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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

Page 12

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  The trip to Johannesburg would probably eight hours of the Indian Ocean and not hurt to take a look at the portholes of the huge bomber who once served the war of resources and today limited only to transport logistics. He recognized immediately that it was a great flying machine and it should have been feared at the beginning of its operation, regretted that he was so far from Vladimir who could tell you wonders about the aircraft, in any case curiosity about the outside world was infinitely superior to remain seated in the waiting get to distant destination.

  The outside view was frightening, on the ocean, an infinite number of vessels crossing the seas toward uncertain places, some burned with sparkling fire and explosions could be seen but not heard because of the altitude and noise of the powerful turboprop engines that complemented the long Tupolev wings. There seemed to be a migration necessary to leave the conflict zone and find refuge in "safe haven", but in this case she doubted any place on earth was safe.

  a little loomed and could make out in the distance the Australian coast, the transport plane described a sharp acurva to stay as close to the land in case of emergency, which was no good comfort due to the apparent contamination that locality had, but in any case, it was still better than nothing. On the continent now lost the giant glowing mushrooms caught his attention, could count four in all in very distant and different places, assumed that desperate situations called for desperate measures, but a nuclear chain reaction on the planet certainly would not be the solution more right. Still, it was done at the end the enemy had no face or flag.

  The giant plane shook several times due to the effects of distant shock waves and felt lost altitude, a sharp cold in the stomach warned him that possibly would fall anywhere in the ocean. I was wrong, then immediately the altitude was taken, but served as a warning that should remain seated in the place that had been assigned. I had to process the chamber where Frost was still asleep, in this case, due to the artificial conditions inside the capsule, but at the moment it would be all he needed to arrive safely until the NOMAD Corporation, which also was the thousands of kilometers away and in the middle of Amsterdam, in the center of the European continent.

  Tiredness eventually won anxiety and she slept for more than four hours, woke up with the warning that they approached the African coast. He rubbed his eyes again and times and to his surprise he noticed Vladimir beside her, had somehow persuaded his companions to obtain free movement within the aircraft. It would be very grateful for it in the future.

  - Welcome Romanov will come true! - Timochenco acquired a more authoritarian and defiant, never called him by his last name that denoted ceremony, but it was understandable that not showed greater intimacy between them that was not between pilot and passenger, in addition, there had never been a real intimacy between them. I did not know whether to be pleased with the new more formal or disappointed treatment. The conflict of feelings inside her still troubled her.

  - Apparently he managed to make new friends and I can even say that remarkably quickly! - He used a sarcastic tone that left in the air the question if he was being sincere or just hiding the situation. No matter, there were a number of other important questions to be answered.

  - Do not be fooled by appearances, comrade, not everything is what it seems! - The pilot who saved them accentuated the chin toward the guards distractedly talking about banalities of everyday life, but kept the AK-12 Kalashnikov ready to spit fire at the slightest challenge authority. - Folding and folding butt stock, better ergonomics, Picatinny rail, support for additional equipment installation; night vision optical collimator, red dot sights, rangefinders, grenade launchers, flashlight, target designators laser equipment among others... - rambled about the firepower of tactile weapons the Russian military wielded. Nadja was impressed.

  - This means that we will have no chance to escape? - He asked then looking absently for the rest of the aircraft.

  - No! Means that the odds are not in our favor in every sunset, did not know we were prisoners... - I played the game of words and information from the "enemy" so was the art of war.

  - We're not ... yet ... - Nadja contained to not talk too much and to imply that something was wrong, but Vladimir was an experienced man and a professional soldier.

  - If you will need my help, Nadja, you'd better tell me what's hiding! - He did not look at the beautiful woman while talking and pretended disinterest in the conversation while he disguised be busy with something else.

  - I do not know what you're talking Vladimir, but I appreciate the vote of confidence ... - I was not sure that the dribble with the words spoken, but it was still a cat and mouse game and tell by the way used Nick Frost for your goals, no information that passed you would be safe.

  - If they find that the Frost Doctor is "dead" we both have a lot of problems... - I looked at the reverse side of which was Nadja so that neither noticed her reaction nor was surprised. He smiled monotonously for a few more seconds for the comrades in arms waving his hand until he felt the gentle squeeze of Nadja's hand on his. It was warm and soft as it should be for such an attractive woman like her, so often dreamed of seeing her lying under the covers of his camp bed exchanging deep secrets and love confessions, but what was happening then and there was else, complicity.

  - How did... - It was a mixed question and confession, had no idea how he could have discovered after all the effort made to cover up the infection Nick Frost. Did not let go of her rescuer for a moment that touch gave him tranquility.

  - By the time you cried silently as I drove ... - It would be enough for her to understand that he had watched more than ever imagined.

  - The answer to a cure can be in it... - He pretended to be accommodated in the uncomfortable chair she was sitting, she started to take the hand offered to Timochenco but was strongly prevented. That scared her. - He is contaminated but does not have the same behavior of others, I cannot explain... - I let the arm and the rest of the body relax was a prisoner of the situation and that raw and seductive man.

  - Do you really believe in the possibility that response? - It was almost impossible to believe that the same person who had revealed to the world the worst catastrophe since the Spanish flu, was at the same time the solution of this problem.

  - It is possible, but it is also imperative that come to life with NOMAD Corporation or all will be lost ... - She'd just hand over the plan that had drawn aboard the helicopter since discovering that Frost was a walker.

  - OK! Count me in for the best and the worst! - A quick and calculated move changed the hand position and laced his fingers with hers send to it the maximum security that was possible in that situation. Nadja felt comfortable warmth coursed through his body and let that manly and virile touch if perpetuated for almost the entire trip.

  After a few hours and almost ready for landing, Vladimir Timochenco believed it was time to put into practice their acquired authority as a field military over the years and make its command post, although the reserve was respected. With a few words short and to order, straightened the soldiers who guarded them and took indirectly landing guidelines.

  - Soldiers! - Firmly stamped his foot on the aircraft floor. - We're fighting an invisible and implacable enemy! If we want to survive we need to ensure the safety of the Doctor and his patient! To make sure that reaches the destination safely! Understood? - I was not sure if it would work, but worth the risk.

  - Yes Colonel! - Heard in unison all present pay him obedience, for something had to serve his vast years of military service. He was not surprised with the result; after their fame as a leader of the Black Tails preceded and many of those there were now aspired to one day join him.

  - It's done, Nadja, do not let me or be shot for it! - He raised his hand with hers and laid it gently on the right leg of the beautiful woman who did not react negatively to your touch. He pulled it out and then walked toward the cockpit, needed to know how far Johannesburg’s military airport was.

  - Comrades! If I pilot planes bel
ieve that sleep most of the time! - I knew from experience that the rivalry between pilots with different architectures aircraft was "ancient" and so would divert attention from the main subject.

  - Yes Colonel! But if we had to fly an aircraft without wings would be better to stay on dry land! - Laughed for several minutes exchanging "abuse" among them at the end the goal had been reached in less than thirty minutes would land in relative safety in South Africa.

  The South African coast flashed bright projectiles night was thick, but the top you could see the fighting on the ground between local troops and maritime civil invasion that made a point of entering into sovereign territory of that country. Seafarers refugees from other places were pressure on the soldiers to be accepted without restrictions, the problem was that there was no way to control the indiscriminate entry and the risk of contamination was very high. Moreover, governments have always been prepared militarily to defend its borders against hostile and armed hordes, never against a civilian invasion of monumental proportions.

  Either exploded vessel releasing debris into the sea which later served as lighting for new offensives were made in total was a war without winners or losers, the two sides were fighting for survival guarantee, but there was no support from any of them to substantiate this theory. The Tupolev made a downslope toward the military airport that signaled the runway, the apparatus around was magnificent and denoted that the interests in the aircraft that would land were superior to anything he had seen in the last minutes. If there was any chance to get out of that hell alive would keep the man capsule under his gaze.

  The landing gear touchdown was the signal that from that moment the rules would change and win one who had the best hand after taxiing on the runway and stop completely, the Tupolev originated from Mirny station was completely surrounded by troops UN peacekeepers. This was an early preventive measure requested by NOMAD, so that the virus discoverer was conducted as quickly as possible to the center of expertise and control of infectious diseases of the Corporation, however, none of them knew the real situation in which Nick Frost found. They discover this much later.

  - Brigadier General John Lee US service and the UN, please follow me, please! - Harsh words and order were heard without resistance. Nadja and Timochenco landed followed by paramedics carrying the containment chamber where was Nick Frost. - All must pass the health examination so as not to enter the continent with any kind of contamination! Understood? - The General still was heard as he walked toward the inspection hangar. Timochenco thought it best to intervene or all would be lost.

  - General! - Stopped avoiding the whole entourage that came from behind to continue the path, including the men who show him obedience on board the aircraft and stood with guns drawn, every care was little. - We will not give another step until we have assurance that the Frost Doctor will not be exposed to outdoor conditions in which it is! - It was all or nothing. It could be the perfect excuse for the delicate situation.

  - Calm down soldier... I know who you are and this war is not between us! - He looked straight into Timochenco eyes although it was slightly lower, but it was not a man to be intimidated. - We have orders to take the Doctor and Mr. Frost safely to Amsterdam... - I thought that would be enough to calm tempers.

  - The colonel will accompany us on the trip, General... - Nadja was not sure whether his proposal would be accepted, but had nothing to lose.

  - All right... - observed with greater curiosity that group escorting, it was not quite what he wanted, but had been ordered and it was up to him only obey them, was not there to make decisions that did not fit him. - The three follow for NOMAD, the others are. The private plane is waiting on the runway, the board will find the necessary conditions to restore! - He looked at the two that looked like ragged refugees from a war zone and were just that.

  - The board will have medical care, hot shower, food and information you need! Have a good trip! - Its mission ended there as this group, the most, was to contain the maritime invasion that approached the African coast.


  Nick Frost regained consciousness while being transported to the particular plane NOMAD the exclusive service of the Corporation, Oliver McQueen had personally recommended whole apparatus rescue and safety to ensure that your fieldworker came in unscathed ace facilities and could contribute to the resolution Frost problem, but completely unaware of the health situation in which it appeared.

  - Blood Null ... Chimera... - Nadja noticed a whisper and lip movement from inside the biological containment chamber.

  - Stop it! Wait a moment! - The entourage carrying the coffin for nefarious living stopped and stood still while Nadja was looking for more than heard. Biochemical put his ear to the circular cover glass that prevented him from playing Nick Frost and waited.

  - Chimera... Look... - Nothing could be heard at that time, the Tupolev that brought lifted flight making a deafening noise and the man in the containment chamber was again unconscious inside.

  - What was Nadja? - Asked Vladimir resumed while walking trims the interior of the private jet plane, face a new journey of over twelve hours were traveling for at least twenty four hours in several different types of aircraft and with little sleep. The physical exhaustion was evident.

  - Nick told me something about chimera... - She herself did not know the meaning of words, but needed to find out. Nothing more was said after that, the containment chamber had been accommodated inside the private jet in appropriate and specific conditions, left her and her companion do the minimum that the civilized world expected of them and therefore, both went to different rooms reserved for them.

  Nadja lost no time in taking a nice hot bath, something that did not see a lot of time and had a sense of rebirth to feel the water run through his body, opened the tap more excessively than need to be able to feel that precious liquid drain through the skin. You are looking for something that could slide the body and return it the softness that was used to, but now lost, and after about twenty minutes of immersion, was revitalized in any case, fatigue and safety of the time ended up winning and left take the dream world on the satin bed sheets. That staff NOMAD really knew how to live.

  Timochenco did not need so much civility and lay down on the bed and fell asleep, hoping that when he woke up the world had not changed since the last time she had seen under normal conditions. His mission was only at the beginning, on the other hand, had prepared all his life for this, expected to do their best, but for him, Nadja Romanov...

  The toxic cloud invaded the Argentine airspace and slowly Chilean, the winds and the density of the air meant that his foray into the South American continent was gradual, but homogeneous, behind him left a trail of death in just a few hours resumed life but not in known manner. The creatures were emerging of this new wave of evolution were grotesque; first the gray death, painless and sudden, a few hours later gave way to beefier and willing beings sinned by irrationality that happened because of the physiological change is too abrupt, but no doubt were better prepared to face the adversities of the Earth, the that the human race has ever been. There was a consensus that biotypes humanoids could not survive this as rapid transformation. That was unacceptable even to the natural laws in this case.

  After aspired to green and deadly toxin, the body entered in a state of catalepsy to the point of death to be observed not only by the lack of vital signs such as the grayish color that denoted an accelerated decomposition, but during that the cellular system process revitalized a new way of life that made them stronger, prepared and combative to the adversities of the world, however, it was not all work a miracle of nature. The human brain needed time to assimilate the new physical, more advantaged muscle, senses of smell and touch more refined and a vision that would be the envy of any bird of prey.

  The human physiology lazily showed unexpected changes and the results of such an experiment out of laboratories and uncontrollably, marred nerve cells, specifically those which ran the brain system to the point o
f causing profound dementia. Nature could most often show s very wise in the processes used for the evolution of species, but in this case there was categorically wrong, or not ... Everything would depend on the ultimate goal.

  Around sunset, the natural precedent was that to create a new species would need to completely destroy the previous, or otherwise we would have a parallel evolution of similar characteristics individuals but with completely different goals. That would be the conclusion that Urd Wessel, chief scientist of the Corporation NOMAD come to draw a parallel between man and ape in the virus behavior studies in the specimens that had to study and only did increase at the expense of the scientific body that commanded.

  For him, the apes had been the kind passed over in the evolutionary process, only then could explain the way how the monkeys despite having humanlike characteristics, little more resembled the men, in addition to their appearance, all this with a good dose of will to put them on the same level.

  The considerations at this time were that; if it had already been something similar to what they faced now, everything in the known past had been an evolutionary process in which the species was affected, he chose to cohabit with those who do not evolve, rather than annihilating completely, but it seemed, nature does not make the same mistake twice leaving two distinct species from the same proliferate on the planet, for that reason, there was a need for ZOMBIES infect their peers to create a new homogeneous and predominant race.

  On the other hand, it was never the answer they have found the missing link that connected the evolution from apes to modern man, came from the same tree from different branches. It made perfect sense, therefore, the man did not descend from monkeys. Darwin was wrong, in any case, could not be condemned academically for not having access to the information held now.


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