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Page 8

by Jennifer Locklear

  I opened my eyes and studied him as he took a seat next to me on the bench swing. He was still out of sorts but began talking just as soon as he settled.

  “It’s early to see the stars.”

  I considered Jack’s words, remembering his knack for evading uncomfortable subject matter.

  “True,” I began slowly. “But you’re also in town. It wouldn’t be the best view anyhow.” I hesitated before picking up the thread of conversation. “When I was little, we lived outside of town above the river. I swear I spent every summer night, sitting outside studying the sky. I could see it all—planets, comets, meteor showers, the Milky Way, Andromeda, even passing satellites.”

  “I’ve always been in a city, so I don’t know that much about constellations.”

  “The sky was endless. I didn’t comprehend that until I tried to keep track of each speck of light I saw. I’ve forgotten a lot of it, but I could teach you a few things if you’re interested.”

  My nerves got the better of me, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Jack frowned as he rubbed his chin. “I’ve made a mess of things this evening. I wasn’t prepared for that phone call.”

  I shrugged. “Dating is complicated.”


  “Was Allison upset because of me?”

  “I suppose,” he answered. “But that isn’t the point. She left me. It shouldn’t matter if she’s upset.” Jack sounded hurt.

  I took a few moments to consider what that meant before I asked him another question.

  “Has she been dating anyone since she returned to Baltimore?”

  Jack blinked as though the thought had never occurred to him. “I don’t know.”

  “Would you be upset if she started dating again?”

  Jack didn’t answer the question, so I tried to fill the void in conversation.

  “You were married to one another. You have a child together. If she is upset, it does matter. She is Heide’s mother, and she doesn’t know anything about who I am or what I want from you. If Allison started dating another man, you’d have the same questions about him because your daughter would be in contact with him. I can’t take that personally.”

  Jack reached for my hand and wrapped his fingers around mine. “Thank you, Kathleen.”

  I’d been concerned about how Heide would welcome me into her father’s life. But it was Allison’s reaction that was increasingly important to me. She was a complication I had considered with a great deal of thought, and this was the first opportunity I’d had to talk with Jack about it. “I need to tell you something. Do you mind?”

  He looked anxious, but said, “Please.”

  “We weren’t prepared to date one another, so there have been more than a few bumps along the way. But I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and Heide, and I care about you both. I don’t want you to worry about me interfering with your family. I told you this the morning after we slept together and I meant it. I refuse to be a troublemaker.”

  Jack turned to face me. “Do you think that’s why I was upset tonight?”

  “No, but it’s still important you understand this about me. I’m not interested in making things difficult. I hope that helps you.”

  “It does.”

  “Good.” I took in a deep breath. “Keeping that in mind, I hope you’ll understand if I ask you to take me home this evening.” I offered a tentative smile.

  After a few moments of contemplation, Jack replied, “I suppose that’s for the best. But please know that I wish tonight had turned out differently.”

  “So do I, Jack. I did enjoy some good wine and one hell of a kiss before dinner though, so it wasn’t a total loss.”

  Jack chuckled and I leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. I allowed my lips to linger on his skin for an extra beat or two before pulling away. He had done the same to me in his bedroom when I had been upset with him, and I remembered how the sensation had soothed my anxiety.

  “You made such a good dinner. Let me help you with the rest of the dishes, and then I’ll treat us to some ice cream on the way home. I think we’ve all earned it tonight.”

  “That does sound good,” he said. Jack rose from the bench and held out a hand to me. As soon as I was on my feet, he encircled me in his arms.

  I looked into his dark eyes. I was encouraged by how relaxed he was now that we’d cleared the air.

  “What are your plans after the event next week?”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Heide isn’t coming with me to Portland, and I’m spending the night there.”

  “Oh?” I squeaked.

  “Please think about it.” Jack released me and walked back into the house.

  I SPENT the following week thinking about Jack’s offer.

  We didn’t speak of the upcoming business trip in anything other than professional terms, but away from work I planned my outfit for the luncheon with a great deal of consideration and excitement. As the day drew closer, I anticipated the best and planned for the worst. Things with Jack could, and did, turn on a dime, and the one thing I could count on with certainty was the uncertainty of Jack Evans.

  After several long days and nights, I arrived in downtown Portland. My family had relocated from the city years earlier, but my grandfather’s reputation had kept those business relationships alive so we were welcomed back each spring for this all-important luncheon. I took the assignment seriously and set my personal agenda aside to work my way through Robert’s logistical checklist.

  Once I was satisfied the details were under control, I occupied an empty office to dress for the event. I was eager to get the day moving, but forced myself to remain patient for the moment Jack and I would see one another again. As I donned each item of my ensemble, the idea of Jack undoing it all aroused me. With my transformation completed, I went to the rooftop garden off the main event room.

  I wanted to enjoy a few peaceful moments outside in the sunshine. Although I’d been happy living in Bend, I also enjoyed my time in Portland. From my vantage point, I could hear the urban noise several stories below. As I meandered through the garden, I could see the nearby Willamette River. It was a clear, warm day with Mount Hood visible to the east. I also had a spectacular view of Mount Saint Helens to the north.

  This rooftop oasis had been a favorite place of mine since the first time my grandfather had shown it to me. As a child, I’d been fascinated with the idea of a playground on a skyscraper. As an adolescent, I’d found the garden a perfect place to indulge my daydreams of a glamourous life as an adult. I smiled as I realized this day was the closest I’d ever come to achieving my romantic fantasies.

  I paused to make a final, somewhat nervous, assessment of my outfit, one of the most lavish I’d ever purchased. I wore a black dress with a dramatic scarlet V-neck. It was damn near impossible for the bright accent not to draw the eye to my cleavage, and I’d brought it with this in mind. The dress cinched at the waist, and although the skirt flared, it highlighted my legs in a pleasing way. My favorite, but seldom worn pair of black high heels completed the look. I rarely had the opportunity to wear these sexy shoes at home.

  The outfit was a daring choice for a business lunch, and it would draw attention in a crowd. But I didn’t care about the crowd’s attention. I was concerned with capturing the eye of just one man.

  Jack opened the terrace door and approached me. He was dressed in an attractive suit accented with a dark necktie and shoes that were both well shined and expensive. He’d cut his hair since I’d seen him at the office, and he’d indulged in a close shave.

  I caught my breath in exhilaration, because not only was he so handsome, but because his eyes roamed up and down my figure. My appearance was having the same effect on him. I stood still as he moved in my direction. Everything about his demeanor, his tailored appearance and especially the intense warmth of his eyes as they stared back at me was mesmerizing. I softened with complete happiness, and the closer he came to me, the more my eyes wi
dened in desire. My lips parted in welcome, and Jack responded with a knowing, half-smile. Without a word, he walked confidently to me, grasped me by the waist and pulled me into his arms. My hands moved as if they were floating, and rested on his shoulders.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  It had been my goal to dazzle Jack and I’d succeeded. Nevertheless, his words forced me to blink and look away even as I smiled. “Thank you.”

  Jack tightened his hold. “Is this all right?”

  “I’m holding you back.”

  “True.” Jack chuckled, sounding nervous. When I turned my gaze back to him, he continued, “I’ve missed you. We see each other at the office, but I like having you back in my arms. I’ve missed you,” he repeated.

  “This is good,” I said.

  “You surprise me.”

  “How so?”

  “You have a streak of daring in you. You’re just really good at keeping it quiet.”

  “Only with a select few,” I whispered, as heat rushed to my cheeks.

  “I want to kiss you,” he confessed. “I think about it more than I should.”

  I glanced around at our surroundings. “We seem to be alone for now.”

  Jack slid his hands upward, over the curve of my waist and paused just below my breasts. His thumbs stroked the bottom of my bra, and he looked into my eyes, making sure he had my full attention.

  We stared at one another, words unspoken, our passion strengthening between us. I moved a hand to caress his jawline. Jack’s skin was smooth, and I could smell his scented soap in the light breeze. I slid my hand around the back of his neck and tugged him toward me in greeting.

  Jack didn’t resist. He leaned in and brought his lips to mine. I could sense his respect, but I was confident his desire to kiss me was strong. I opened my mouth, eager to receive him. After a passage of time, Jack decided either we were alone or that he didn’t care whether someone noticed us. He pressed in closer to me and our tongues connected and explored, gentle yet ambitious.

  He pulled back from the kiss far too soon for my liking, but we kept our arms locked around one another. I played with the shortened hair along his neckline in the hope of relaxing him with my touch.

  We were content in our embrace. Having shared so few intimate moments together, we both reveled in the newness and excitement of our connection. Jack watched my mouth intently. His desires were obvious.



  “Kiss me again.”

  He obliged, and this time he was more aggressive, planting his feet on the ground and pulling my body flush with his.

  We kissed for a prolonged period, and I was grateful for the uninterrupted time. When Jack pulled back, his long fingers traveled all the way down to my thighs. I was surprised, but delighted when his grip tightened on my legs. I held still, enjoying the sensation of his strong hands on this part of my body once more.

  “Every time I see you in a dress,” he murmured. “I remember how you wore a garter the night we were together. It makes me wonder what you’re wearing under your skirt.”

  Jack stretched his hands to roam around my legs, exploring, searching for the answer. I waited, allowing him to enjoy his quest.

  He made his determination. “No garter today?”

  I shook my head and then attempted to hide my amusement as mild disappoint flickered across his face. He glanced down to make another observation.

  “You’re wearing stockings.”

  “Thigh highs.”

  “No garter though?” he asked again, as if hoping the item would magically appear on my frame.

  “Not today.”

  I decided to share one of my secrets. “On days like this, I’m more confident with fewer undergarments in place.”


  I shrugged. “Maybe if things go well this afternoon, I’ll let you have a look.”

  This was going to be the longest luncheon of my career. Whenever I looked his way, Jack was engaged in conversation with a different woman. One was wearing a violet colored dress that accented her bust line. Still another was in a black wrap dress, which flattered her athletic figure. I grew upset when I saw more than one feminine hand make contact with Jack’s arm, but I was pleased to see Jack keeping his hands to himself.

  Nevertheless, he was engaging the women with his personality. They laughed at his jokes, they stared back with interest and all the while, they made sure their best assets were on full display.

  Not that I acted like a wallflower. My outfit was a hit with the men in the room and I found myself speaking with quite a few gentlemen. I sensed Jack watching me just as I’d watched him.

  After a while, I wandered to safe ground with Theresa Mayfair, a longtime friend and client. She was a petite brunette who possessed one of the biggest hearts I’d ever known. Theresa was a reliable presence in my life, and I was closer to her than just about anyone else in my own family. She had been there for me during some of my most frightening days, and I’d been grateful for her protection.

  While I chatted with her, Jack had removed his jacket and sat on a bench near the terrace door. His white dress shirt clung to his torso, and even though I was halfway across the room, I could see his well-defined chest muscles.

  Another woman sat down next to him, her skirt sporting a high slit that just happened to expose her toned thigh within direct view of his line of sight. Her bare leg rested mere inches from his, and the image made me seethe.

  The two began to talk, but were soon interrupted by a middle-aged man who drew Jack’s attention away, much to the chagrin of the woman. I made a mental note to say thank you to the man before he departed the luncheon. Satisfied with this turn of events, I smiled at no one in particular.

  “I take it that’s your firm’s newest acquisition?” my astute friend asked, determining the source of my happiness.

  “Jack Evans. Yes. Robert recruited him from back East.”

  “He’s striking, and he watches you almost as much you watch him.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I sipped some water.

  “Is he married? I can’t tell from here.”

  “No.” It was the one answer I was comfortable providing.

  Robert approached us, and for once it was a relief to welcome him into the conversation. He greeted Theresa before saying hello to me.

  Theresa looked at Robert. “I was just getting ready to tell Kathleen that she’s outdone herself planning this year’s lunch. This is one of the biggest turnouts I’ve seen. I do hope you’ve shown her your appreciation.”

  Robert glanced around the room before looking at me. “She’s always done a good job.” As my father finished his statement, he looked me over from head to toe. A severe look of disapproval formed in the process.

  “Laying it on a bit thick with that dress, don’t you think?”

  Theresa scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Robert. Kathleen is a gorgeous, accomplished woman. She’s sophisticated and forward thinking. She’s just what this party needs.”

  I remained silent and watched this exchange. Theresa had known Robert since before I was born, and she had played this game with him before. Robert had a healthy dose of respect when it came to Theresa. He may not have admired her per se, but my father seemed to know better than to push the woman. Theresa’s inner strength and her refusal to be intimidated by Robert were the main reasons I sought refuge at the woman’s side. I’d done so for as long as I could remember. Since growing into adulthood, I’d wondered more about their history, but I had yet to ask Theresa for any of the details.

  My father glanced at his watch. “Kathleen, it’s time to have the servers bring out the food.”

  I nodded and gave Theresa a quick hug before moving on to speak with the catering manager.

  Robert had a long-standing policy at these events of assigning his staff to sit at separate tables. In the past, I hadn’t minded the policy because it ensured I wouldn’t be forced to sit wi
th my father. But this year was different. This was the first time I’d suffer because Jack and I wouldn’t be sitting together. And after our intimate encounter on the rooftop followed by the non-stop female attention he was receiving, sitting away from him would be utter agony.

  I went to my assigned table and offered my greetings to those already gathered.

  “Is this seat taken?” I looked up to see a man my own age standing behind the unclaimed chair to my right and smiling down at me.

  “No. Please.” I gestured at the chair.

  He settled into place with a polite nod. He wore dark trousers and a light blue dress shirt. Despite his relaxed looking outfit, his clothes were affluent. He was also a good-looking man, with a thick head of blond hair, sparkling blue eyes and a contented successful air.

  As it turned out, his manners were as flawless as his appearance. Once seated, he introduced himself, offering me his hand.

  “Ryan Murray.”

  I accepted his handshake. He held my hand confidently and with respect.

  “Nice to meet you, Ryan. My name is Kathleen Brighton.”

  When Ryan released my hand, he leaned in just a little. My curiosity allowed me to lean toward him.

  “Please pardon me for saying so, Kathleen, but you look exquisite. Is it sad to say I find it nice when I see elegance and boldness applied to an advertising company’s lunch?” Ryan’s compliment wasn’t sexual.

  “Thank you. I’ll admit it’s dressier than I’m accustomed to,” I replied with warmth.

  “You have impeccable taste.”

  Ryan struck up a conversation with me during our meal, and I was delighted. His intentions felt like genuine interest and not pursuit. I relaxed further and we fell into an easy discussion.

  “I’ve never seen you at this event before. Where do you work?” I inquired.


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