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Bride For Order

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Anna hated saying goodbye, but it was time for her to get back to her life with Landon. He’d already taken time to come with her, to meet her family, to give her support. They had a life in the mountains, and they weren’t that far from her mother and brother. She could visit whenever she wanted, and they could do the same in return, when her mother was feeling better, had her strength up.

  She could have cried thinking about her mother, about how much better she was doing, how much happier she seemed. And Jack, despite the moody man he normally was, seemed like he was overall happy as well. Whatever he and Landon had talked about seemed to change their relationship. It wasn’t tense, wasn’t awkward. It certainly wasn’t a close one, but time would change that. Anna had no doubt about that.

  She said goodbye to her mother and Jack, promising to visit again soon. And Anna would. She felt comfortable with Landon, realizing that he was thinking about her best interest, that this was a forever kind of thing for him. And a part of her, the one that had entered into this agreement for the money, to help her mother, had already fallen for this man.

  He was sweet and gentle, thinking about her, wanting her to be comfortable, to see her family. All those things and more made up her love for him.

  Yes, she loved him. It didn’t matter how soon it seemed, or how everything was moving so fast. They had only been married for a short time, hardly knew each other in the grand scheme of things. But she didn’t need to have small talk to know the kind of man he was.

  Landon was caring, his heart pure, genuine. And he looked out for her. That’s what mattered.

  That’s all she needed to know to realize that her love was real.

  Once they were on the road and headed back to the cabin, she found herself reaching out and taking his hand in hers. Although they weren’t too far from her mother’s, it was still a good few hour’s drive.

  It wasn’t long before Anna felt herself drifting to sleep, her hand curled around Landon’s as he shifted gears. The comfortableness she felt with him made her feel as if they’d been married for ages. She liked that so much. And as she fell asleep she felt a smile curve her lips.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this happy or content.

  The sound of Landon’s voice roused Anna, and she opened her eyes, seeing their cabin in front of her. She’d slept the entire ride, and the kink in her neck spoke of that.

  “Baby, we’re home.”

  She looked over at Landon and saw his smile. He helped her out of the truck, but before she could walk up to the porch he had her in his arms, cradling her. Maybe a silly gesture, but Anna rested her head on his shoulder and exhaled in contentment. He made her feel safe and protected, that he would lay anyone out if they thought of hurting her.

  He was her gentle giant.

  Once they were inside, he strode upstairs to their room and set her on her on the bed. For long moments he just watched her, this look of emotion covering his face, making her want to reach out and pull him on top of her.

  “Get some rest, baby.”

  Although she could’ve easily fallen back asleep, that’s not what she wanted. They were home, in their bed, and it been long enough that they’d refrained from consummating their marriage. It had been too long, if Anna were being honest.

  Landon gave her a kiss on the crown of her head then turned away, as if he were about to leave. Anna propped herself up on the bed, bracing her upper body on her elbows. “Wait,” she said softly, but she knew he heard her. He stopped and turned around, their gazes clashing, the intensity moving between them.

  Without thinking, because all she wanted was to show Landon she loved him, that she wanted him in her life, that she needed him in her bed … inside of her, claiming her, Anna rose up and removed her shirt. She did the same to her bra, tossing the item aside until she was on her knees on the bed, staring at the man she’d fallen madly in love with, hoping he let his self control go.

  “Come to bed, be with me. Let’s stop fighting this.” The words came out softly, but the intensity washed over her, raking over her body and causing her flesh to tighten in need.

  He didn’t even hesitate, just shut the door to their room, got out of his clothes, and climbed into bed with her. He made fast work of removing her pants and panties, and when they were both naked, their body heat moving between each other, only then did he place his lips on hers, mouth fucking her like she wanted him to do between her thighs.

  “I don’t want to rush this,” he said against her mouth, and pulled back only long enough to move down her body. She already had her legs spread, her pussy so wet and ready for Landon.

  He placed his hands on her inner thighs, pushing them open even farther, and devoured her. Landon sucked and licked at her folds, causing Anna to cry out in pleasure. He took her clit into his mouth and ran his tongue around it, sending tingles through her entire body.

  “I’m so close,” she breathed out harshly. And then she felt him pull her lips apart and lick her slit from her pussy hole right back up to the little nub at the top of her mound.

  And then she came for him. The pleasure was never-ending, and all Anna could do was hold on until it passed. When the pleasure lessened she opened her eyes, not realizing she’d closed them, and looked down the length of her body at Landon. He was watching her with a heavy expression, his pleasure clear, his mouth glossy from eating her out.

  “We’re just getting starting, Anna baby.”


  Landon expected something or someone to call or to interrupt them. His balls were so fucking swollen, he was sure of it. Being around Anna had him in a constant state of arousal. He wanted to fuck her every single chance he got, even when they’d been at her family’s house.

  He’d been respectful.

  Staring down at her naked beauty, though, being respectful was the last thing on his mind. He’d already gotten naked, and now he ran his hand up and down his cock, staring at her magnificent beauty. She was all his. Every single part of her belonged to him. Her pussy, her mouth, her ass. He wanted it all.

  She’d already gotten a taste of his cock, and he didn’t want to waste a single moment of it.

  Sliding his fingers between her slit, he teased her clit. She shook a little, her pussy sensitive after the orgasm he’d just given her. Running his fingers down her pussy, he filled her cunt, plunging two fingers in deep. She was so incredibly tight.

  “Please, Landon,” she said, moaning his name. She pressed down on his fingers, riding her tight cunt on him.

  His cock pulsed another wave of pre-cum out of the tip, and he rubbed it into the head, getting him nice and slick. Not that he needed it. Anna was already so wet. She’d be able to take his cock easily. All he had to do was slide in deep, and start fucking.

  Still, he held himself back.

  “Please, Landon,” she said, repeating her words once again. “I want you. I want you to fuck me, to make love to me.”

  “What if—”

  “I don’t care if the world fucking ends,” she said. “I want you.”

  He moved over her, slamming his lips against hers, and silencing any of her dirty talk. Gripping her hip tightly, he reached between them, grabbing his cock. Running the tip across her slit, bumping her clit, he slid down, moving toward her entrance. Slowly, inch by glorious inch, he sank into her tight cunt.

  Landon closed his eyes, and forgot about everything but the pleasure of her wrapped around him. This was what he’d been wanting for a long time, and now that he had her right where he wanted her, everything seemed to focus in his world.

  Pressing his forehead against hers, he slammed to the hilt, relishing her cry as her pussy pulsed around his length.

  It was like his balls did a little cheer at finally feeling paradise, and fuck him, it was. Her pussy was just heaven. He was home.

  She was his wife, and he was never going to let her go. Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them against the bed on either side of her head, locking h
er in place.

  “Well, how does that feel?” he asked.

  The smile on her lips was one that looked completely blown away by pleasure. “It’s how I wanted it. It feels so good.”

  “So good?”

  “Yes, please, don’t stop, Landon.”

  He pulled out of her until only the tip was there, teasing her. Driving all the way back inside her, he heard her cry, and watched her tits as they bounced from the power of his thrust.

  This first time, he knew it wouldn’t take long before he found his release. At every turn he’d been stopped from enjoying the pleasure of fucking his wife.

  Riding her pussy, he watched and felt everything as he pushed her to the peak and kept her there, holding her down, keeping her at his mercy. He didn’t want to stop. Even when he came, he wanted to stay inside her, and ride her for fucking ever.

  Slamming inside her, he held still, and as he did, he heard it.

  The distant sound of his cell phone ringing.

  “No, no, please, don’t answer it,” Anna said, gripping his arms. Her nails sunk into his flesh.

  Over and over it kept on ringing. All the time his cock stayed completely inside her.

  Normally, he’d answer any call that came his way. Any other day, he’d have gladly answered that call, but he’d not been balls deep in his wife. His very beautiful, sexy wife, and he wasn’t going to allow a phone call to interrupt him.

  Taking possession of her lips, he silenced her begging, not needing to hear it. The phone went off, and immediately started up again. The sound faded in the background as he stared at Anna.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he began to slowly make love to her, taking his time, driving in deep.

  “You’re not going to answer it?”

  “No, I’m not going to answer it. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here in this moment with you.” He kissed her again, trailing his lips down to her ear, then to her neck. He wanted her to have his mark on her. Sucking on her flesh, he did so hard.

  Only when he was sure she’d have his mark did he stop, and pull back. Gripping her hips, he drove into her over and over again.

  The headboard hit the wall with the force of his thrusts but he didn’t let up. Over and over, he fucked her.

  The first tingling of his orgasm worked up his spine. His balls tightened, and he held her tightly, thrusting inside her completely and flooding her pussy with his cum. He collapsed over her, wrapping his arms around her, pressing kisses to her neck and chest.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  She chuckled. “What for?”

  “Next time I will last longer. I promise. I’ll make it good for you.”

  “You don’t think that was good for me?” she asked.

  Staring down into her eyes, he pushed some of her hair off her face. He didn’t want anything to obscure his view of her. “I can do better.” He winked at her.

  “I can’t wait to see how much better you can do.”

  “Oh, believe it, baby, I can be all the way kinky.”

  “Now that seems like an offer I cannot refuse.” She placed her hand on his cheek, and he turned to kiss her palm.

  “You know, going on that website was the best thing I ever did.”


  “There was no other woman there but you.”

  She looked a little embarrassed. “You’d have found someone.”

  “No, Anna, I wouldn’t.” None of the other women had brought out the protective side of him. He’d wanted to protect her and to give her whatever her heart desired so she lost that sadness in her eyes. He couldn’t take away her mother’s illness but what he could do was make her comfortable, and in doing so, make his woman happy.

  He’d do anything for Anna, because he loved her.


  Several weeks later

  Anna turned the dial on the radio until a station came on, music filling the air. It was an oldies song, probably something from the fifties or sixties, something with an upbeat tempo that had her instantly smiling.

  She headed into the kitchen and checked on the roast that she had cooking in the oven. Landon was outside continuing to work on rebuilding his garage, which had been crushed in the storm. Over the last few weeks he’d been making a lot of progress, and only had a bit more to do before it was back the way it had been.

  Anna felt so comfortable now with Landon, finally giving herself over to him, that she knew without a doubt this was where she was supposed to be. She started dancing, humming along to the song as she cooked up some side dishes.

  With each passing day she grew more in love with Landon, in love with this life they’d created together. It hadn’t even been that long since she first came here with him, first became his wife.

  This was where she wanted to be.

  Once the side dishes were cooking, she turned and stared at the place she now called home. It was so strange, yet incredibly wonderful that she was acclimated to her new life. She didn’t miss her apartment, didn’t miss working, busting her ass to try and help her mom and brother. Her family was taken care of, her mother fighting and getting better. It’s all she could hope for.

  Although she still planned to go back to school when the new semester started, she enjoyed her life out here in the wilderness with Landon. In fact, he’d encouraged her to go back to school when she’d thought about taking more time off. He told her it would do her good to get out, to stretch her wings, so to speak. It had been that encouragement that told her all she needed to know.

  She’d made the right decision where Landon was concerned. Anna had gone with her instincts. She stayed with him because she wanted to, not because she had to, even though she did have a way out of this if she wanted.

  But I don’t want that. I love Landon and this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

  She started dancing around the house, feeling the smile spread across her lips as she closed her eyes and just let herself be free. It was long minutes of her twirling around the kitchen, even singing some of the words she recognized from the song. And when she turned around and opened her eyes, a little cry left her when she saw Landon standing in the open doorway, a smile spread across his face. He had a light sheen of sweat covering his upper chest and forehead, and his muscles strained under his golden skin. He looked so good … so hers.

  A laugh left her, one of pure joy and happiness. Landon shut the front door and walked toward her, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her body close to his. She rested her hands on his shoulders, the scent of clean sweat filling her nose.

  “How much of that did you see?” She was laughing again as his grin widened.

  “You mean how much of my wife did I see dancing around the house and singing?” He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. The slight taste of salt covered her taste buds when he stroked his tongue along hers. “I saw enough to know that I love you so fucking much.” He kissed her again, harder this time, with more passion. The feel of his erection digging into her belly was a testament to how worked up he was. Hell, she was already soaked for him.

  When he pulled back, the grin was gone and in its place was a look of intense passion.

  “How about you come upstairs with me, hop in the shower, and let me show you how much I love you?” The clear desire in his eyes had her heart beating faster.

  Instead of answering, she pulled back, took his hand, and was the one to lead him upstairs. Gone was the timid woman who wasn’t sure of herself or her sexuality, and in her place was a wife who wanted to please her husband.


  Landon moaned as Anna took his cock to the back of her throat. Running his fingers through her hair, it was taking every single ounce of strength inside him not to drive in deep, and hear her gag as she took it all. Glancing in the mirror across the room, he saw the long length of her back, the curve of her ass, and he wanted inside her pussy even more now.

  Up and down, she bobbed her head. Her mouth suc
ked on him, making him thrust up into her mouth. Both of her hands were on his thighs, holding him tightly.

  Every single time he was with Anna, it was like the first time. It drove his need for her even higher, and when he was away, dealing with his orders or other crap, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  It wasn’t just about the sex, though, even though that was fucking awesome. It was more than that. When he’d seen her on that website, he’d been completely taken by her picture. To put it simply, he’d wanted her.

  After he met her, and once the deal had been struck, he’d fallen for her fast. Every single day he’d found something new to love about her, and in doing so, he knew he couldn’t live without her.

  Pulling her up off his cock, he captured her lips with his, not wanting to let her go.

  Plunging his tongue inside her mouth, he relished her moans. He ran a hand down her body, cupping her full, ripe tit, pinching the nipple before moving across to other one.

  He loved her tits, but then he loved her curvy body, and couldn’t get enough of it. Each part of her drove him wild with need.

  He spun them around, and, pushing her to the bed, he spread open her pussy and began to lick at her creamy cunt. Swirling his tongue around her clit, he flicked it over and down before thrusting inside her. She was so wet and tight. No matter how many times he fucked her, he couldn’t get over how tight she actually was, always squeezing his cock like a vice.

  “Please,” she said, whimpering and begging his name. “I need you, Landon.”

  “You’re going to have me, but not until you come on my tongue. Come on, baby. Give it to me.”

  Using his fingers inside her, he began to fuck her as he sucked on her clit.

  She wriggled beneath him, her moans building as he took her higher and higher. The sounds she made were so fucking beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to hear her screaming his name.

  Over and over, he rode her pussy. All the time his cock leaked pre-cum out of the tip. He wanted inside her so badly but he held himself back, determined to hear her come and to feel it before he took what he wanted.


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