to the colours, to the style. It really was a neon-lit blast from the past. It was the ultimate definition to the term: retro.
“You weren't kidding.” she commented in amused awe at the roaring environment.
Paulo was glad she likes it, he could tell it would be her kind of place. “Great, isn't it?”
Sara took in the rich nostalgia, it hearkened back to her youth when she and her friends would hang out in the local nightclub and dance the night away, and pick up some cute guys as a bonus to sweeten the fun time. “In every sense of the word.”
“Gloria doesn't know what she's missing.” Paulo remarked, thinking to his lost love.
“Neither does Tommaso.” Sara added, thinking of her own lost love.
Tommaso and Gloria were occupied in the hotel suite, making love on the bed, it was a passionate sight. The springs could have gave in, the legs could have broke at any minute under the extreme pressure stirred from the strenuous amount of friction pushed down on it.
“Oh, Sara... Sara...Sara...Sara... Sara...” he huffed and panted in a frenzy, picturing his lady love in his mind's eye, giving her the love he had held prisoner inside his own heart, only now breaking free.
“Yes, I'm your Sara.” she grunted and strained, fuelling the blazing fires of his love, let it engulf her body and envelop her soul.
“I love you, Sara.”
“I love you too, Tommaso.”
Tommaso spilt his heart out, told her everything he yearned to tell his dear Sara in their most intimate moments alone together “I'll always be there for you. Always protect you.”
“Oh, yes.” Gloria moaned, overwhelmed by the raw strength of his inner and external emotions.
“I'll never hurt you... never make you cry... never make you feel bad...” he promised her, enveloping her in a protective, loving shield.
“Yes... yes... yes...” she could feel the protecting, lovesome barrier enveloped around her, she could have remained there forever and been content for the rest of her lifetime.
“I'm yours... I'm yours...”
“You're mine... you're mine.” he was hers, that's how she wanted it to be. He would be her new lover, her new Paulo, a suitable replacement, an improvement over the first in many ways with all the qualities she adored the other for.
They reached the peek.
Tommaso and Gloria unleashed a massive climax. They rested in each others arms, they said nothing, they were pretending they were cuddling the ones they loved. Tommaso had his youthful Sara, Gloria had her maturer Paulo.
But deep down, both knew they could never replicate their real lover. It was hard to substitute one with another.
The early morning light peeked in through the veil of night. Sara and Paulo exited the club, buzzed up and wired from having the night of their lives.
“Wow, I haven't had that much fun in a club since nineteen-eighty-seven.” Sara's body was breathless and sweating, still caught up by all the dancing she put herself through.
“I haven't danced that much in my whole life.” he was put to the test of endurance on the dance floor tonight, he had met his ultimate match “You sure can move.”
“I've had plenty of experience.” she nestled close to him, sharing her sweltering body heat with him “Shall I share more of it when we get back?”
Paulo cuddled her, merging his heat with hers to create a blistering wave “Please do. I want to experience it all.”
Sara and Paulo headed for the hotel. He was astounded at what he had heard from her piece of fascinating trivia from her cinematic history. “No way, you're serious?”
“One hundred percent, my short tomboy hair in 'Journey with Dad' was actually a wig and my voice was actually dubbed by a gay man from England.”
“The wonder of movie magic.” Paulo remarked in astonishment, he never would have guessed, not in a million years.
hey walked in, on their way to retire for the remaining scant hours of the night and settle in for the upcoming morning.
Sara and Paulo made their way to the elevator, they were stopped in their tracks by a familiar plump, flustered face emerging out his office.
“Ah, there you are, Sara.” The Hotel Manager said with his operatic vocals.
“Does this guy ever sleep?” Paulo muttered discreetly to Sara.
They turned to look at the Hotel Manager heading towards them with much gusto. “I wanted to let you know that tomorrow night, or should that be this night today, we're throwing a congratulatory
party dedicated to you and the completion of your new movie.”
Sara was touched by such a honorary tribute in her illustrious name “You don't have to come to all that trouble for me.”
“Is there no end to your modesty? This is the least we can do for you. It's our way of thanking you for choosing to stay at our prestigious hotel and to show our ever loving admiration for you.”
“Is there no end to your kind hospitality? What time is the party at?”
“Nine o'clock.”
“We'll be there.” Sara promised him, she would not miss the event for anything in the world.
The Hotel Manager was beyond pleased. “Excellent, excellent my dearest Sara.”
The sun fully shined over the island. It was another day in paradise for the admirer and the diva spending the afternoon at the beach, she had answered it beckoning call and would serve its every whim by frolicking in its gold and sapphire beauty for the entirety of the day.
Sara, wearing an eye-popping two piece bikini, and Paulo, wearing flattering trunks, walked to the boat house, planning to spend a few hours out at sea, alone with just the two of them and the wide deep blue freedom to do as they pleased and much more out in the open with only the seagulls above and the sky itself to see them and their romantic endeavours.