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Cream Pie Murderous Intent: Kim’s Cozy Mystery - Book 2 (Kim’s Cozy Mystery series)

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by Tom Soule

  Mr. Hayes felt the winds of the case going his way; he demanded the evidence to be re-examined. “I think we need to look at all the evidence, and re-interview this supposed witness,” he explained to the sheriff and detective.

  The sheriff nodded in agreement with the idea, but Mulling saw it as a tactic to shakedown the witness. After a 3 hour delay, a skinny young waiter from the Johnson Resort came down to the police station. He had no idea the impact his account of the night would have. This time, the waiter’s account about the night changed.

  “I never saw Mr. Johnson’s daughter, no sir,” stated the waiter, sweating profusely in the interrogation room.

  “Are you sure?” Mulling asked, his temper getting the better of him. “Who got to you? Why are you recanting the story?”

  “I never meant to hurt anyone! I cannot let someone innocent go to jail,” the scared waiter explained. I am not too sure if I saw Kim; there were many ladies that night.

  “I guess that’s that,” said Mr. Hayes, folding his arms in triumph.

  “You bastards! Go get my daughter,” demanded Mr. Johnson. “The young man just said that my daughter wasn’t seen entering the room where Jasmine died.”

  After the recant by the witness, the sheriff knew what he had to do. He ordered two officers immediately.

  The two officers shuffled off to the holding area. Without a witness placing Kim in the room with Jasmine, there wasn’t a strong case for murder. Speculation was the only weapon Detective Mulling had left, but it wasn’t enough to keep Kim in jail. Kim was finally released.

  Chapter 4

  Even though Kim had finally been released from jail, the nightmare was still not over. The mayor’s position had already been called into questioning, thanks to his daughter’s arrest. Detective Mulling, and many other officers, still felt Kim was a good suspect, but they just couldn’t prove it. The rumor mills in town got wind of Kim’s pending murder charges and Huntington no longer trusted the mayor; they wanted a new leader.

  “Sir, all your supporters have met with people all over town and the distrust keeps getting worse. I think you should seriously consider stepping down as mayor,” persuaded one of the mayor’s advisors.

  Charging through the door unannounced, Kim paraded one of her delicious treats.

  “Here, Dad, this will cheer you up! Mom’s chocolate cream pie!” Mr. Johnson plastered on a fake smile as if in delight. It was the first time Kim had seemed happy about anything since going to jail; he didn’t want to kill the moment.

  For days, Kim had locked herself away in the kitchen at the Johnson Resort, making numerous pies and cupcakes she alone couldn’t possibly eat. She distracted herself in the kitchen, far away from the real world.

  “Honey, I can’t right now. Maybe later,” Mr. Johnson explained.

  “Dad, I made all this food so you’d better take some,” Kim demanded.

  “Okay, but this young fellow is going to try some as well,” Mr. Johnson added.

  “No sir, that’s fine. I’m not hungry,” the advisor claimed as he quivered in his seat to hide his discomfort.

  “Nonsense! You must try my pie; it will change your life,” insisted Kim, pushing her chocolate pie within his peripheral view. There was nowhere to go; the mouthwatering dessert was calling his name. He took one bite, and then demolished the pie; he even requested more.

  Deep down, Kim started to wonder. Why didn’t he want to try the treat at first? Was it because he thinks I’m a killer? She thought.


  “Okay, let’s get back to business. I think I should run another town hall meeting to get to the bottom of everything. The only way to rebuild trust is to talk to the town,” Mr. Johnson suggested.

  “We already tried that, sir. This time, the people want action, starting with you leaving office,” the advisor said boldly.

  Mr. Johnson’s face contorted in shock at David’s request


  “That’s not going to happen. No way am I stepping down,” said Mr. Johnson as he stared at David with rage. “Call an emergency town hall meeting for tonight; that’s your task for the day.”

  David was unimpressed by the mayor’s request, but he composed himself and said, “Yes, sir.” He shook the mayor’s calloused hand and disappointedly walked away. David had worked with the mayor for the last three years. He had always given the mayor good advice, whether the mayor liked it or not. This time, David knew he had given the mayor information he would simply not accept.

  The mayor understood the predicament he was in, as the people no longer trusted him. He knew that talking to the town about this daughter would be risky. However, the mayor was in a desperate bind. The mayor explained the plan to Kim, who was still shaken up from her stint in jail.

  “Darling, you’ve got to be strong, just a little longer. I am asking you to be strong with me,” pleaded Mr. Johnson as he rehearsed a plan with Kim for the emergency meeting.

  “Dad, of course I will,” Kim said, hugging her father to show her devotion.

  Chapter 5

  When the town hall meeting finally arrived, a very large crowd gathered. They were upset and unfriendly toward the mayor. Mr. Johnson walked up and everyone saw a scoundrel and a huge disappointment standing on stage.

  He held the heavy microphone, cleared his voice, and spoke.

  “I am a straight shooter and I am not going to change that now! I know things don’t look good, especially with my daughter in the middle of a murder investigation that has paralyzed this town. But I want you to know that, if I am willing to let my daughter spend time in jail just to get to the bottom of this murder investigation, it shows how committed I am to capturing this culprit. I will move every stone. I will go every distance just to get to the bottom of this. The law is above no man, not even me, and I am the most committed person to wage this fight for Huntington.”

  The crowd was stunned by his declaration. The majority of the people who gathered was ready to demand his resignation before his speech, but his words swayed the people of the town. They were inclined to give him another chance. Even Kim stood up and spoke for her dad.

  “Hello friends. I know half of the town is convinced I am a killer and the other half is just plain scared, but I want you to know that I still believe in my dad. Despite the fact that I just spent days in jail and was blamed for a murder I never committed, I choose to stand with my dad. Please, I am begging you, let’s stand together and get the real killer!”

  Most of the people believed again, but some still weren’t convinced, especially considering how many people had already fled town.

  Detective Mulling still didn’t feel right about Kim’s role in Jasmine’s death. He started to watch Kim from a distance, outside his police jurisdiction. Many of the town’s people had already packed up and left Huntington for good. Despite the exodus, the mayor still had enough pull to remain in control of a collapsing Huntington.

  Chapter 6

  Kim was still in hiding after the last town hall meeting. More than a week had passed since she’d last seen her best friends and her fiancé. Unbeknownst to Kim at the time, Sam’s family took the murder very hard. Sam’s mother and father had grown up in Huntington. However, things were changing and they no longer wanted to be apart of the forsaken town. With the murder and a sinking economy Huntington has lost its appeal. The decision to leave the town was devastating to his family. They have lived there for generations.

  They held the mayor responsible and blamed him for the fall of their great town. After the town meeting, the mayor was still in charge, and they knew they could no longer stay and watch their town crumble further.

  Once Sam’s family found out that Kim was a main suspect in a murder investigation, they wanted nothing to do with the Johnsons. Sam however, was still madly in love with Kim. He secretly missed her cherry pie. Sam smiled, thinking fondly of her baking. The aroma danced around in his thoughts. That was not the only thing keeping his mind occupied, however.

  Is she capable of doing this? Sam contemplated daily about his fiancée.

  He recalled his very personal breakfast with Jasmine, and knew they had gone too far.

  I wonder if Kim somehow found out and killed her; after all, Kim is the jealous type. But murder? Sam pondered the possibility. But how could she trust me if I cannot even believe in her!? Sam fought with himself. This was the reason he never rushed to comfort his bride to be when she was at the police station.

  At the emergency town hall meeting, he watched his fiancée pour out her heart to the people. He saw her strength, her struggles, and her honesty. Because of her speech, he was committed to stand by her. He knew that the task was not going to be easy. His family hated her and refused to have anything to do with her. He didn’t even know where his engagement stood. Still, he decided to make the first move.

  He pulled out his cell and left her a message. “Hey Kim, it’s me. How are you? I’ve being trying to call you all day, but your phone keeps going to voicemail. I just want you to know that I’m coming to the Johnson Resort today, and I hope you will be there.” After the call, he hopped into his car and drove all the way to the Johnson Resort.

  Once Sam pulled up at the front entrance in his gray sedan, he froze and glared in shock.

  Just a few weeks ago, this was the hottest spot for Huntington. Now, it’s completely dead. Sam stepped out his car, and noticed that not even one valet was present. Sam crept closer to entrance.

  As he entered the lobby, he stepped past the ballroom where the Governor’s Ball had been held. The dead silence felt quite eerie.

  Hey kept walking until he was at Kim’s kitchen. The aroma of her beloved cream pie called him into the room.

  “Hey beautiful. I’m the worst fiancé on earth, but I’m here now,” Sam pleaded, handing Kim a pristine red rose. Kim kept baking as if he wasn’t there. He went over the oven and stood between her and the baking tray. She looked up at him with cold, sad eyes.

  “You waited a long time to talk. You must have thought I was guilty, am I right?” Kim asked. “I went to jail, and you weren’t at my side. You asked me to marry you; that meant something, Sam, but you weren’t there. I cannot marry you, Sam, and I cannot get past this.” Kim’s tears expressed it all.

  “It doesn’t have to end like this. I was weak, and things are different now,” Sam said.

  Kim wiped her tears and nodded in agreement. “You are right; we are both very different now. I cannot be with someone who doesn’t trust me. I will always love you, but the wedding is off.”

  Sam knew how terribly he had messed up. He tried to convince Kim otherwise, but they just weren’t on the same page.

  “Kim this can’t be the end. Every day without you killed me, you’ve got to know that.” Sam stretched his hand out, begging for another chance. Nevertheless, Kim didn’t give in to his blue eyes.

  “I think you need to leave,” Kim replied, ignoring his begging. Whether it was Jasmine’s death or just going to jail, Kim had changed. She was empowered, enlightened, and honest with herself. Sam moved out from her path and walked toward the door. He suddenly turned back and yelled, “I will not give up so easily, not this time and not ever!” He left her with those words to reflect on.

  Kim was still hammering away in the kitchen in search of new ideas. Business was slow since the murder, and all her old contacts had dried up. She baked some delicious cupcakes and decided to donate them to the Huntington Baptist Church, since she couldn’t sell them.

  In the middle of one of her failed batches, she sighed with great disappointment.

  No worries; I will try again! Kim thought.

  By late afternoon, Kim had spent the entire day alone at the Johnson Resort.

  Bursting through the kitchen door, a haunted Stacy broke the silence, scared to death with guilt.

  “Kimmy, help me, I don’t know what to do!” Stacy cried in pain. “I am so ashamed of the way I treated Jasmine. Now she is gone, and I cannot make it right,” Stacy explained, searching for Kim’s warm friendly support.

  Stacy also knew that she hadn’t been there for Kim, but she gave an alibi just to make sure the friendship was preserved.

  “That’s the really reason I haven’t been here with you girls. I am so ashamed.” She paused, seeming to realize something. “Where is Sharon?”

  “I haven’t seen anyone since the ball,” Kim strongly emphasized. “I have no idea.”

  “That’s strange—something is wrong,” Stacy said. “Sharon told me she was heading over here a week ago, and then she just stopped texting,” Stacy insisted.

  “Calm down! Sharon just needed a break from all the drama. I’m sure she is fine,” Kim said reassuringly. Stacy sighed in disbelief. She frantically called Sharon’s phone.

  “It’s going straight to voicemail; something is wrong! I can feel it.” Stacy‘s bones rattled with unease.

  “Okay, I think I deserve a break, and I do miss us girls. Let’s pay her a visit for old time’s sake,” Kim replied.

  Chapter 7

  By ten minutes past 9 pm, the moon had climbed into the sky, shining its light on the girls. Kim and Stacy had just arrived at Sharon’s house. Stacy was tempted to sneak in through the back, but Kim protested. As they walked toward the front door, Kim had second thoughts about visiting Sharon that night.

  Kim turned to Stacy. “Maybe we should go home.”

  “I won’t leave until I speak to Sharon,” Stacy replied firmly.

  Once they were at the front door, they could hear the TV running in the living room.

  “I wonder what she’s watching,” Kim said jokingly. “Probably housewife shows.”

  “Hey, anybody home?” Stacy said as she pounded her hand on the door. Kim quickly got annoyed that Sharon wasn’t responding.

  “Wha—tever, I am going home,” Kim frowned, sighing in displeasure.

  “Wait! I know where Sharon keeps a spare key.” Stacy pushed away the black and white welcome mat and extracted a small key.

  “Okay, let’s check on her before we go.” Kim said with a poker-face.

  The television was deafeningly loud, and the lights were burning hot in the living room, as if they hadn’t been turned off in days. Kim started to feel uneasy about the condition of the house.

  “I’ve looked everywhere! Where is she?”

  “Maybe she went somewhere and just forgot to turn things off!” Kim reassured Stacy.

  “No, her car’s in the driveway,” Stacy said with heavy breaths.

  Concern flared inside Kim. “Well, let’s just hang around until she returns.” Ten minutes flew by, and Kim decided she was already bored. “I remember I leant Sharon some cookie cutters. They weren’t in the kitchen, so I’m going to check the basement.”

  The wooden steps were loud and squeaky, making every step feel like you were going to fall through. After taking a billion steps, Kim finally made it to the foot of the basement.

  “Why is it so dark here?” Kim asked aloud as she fought off the spider webs. “Eww, I think I need some light down here.” She stumbled into a chair in the center of the basement. “What th-- aaaahh, HELP! Stacy, call the police, call the police!”

  “Kim, I can’t hear you. What are you huffing and puffing about?” Stacy chuckled at Kim. “I’m coming.” Stacy quickly walked down the steps to investigate the matter.

  She quickly realized what Kim was screaming about once she made it down the stairs. “What the...?” Stacy passed out from the shock. Kim raced up the wooden stairs, screaming for help as she ran outside and onto the streets. She was out of breath and dialing 911.

  “Operator, I need the police and an ambulance. Mmm-my friend is ti-ied-d... to a ch-chair and not mov-ving,” Kim stammered through the phone call.

  At that moment, Detective Mulling emerged from out of nowhere to meet Kim on the street.

  “What’s the matter” inquired Mulling.

  “It‘s…Sharon. She’s being held downstairs” Kim
replied, still panicking.

  He pulled out his gun and raced to the basement. He saw a passed out Stacy and a lifeless Sharon bound to a chair.

  “Kim! If you can hear me, get a knife!” Mulling shouted. “Wake up, wake up, you need to get up. Can you walk?” Mulling asked Stacy.

  Mulling saw the door flew open, and the paramedics arrived at record speed. The paramedics quickly carried Sharon up from the basement.

  “Oh my god! Stacy called out in disbelief. Kim stood in complete silence as their friend was carried away.

  “Hey, are you guys okay?” Mulling asked Kim and Stacy once they settled down and Sharon was tucked away in the ambulance.

  “No, I’m not; I just saw….” Kim couldn’t finish. “Wait. What are you doing here anyways? You appeared out of nowhere! You came before the 9-1-1- call.”

  “Huh….with all due respect, I was keeping an eye on you. I wanted to make sure I could clear you as a suspect.” Mulling replied. Kim was now clearly pissed at Mulling.

  “Oooh, I can’t believe you! If you ever follow me again, I swear, I’ll get your badge,” Kim boldly told the detective.

  To lighten the tense mood, Stacy interjected. “Well I don’t care why you are here, I am just glad you came, to our aid,” she smiled and showed gratitude.

  Sharon was the glue who held the girls together. The “three sexy musketeers” they used to call themselves. Tonight was a very close call for one of the musketeers.


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