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Bare Instincts: A BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance

Page 12

by Vella Day

  His lips caressed hers—his touch tender, caring, and oh so joyous. Tasha melted into his arms, her breasts pressed against his hard chest. She loved the way they fit together, as if they were meant to be.

  His fingers brushed her skin, and he sighed. “So soft.”

  He acted as if he couldn’t believe she was real. Tasha mimicked his gentle touch, running her hand a quarter of an inch above his body, enjoying how his hair tickled her palm. When she moved her hand to his back, she clutched him tight. “I want you.”

  “Let me see if I can do something about your wish.”

  He rolled her onto her back again and repositioned himself between her legs. Tasha inhaled, knowing this was her weakness. A few licks and she’d go off like a firecracker.

  “Someone’s happy,” he said.

  “I am. I’m thankful you’re giving me a second chance.”

  “Hell, I’m thrilled you forgave me.”

  They didn’t need to discuss who’d wronged whom. She surely would come up on the short end. “How about a little lick?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Burke widened her thighs with his thumbs to open her folds, and when he blew on her wet slit, waves of cascading desire consumed her. She had no idea how that was even possible since he hadn’t touched her yet. Burke then edged closer and licked her clit. The shot of pleasure made her lift her hips while pinpricks of lust filtered into her heart and nearly squeezed the breath out of her.

  “Easy there. We have all night.”

  She’d never last. All she could think of was the glory that would follow once he entered her. Burke continued his wonderful assault on her tiny bud, each flick pushing her closer to the edge. She dug her nails into his shoulders and tried to hang on.

  Just when she thought she’d come, he slid up and cupped her breasts. His cock was so close yet so far away.

  “I love these.” He pressed them together, planted his face between the full mounds, and licked the sides. “Mmm.”

  She placed her feet on the mattress and reached under him, trying to grab his cock, but her fingers only managed to brush the tip.

  He lifted his head and smiled. “Patience.”

  Patience, my ass. If she’d been giving him a blowjob, rest assured he’d be begging her to stop. Burke moved over to her nipple, snatched it between his teeth, and pulled it taut. A riot of pleasure rippled down to her swollen clit.

  “I can’t wait any longer, Burke. Please.”

  That seemed to be a soft spot for him—her begging. He slid on top of her and balanced on his elbows. When his cock pressed into her slick opening, a flood of erotic lust filled her. This was their true coming together, based on trust and burgeoning love. She wanted him like she’d never wanted anyone or anything in her life.

  Instead of driving into her, he slid in an inch and stopped. “I need you, Tasha. You’re good for my soul. Always remember, I’m here for you.”

  Burke’s words warmed her from the inside out. “Ditto.”

  She should have told him how much he meant to her, but she sucked at expressing her emotions. All she could do was show him how much she desired him. Tasha pulled him close and kissed him for all she was worth. The drugging kiss spiraled her higher. God, the man even tasted like melted chocolate on ice cream with a cherry on top.

  When she lifted her hips once more, he drove into her. Deliciously wicked flames licked her body, and she tightened her hold on him. Tasha never wanted to let him go. Burke moaned, withdrew, and entered her again. This time, he dipped his head and nibbled on her neck, his breaths growing faster. Her own feral desires brimmed with animalistic need. She clawed his back and pressed her chest against his. Her pussy coiled, ready to explode. His thrusts increased, edging her closer and closer to the precipice.

  “Burke, I’m about to come.” His scent drove her wild. So strong was her passion that she bit his shoulder to bond them eternally.

  “Ta-sha!” Burke’s eyes closed as he pounded into her. His teeth, slightly sharpened from his need to mate, dug into her, too.

  The frenzy had begun. Sweat beaded on their bodies as they let their lust take over, electricity sizzling across her skin.

  Burke pistoned into her one more time, raised his head, and held still. The moment his hot seed blasted her, the tightly wound coil snapped, and her climax swept her away. Pulses swamped her, and she felt as if she was coming apart at the seams. They hugged hard, and time seemed to stand still. Never in her wildest dreams had Tasha imagined something could be so amazing and life altering.

  Even after they collapsed on the bed, they held on tight. Tasha must have dozed because only when the bed moved had she realized Burke had gotten up. He returned with a warm towel and wiped her dry.

  After he ditched the towel in the bathroom, he came back to bed. She lifted up on one elbow. It was after ten and she suspected he’d leave. “You need to go home now?”

  Burke stroked her cheek. “No, beautiful. I am home.”

  Tasha wasn’t sure she heard him right. “Does that mean you just want to spend the night or are you talking permanently?” She was happy with both but didn’t want to rush him too soon.

  He laughed softly. “As much as I would love to move in right away, I think we should start with me spending the night. Tomorrow, we can discuss when you’ll be ready for me to move in. I want to make a lot of changes in my life, and the first one starts with you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two months later

  “Hold still,” Emmaline said. She tied the bow on the back of the bridesmaid dress and turned Tasha around. “Perfect.”

  She stepped in front of the mirror to check out the dress. “Not bad.”

  Ever since she and Burke had been cooking together, she’d learned how to make meals that tasted amazing, yet weren’t very fattening. She’d actually lost ten pounds—more than she ever had in such a short period of time.

  “Come on. They’re calling us.” Emmaline tugged on her hand.

  Tasha was so excited for Chey and Storm who seemed to be the perfect couple. She couldn’t imagine what he’d gone through, though. Not only did the once-human Storm have to adjust to being a cheetah shifter, he was now the Alpha of their Clan. Chey said once the shifters realized he was one of them, his medical practice had boomed, and Tasha couldn’t be happier for him.

  She and Emmaline lined up with the other woman on the left side of the makeshift altar. Because Storm was new in town, he didn’t know many men and had asked Burke to be one of the groomsmen. Boy, did he look hot in his tux.

  Burke looked over at her and winked. While they hadn’t discussed marriage, she figured they would at some point. He had moved all his things into her place a little over a month ago, and even she couldn’t believe how well they were getting along. At night, while she read, he worked on his company’s books. The Hidden Hills branch of BC Renovations was growing by leaps and bounds. He’d already hired three men and had two renovations going at the same time. She couldn’t be prouder of him.

  They were in a large local hall, used by many of the clans for their weddings. The music struck up and Chey entered on her dad’s arm. She was such a tiny thing with her flowing golden hair, and love seemed to be pouring out of her. Tasha looked over at Burke expecting him to be mesmerized by the bride-to-be. Instead, he was smiling at her, and her heart raced.

  As soon as Chey stepped next to Storm, the ceremony turned even more romantic. They’d written their own vows, which made them all that more precious, and the words spoke of everlasting love. When Storm slipped the ring on her finger, tears welled in Tasha’s eyes. She was so happy for her friend.

  Once Chey and Storm kissed, the Justice of the Peace tapped the microphone. “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Storm Durant.”

  The entire congregation burst into applause. As was the cheetah tradition, each guest had to dance with every other guest, if possible, though some of the elders were given a bye. Thank goodness, that wasn’t a tradition with the be
ar shifters, or she’d never accept any wedding invitation again.

  For the next hour, they danced and danced. It would have been nicer if she’d been in Burke’s arms, but he seemed to be having a good time with the different ladies. Storm, on the other hand, kept frowning since he’d occasionally step on his partner’s toes who would let out a moan.

  At midnight, despite Chey and Storm having disappeared a half hour ago, the party continued. Tasha searched the hall for her friend. “Have you seen Em?” she asked Burke.

  She swore heat raced up his face. “I think she left with Wade a while back.”

  “Seriously?” Emmaline seemed to like him, but Wade wasn’t one to stay in one place for long. Tasha hoped Em knew what she was doing.

  “I think so. Maybe he’s driving her home. She seemed a little tipsy.”

  “Could be.” She leaned against Burke. “Not only am I exhausted, my feet ache.”

  “Me, too. Remind me to be out of town for the next cheetah wedding.”

  She laughed. “Trust me; I’ll be coming with you.”

  When they arrived home, they showered and fell into bed. Burke crawled under the sheets and kissed her. “As much as I want to make love with you, we need our sleep. Remember, my folks invited us over for Sunday brunch.”

  She adored making love with Burke more than anything, but he was right. She needed her sleep. “I didn’t forget.”

  To her delight, she fell into a deep slumber the moment her head hit the pillow.

  * * *

  The next morning Tasha decided that since she and Burke were going to be together forever, it was time to get over her fear of motorcycles. Burke loved to ride every chance he had, and it was the one activity they didn’t share. For the past two months, they’d read to each other almost nightly and had finished four books already. It was amazing how much they each enjoyed talking about the stories—what they liked, what they didn’t like. Even Burke had learned to appreciate books and had actually read several on his own.

  So now, she wanted to return the favor. Perhaps, she’d even enjoy the experience. She stepped out of the bedroom, wearing jeans, boots, and a long sleeve shirt.

  “Aren’t you going to be warm, hon?”

  It was August after all. “Not if we take your hog.” It still seemed strange to call a motorcycle a pig.

  He stilled. “Wait a second. You want to ride on the back of my Harley?”

  She shrugged. “Why not?”

  A grin split his face in half. Burke picked her up and spun her around. “You keep making me the happiest man alive.”

  “Wait until I scream for you to slow down before making that statement.”

  He laughed. “Let’s go before you change your mind.”

  A few weeks back, he’d purchased a pink helmet for her, but Tasha hadn’t been ready. Now she was.

  They stepped outside into the warm morning. Perhaps the long sleeved shirt had been a mistake, but if they took a tumble, she’d appreciate the protection. Burke gave her some instructions about how to get on the bike, where to put her feet, and how to lean with him. “Just be one with me, okay?”

  To her surprise, she was actually excited to give this a try. “Drive slowly.”


  True to his word, Burke stayed at or below the speed limit, and Tasha found she loved the freedom of being outside a car. The wind against her body invigorated her, but the biggest thrill was just being able to hold him tightly.

  All too soon, they pulled into his parents’ driveway and she spotted her dad’s car. He parked, and she disembarked. “I didn’t know my parents were coming.”

  Burke shrugged, but from the way he avoided her gaze, something was up. Walking into the Devereaux’s house again reminded her of all the times she and her family had been there.

  “Mom, Dad,” she said as soon as she entered the living room. They both stood and hugged her and Burke.

  After the usual preliminaries, Burkes’ mom, Samantha, asked them to all take a seat at the table. She’d already filled every corner with food.

  No sooner had they sat than Burke pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m so glad we could all be together like this. Coming home the first time was sad for me. With Tom’s passing, I struggled to find some meaning in life. As if he was guiding things from above, Tasha reentered my life. I’ve known all along that she was my mate, but I honestly didn’t think she would believe me.”

  Tasha opened her mouth. “I knew it, too.”

  He grinned. “You hid it well.” She smiled back. “Regardless, without Tasha, I can’t honestly say where I’d be today.”

  “Get on with it, son.”

  She thought Burke’s speech was heartfelt and rather wonderful. Mr. Devereaux shouldn’t have asked him to hurry.

  Burke pulled something out of his pocket and faced her before dropping down on one knee. Her heart stopped. “Tasha, you are my world, my everything. Since we’ve been together, I’ve felt as though I could succeed in life. Those few days without you were the worst. A man without his mate is an empty one.” His father cleared his throat, and she almost laughed. “I love you more than words can say, so without further embarrassing myself, will you, Tasha Wilder, marry me?”

  He stood and pulled her to her feet. Her hands trembled and her heart was going faster than his motorcycle ever could. “I love you, too, Burke Devereaux, and probably always have, but was too stubborn to admit it.” Her parents chuckled. “But I accept on one condition.”

  He stilled. “What’s that?”

  “You teach me how to ride a motorcycle.”

  His answer was to pick her up and give her a toe curling kiss. “Would you settle for a moped?”

  She dropped her head back and laughed. “Perhaps starting small might be for the best.”

  “So it’s a yes?” His brows rose.

  “It’s a big fat yes!”

  Both sets of parents surrounded them, and she’d never felt more loved in her life. She glanced upward, mentally thanking Tom for bringing the man of her dreams home.

  The End

  MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

  Promises of Mercy (book 1)

  Foundations For Three (book 2)

  Montana Fire (book 3)

  Hart To Hart (book 4)

  ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

  Montana Desire (book 1)

  Awakening Passions (book 2)

  PACK WARS (Paranormal)

  Training Their Mate (book 1)

  Claiming Their Mate (book 2)

  Rescuing Their Virgin Mate (book 3)

  Box Set (books 1-3)

  Loving Their Vixen Mate (book 4)

  Fighting For Their Mate (book 5)


  An Unexpected Diversion (book 1)

  Bare Instincts (book 2)

  Shifting Destinies (book 3 coming soon)

  Author Bio

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  Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after, I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world (of course).

  You’ll find me most days on my chaise lounge with my laptop and my iced tea(unsweetened!) on the side table. I love to sleep in late and write into the wee hours. I also love FB, so you’ll find me on there, too!

  I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive husband, who happens to be hot!

  Fun facts about me

  (1) I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.

(2) I’m addicted to taking pictures (I taught high school photo for 30 years). I plan to periodically post some of my favorites on my newsletter [so sign up!].

  (3) I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd. Not only do I walk with different women each week, I teach Pilates twice a week at a local rec center, and lift weights the other days.

  I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

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