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Unleash The Darkness: (Eternally Mated Novela)

Page 5

by Valerie Twombly

  “Well, well. Looky what we have here.”

  Eva’s heart jumped into her throat as one of the ugliest demons she’d ever seen came into view. A cyclops with black scaly skin, long claws, and sharp teeth.

  He licked his lips.

  Eva swallowed as she glanced around her. She had no way to defend herself. Guardians came with limited fighting power and even that was diminished at the moment. Think, Eva. You have to find a way out of this.

  Seph tried to curtail his anger and fear as he stared at the boy. The neighborhood was in chaos as sirens blared and emergency teams spread out on the streets, looking for those who needed help. Seph shielded himself and the boy from the spying eyes of the humans. Enough damage had been done already. Right on cue, Tegan along with Eli showed up on the scene.

  “What the hell did you do, Seph?” Tegan demanded, a vein on his temple protruding with each word.

  “Wow, your wings are cool,” the boy stated, looking at Tegan with wide eyes.

  The archangel raised a brow. “Thanks.” He looked back at Seph. “Who’s the kid and what in blazes happened?”

  Blazes? Eli snickered.

  Shut the fuck up. Tegan shot a menacing glare at Eli then focused it on Seph.

  Of course, Seph’s distress would have been detected as well as the catastrophe that followed. He looked around and hoped he had not been responsible for any injuries. “I didn’t start this mess, but I am partly responsible. We need to talk someplace more secure.” Fuck it, at this point he was pretty sure Lucifer’s daughter was on her way to see Daddy. He had the boy who he stared down at. “Are you okay?”

  The child nodded.

  “Your name is Fredrick, yes?”

  “Yep. How did you know?”

  Tegan and Eli both mind fucked him as they cursed telepathically.

  “Good guess.” He looked back at Tegan. “Need I say more?”

  “I think not.” A sudden burst of wind came up, and all of them were swept away only to drop gently on a remote island that was inhabited by a few lizards and some pesky insects. “So, what in the name of the Maker is going on?” Tegan asked.

  “Let’s ask Fredrick here what he can tell us,” Seph said as he focused on the boy. “What were you doing with my mate in a cage?”

  “Eva?” Eli asked.

  “She’s been taken by Fredrick’s sister, I assume.”

  “She was the angel who came and got my mom after she died in a car accident,” the boy responded.

  Seph nodded as that made perfect sense. “Go on,” he urged, trying not to show his impatience. Who knew what was happening to Eva at this very moment.

  “She came back to check on me and Sissy got upset. Sissy tried to tell her to leave, but the pretty angel didn’t listen. Sissy put her in a cage, but she didn’t hurt the angel or the baby.”

  Seph took a step back. “Baby?” How the hell had he missed that? His panic ratcheted up several more notches. It was a good thing reapers couldn’t hyperventilate.

  “Seph? What the hell is going on?” Eli questioned. The hunter and Eva had always been close. Seph had even asked Eli to train Eva in combat in case she ever needed it, and right now he was glad he had done so. Eli was one hell of a hunter and fighter, and the knowledge he had taught Eva might be what would keep her alive.

  “I was summoned by Lucifer––”

  “What the fuck?” Tegan growled. Apparently, he no longer cared he was in the presence of a child. After all, the kid was the Prince of Darkness so what did a little foul language matter?

  Seph opened the link that connected them and replayed his encounter with Lucifer, including Lucifer’s his location. It was faster and more secure than speaking out loud. In a matter of seconds, the two men in front of him had all the information he did. Including the book found in Lucifer’s Hell castle.

  Tegan’s face reddened. He bore two children with one of our females? How the fuck does this shit happen?

  Seems a lot of things slip through the cracks, Seph responded.

  What about the boy? What do we do with him? Eli asked.

  Obviously we use him to get to Lucifer, Tegan said.

  No. Lucifer seems to want his daughter more, but I think we can get to her using the boy. They seem close. I don’t feel he is a threat to us in any way. Least not at the moment, Seph came back.

  Agreed. I sense the boy is too young to be problematic. He still holds his innocence, Tegan replied.

  “So, what’s our plan?” Eli asked.

  Tegan grinned. “We pay a visit to Lucifer’s chamber after I let his sister know what’s going on. I’m sure she would love to take care of her nephew.” Tegan spread his wings and looked at the child. “Fredrick, ever flown before?”

  “Can we?” The boy’s eyes widened with interest.

  “I’ll pay a visit to Zander and the others. I want to see this book,” Eli said.

  “You two stay here until I get back.” Tegan picked up the boy and vanished, likely taking him to the Maker. Seph hoped Tegan hurried because he couldn’t stay in one place much longer. He had to find his mate. The weight of their last words bore down on him. Never in their relationship had he given her a command. If only she had listened.

  Chapter Seven

  “Get the hell out of my way.” Eva pulled back her shoulders and leveled her best glare on the creature. Maybe she could intimidate him while she searched for any powers she might have remaining.

  The demon laughed at her. “A guardian angel in Lulerain and you think to intimidate me?”

  Shit. Lulerain? She was in deeper trouble than she’d thought. This wasn’t just Hell, it was the pits where the worst of the worst were sent to suffer. Panic set in as she tried again to dig for any power. A tiny spark ignited then grew bigger and bolder until something hard and warm filled her palm. Weighted down her right arm until she was forced to look at her hand.

  Oh my. She hoped shock didn’t register on her face. Seph’s sword glistened, the red light reflecting off the blade. She immediately swung it in front of her, both hands wrapping around the grip. Somehow, she had managed to call her mate’s weapon.

  The demon’s mouth dropped open, but he quickly regained his composure and began to laugh. “Well that was a nice trick, but guardian angels are not fighters. Come peaceful and I’ll not harm you. Much.” He took a step closer.

  Eva dropped the point of her blade and aimed it right at his chest. She was amazed at how balanced the sword was, considering it was crafted only for Seph. Her confidence rose with his weapon in her hands. “Do not think for one minute I won’t harm you.” She summoned her most intimidating voice and hoped she exuded confidence, because she sure as hell lacked it.

  Again he laughed, and not being taken seriously made her angrier by the minute. Why shouldn’t a guardian be able to fight? Something she was going to rectify when she got back home. She would bring it before Ashley and Kelana, who she was certain would agree. All females would learn how to defend themselves. Period.

  His face contorted and he flashed sharp teeth. “Enough of this nonsense. You will be my slave and service my needs as well as those willing to pay. There has never been one like you down here before so I am sure they will line up for a chance at you.”

  She blanched but gave the sword a short thrust in his direction. “Back the fuck off.”

  His eye lit with excitement. “Feisty. Even more fun. We like them when they fight back. Makes breaking the female even better.” He advanced and her mind went immediately to the life growing inside her. Something snapped.

  Not a chance. Without thought, she swung. The blade sang through the air and connected with his head. Blood splattered her face, chest, and arms as the now lifeless body slumped to the ground, and the head toppled to some distant corner. Eva realized her breathing was rapid and her limbs shaking. She dropped to her knees, the sword vanishing as she tossed the contents of her stomach. Numb, she looked around. Never in her human or angel life had she killed another being
. She was a guardian. A gentle soul who brought peace and contentment to those around her. Tears spilled down her cheeks as the weight of what she had done bore down on her. Yes, it had been necessary for the survival of her and her unborn child. Did the fact he was a demon make it any better?


  She was grateful for the training her mate had thought to seek out for her. There was no doubt it had saved her life. But deep in her soul, Eva realized her life had changed forever when that blade connected and killed the demon. Her soft edges were now harder because of it. She stood, brushed the tears from her face, and stared at the blood that covered her skin and clothes before she stepped over the fallen body.

  She would wear his blood like a badge of honor and let any others who thought to mess with her think twice before doing so. She would do whatever it took to find her way home. She might not have access to any of her power or the ability to communicate with the others; however, she had done something that as far as she knew had never been done before. She had summoned the weapon of her mate. Guilt might settle into her mind about him being in battle when it happened, but she realized Seph rarely ever used it. He had powers not even she realized. That fact had been brought home when she’d witnessed him in reaper form. Apparently, she didn’t know the love of her life as well as she thought. Something she would correct the second she was back in his arms.

  Seph knew the moment his sword was called, and there wasn’t any doubt where it had gone. The problem was, Seph wasn’t sure if he should be elated or scared to death. First off, the fact that Eva had been able to command his weapon meant she was in trouble. It also meant that a part of him was there to protect her, and he knew she was strong. His mate would do whatever it took to survive. He looked over at his friend Eli and was instantly grateful.

  “Why are you looking at me like you want to hug me?” Eli asked. His nose wrinkling. “It’s fucking uncomfortable as hell.”

  “Eva called my sword.”

  “What?” Both Tegan and Eli questioned at the same time.

  “I don’t know how but she commanded my sword, which means she’s in trouble. And I could hug you because I know you taught her well.”

  Eli’s features softened. “Eva was an excellent student, and I have every confidence that if she has your weapon, she will do well.” He cocked his head. “I had no idea mates could do that though.”

  “Me neither,” Tegan said. “Perhaps it’s only reserved for reaper mates? There are not a lot of you mated, so who knows.”

  Seph nodded. “We need to hurry and find her. I’ll take you to Lucifer’s chamber.” With that, he summoned a portal and everyone stepped in. Within seconds, the three of them were next to the gate he had used to enter Hell’s pits.

  “Umm, are we going to be able to get in without a demon escort?” Eli asked.

  “Shit. I’m so worried about Eva I forgot you guys need a demon for this.” He scratched his jaw. “Kelana is demon.” He quickly connected to Lyzander’s mate, a new angel warrior. Kelana, don’t ask questions, just drop whatever the hell you’re doing and come to my location.

  Ten seconds later. “What’s up?” Kelana stood in front of them, blades strapped to her hip and thigh. The woman was always ready for action.

  “I’ll explain on the way. These two need an escort inside Lulerain.”

  Her eyes lit up. “We going to kick some ass?”

  “You might say that.” As they entered through the gate Seph had opened, he relayed the entire story to Kelana through their link. By the time they reached the chamber, she knew as much as the rest of them.

  “This isn’t good. Shit, I just saw Eva not long ago.” Kelana chewed her bottom lip. “We need to tell Ashley right away.”

  “Agreed,” Eli came back.

  “Where did you see her?” Seph questioned.

  “The Maker called myself, Ashley, and Eva to a meeting. She wants us to revive the Tribunal.”

  Still, Eva should have been safe in that meeting. “Did she mention going anywhere?”

  “Yes. Something about checking on a boy whose mother had passed.”

  And there it was. She had disobeyed him, and he swore once she was safe back home, he was going to put her over his knee.

  “The power surrounding this room is definitely from the Maker.” Tegan studied the ceiling, his gaze landing on the crystal pedestal in the center of the room. “I’m thinking that is where the box was?” He pointed. Seph moved next to him.

  “Son of a bitch.” The box was gone. “Yeah, a plain wooden box was the only thing that contained him. This isn’t good.” If Seph was a crying man, now would be the time. Instead, he dug even deeper for the darkness that lurked inside him. His mate was somewhere in Lulerain. He was positive of it, and he would find her if he had to rip the entire place apart. Demon by fucking demon.

  “I think it’s time to call in reinforcements.” Kelana broke his inner tirade. “Ashley may be able to help as well as Lyzander, Cade, and Raze. After all, they are fallen angels and have been scouting out Lulerain. They’ve gained a bad-ass reputation and might be able to get information.” She touched Seph on the shoulder. A reassuring gesture that did little to help.

  “I know people as well. How do you think I got Lyzander out of Lulerain?”

  A little spark of hope lit inside of him. “Thank you. I’m going to leave you guys to take care of informing the others. I need to start searching.”

  Tegan slapped him on the back. “You go do what you have to. We will take care of things on this end.”

  Everyone took off, leaving Seph alone with his thoughts. An idea came to him and he called forth his reaper. His dark power swirled around him, waiting for his command. And he gave it, sending it in search of even the smallest residual of stray power from either of the beings he was made from. It didn’t take long to gather the Maker’s left over energy. The room was filled with it from keeping Lucifer prisoner. He gathered it and melded it with his own. He was disappointed that it didn’t give him the boost he’d hoped for. His search continued. His power swept every nook and cranny of the crystal room, and finally several grueling minutes later, his patience paid off. In the corner down low was a tiny speck of Lucifer’s power. It must have been where he made his way out. However, there was another who had been with him. Likely his daughter had made her way here and carried her father off, still contained in his prison. Perhaps she hadn’t figured out how to release him yet. Maybe they still had time.

  Seph latched onto the power left behind and folded it inward. The inky spot on his soul sighed as it took in pure evil. He tipped his head back and let it fill his veins. Pump through his body until it fed every inch of him. His light dimmed and for a brief moment he worried he may remain this way forever. Unable to return to his angelic form, the love for his mate drove him. He would condemn himself to purgatory in order to save her. Break every rule the Maker had written. He couldn’t fall from grace like the others. A reaper would never become a fallen angel. He would simply become a resident of Hell. Forever bound to Lucifer.

  It was a risk he was willing to take.

  Seph raised his hand, blasted a hole in the wall opposite him, and stepped through right before the rest of the crystal room shattered and began to crumble around him. There was another here who might be able to help him. One who had bound himself to Lucifer centuries ago.

  It was time to call on Charon and see what the ferryman could do to help.

  Eva had been walking for hours, or at least it felt that long. There was no way to tell since her internal clock was off kilter. One thing was certain, she was starving. The life growing inside her demanded something to eat, and she needed to keep up her strength. Trouble was, she hadn’t seen anything but rock since she had left her headless demon behind. She kicked a pebble out of her path.

  “Ugh! If I never see rocks again in my lifetime, it will be too soon.” She stopped to wipe a bead of sweat from her face and caught a faint sound.


  “Oh, glory be.” Eva rushed toward the sound, her feet moving faster the louder it got. She threw caution to the wind and forgot her training until the sight of a small creek reached her, then she came to a halt. Eli would kick her ass had he been here to witness her carelessness. She would endeavor to do better and remember all the time and hard work he had put into her training. She scanned the area as best she could, and when she was certain it was clear, she tiptoed closer. Like a skittish animal that feared being eaten, she approached. Taking a look around, she dropped to her knees and cupped her hands, dipping them into the cool water. She first sniffed then splashed her face, sighing as the icy wetness slapped her skin and cooled her. Next, she wiped her wet hands along her arms and washed off the blood. There was enough on her clothes to tell any would-be attackers that she was a fighter and obviously skilled. After cleaning herself off best she could, she finally took a drink. Confident since the water hadn’t peeled her skin off, it must be okay to drink. After several mouthfuls, she finally sat back on her ankles and took a deep breath, taking time to study the water as it swirled away from her. She would rest for a minute then follow its flow and hopefully it would lead her out of here.

  A rustle caught her attention and she leapt to her feet, whirled to face the noise, and her gaze landed on a small creature. Hesitant at first yet curious, she watched it, saying nothing. The puppy, covered with black scales and tufts of dark fur, raised its head from drinking and its red eyes met hers. Its long tail wagged, and it suddenly bounded across the shallow water to her.

  She backed up, not sure if it meant to bite her or lick her with the long tongue that hung from one side of its mouth. It stopped in front of her and sat, cocking its head to stare her down. It was then she noticed it was a he.


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