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Kendrick (Torey Hope: The Later Years #4)

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by A. D. Ellis


  Torey Hope:

  The Later Years

  A.D. Ellis

  A.D. Ellis WEBSITE

  Copyright © 2016

  By A.D. Ellis

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover, spine, back by

  Andrea Michelle at Artistry in Design

  "Reputation is what folks think you are. Personality is what you seem to be. Character is what you really are.”

  ~ Alfred Armand Montapert

  "When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top."

  ~Author Unknown

  "Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light."

  ~Madeleine L'Engle




  A Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  From the Author


  About the Author


  Connect with A.D. Ellis

  Excerpts from other Torey Hope Novels



  To those who have struggled or who are still struggling. May you find peace.


  Kendrick’s story was always planned for the last book. Why? I’m not sure, but I think I sort of felt like it was a little like save the best for last. Not because I don’t love my other books, I do. But Kendrick has been special to me from the very beginning. All of my characters have a bit of my personality, but Kendrick was the most fun to write. He says things I think and want to say.

  I want to address what Kendrick goes through (without giving too much away). The events of his past and the events that take place in this story are ones many people have had experience with. Kendrick deals with things in his own ways. That’s not to say he’s right or wrong, but he and his family make decisions based on what they feel are best for them.

  The negative/painful things that happen to Kendrick as this book progresses are based on very real-life experiences of a handful of readers, one in particular, who allowed me to ask them questions so I could make the situations as real as possible.

  I am very well aware that many people who suffer through what Kendrick does, do not have the same kind of support available to them. Many who are in the same situation as Kendrick don’t make it through as quickly, or as easily, or at all. Kendrick’s situation and the way he travels through the painful journey are his and his alone. Many are in much darker and more desperate places in their journey, and Kendrick’s story is in no way meant to make light of the struggles those people face.

  I want to acknowledge that there is no certain person who is more likely to face the struggles Kendrick faces. Every person could be faced with these trials, tribulations, and painful moments. Rich or poor, male or female, great family or no family at all…no one is immune from the struggles life brings.

  A Note from the Author

  For those who like a little narrative along with a family tree. Here are the families of Torey Hope. Meet the Morgans, the Jordans, the Deckers, and the Martins. If the family tree image is hard for you to see on your device, you can click here to find it on my website.

  John and Cindy Morgan have twin boys Nate and Nicky Morgan.

  Nicky Morgan married Carly Malone and had children Zachary Malone Morgan and Alyson Elizabeth Morgan.

  Nate Morgan married Libby Decker and had children Abigail Emerson Morgan and twins Decker Nathaniel and Sawyer Nicholas Morgan.

  Libby Decker is sister to Audrey Decker, both are daughters of Captain Robert Decker and the late Lois Decker. Robert later married Janie.

  Audrey Decker married Jeremiah Jordan. Jeremiah had a son, Beckett, from a previous marriage. Jeremiah and Audrey had Megan Elise Jordan and Kendrick Robert Jordan. Beckett got married in the first book of this series to a girl named Kenja.

  Jeremiah is the son of Jack and Judy Jordan.

  Captain Robert Decker had an estranged brother, Richard, who was married to Corrine, and they had a daughter named Josie. Josie married Jeremiah Jordan’s best friend, Kyle Martin, and they had children Zoey Belle Martin and Asher Jeremiah Jordan.


  This is a local community center in Torey Hope. In the first Torey Hope series, Nicky Morgan (Zach and Aly’s dad) attended what was then known as The Center. This place runs educational programs, especially for students struggling in public schools, along with various programs revolving around the arts, sports, and fitness. When Zach, Decker, Sawyer, and Kendrick returned to Torey Hope from college, they took over the business, which many members of the family are involved with in some way and renamed it The Center+.

  Decker is the manager, his girlfriend, Katie, is the assistant manager. Sawyer is in charge of the art programs, including painting, pottery, dance, etc. He also works closely with his boyfriend, Luke, in the martial arts programs. Kendrick is in charge of the sports programs. Zach is the advertising executive. Many of the parents are also involved with programs at The Center+.

  Chapter 1

  “So, we’re heading to my place for a very special night of fun.” The blonde little sprite trailed her finger down his arm. “I thought you might like to join us.”

  Us? Please let it be another girl just as hot as this one. The tiny thing standing in front of him was nothing like the curvy, voluptuous women he usually went for, but she definitely held his interest. Damn, those brown eyes were like pools of chocolate. If her friend is as cute as this one, I’ll be in heaven all night long. But when she gestured toward the door where an attractive man waited with hungry eyes, Kendrick Jordan had to shake his head in an attempt to understand the invitation.

  He blinked once, twice, in hopes of focusing his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have ordered that last drink; he’d gone from really buzzed to pretty much drunk in the last fifteen minutes. The little imp standing beside him continued to trace her finger up and down his arm and looked up at him with a challenging, sexy smile.

  She didn’t have the look of trashy bar-fly, but she also didn’t come across as a fake-ass bimbo. Truly, she spoke like a girl just looking to have a good time. But, of course, that could be his vodka-ized brain talking.

  “Come on, sexy. You look like you’ve had enough. Tony and I were watching you, we think you’d be a great addition to our plans for tonight. No rules, no pressure, no strings, just a good time had by all. Whatdya say?” She batted her lashes and bit her lip while waiting on him to answer.

  Well, hell. Not long ago he’d mentioned to his cousins that he may be bi-curious or some shit like that. Guess he was about to find out if he was still interested in sex with a man.

  Throwing some money on the bar, he stood
, perhaps a bit too quickly because he had to close his eyes to steady himself before walking toward the door. The cell phone he held in his hand buzzed as he walked. Glancing down at it, he saw his cousin, Decker, was calling. Again. He let it go to voicemail. So far, he had twenty-seven texts from various family members, and thirteen voicemails.

  He knew he eventually had to go back home, had to face what had haunted him for several years and finally sent him into a downward spiral. He also knew he had the most supportive family in Torey Hope and surrounding areas, there was no way they’d expect him to go through any of this by himself. But, he had a sick feeling that things were going to get much worse before they got better, and the thought of that scared the ever-loving shit out of him.

  So, for the time being, he’d see where the tiny little blonde wanted to take him. He’d keep blocking out the bad, laughing it off, fucking it away, and pretending that his heart wasn’t broken and hidden behind a complete and total façade. Whatever she had planned had to be better than the exhaustion, the nightmares, the blanket of darkness he felt had started to suffocate him recently.

  When they reached the door, Tony gave a subtle nod of his head before reaching out a hand. “Tony.”

  Kendrick took his hand, “Kendrick.”

  “Okay, so my two sexy men for the evening have met. I’m Jay. Let’s go have some fun, boys.”

  He’d never left a bar with both a man and a woman. What the hell are you doing, man?

  I have absofuckinglutely no clue.

  But if it keeps my mind off other things for the night, it’s got to be worth it.


  Chapter 2

  His body came awake slowly, but it was quicker than his brain. He immediately noticed the heat surrounding him, but that was secondary to the pounding in his head. Without opening his eyes, knowing the light would make his head explode, he used his other senses to evaluate the situation.

  He was naked, that much was obvious. He was plastered to a tiny body on his front side, and a freaking furnace on his backside. Tony if he had to guess.

  Based on several years of experiencing the morning after, he knew from the way his body felt he’d had sex. Clenching his ass he was relieved to find it wasn’t sore, so at least he knew he hadn’t gotten fucked by a guy while he was too drunk to experience it the right way.

  Question was, who had he fucked? Jay? Tony? Both?

  Holy hell, Jordan. What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?

  Slowly, not wanting to wake the other two bodies, he cracked an eye. The girl, Jay, had her back to him, but she was pressed up against him. The hair he’d thought was mostly blonde in the dark bar was actually a mixture of platinum blonde and jet black.

  His hand rested on her chest lightly cupping a small but firm breast. Without thinking, he flicked the tiny pebbled nipple. She shifted, moaning as she awakened. Her backside rubbed against him, causing his dick to wake up and say good morning.

  Behind him, the furnace he assumed was Tony, rocked his own morning glory against Kendrick’s ass. As much as he’d been telling the truth about wondering what it would be like to be with a guy, in all of his musings it had always been him doing the topping, not the other way around. Shifting his body slightly so his ass was safe from Tony’s insistent rocking, Kendrick took note of his hangover.

  He’d always had a fairly high tolerance for alcohol, but he knew he’d pushed it too far last night. He didn’t regret what they’d done, at least he didn’t remember doing anything he should regret, but the fact that he didn’t remember much of what went on proved to him that he’d been too far gone.

  He hated it. Hated that he was so fucked up inside about something that happened so long ago. Wasn’t it supposed to get easier? But instead, it was eating him alive year after year. His family was right, he probably should talk to someone about it, but putting words to his pain was frightening and not something he was chomping at the bit to do.

  Wondering if he should try to get out of bed to attempt the long walk of shame back to the bar to get his car, he glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Next to it were three condom wrappers. Way to play it safe. Three is an odd number between two men and a woman. Wonder how that all worked out. Damn it all to hell for being so drunk you don’t know how your first male, male, female experience went.

  What the hell? The clock read four o’clock. It was much too bright outside to be 4:00 a.m., but there was no way in hell they’d slept until 4:00 p.m. Surely her clock was just set wrong.

  Easing up on his arm, he slowly groped the table for a phone, any phone. 4:01 fucking p.m. No fucking way. He sighed heavily and laid himself back down, taking a bit of comfort in the heated bodies wrapped around him.

  Minutes, maybe hours later, he woke to the bed dipping as Jay got up. He watched her tiny frame, tight ass, perky little breasts as she threw on a t-shirt and headed to the bathroom. When the water began to run, he closed his eyes again.

  “She’s a great girl.” Tony’s sleepy voice rumbled from behind him.

  “Yeah? Seems nice enough.” Kendrick wasn’t sure if there was a warning in Tony’s words or not.

  “Don’t get too attached.” Tony shifted.

  “Don’t want to share her, huh? Maybe should have thought of that before letting her invite me into your bed.” Kendrick’s words held no heat, just an observation. He got out of bed.

  “Man, I’m the one who wanted you in her bed. I’m bi. Sleeping with Jay is a perfect setup. She gets the no-strings-attached fun she’s looking for, and I get the best of both worlds. It’s a win-win.”

  When Kendrick whipped his head to the side to squint at Tony, the other man laughed.

  “So, did we, uh…” Kendrick’s question trailed off.

  “Have sex? Yeah, we did. It was awesome by the way.” Tony waggled his eyebrows.

  Kendrick studied him. He was a very attractive man. Would Kendrick ever be able to be in the type of relationship which required him to divide his time between both a man and a woman? His hungover brain had no desire to think about it at that moment.

  “So, who did what? I mean, um…,” Kendrick felt like an idiot. He’d never been one to mince words.

  “You fucked her. Then I fucked her while you did me. Hotter than hell, man.” Tony pulled a pair of boxers up. “That’s what’s so great about Jay. She wants nothing to do with sweet whispers, or dates, or hearts and roses. As long as we keep it light and fun, she’s up for anything. And getting another guy in our bed is always easier when she’s doing the inviting.”

  “So, you guys are ‘together’?” Kendrick questioned.

  “Oh, hell no. She’s not one to settle down. We are friends with fabulous benefits, but if she weren’t willing to bring other guys in, I wouldn’t be sticking around. I definitely want it both ways.”

  “I feel sort of bad that I don’t remember anything from last night.” Kendrick chuckled. “My first time with a guy, and I can’t recall a single moment. I’m glad it was good for you.” He was trying to keep it light, but it did bother him he’d been so out of it. If one of his cousins or siblings had behaved in the unsafe way he had last night, he’d be stringing them up by their toes for a week at a time in punishment.

  “No worries, man. I’m pretty sure Jay has plans on round two taking place tonight. Maybe we’ll order in and watch a movie, avoid the overabundance so everyone can be clearheaded.” Tony winked and walked toward Kendrick.

  Stopping in front of him, Tony flattened a palm against Kendrick’s groin. Leaning in, he lightly kissed Kendrick’s mouth. He stepped back, smirking at him.

  “You’re so very not gay, but I like that you’re up for experimenting. We’ll have fun tonight, and for however long she wants this to last. Then we’ll move on. Just don’t fall for her, man, because it’s not ever going to happen. I’ve known her for over a year. She never gets attached. Doesn’t talk about her past, doesn’t talk about why she never falls, doesn’t really let anyone in at all. She’s
friendly and fun, spends time with friends from work and some of the mutual friends we have, but it’s like she’s always on the outside of everything, never allowing herself to be on the inside of life.”

  Tony’s words saddened Kendrick, but also made him aware he’d fallen right into the perfect situation. He could experiment as much as he wanted, have fun, forget the bad shit, and keep on keeping on. Before he could pull himself from his musings, he realized Tony had dropped to his knees and taken him in his mouth.

  “Fuck, man. A little warning would be nice.” Kendrick’s arms reached for something to grasp, hoping to steady himself. When he found nothing, he settled for resting his hands on Tony’s head.

  “I’m going to suck you off now. Warning enough?” Tony smiled before returning to his mission.

  In the distance, Kendrick recognized the sound of water shutting off and a door opening. Jay walked from the bathroom, appearing dressed for an evening in, like Tony had predicted.

  “Damn boys, that’s freaking hot.” Walking to Kendrick’s side, she pulled his head down for a searing kiss. “Ever had your cock sucked by another guy?”

  Knowing he was close to exploding, the kiss making the ending even more assured. Kendrick grunted a no before focusing completely on kissing Jay and pumping into Tony’s mouth.

  Several seconds later as he came down from the most extreme high he’d ever known, Kendrick heard the voices of various family members echoing in his head, asking him what the hell he was doing.

  Pushing them to the back of his mind, he answered quickly, just having fun. I’ll deal with the real shit later.

  Chapter 3

  “That’s probably the pizza, I’ll get it.” Tony walked to the door.

  “I’ve got water, wine, soda, beer, juice, and milk. What would you like?” Jay checked the fridge and offered Kendrick a beverage.


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