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Made to Love

Page 12

by Medina, Heidi

  “Excellent. We’ll talk soon, then.” His eyes sparkled as he winked at me.

  Returning his smile, I hastily made my way to the elevator, feeling largely relieved, and as if a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I’d come out not having to explain my painful past, and Nathan hadn’t tossed me aside like yesterday’s news. All in all, a minor victory. Feeling better than I had in two days, I headed to my office to refresh myself on preparations for tonight.

  “Tonight’s the big night, huh?” Danielle raised her eyebrows in my direction as we made our way to the lobby. She and Bailey had barreled into my office shortly after noon, insisting I join them for lunch. I had been silently praising myself on being able to sequester all thoughts of Nathan to the back of my mind, and completely focus on Isaac’s talking points for tonight. I had been ‘in the zone’, and was planning to just grab something quick and continue working, but Bailey had piqued my curiosity when he’d mentioned sushi. It was something I’d never tried, and truth be told, I was eager to get out of my office for a bit.

  So here we were, heading to SUteiSHi, where my taste buds were about to have an experience of orgasmic proportions. According to Bailey, anyway. “Yeah, don’t remind me. I’ve been trying to pretend that it’s not the most important dinner in my career,” I joked.

  “I told you I would go with you if you wanted,” Bailey offered, as we walked out on to the street. “Just say the word, love.”

  “I know, and it’s sweet of you to offer. But I’ll be okay.” I hoped I sounded convincing.

  Bailey had made prior reservations, and once we arrived, we were ushered quickly into our seats. I fidgeted with my chopsticks as we gave the waitress our drink orders. The menu was overwhelming, and I had no idea what most of it was. I looked up to find Bailey watching me over the top of his menu. “Need some help?”

  I laid the menu down. “I have no idea what to order,” I confessed. “Isn’t it all just raw fish?”

  “Oh, honey. Sushi is so much more than just raw fish,” he replied in mock outrage. He motioned to our passing waitress. “I’ll order for you. Got any allergies?”

  Orders placed, conversation shifted to the one topic they knew nothing about. Me.

  “So, why New York? Do you have family here?” This from Danielle.

  I blinked a few times, and gulped down a swallow of my Pepsi before shaking my head. “No. My mom lives in Texas.” I really didn’t want this to be a ‘get-to-know-Reagan’ lunch, and hoped Bailey would take pity and change the subject.

  “Really? That must be hard.” Bailey leaned in, as if hoping for some really good scoop. Clearly, he was just as interested and was obviously going to be of no help.

  “It was a big move, but I am adjusting. And what about you two? Any family?”

  My attempt to change the subject was a success, and Danielle’s face lit up as she began to tell me about Micah, her awesome and apparently drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend of three years.

  Bailey snatched up his dinner knife and held it to his wrist. “If I have to sit through one more conversation about how wonderful your boyfriend is, I will take my own life,” he proclaimed dramatically.

  “I can’t help that I happen to be dating the hottest man in Manhattan” Danielle smirked.

  “Honey, please. You are forgetting our young Mr. Nathan Preston” Bailey raised an eyebrow and looked towards me. “What do you say, Reagan? Nathan Preston; sex in a suit, right?”

  I felt heat flush my face as they both stared, awaiting my response. “Um, sure. He’s okay, I guess.”

  Give nothing away, Reagan.

  “Just okay?” Bailey was incredulous. He shook his head at me as if disappointed. “Girl, a man that fine should really come with his own warning label.”

  Danielle erupted in giggles, and I zoned out as the two of them continued to catalogue the many attributes of the man who had kissed several inches of my body, quite thoroughly, less than forty-eight hours ago.

  Sex in a suit? If they only knew.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Though my initial plan had been to seduce Reagan into my bed, in hopes of curing this need, or want for her, she was proving to be a game-changer. It wasn’t every day, or any day for that matter, that I found someone who made me sit up and take notice. Reagan commanded my attention and she has it. After ignoring me all day yesterday, I wasn’t entirely sure she would respond when I IM’d her this morning. I had already made up my mind that if she didn’t, I wouldn’t hesitate to present myself at her office, to hell with propriety. Enough was enough. But she had responded, and my first sight of her in two days had left me shaken. It was almost as if she had this invisible magnetic pull, and I was powerless to resist it. I’d wanted to hold her, kiss her, tell her I was sorry for whatever it was I had done to make her run again.

  But she’d changed the game with her friends thing. That I hadn’t expected, and I had wanted to howl in frustration. She was by the far the most interesting, challenging and attractive woman I had met to date, and she wanted nothing more than friendship? I couldn’t recall ever having been friends with a woman; they were too clingy for anything more than the occasional romp in the sack.

  Could I be friends with her? The truth was, I didn’t know. How could you be friends with someone you fought the urge to kiss every time you saw them? Someone you imagined naked every time they crossed your mind? It was unchartered territory for me, and I wasn’t sure I would survive the trip. But a friendship was all she was offering, and I was greedy enough to take it. Because not seeing her anymore wasn’t something I was ready to do just yet. I had to see this thing through.

  So, I had shoved my frustration to the side, and agreed. A friendship is what she would get. A minor setback, to be sure, but I didn’t doubt we’d be FWB’s before long. This was me, Nathan Preston. A little confidence in my game was warranted.

  Jake’s words from last night niggled at the back of my mind. Was it the chase. . .the challenge of getting this one in my bed, just to prove I could do it? Or something more?

  I drug a hand through my hair. I was growing weary of all the questions. It shouldn’t be this complicated; we’d barely been involved. I still couldn’t quite grasp the fact that I’d been on the receiving end of the infamous “it’s not you, it’s me” speech. Jake would have a field day with this one.

  My cell phone trilled loudly in the silence of my office, and I glanced at the display. With a heavy sigh, I slid my finger across the screen and answered. “Hello, Mother.”

  “Nathan, darling, I am so glad I caught you.” Mom sounded all cheery and together, not a slur detected. “I’m meeting Anna Bradshaw for lunch, and it occurred to me that her niece Whitney is in town.”

  My mother paused dramatically, as if the news of this Whitney’s arrival was enough to have me on my knees, ring in hand. Her matchmaker schemes were both predictable and largely unsuccessful. “And?”

  “And, I think it would be ideal if you were to call and take her out for dinner. Tonight?”

  Unbelievable. Despite knowing she couldn’t see me, I shook my head anyway. “I have plans tonight.”

  “Well, break them. She will only be in town until Sunday evening, and is really a quite lovely girl. You need to have some fun, Nathan.”

  I stifled a laugh. My mom’s feigned belief that I somehow had no time for fun was ridiculous. Of course, what she really meant was that I needed to have some fun with someone worthy of the Preston name. “I’m sure she’s stunning, Mother. But like I said, I have plans. And don’t worry. I expect them to be fun ones.”

  Another lengthy pause. Shit, I’d probably somehow hurt her feelings. Despite her faults, Mom really did mean well. I sighed and leaned my head back against the chair, eyes closed. “Why don’t you text me her number and I will give her a call for perhaps tomorrow evening. Will that work?” I had no intention of following through, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “Wonderful, darling. I wil
l let them know to expect you.”

  The elevator doors opened, and there she stood. Along with about a half dozen other people, all ready to call it a day. She locked eyes with me instantly as the group began to file into the elevator. Seeing that she had been the first to board, she was inevitably forced to move in closer to the back, which meant she was moving closer to me.

  The doors closed and conversations about picking up kids and dinner plans continued. I watched with undeniable pleasure as Reagan fought to keep as much distance between us as she could. Her cheeks were flushed, and I couldn’t help raising my arm to check my watch, and then letting it fall and brush along her side on the way down. She jumped as if she’d been burned, still staring straight ahead.

  I cocked my head down in her direction, also keeping my eyes forward. “Hello, Miss Andrews,” I murmured softly. “Heading out?”

  She cleared her throat. “Hi, uhm. . .yes. I am. Got the Johnson thing, ya know.”

  Shit, this was priceless. We could’ve been the only two people on this elevator; the sexual tension around us was palpable. She was clearly affected by me, but desperately trying to pretend otherwise. I loved it.

  I supposed I should probably let her know we were heading to the same place, but figured she’d get all defensive and territorial. The woman did love her work. I simply smiled and shifted closer to her, pretending to make more room for the man in front of me, talking loudly on his cell phone. The wall was to her left, so she had no room to scoot over. This allowed me the opportunity to press my arm against her just as she raised her own arm to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, so my arm actually touched the side of her breast. Even knowing it was impossible, I swear she slid even further into the corner as she crossed her arms over chest.

  Was I taking advantage of the enclosed space? Damn straight. Maybe this friends thing wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Just a few hours in, and I was already having more fun than I’d had in weeks. The fact that touching her body caused my own to tighten and become rock hard was beside the point.

  I was getting to her. This could prove very interesting, indeed.

  The doors opened to the lobby, and everyone began to exit. I almost laughed out loud when Reagan hurried to get off and away from me. I followed behind her, as we headed outside, she to hail a cab and I toward my car.

  “Well, Miss Andrews. See you soon.”

  She turned and gave me a wave. “Enjoy your evening,” she called back. Climbing into the waiting taxi, she soon disappeared from sight.

  That, pretty girl, all depends on you.


  It was clear to me as I finally released the breath I had been holding, that I was out of my element. First, with Nathan. All my rationale for wanting to be just friends six hours ago seemed so pointless now. A mere touch from the man turned me into a mindless idiot. I was finally learning what people meant when they used the word crave while talking about the opposite sex. I had exchanged nothing more than a few make out sessions with Nathan Preston, but I craved his touch, his lips, and the feel of his hands on my body. I hadn’t craved anything before, unless it was a double mint brownie sundae from Coldstone, and that didn’t even come close. There was no denying it: I craved Nathan Preston. We were both adults, the attraction between us was intense, and he didn’t want to be just friends any more than I did. So why was I insisting on it again?

  Of course, I knew why. I would either have to tell him he wasn’t allowed to hug me, or trap my arms in any way, which I knew without a doubt would just lead to questions I didn’t want to answer, or I would have to just come clean on everything and explain my messed up childhood. Neither option was one I felt okay with. Despite having had the conversation several times in my past relationships, I had a feeling that telling Nathan he could never hug me wouldn’t go over well. Besides, I wanted him to hug me. And then, I wanted him to take the beautiful mouth of his and kiss every inch of my sex-starved body, for starters. I wanted him to do all manner of things with me and to me. I wanted. . .him.

  But friendship is what I had insisted on, and I couldn’t very well run to him now and ask for more. Even I recognized how flighty and childish that made me sound. And I was sure that once I slept on it I would remember why just friends with Nathan was a good thing. It was just that now, after being in close proximity to him on that elevator, my brain had obviously closed up shop for the night.

  I wondered what he was doing tonight; what his plans were and who they were with. I knew it was ridiculous for me to feel a stab of jealousy at the thought he may be on his way to a date with someone else at this moment, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I was jealous, regardless of the fact I had no right to be.

  I pushed those thoughts aside as the taxi rolled to a stop in front of Per Se, where the Johnson’s had made reservations. And here was number two. I was out of my element in my work. I was just a small town girl from Austin, Texas. I had no idea how to maneuver through the fast paced, high-society corporate world of upper East-Manhattan. A world where people had personal drivers, lavish parties, endless wealth, and no worries. I wasn’t from this world, yet had willingly inserted myself into it, hoping to learn enough to, if not become part of it, at least succeed in it. Here, this job, was where I wanted to be. Yet, that didn’t change that it was often a bit overwhelming for me, and as I walked into the restaurant, I wished not for the first time that I had taken Bailey up on his offer to accompany me. I needed a familiar face.

  I gave my name to the hostess, who whisked me to a table near the back. I immediately noticed Royce Johnson wasn’t alone as I approached, and couldn’t mask my surprise as he and Nathan stood once I arrived at the table.

  Nathan. What was he doing here?

  Royce Johnson extended his hand, which I shook in greeting. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Andrews.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Johnson,” I replied, as we sat down. Nathan made a big display of shuffling some papers on the table in front of him, but I wasn’t fooled. He was avoiding the very obvious unspoken question that hung between us. Why was he here? I tamped down the flash of annoyance at his presence. Hadn’t I just been bemoaning the fact that I needed a familiar face here tonight? Well, here he was. I should be feeling grateful for the support.

  Except, my concentration suffered when Nathan was near. And I didn’t need that tonight.

  “Please, call me Royce. I hope you don’t mind the extra guest tonight. Nathan insisted on coming, or it could’ve been just us.” Royce winked conspiratorially in my direction.

  I looked at Nathan, who stared at Royce for a moment, a frown marring his features. “No, it’s fine.”

  Alcohol. I needed alcohol, and glanced around for the nearest waitress.

  “When did you say your brother would be gracing us? I’m sure Miss Andrews doesn’t have all night.”

  My eyes grew wide as I stared at Nathan, shocked at his tone. He looked my way, and gave a small shrug, as if to say “what’s the problem?” If Royce took offense, he didn’t comment on it. “Oh, Robert will be here soon. He was wrapping up a last minute meeting, and then was heading this way. Why don’t you order Miss Andrews a drink and I’ll give him a call?”

  I waited until he was out of earshot, then leaned across the table. “You insisted on coming tonight?” I hissed in an irritated whisper.

  He leaned across the table as well, until our faces were mere inches from each other, to whisper back. “I wouldn’t say I insisted, exactly.”

  My eyes zeroed in on his mouth, as his lips formed his response. I was torn between wanting to slap the smirk off his face, and wanting to bite his bottom lip as I explored the inside of his mouth with my tongue. I shot back in my chair, away from him. My cheeks flushed as I heard him chuckle. My insides felt all tingly and I swear it had to be well over a hundred degrees in this place.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “What would you say it was then?”

  He looked over at Royce, who was near the front a
nd still talking on his cell. “Look, Reagan. Isaac should have known better than to send you out here with these guys. They are known to drink too much and get too hands on.”

  “Were you worried I couldn’t handle myself? That I would ruin this for Elite?” I had worried about this very thing myself, but he didn’t need to know that I had questioned my own confidence.

  “Of course you can handle yourself. But why should you have to go at this alone? I figured you could use some back up, and that back up is me. Besides, isn’t that what a good friend would do?” He gave a short nod of his head, and I turned to see Royce heading back in our direction.

  His emphasis on the word friend wasn’t lost on me. “Fine. Then as my friend, let me handle this. It’s my deal.” I realized that being in the position Nathan was in, he could easily take over this meeting and I would have no say in the matter. But it felt good saying it anyway. I was irritated and horny as hell, and since I had made the decision to just be friends, the object of all my recent sexual fantasies was popping up everywhere I turned around, messing with my head.

  Nathan tilted his head at me, eyes sparkling in amusement. “Absolutely.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I knew Reagan would become defensive once she learned I was here, and I wasn’t disappointed. I suppose it had been a little unfair to her for me to just show up unannounced, but I couldn’t deny it was fun seeing her squirm. I had no intention of taking over, or imposing myself on the situation as if she couldn’t handle it. I was here to make sure Robert and Royce Johnson kept their hands to themselves; plain and simple.

  “Good news. Robert is just a few blocks away and should be here at any time.” Royce sat back down, scooting his chair entirely too close to Reagan in the process. The audacity of this man was amazing; this was supposed to be a business dinner. Perhaps Royce Johnson was in need of a reminder.


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