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Kendrick (Torey Hope: The Later Years #4)

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by A. D. Ellis

  “Since I drank enough last night to drown a fish and incapacitate my liver, I better stick with milk.” Kendrick grabbed a large glass from the cabinet, feeling comfortable enough with Jay and Tony to do so. They’d spent the late afternoon watching a movie after individual showers and toast and tea for ‘breakfast’. He’d felt a little funny eating his toast and tea, but Jay had insisted it would help them all recover from their hangovers. And damn if she wasn’t right. She’d gotten a funny look on her face when he’d told her she reminded him of his Aunt Libby always pushing her tea, but it had passed quickly enough, so he’d let it go.

  Now he was faced with another strange look from her. She wrinkled her nose, “You want a glass of milk that size? You really like milk, huh?”

  Smiling at her, Kendrick winked, “What can I say? I’m a growing boy. I need my vitamin D and calcium.” He poured the glass full, chugged half of it, and filled it again.

  “Milk, it sure does do a body good.” Tony growled in his ear when he walked into the kitchen with the pizza.

  Kendrick laughed. He felt very little toward the man. He wasn’t put off or offended by the sexual come-ons, but he also didn’t feel overly attracted to him. Tony was a good-looking guy, and his cock-sucking skills deserved a trophy, but Kendrick didn’t see anything between them going further than a few good times.

  He turned to look at Jay. She was beautiful. But not really his type at all. He didn’t discriminate, but he usually found himself drawn to taller, curvy, big-breasted women. More to hold onto, and he didn’t feel like he’d break them in two.

  Jay was short, very short. He dwarfed her with his 6’2” frame; he guessed her to be about 5’1” and he was being generous with that extra inch. And she was curvy, but it was like mini curves. He’d never really looked at a girl unless she was well-endowed, but Jay’s chest enticed him. He found himself wanting to touch, and lick, and make her whimper, to hell with his usual handful or more rule.

  The conversation was easy as they ate their pizza. Jay had been born in California, moved to Indiana when she was eight, and moved to Illinois when she was sixteen. She’d recently moved to Torey Hope from a couple towns over. At twenty-one, she was content to be waiting tables at the Torey Hope Café. She had no plans of going to college, although she had thought about looking into becoming a hairstylist. However, she’d have to get a second job to save up for that.

  Tony had lived in Chicago his entire life, but he moved to help his uncle. He had a degree in interior design but didn’t use it much. At age twenty-eight, he wasn’t thrilled to be living with his aunt and uncle, but he knew his uncle needed help refinishing the house now that his aunt’s arthritis had gotten so bad. He didn’t plan on staying long, just until he got the house completed for his aunt and uncle. He was hoping a month at the most.

  Kendrick realized quickly that he had the advantage in the ‘where I came from’ stories. Growing up with the perfect family, working at The Center+, going off to college with his best friends/cousins, and coming back home to settle down while taking his rightful place at The Center+ as the athletic director, Kendrick had a pretty blessed life.

  Sure, he had some bad shit that had never let him go, but he had a great family who meant the world to him. He didn’t pry, but he got the feeling Tony’s parents weren’t in his life, and his uncle seemed to only want him around to finish the work on his house. Jay didn’t mention any family. Not a single word.

  He wanted to ask, especially, about Jay’s family. But he knew the score in this game, no strings. The less he knew about her the better. But, he couldn’t help but wonder about what made her huge chocolate eyes look sad while she tried to pretend she was just out to have fun.


  “Whatdya say, boys? Ready to take this little party to the bedroom?” Jay stood and stretched. Walking toward her bedroom, she threw a look over her shoulder. “Am I going to have to start without you?”

  Tony and Kendrick looked at each other. Tony wagged his brows at Kendrick with a wolfish grin. Kendrick had to laugh and just shook his head. Who was he to turn down a night of good ol’ fashioned sex? Although, the fact that you’re likely going to take Tony up the ass again sort of negates the ‘ol’ fashioned’ part. Oh well, still not planning on turning it down.

  The men followed Jay to her room.

  “So, I’m feeling a little bossy tonight. I want you guys to do some things for me, then you can have me. Take your clothes off.” She gestured at the two men, indicating they should strip.

  When his brain registered the implication, his dick immediately took notice. Shrugging his shoulders, Kendrick stripped down. He had a feeling Jay was getting ready to orchestrate a scene straight from one of the gay porn videos he knew his cousin, Sawyer, watched with his boyfriend, Luke. Tossing his pants on the floor, he noticed a missed call on his phone. Pushing the real-world troubles to the back of his mind, he turned toward Jay.

  Stark naked, visibly aroused, Kendrick held his arms out from his sides.

  “Like what you see, Pixie?” He chuckled as she bit her lip, it felt good to know she was affected by his body.

  “Don’t call me Pixie. And, yes, I like what I see very much. What about you, Tony? Do you like what you see?” Jay reclined on the bed, looking very much like she was preparing for her own personal show.

  “I definitely like what I see.” Tony’s arms wrapped around Kendrick’s waist, his arousal pressing firmly against Kendrick’s ass.

  Accepting the challenge Jay and Tony were wordlessly issuing, Kendrick held her gaze. “You look like a pixie. Tiny, cute, blonde, even have the right haircut. It fits.” He felt his face heat, his lips drawing into a smirk, when she blushed and rolled her eyes.

  “Whatever.” Jay sat up, removing her sweater and pants. “Okay, boys, you are tonight’s preshow entertainment. Just don’t finish each other off, I want in on that part. Kendrick, kiss Tony.”

  Feeling like he was playing a game of high stakes poker, Kendrick met her fiery gaze before grabbing the back of Tony’s neck and pulling the man into a hard kiss. He had to admit, kissing a man was hot. Mainly because it was familiar, but at the same time it was so very different. Pretty sure I’d rather have my mouth on Jay right now. But, this was her show, so he took her orders.

  “Tony, show him why you were voted Blowjob Queen of the Windy City three years in a row.” Jay’s eyes sparkled, her smile lighting up her whole face.

  Kendrick found himself mesmerized by that face. Until the heat of Tony’s mouth engulfed him and he could think of nothing more.

  “Okay, enough of just you two getting to play. I want to join the fun.” Stripping the rest of her clothes, Jay knelt in the middle of the bed. Crooking a finger, she motioned for both men to join her.

  After several moments of heated kissing, she broke from them. Panting slightly, she whispered loudly to Kendrick, knowing Tony could hear her.

  “I’m pretty sure Tony is a whole lot more gay than he is bi, but I also know he’ll sacrifice and have sex with me if it means he gets you up his ass.”

  Kendrick laughed when Tony pretended to huff in protest.

  “Yeah, it’s a major sacrifice to fuck your perfect little body, but I’ll take one for the team.” Tony winked at her.

  Kendrick felt a pang. He had no ill-fated notions the three of them would last more than a few more nights, but he found himself feeling jealous of Tony. He wanted to be the one burying himself in Jay’s perfect little body. So why in the hell was he getting ready to fuck a guy he barely knew? All because some damn little waif of a woman found it sexy? Yeah, he was more fucked up than he realized.

  “Wrap it before you tap it, boys.” Jay tossed condoms at their chests.

  “Hey, that’s my signature line, Pixie.”

  “Stop calling me that!”

  Tony stopped the argument before it had time to go any further when he swooped in to kiss Jay, toppling her to her back on the bed.

  Gritting his teeth
hard enough he was sure his jaw would pop, Kendrick’s heart pounded as he watched Tony nudged Jay’s legs apart with his knee. The whimper that sounded from her perfect pink mouth sent heat straight to his cock. He knew the moment Tony had entered her completely.

  “Kendrick, get behind him. I want to feel you fuck him.” Jay’s voice was breathless.

  Dribbling a generous amount of lube on himself, Kendrick took his place behind Tony. Knowing this was the second time he’d been inside this man was somewhat comforting, but also disconcerting seeing as how he didn’t remember the first time. Hell, I said I was curious about being with a man. Time to put up or shut up.

  With his eyes focused on Jay, Kendrick pressed forward, letting Tony’s body engulf him. The heat and squeeze was intense. Thinking only of Jay, Kendrick rocked himself into Tony’s ass, knowing it would press the other man deeper into Jay’s body.

  “Shit, shit, shit. I’m not going to make it. Damn…” Tony stilled, his body clenching around Kendrick.

  “Tap out, Tony. Let Kendrick take over.” Jay giggled.

  Tony stood to dispose of the condom. “I’m going to shower while you two finish up. Damn, Kendrick, you take the prize for getting me off quicker than ever before.”

  Barely hearing the man’s words, Kendrick immediately discarded the condom and reached for another.

  Bringing himself face-to-face with Jay, he rocked his hard length against her core.


  “Hi.” She blushed, rolling her hips in an attempt to take him in.

  “I think your show is over. It’s the Kendrick show now, Pixie.” Capturing her mouth in a searing hot kiss, he let her body adjust to his full length.

  “Oh, God.” She whimpered.

  “No, just me.” He surged forward. “Just me, no one else.” For some reason, he felt the need to possess her, make her forget the feel of another man inside her. A thin sheen of sweat broke on his skin, his body pumping, his breath becoming choppy.

  “Fuck me, Kendrick. Hard.” Jay’s voice caught.

  Kendrick wondered if she used detached sex to cover up a bad past the same way he used jokes and sex to hide from his own.


  The next morning, Kendrick was happy to see a note from Tony. The man stated he had gotten a call from a friend in Chicago, and he needed to go back home. He’d be back at some point to finish as much of his uncle’s house as possible, but the friend in Chicago needed him.

  “I’m sad to see him go. Tony was good people. And he was totally fine with no-strings-attached. I’ll miss having him around.” Jay sat at the kitchen table, sipping hot tea. Her hair was a mess, but he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

  Now probably wouldn’t be a smart time to ask her if she’d be interested in a date. Reel it in, Jordan. She’s talking about no-strings-attached sex the morning after you fucked her and another guy. Not the best time to start looking needy.

  And, damn, what was up with feeling needy about this girl? Sex was sex. She wasn’t interested in more, and he should have been grateful. But a tiny little buzz in his head, like an annoying little fairy, pointed out over and over that he would be happy to spend many more nights in her bed.

  “So, I’ve got to work at the café today. I better get cleaned up.” Jay put her cup in the sink. “Let’s be sure to meet up again sometime. You’re a lot of fun, Kendrick.”

  When she turned and walked toward the bathroom, he realized he’d been dismissed. Gathering up his things, he left her place.

  What the hell?

  Heading home on the walk of shame, head spinning at how quickly he’d been kicked out, and wondering why he felt so empty after a night of outstanding sex was too much for him. He needed coffee, maybe with a little whiskey, and a nice quiet day to regroup his thoughts.

  Knowing he’d have to forgo the whiskey, he stopped at the tiny coffee shop on his way home. Walking through the door, being blasted by the fragrant air, he stopped short at the vision before him.

  What the hell? No way it’s her, it can’t be. Has to just be someone who looks a lot like her.

  The barista was a spitting image of his first real girlfriend. Sarah.

  The hair, the dimple, the shy smile. If he didn’t know there was no way it could be her, he would bet money it was her.

  “Sir, can I help you?” Even her soft voice was Sarah’s as it finally registered in his head.

  With little recollection of the act, he ordered his coffee and headed out the door.

  Memories bombarded him as he walked.

  Kissing Sarah for the first time under the tree at the park. Thinking there was no one he’d rather kiss.

  Her laughing at him when he cut his hand attempting to carve their initials in the old oak tree. Believing their love was the real deal, forever.

  The way his heart thumped against his chest as he worked up the nerve to hold her hand in the hallway at school.

  How it took him over half the movie to finally get his arm around her on their first ‘date’.

  “Someday, after college, we’ll have our own little house here in Torey Hope with a white picket fence, two gorgeous kids, and a dog named Fido. The boy will look just like you, and the girl will have your eyes, but my hair.” Sarah had teased him one day as they lazed in the afternoon sun. At fifteen, they were completely wrapped up in the relationship. As the years went by, and he matured, he realized it was much more infatuation than love. At the time, though, it was so very real.

  Then there was the mess of desire and confusion clouding his mind when they took that next step. He’d known they were likely too young, but there was no telling his burgeoning hormones no when Sarah was convinced it would make things perfect between them.

  The sting of tears, the lump in his throat, and the ache in his heart when she was no longer by his side stayed with him all these years later. She was a friend, a sweet girl, someone he enjoyed spending time with, someone who held his heart, even if for a short time. To have her no longer in his life, the way things went down, was extremely hard at that young age.

  Damn. He really hadn’t wanted to travel down memory lane, especially that particular pathway. What he wanted, no needed, was a nice long, hot shower and a nap. Followed by some greasy food and a couple beers.

  What he didn’t need was a family intervention. But that’s exactly what he got.


  Chapter 4

  Kendrick had agreed to housesit for a colleague at The Center+. It gave him a place to stay while he escaped the suffocating reality of his life for a while.

  His dad, Jeremiah, had figured out where he was staying, but he’d promised to give him a bit longer before unleashing the rest of the family on him. It appeared his time was up.

  As Kendrick sat in the driveway of his colleague’s house, he stared forlornly at his three cousins and their significant others. They stared back at him with sad, pensive eyes.

  Decker, the controlled, serious one of the group walked with purpose to Kendrick’s driver-side door.

  “Get out of the car, fucker.” Turning on his heel, Decker walked away. Just like Decker to assume his orders would be followed.

  He could back up and drive away from them. He could. But he wouldn’t. These people were his life, they were just there to help the same way he’d be there for them.

  “What the hell? Here goes nothing.” Kendrick sighed as he climbed from his gray Ford Mustang.

  Walking toward his three best friends, Kendrick stopped in front of them. “Who called in the cavalry?”

  “You’re lucky it’s just us, next time we’ll bring the whole fam-dam-ly.” Zach crossed his arms across his chest.

  “Well, I guess we may as well get this over with. Come on in.” Kendrick gestured toward the door. When they’d all filed inside, he directed them to the living room. “I’d offer you drinks, but I don’t really have anything here.”

  He sat on the recliner and took in the six others spread out around the room.

  Decker and his girlfriend, soon-to-be fiancé if Kendrick had to guess, Katie, sat together on the loveseat. Decker’s twin, Sawyer, sat on the couch with his partner, Luke, seated on the floor in front of him. Zach and his loved-since-the-beginning-of-time girlfriend, Zoey, took up the rest of the couch.

  “So, is this like an intervention?” Kendrick tried to laugh it off.

  “Stop trying to joke your way out of this. We’re here because we love you, and you’ve been gone too long.” Sawyer’s words were serious.

  “Kendrick, you made a deal with me. If I’d go to therapy, take the medicine, and get myself on the road to healing, you’d do the same. I’ve held up my part of the deal, it’s your turn now.” Zoey’s bright green eyes glistened with tears. He knew she had been through hell and back after a stalker attacked her recently. She was right, he had made that deal with her, but he wasn’t ready to hold up his end yet.

  “Not too long ago, you took me away from a dangerous situation. You were my lifeline when Decker couldn’t be. I’m not going to sit around and watch you sink deeper into whatever this is. You mean the world to us, Kendrick. We need you to get through this, and be back with us.” Katie leaned forward on her knees, pleading with him.

  “Listen, man. Whatever you’re dealing with, we want you to know we understand it’s real and it’s painful and it’s killing you, but we also need you to know we’re here for you. Not just when times are light and fun, we’re family, we’re friends, that’s for life. You hurt, we hurt. We want to help in any way we can, but we can’t help you until you open up to us. Or at least open up to someone.” Sawyer’s eyes never left Kendrick’s, but he reached down and took Luke’s hand as it caressed his knee.

  “We obviously would like for you to talk to us now, but we realize that may be pushing it. So, we’re sort of here to issue an ultimatum. Keep in mind, we do all of this out of love. We also do it out of the knowledge that you’d be doing the exact same thing to help one of us.” Decker’s eyes had a hard glint. “You’ve got two more weeks. Get the drinking, sex, partying out of your system, because then you’re coming home and facing this shit head-on.”


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