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Bride For Order

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

Her body tensed, shook, and tingles raced up and down her arms and legs. Landon breathed fast and hot, ground himself against her, but never stopped stroking her pussy, touching her clit. He played her like a finely tuned instrument, one only he knew how to use.

  When he pulled back there was this look of pure, unadulterated lust on his face. He didn’t speak for long seconds, just stared into her eyes. “I hope you’re ready for more, Anna, because we’re just starting.”


  Landon stared at the damage that stood before him, and he was fucking pissed. He’d been so close, like the tip of his dick inside his wife, about to make her completely his, to show her in no uncertain terms exactly what she did to him, and in that moment, something loud in the distance, the earth shaking just a little, and crashing.

  And then he’d had to withdraw his cock from her tight pussy, or at least the tip because that’s as far as he’d gone, and had gotten his clothes on to see what the damage had been.

  His workshop.

  The house was more than fine, perfectly intact, but his workshop was completely destroyed.

  “Are you okay?” Anna asked, coming out to hand him a coffee. He took it from her with a thank you.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You look … kind of angry.”

  “I’m not angry with you.” No, he just had a serious case of blue balls. It was like something was working against him, denying him the pleasure of her body, making him wait, making him beg.

  Running his hand down her back, he cupped her hip, remembering those few moments when she’d been open beneath him, ready to take his dick. She’d been so slick, like fire in his arms.

  The feel of her lips around his cock, pure heaven.

  Now he had to deal with this crap.

  He’d been in the process of salvaging some stuff. Moving the broken wood to one side, and the other materials in a pile on the yard.

  “I’m pissed that I didn’t think to check or cut down the damn tops of the trees. I did it all for the house but not my workshop.”

  “Is everything going to be okay?” She nibbled her lip, looking worried.

  “Everything for you is paid. You don’t have to worry about your mother.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about that, Landon. I was thinking about your work. Your precious work.” She stepped forward and picked up a piece of his work, or at least his shattered work.

  “Don’t you worry about this. Some of my work is salvageable, and those that aren’t, I’ll figure something out.”

  “I don’t like the thought of you going without like this. It’s not fair.”

  “You’re sweet.” He took a sip of his coffee. Handing her the cup, he took the piece of wood she’d picked up and placed it in another pile. “I can figure this out. I promise.”

  This wasn’t the first time he’d had to do something like that. Working through the debris, he was careful of the broken glass from the windows and some of his material. He’d already sent out emails notifying people of the damage and that he’d have an update on their order details shortly.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Anna took a seat on the steps leading up to their home. She wore one of his thick sweaters, looking every part the wife he’d always wanted. Her hair cascaded all around her, and her face was free of makeup.

  “What do you love about working with wood? Constructing things?” she asked.

  He glanced up at her to see that she was genuinely interested. “There’s something hard and sure about wood.” He picked up a piece. “Wood is grown. It’s a living organism and it builds each year a layer of strength. You’ve got to respect that. The smell, the feel, the control it has. It’s everything.”

  “You’re passionate about it?”

  “I like my work. Metal is great. I’ve done some work with metal but it’s cold. It has no life in it. It’s just something and you can bend and mold it.” He didn’t feel anything for metal.

  “In a way, you’re an artist.”

  “Yeah, I guess I am.” He winked at her. “You like that?”

  “Yeah. My sexy, artist husband.” She sighed. “Have you noticed we’ve not been able to … you know.”

  “Fuck?” He loved it when her cheeks heated like that and she looked so charming. “I know, baby.”

  She chuckled. “It’s giving me a chance to get to know you.”

  “And what do you think of what you know so far?” he asked.

  “I like you. I like the way you think.” She stared down at his cup.

  “Is there anything else you like?” He could tell that she wanted to say something more.

  “When we’re in bed. When you hold me. I feel safe with you. Secure.”

  “You’ll always be safe with me, Anna. I’ll never do anything to hurt you.”

  “I know. You’re a good man, Landon.”

  The things he wanted to do to her didn’t make him a good man. It made him a very dirty man. When he finally got her beneath him, no distractions, no damn storms, he was going to take her so hard that she couldn’t walk straight.

  “How is your mother?” He’d left her on the phone getting an update.

  “She’s doing okay. The new medicine is helping her and she’s been able to do more.”

  He saw the yearning in her eyes.

  “Would you like to go and visit her?” he asked.


  “I’d like to come as well if that’s okay. Meet my woman’s mother. I bet she’s just as beautiful as you are.”

  “She’s even more so. You’d do that for me?”

  He glanced over at her with a smile. “You need to realize that there is a lot I would willingly do for you. I’m not a monster.”

  She placed the mug of coffee on the step and charged toward him. He opened his arms, picking her up, and laughing.

  “Thank you. Thank you.”

  He spun her around, loving the sound of her laughter. They hadn’t had sex yet but he loved getting to know her, feeling her getting closer to him in more ways than the physical.

  Releasing her, he cupped her face, tilting her head back. There was real warmth in her eyes, and he couldn’t contain himself. Pressing his lips to hers, he kissed her.

  She moaned, melting against him, her hands tightening on his arms as she did.

  “I’ll arrange it. When do you want to go?” she asked.

  “Whenever you’re ready, baby.”

  She giggled. “Okay then.” He watched her go, picking up the cup on her way past. “I’ll fill this for you and be out to help you in a moment.”

  He watched her go, caught by how much he’d come to enjoy having her around. It hadn’t been long but he couldn’t imagine not being with her. She’d made his life complete in her own way.

  Staring at his destroyed workshop, he smiled.

  When he finally did get to make her his, it was going to be well worth it.

  He did wonder when that was going to be.


  Landon smiled and took the coffee Anna’s brother handed him. Although Jack was only a few years older than Anna, it was clear taking care of their mother had taken his toll on the man. He had dark circles under his eyes, and an expression of age and knowing how hard shit could be covered his face.

  “Thanks,” he said to Jack, and watched as the other man sat across from him. Anna was in the living room with her mother, who was resting on the couch. “How’s she doing?” Landon asked Jack.

  Jack glanced at him, this guarded expression on his face. Hell, Landon didn’t blame him. Here Landon was, showing up at Jack’s house with his mail order bride, which happened to be Jack’s sister, asking how their mother was doing like he knew all about their troubles.

  “She’s better,” he said and exhaled, staring at Landon, that wall still up. “The new meds and treatment are helping tremendously, but she’s still weak.”

  Landon nodded, not sure what to say in response. He didn’t want to cross lines by making small talk l
ike he knew them or what they were going through. He didn’t, but he wanted to. Landon wanted them both to know that he was here, that Anna wasn’t a prisoner, that he wasn’t going to keep her from her family.

  “Listen,” Jack finally said, this seriousness in his voice and face telling Landon that he knew what was coming. “I know how you and my sister met, and although I can’t tell her what to do or how to live her life, I won’t pretend like it’s not slightly fucked up.”

  Landon ran a hand over his jaw, the scruff under his palm a days’ worth. “Yeah, I guess in a sense it is.”

  “I mean, why not just go out and find a woman the normal way?”

  “Normal way?” Although Landon knew what Jack was talking about, he didn’t want to go here with Anna’s brother, but assumed it was inevitable.

  “Yeah, like meet a woman not through the internet because you bought her.” Jack lifted an eyebrow. It was clear he was protective of Anna, and Landon couldn’t blame him.

  “Listen,” Landon said and leaned forward. “I care about Anna, a lot. I’m not the social type of guy, have lived off the grid for years. Because of that I haven’t dated, my social skills are pretty nonexistent, and I wanted someone who I could start my life with.”

  “And you found all that from a mail order bride service?”

  Landon exhaled. Yeah, he supposed it sounded crazy. “I found that with Anna.”

  There was a moment of silence between them, and then Jack exhaled and leaned back in his chair. “You care about her?”

  Landon nodded. “A hell of a lot.”

  They were both silent for long moments, and finally Jack nodded. “You treat her well. She’s special.” He leaned forward. “And if you hurt her I’ll hurt you.” Although it could have been a scene out of a movie, this was genuine and Landon saw the love in Jack’s eyes for his sister.

  “I’d rather hurt myself than do anything to make Anna upset.”

  Jack grunted, but he held his hand out to Landon.

  Landon took it, giving it a shake, as if sealing their agreement that everything was fine now.

  Anna came into the kitchen moments later, leaning against the entryway corner and smiling at both of them. “Would you, possibly, be okay with us staying the night?” She looked nervous asking him, and Landon hated that she felt that way. Although he rarely stayed away from his place, he’d do anything for his wife. It was the realization that he truly did care about her that rocked Landon. He wanted her forever, wanted her by his side, the mother of his children, the woman he’d share everything with.

  “Of course. You never have to ask.” And she didn’t.

  “Your room downstairs is still set up. Figure it’s the place where you guys can have the most privacy.” Jack got up and took his cup to the sink.

  “I can stay up with Mom to give you some sleep,” she said to her brother.

  Jack shook his head. “The doctor has her on some meds to help her rest. She’s out once she takes those.” He faced his sister. “She needs to sleep anyway. It helps her get her energy and heal.”

  Anna nodded. “You need me to do anything?”

  Jack shook his head. “Nah, it’s just good having you here. I know Mom really likes it, and it’s got to help her.”

  Anna smiled, looking like she might cry.

  “Hey now,” Jack said and gave her a hug.

  “I’m fine. Just crying because I am happy to be here. She seems like she’s doing so much better.”

  “She is.”

  Landon excused himself, giving the siblings some time alone, knowing they needed it. He stepped out onto the back deck and sat in one of the patio chairs. He stared at the houses that lined either side. He missed his home, the space, the trees … the isolation. The sound of a car driving by, someone honking their horn, kids screaming and playing, and rap music blasting, all surrounded him. But he’d walk through hell if it made Anna happy. He’d do anything to make sure she smiled.

  He’d do anything for her. He loved her.


  “You know, I was worried about you,” Jack said.

  Anna smiled and turned to her brother. “What? Why?”

  “I know you cared about us, and you wanted to do right by Mom. I also knew that Mom would be pissed if you quit college. You’re still doing college, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I’m still doing it.” Their mother had quit college when she got pregnant with them. It had been one of her biggest regrets that, when their father moved on with another woman, she didn’t have any further education.

  All of her life her mother had told her that no matter what, the only person she could rely on was herself. To not let a man control my life or take charge. Glancing outside to the garden, she saw Landon on the phone. Since the storm, he’d been taking a lot more phone calls. She didn’t mind. It was moments like this that she was able to sit back and watch him.


  “So why were you worried?”

  “The mail order bride thing, Anna. It was reckless and dangerous.”

  “It’s turned out to be a pretty good idea.”

  “But what if it wasn’t?” Jack asked, forcing her to look at him.

  “I’m not going to waste time thinking about how badly this could have been, Jack. I did what I felt I had to do and I’m happy that I did. You and Mom, you’re both in a good place right now.”

  “Mom would have been fine. I’m pleased that Landon’s not some kind of criminal, but can you see the risks here?”

  She walked up to her brother and hugged him. “I know, okay? I get it. I did a great deal of research before I did this. I didn’t act out of desperation. Okay, fine, partly desperation but I did check it all out. Landon’s amazing. Honestly. I can’t believe I got so lucky.”

  Jack glanced out the door toward her husband. “You both seem happy.”

  “I am. I’m very happy.”

  Her brother looked at her for a few moments.

  “What?” she asked, chuckling.

  “Are you in love?”

  “Stop that right now.”

  Jack’s cell phone started to ring and she left him to go and answer.

  Leaving the kitchen, she made her way outside just as Landon hung up his cell phone. “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. A lot of my clients are happy to wait the extra couple of weeks. They have no interest in going elsewhere.”

  “That is really good because you are the best at what you do,” she said.

  “You know that?”

  “I do.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  She walked down the couple of steps, and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Because I checked you out on the internet. I also checked out your competition and there is a huge difference between your work and that of your competitors.”

  “And what is that?” he asked.

  “You care. You love what you do and each piece isn’t about making money. Even though you make a lot of it.” She pushed some hair out of her face. Landon took over, curling it behind her ear. “You love what you do.”

  “You got that right. I do love what I do.” He gripped her ass, pulling her against him.

  They’d been married for some time now and they still hadn’t had sex. They shared a bed, but between exhaustion, and adjusting to her new life, they’d not been able to find that time.

  With her visiting her mother, they weren’t doing it there either.

  “You know, wife of mine, I can see what you’re thinking about right now.”

  “No, you cannot.”

  “I totally can.” He squeezed her ass even tighter. “You want me to take you, to fuck you. To drive my dick so deep inside your pussy that you can’t think straight.”

  Heat flooded her pussy, and she licked her lips.

  “You think I don’t feel this as well? I’m starting to panic and think we should just go at it because the fates will intervene.”

  She threw her head back, l
aughing. “You think we’re being forced apart?”

  “No. I think the special powers above like to see me with blue balls.”

  She couldn’t stop laughing. Resting her head against his chest, she breathed in his earthy scent.

  “When we do, it’ll be perfect.”

  “I know it will. You’re always thinking about it.”

  “I am not.”

  “You’re thinking about it right now.”

  “So are you,” she said.

  “You’ve got that right. I want you naked, beneath me, begging for my cock.” He rubbed his cock against her stomach, and she moaned. “You feel that. You feel what you do to me. This is all you, baby. You drive me crazy with need.”

  She gripped the back of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. The moment his lips were on hers, she lost all thought of where they were and only cared about the man in her arms.

  Landon was everything she had ever hoped to have in a husband. He made her smile and laugh. He treated her with so much care, and he was super talented. When she’d put her name forward for the mail order bride service, she knew she could have ended up in a miserable situation.

  She counted herself lucky at Landon seeing her picture and wanting her.

  Pulling away from the kiss, she heard him moan. “We’ve got to stop, otherwise I won’t be able to get myself under control.”

  She whimpered. “I wish we were home right now. I’d not stop. No matter what.”

  “Be careful what you say,” he said.

  Staring up into his eyes, she smiled, knowing that she’d do anything for this man. Running her hands down his chest, she sighed. “Thank you for coming with me to see my mom and my brother.”

  “They’re good people, Anna. You’ve been hit with a hard deal. I’m so sorry that she’s been going through this.”

  She nibbled her lip and took a deep breath. “I know … I know she’s not going to be with us for much longer, but thank you for everything that you’ve done for me, for her.”

  He stroked her cheek. “I’ll keep on doing it for you, Anna.”



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