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Cream Pie Murderous Intent: Kim’s Cozy Mystery - Book 2 (Kim’s Cozy Mystery series)

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by Tom Soule

  Mulling refocused the investigation on Sharon. “I know this is an emotional situation, but we need to focus on Sharon. So, from the top, why are you here and when was the last time you saw Sharon?” Mulling inquired. He pulled out his black ink pen and began to make notes.

  Kim was yet again answering questions, but this time she knew it was for Sharon’s sake; and that Mulling wanted to find out the truth.

  “Girls, one more thing; I don’t understand why he didn’t just kill her. What do you girls think?” Mulling asked.

  “They were probably going to come back and finish the job.” Stacy blurted out.

  “I think it’s time we head back to the hospital; we should have been there 20 minutes ago,” Kim said concerningly.

  “The details are still fresh, we needed to talk about them sooner rather than later,” Mulling explained to Kim. “Come with me; I’ll give you a ride to the hospital.” Kim was still uncomfortable with Mulling, but decided it was best to leave with him and Stacy.

  Other officers were dispatched to be with Sharon; for her protection. Additionally, an emergency abduction alert was sent to the entire town about the home invasion. The entire town would be well aware of the situation in the morning.

  Chapter 8

  Kim and Stacy searched high and low in the hospital for Sharon. Once they found her floor, they ran into different problems. The doctors were very hesitant to let them visit.

  “Ma’am, I’m afraid the patient is not allowed to have visitors,” said the doctor. After Mulling caught up with the girls, he asked the doctors for an exception.

  “The girls are family to the victim,” Mulling fibbed to the nurse working that shift. Finally, after several delays, the girls were finally reunited. Kim and Stacy hovered over an unconscious Sharon. After a few minutes, Kim started to cry. Tears flowed down her cheeks.

  “You were right, Stacy. Sharon was in trouble. You sensed it and knew it, but I was blind to the whole thing. It’s my fault we didn’t find her sooner,” Kim told Stacy.

  “Kim, you’re not responsible for this. If we’d gotten over there earlier, there’s no telling what would have happened. Besides, your quick response saved her life.” Stacy reached out, her fingers closing around Kim’s hand in silent comfort.

  “We are together again,” Stacy murmured.

  In the middle of the emotional moment, Sharon’s eyes popped open.

  “What happened?”

  “Nurse, she’s awake!” Stacy yelled with tremendous relief. The nurses approached Sharon, checking her vitals and heart levels. Once the nurse gave the go ahead, Mulling proceeded to find out everything Sharon knew.

  “Detective, don’t push her too hard; she’s still not 100 percent better yet.” The nurse told the detective. The detective nodded before starting his questioning.

  “Hey, Sharon, I’m glad you’re back among the living. Can you try and recall the last thing you remember?”

  Sharon was delirious, but once she saw her girls, she started to smile. “I don’t know, Detective,” Sharon replied, turning her attention to Mulling.

  “That’s fine, Sharon, just tell me something,” Mulling calmly encouraged.

  “I remember getting ready to leave to see Kim and somehow…I just blacked out. I…I remember a man in a mask. He told me if I cooperated, I would live.” Sharon frowned, looking almost fearful as she recalled the incident.

  “It’s okay, Sharon; he can’t hurt you now. We’ve got security guards here to protect you,” Mulling said reassuringly. “Did anything else stand out about this masked man?”

  “Well … yes. He cried when he asked me about Jasmine,” Sharon replied. Things seemed more bizarre.

  Why would he cry? Mulling thought. “Are you sure he was crying?” He asked. Sharon nodded once. “Alright then, what are some of the questions the kidnapper asked you?”

  “Detective, I think you are pushing her too hard; she needs to get some rest,” insisted the nurse. Mulling decided to retreat. He would ask Sharon more questions when she was feeling better.

  “Girls, visiting hour is up!” The nurse also said, looking at the girls.

  “Please, let us stay a bit longer; she just woke up,” Kim begged the nurse. The nurse agreed to a few more minutes.

  Before Mulling left, he gave the girls his card. “If you girls need anything else, just give me a call.”

  Kim looked at Mulling with disapproval. Deep down, she know that the detective was just doing his job when he arrested her that night at the police station, but the trauma of being in a holding cell still hurt.

  “We are finally together at last” Kim exclaimed as the girls gave each other a group hug.

  “Ouch! That hurts,” Sharon said, pulling away her sore arm.

  “Sorry, Sharon; I was just excited,” Stacy said apologetically, loosening her hold on Sharon.

  “There something I need to tell you,” Sharon blurted out.

  “What is it?” Kim asked, concerningly.

  “The kidnapper wanted to know who vandalized Jasmine’s house. I told him I didn’t know, but he saw straight through me. He threatened me with a knife at my throat and told me he was going to kill me,” Sharon looked upset as she fought to find the words to explain to the girls. “I’m sorry, Stacy; I had to tell him the truth! My life flashed before my eyes when he rubbed the blade against my neck.” The girls were puzzled as to why the kidnapper who they presumed was responsible for killing Jasmine would want to know about the vandalism.

  “This is all my fault; if I hadn’t vandalized the house, maybe Jasmine would be here.” Stacy said.

  “That’s not true; we have no idea what is going here,” Kim replied. She’d opened her mouth to continue when the nurse once again burst in the room.

  “Girls, please, it’s past visiting hours; I don’t want to get security,” the nurse instructed. Kim rolled her eyes.

  “We’ll be here again first thing in the morning,” Stacy said as the nurse chased them out the room.

  While the girls went home and locked their doors extra tight, the town digested the news of Sharon’s home invasion. The crime had sent the town into more panic.

  This time, the sheriff had to say something; he held a closed press conference. He didn’t want to give the people a chance to rebut. Only a camera and himself speaking, just the way the sheriff chief likes it.

  “I want to give a special thanks to Detective Mulling and Kimberly Johnson for saving a member of this town. The courage it took to save that girl’s life must be recognized.” Sheriff King included Kim only to appease the mayor. Not wanting to lose his job, he painted Kim as a town hero to make up for the bad blood between them. The sheriff continued speaking about the invasion and warned the town about the new curfew and reporting suspicious activities in the town. It was a brief conference to calm the people’s fear.

  When Sam got wind of the attack, he was lock-jawed when he realized he hadn’t been around to protect Kim. Simmering with regret, he drove immediately to Kim’s house after the pressed conference. He was thankful that he still had keys.

  “Kim, are you here?” Sam asked as he slammed the door behind him. He glanced up at the stair case and saw Kim’s glowing blonde hair as she made her way down the stairs.

  “What do you want, Sam?” Kim asked, getting straight to the point.

  “I watched the press conference with the sheriff and immediately came over here just to make sure you were okay,” Sam informed Her.

  “Huh, well, as you can see, I’m fine,” Kim replied, her tone angry.

  “I don’t care how you feel about me right now; all you need to know is that I will never leave your side again no matter what! I will stand here and protect you like I should have done.”

  “It’s a little too late, Sam. The damage is already done,” Kim said as she walked him to the door.

  “I know we are complicated, Kim, but I won’t walk away; not this time,” Sam informed her. He went toward the door and tried to hold her
hand, but she snatched it away.

  “You are welcome to stay on the sofa,” Kim said as she went back up the stairs. Sam knew he’d just won a battle, but not yet the war for his sweet Kim.

  Chapter 9

  It was a very scary time for Kim and her friends. Everyone was on edge. Anything could happen and they still hadn’t found the kidnapper or murderer. Kim was very determined to find the killer. This person stole her freedom, her relationship, her catering business, and now the health of one of her best friends. Kim resorted to what she did best: baking delicious treats at the Johnson Resort.

  “I don’t know why you followed me here; I told you I can take care of myself.” Kim explained as she walked away from Sam. “Besides, Sharon is leaving the hospital today, and I want to make her something to celebrate.” Once Sam was convinced all was well, he stepped out of the kitchen. Kim proceeded to begin her ritual: she rolled up her sleeves, put on her apron, and gathered her ingredients. As she was baking, the tranquility gave her the perfect opportunity to reflect on everything that had happened so far. Kim’s thoughts turned back to the first time she met Jasmine, at the town bakeoff. Kim tied with Jasmine for 1st place. Kim also recalled that Jasmine was in search of her family.

  Maybe whoever killed Jasmine had something to gain, Kim thought to herself. Just before Kim shared her theory aloud with Sam, the smoke alarm went off and the smell of burnt chocolate chip cookie dough flooded the kitchen. So, much for taking Sharon a tasty treat.

  “I cannot believe I never smelled them!” Kim said to herself.

  “Hey, everything okay? I heard the alarm.” Sam rushed in the kitchen.

  “It’s fine; just burnt my first batch of cookies,” Kim explained.

  “I have never seen you burn cookies before,” Sam said, concerned. He pulled up his sleeves and went to throw away the burnt dough. “Here, let me do that,” Sam proposed, taking the baking tray to the sink to wash it.

  “I’m going to make a quick call,” Kim told Sam as she left the kitchen.

  “Hello detective. It’s Kim. I just wanted to let you know something about Jasmine.”

  Mulling was shocked to hear Kim’s voice; he couldn’t believe she’d called him. “Thanks for the call. I’m all ears,” Mulling said eagerly

  “In one of my meetings with Jasmine, she told me she was here to meet her family, primarily Mr. Stove. I don’t know how they are related. I was thinking the killer might be someone who would benefit from Jasmine’s death.”

  “That does sound very interesting; I’ll look into it,” Mulling said as he made notes of her every word. “Johnson, since you are on the phone, I want to personally apologize for the hell you endured while you were in jail. I should have dug deeper before we arrested you. I failed you, and I am sorry.”

  “I’m going to be honest; I am forever changed because of that experience, but I will try my best to forgive,” Kim said, bottling her rage.

  Chapter 10

  After the home invasion, Stacy was glued to Sharon’s side.

  “Sharon, we will get through this together.” To properly recover from the attack, Sharon moved out of Huntington. She left with her family to Bayset, a neighboring town 55 miles away from Huntington. Stacy happily accompanied Sharon. “I don’t know why Kim didn’t come; this is just what we needed: some alone time with nature,” Stacy looked at the rolling hills, leading up to a steep mountain in Sharon’s backyard. The large trees provided shade during the humid days. The girls sat in the yard, sipping some amazing iced tea.

  “How are your parents handling the news?” Stacy asked Sharon.

  “I didn’t tell them, I downplayed the incident so they wouldn’t get all worked up.”

  “You didn’t tell your parents?” Stacy hissed. “They need to know, Sharon! You need to tell them the truth!”

  “Keep your voice down; are you going to tell the entire town?” Sharon replied.

  “Fine, but I still think you should tell them,” Stacy insisted.

  After a week in Bayset, Stacy decided to take a quick trip back home,

  making the two hour trek alone. When she arrived, she pulled her Chevy into the driveway, then stepped out to stretch her legs. What a day… I’m going to call the girls and put them on three way, Stacy thought as she walked toward the front door.

  “Hey, Kim and Sharon! I’m back!” Stacy said over the phone.

  “Finally! I felt so left out of the mix,” Kim explained to the girls.

  “Kim, that’s your own fault for not driving with us to Bayset,” Stacy replied.

  “So true, Kim,” Sharon added.

  “Yeah, guys, I feel so bad that I didn’t make the trip. Are you okay though, Sharon?” Kim asked.

  “I’m fine; I’m with family,” Sharon reassured the girls.

  “Where exactly are you, Stacy?” Kim asked.

  “I’m about to get in the house right now” Stacy informed the girls.

  “You should grab your stuff and crash at my house tonight; I miss you,” Kim said.

  “No. You have a fiancé to keep you company,” Stacy replied.

  “Well, I think we’re on the rocks right now.”

  “Kim, you need to forgive him! Sam loves you!”

  “Easier said than done; I don’t know where to start,” Kim said sadly. She stiffened as she heard a commotion over the phone.

  “Aaaaah the house! The house! I think someone’s in here!” Stacy shrieked in terror.

  “Get out the house now!” yelled Kim as she called 911 from her cell phone.

  Detective Mulling was yet again first on the scene, soon followed by an army of police and forensic officers. By the time Sam’s car arrived on the scene the police blocked off the street.

  “I think we have to walk down there; the police blocked everything off,” Sam explained to Kim.

  “I don’t care, I just want to be there for my friend,” Kim said firmly.

  Kim raced down the street like a mad person. She fought her wait through the cops until she saw Stacy. When she saw Stacy, Kim threw her arms around her and never wanted to let go.

  “You’re going to stay with me and Sam, and two police will be stationed outside at all times,” Kim reassured her. Stacy’s safe, and loving home was now a haunted memory. Her house was trashed. It was as if a tornado had rolled in, destroying everything. Stacy never had the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the entire premises, but she could see a quick preview of destruction just by standing at the porch. She looked in horror when she realized her living room had been torched and her sofa had been ripped with a knife.

  Mulling stepped up to talk to Stacy and Kim.

  “Once the forensics team is done, I will personally make sure you get a cleaning crew,” Mulling said to the girls. “I also want you to know this was very sloppy; they cut themselves on one of the vases in the living room. I can assure you, we will get the culprit.”

  “Thanks, Detective Mulling. Stacy has been through enough already. I’m going to take her home with me and Sam. I’m very grateful for the patrol cars that will protect us outside my house,” Kim said in a rush.

  “I cannot disagree with that,” Mulling agreed. After a terrifying night, Stacy was now snuggled in Kim’s guest room and talking with her best gal pal. They snuggled under a large blanket to hide from the malicious world.

  Chapter 11

  Kim was all drama-ed out between Sharon’s invasion and Stacy’s house being trashed. She didn’t think she could handle any more catastrophes. She needed a normal day, so she went to the Johnson Resort, the only place still safe in Huntington.

  She found herself recalling so many memories. The many weddings, balls, and parties that was held there. The first time she made the cherry pie in the kitchen, the place where she endlessly practiced baking and started her business. The Johnson Resort was her life.

  Kim started to make her traditional cake. She used the best berries and the softest brown sugar in Huntington to make the creamy thick batter; she als
o made her secret flavored almond crust. No one knew how she made it. It was top secret.

  While she was toiling in her kitchen, she heard a loud, annoying truck killing her cooking vibes. She was trying her best to ignore them until someone entered the resort. She stormed out the kitchen to investigate the matter.

  “We need to get that chandelier down and the paintings out of the convention room. We need to get those chairs out as well,” the movers talked amongst themselves.

  “Why are you moving this stuff? I think you have the wrong place,” Kim snapped at the movers.

  “We have a lot of things to move and not a lot of time to get it done, so take it up with Mr. Johnson,” the movers replied.

  “That was rude,” replied Kim. “Where is Mr. Johnson? He’s my father, by the way,” Kim asked the movers. They pointed to the main office. She quickly walked to his office to find out what had happened.

  “Hey, Dad, what’s going on?” Kim asked, her voice full of concern.

  “I hate to lie, and I didn’t want you to find out like this, but I’m selling the resort,” Mr. Johnson said. His words hit her like a brick.

  “What? But you can’t! This place is the life blood of this town! I grew up here! I had my prom, sweet 16, birthdays, and mom…” Kim explained as her eyes filled with tears.

  “I know how you feel, sweetheart; that’s why I didn’t want to tell you. With the town on a decline and the murder, it just costs too much to run an empty resort. I have to sell,” the mayor explained, sighing.

  Speechless and devastated, Kim cringed at the loss of her home away from home. “Just like that, you would sell this place?”


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