Book Read Free

Ice Cold

Page 23

by Mark Graham

  The first thing he did was go into the bathroom. It seemed like Jimmie had kind of fallen asleep too, but as soon as Ice turned the water on, Jimmie became wide awake. “Do

  not worry little man,” Ice stated, “we won’t start on you until we get our coffee and such.

  Ice washed his hands and face. He was only wearing his undershorts and t-shirt. He went into the room, went into his bag and took out some sweat pants and some thick slippers. He headed out and down the stairs for some coffee.

  He returned with two large coffees, two donuts, and two apples.

  “Sweetie, hey sweetie,” he said in the nicest voice he had and tweeked one of her toes. She jumped right out of bed from that.

  “Damn Ice, don’t do that again she said crossly,” she mumbled. “I had dreams all night about fingers and toes. Shit! you have some coffee for me?”

  Ice went over to the small table between the two chairs putting one of each next to each chair. He sat down and started with his coffee. She went into the bathroom, ignoring Jimmie and washed her face, helping her wake up a little,.

  “What did you call me?” she asked wondering.

  “I called you sweetie, and before I could say it was time for school you jumped up,” he answered.

  “Well dang,” she said yawning, “I can’t stand for anybody to handle my feet, especially my toes. I don’t know, my mother was the same way.”

  “Sissy,” he said quietly laughing. “We only have about fifteen more hours and I hope it doesn’t go too slow.”

  “I’m sure he will think it goes by too slowly.

  After they leisurely drank their coffee and ate the donuts and apple they both suited up. Ice took his sweat pants off before putting the coveralls on. He looked at Joyce and she didn’t seem to mind.

  “What should we do next Joyce?” he asked as if he just didn’t know and had to find out.

  “Hell, I don’t know,” she said, sounding like she really wasn’t ready to start.

  “Well, we’re not ready yet because I need to go down and get some more coffee in me.”

  “That actually sounds good,” Joyce said, starting to act herself.

  “Okay, this will be short and sweet. Terrible, but short and sweet,” he said smiling.

  As soon as he walked into the bathroom he asked Jim after jabbing him in the side, he said, “Hey fuck head, didn’t you hear what I said last night?”

  Jimmie looked around confused.

  “You said you’d thank the lady for relieving you of the gifts you gave her. Remember?” Ice had turned back into his ass-hole act Joyce thought to herself.

  He picked up a big Bowie kind of knife and said, “Well, my shit weary friend we need to teach you some manners.” Jimmie started shaking his head back and forth and tried yelling which didn’t work. Ice grabbed a ear and cut it off and threw it into the toilet, and just as fast did the same to the other one.

  Ice reached over and flushed the toilet, saying, “Bye Mr. and Mrs. ears. Have a nice swim. He looked back at Jimmie while he just cried and whimpered.

  “Personally I don’t think your system could handle another cauterization at this point.” Ice reached back and grabbed two large bandages. He squeezed some stuff on each of them and attached them to the side of Jimmie’s head. “Maybe your head will be next,” he said laughing.

  “They walked out and took off their coveralls. Ice putting his sweat pants back on and left to get some more coffee.

  “Hey,” Joyce hollered, “grab me another donut, I’m still a little hungry.

  Ice knew she had to be accepting this well if she wanted something else to eat. He thought maybe he should get her a cherry jellied one but controlled himself and got her what looked like a good Bear Claw, getting one for himself. He went to the person who looked like she was the one who kept this room stocked while it was open. He talked to her and asked her something. Four minutes later she brought out a whole pot of coffee. He returned with his loot and he found out Joyce really liked the Bear Claws..

  After their refreshment they started back on Jimmie. They took turns doing things throughout the day. Ice burnt one of his nipples off, and Joyce did the other one. The next time around she took off both of his thumbs. An hour later Ice punctured both elbows with his ice pick, leaving the thing in the second wound.

  Joyce was surprised when she watched as Ice took out a long curling iron, and plugged it in. He shoved the thing up Jimmie’‘s ass and taped it in place. The last thing he did was turn it to high, and walked out.

  “Well, he won’t ever shit again,” Ice stated and sat down. He immediately started talking about some more pointers for her to learn. She actually appreciated it because it brought her attention to something to think about instead of the moaning, and the smell of burning flesh.

  Finally she said, “when you going to remove that thing from his ass?”

  “I’ll give it an hour. It will either destroy his rectum or blow out the curling iron.

  “Oh, okay,” she reply and returned to talking and asking questions.

  After an hour Ice got up and told her to just sit there. First he unplugged the curling hour. Then he got a femine tampon and put some kind of medication on it. He torn the tape off while holding the cooling iron, then jerked it out with flesh and whatever else was on it. He immediately shoved the applicator in then pulled the cardboad thing off, leaving the little string hanging out. He tried bandaging it well with enough gauze so it would help control any fluids from leaking out. Within an hour the thing would start healing, but would not get anywhere near healing.

  When it finally got to be about ten o’clock that evening Ice asked her if she was ready to take his jewels.

  “About as ready as I ever will be,” she said, kind of shuttering.

  Ice explained how it should be done, and she nodded that she understood. They went into the restroom and he gave her a scalpel and she removed Jimmie’s sack that was all shrunk up a this point. Then she snipped both balls off. Secondly, she bisected the guys dick from tip to his body. She then cut the whole thing off. As she showed them to Jimmie, Ice got his torch out and cauterized as good as he could. Both left the room.

  “I think he’s had enough, what do you think? Ice asked.

  “Hell, he had had enough when we woke up this morning.

  “Okay,” he explained. “Our next move will end with his death.”

  She nodded.

  Ice went into the restroom, picked up a hacksaw, and cut Jimmie’s head from his body.

  The last exercise wore both of them out mentally, so they went back, each grabbing a Coke. They said nothing for about fifteen minutes.

  “Come on,” Ice said, “we need to take care of this and get out of here.

  They went back into the restroom and wrapped Jimmie up in the blue tarp. Joyce found it interesting how Ice wrapped a long rope around the body. They dragged him out and laid him on the floor.

  “We’re going to drag him to his place and put him to bed,” Ice said. Put some new plastic gloves on. We have to be careful not to be seen. Anyway, there are only two rooms available on this floor. For precaution I booked the rooms on each side of this one.

  As Ice grabbed what would be the head-end, and started dragging it and Joyce went to the door and opened it, motioning Ice on. By the time he got to Jimmie’s door she had the door open and he went right in. He dragged the body into the living room and stopped short of the bed. He pulled the cover and everything else back so the sheet on the top of the bed was the only thing showing on that side of he bed. He motioned to Joyce and she took one end as Ice took the other and tossed the wrapped body onto the bed. Joyce found out why Ice tied the rope the way he did. He pulled on a lose end and jerked. The entire rope became undone, the tarp fell away, and with one more quick yank the tarp was out from under the man. Ice carefully folded the tarp up trying to keep any blood from falling on the floor. He picked the folded up tarp and brought it out into the other room and put it by the front doo
r. He returned and set up the body, then put a nice fluffy pillow where Jimmie’s head should be. He then picked up the head that had slipped off to the side and put it right in the middle of the pillow, with the neck down. He stripped the mouth piece out and brought the sheet, blanket and comforter up to the top of his body.

  He motioned Joyce and they both left taking the tarp with them. When returning to their room he threw the tarp into the restroom. Joyce helped as Ice cleaned all his tools, and she dried them and replaced them where she saw they needed to be. When that was done Ice took the bag and case and put them on the foot of the bed.

  “Get anything you brought in and get it packed. We need to be out of here within ten minutes and in our vehicle quickly.

  “What do we do with all the stuff?” Joyce asked.

  “A crew will come in here within fifteen minutes of me calling them. They will clean this room, leaving it like new and remove every thing. Then they will go over to Jimmies and remove any bugs or cameras they have over there. They will take a couple pictures probably to prove the kill and take the guys fingers out and bring them out too, and actually testing them so they can show whoever it is we’re doing this for evidence.

  Iced got his stuff together after he’d dressed in street clothes and both left. On the way out Ice dropped off the key cards and gave the guy a hundred bucks and said, “You don’t know me and you didn’t see me.”

  As they walked out the door, Ice felt comfortable and also knew the security cameras at the hotel had been disconnected since they got there.

  They found their vehicle and headed back to the airport which was quite a ways away, but with less volume of traffice it made it much easier. Once on the highway Ice called a number and said, “go do it,.” He called another number and told the Director that the mission was accomplished and they made it out and on the way to the airport. The Director changed the directions on the next assignment and wished them well and Ice hung up.

  They had to wait four hours before they got on the plane that was going to Miami. After getting on the plane they both fell asleep off and on during the entire trip. They both woke up when the stewardess taped Ice on the shoulder, and both of them woke up. Being in first class they got a nice little dinner of steak, some chicken fingers, beans, and a brownie. When they finished, both of them went back to sleep.

  They found the rental lot and got into another new model pickup. “We have about an hour trip. I think I know where a decent restaurant is almost to our destination and we can have a good supper. With the time distance they jumped ahead a few hours.

  “Did you tell me our directions have been changed on this assignment?” Joyce asked

  “Yeah, but not much,“ Ice said seriously. “We have to torture this guy too. However not for that long. The order is to give him a very painful death, and give him at least an hour.”

  “Damn,” Joyce said, “I was hoping there might be a change where we would snipe him or something else.”

  “Yeah,” Ice responded, “but I think they are giving us another one so close to the other one, giving you a chance to get acclimated to the worst, and if you make it through then you’ll be okay. Some of our future assignments can be very simple, or complex, but the substance of the mission will only have to take a second or two. But of course, we might have to sit in wait for some. I think I hate the long wait times it takes.”

  “So what has this guy done to deserve our attention?” Joyce asked.

  “He’s a pastor of a small church and has been for about fifteen years. It seems all the young girls of his church were molested sexually a number of times. When it first come out there were two guys, who were kids back then, were also molested.”

  “Somebody finally turned him in,” Ice went on. “It was one of the girls who had come of age and decided she needed to get even. The court process was a joke. Most of the victims were found and agreed to testify. That was quite a thing for them to do. Then the church became divided. The side that was supporting their pastor and not believing he would ever do this kind of thing, the other half, probably those who were parents of the victims. During the process, we learned that most of the molestation happened out in the woods. The defending attorney got the jury confused because the victims could not tell which county the acts were performed. The woods where it happened was basically split on the county line. Since they couldn’t actually say exactly where it was at, the judge had to throw it out.”

  “He’d probably still be okay,” Ice went on disgusted. “but, like most sexual deviants he couldn’t leave it alone. He ended up getting a job at a child care place and sure enough went his merry way for a couple weeks, but a worker found him in a small room with one of the little boys. Again it was reported, but this time I guess somebody decided this guy needed something worse than court and a two or three year sentence. So here we are.”

  “Well,” Joyce said, “At least I definitely won’t be too sorry for this one.” Joyce laid her head back with a little smirk on her face.

  Ice looked over and realized that she was getting her own kind of look. He was glad because that meant she could handle this crap and it wouldn’t take her long to get to where he was. It actually took him two years to become fully acclimated to the worst, and thought since he was the mentor she might get there before her year was up.

  After their supper they got back on the road and within a half hour were at their motel. Again, one room with two beds.

  “Why do we do this?” Joyce asked, kind of getting uncomfortable with the situation.

  “Actually won’t really need to do this much,” Ice replied, “it’s just with this one, like the last was; we are concerned what people see. If they see what they think is a married couple they seem to forget about them. The other way is a very good probability that it might mess us up. Hey, if I can keep my hands off of you, you should be able to to the same with me,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Silly man,” Joyce said in response.

  Ice’s throw-away cell phone rang and Ice answered it. A man on the line said a word that Ice knew he got as a code from the Director. Ice said, “yes?” and the man started to talk.

  “I am meeting the guy who you are looking for, at Denny’s just to the west of your location in about twenty minutes. We should probably be there for forty-five minutes to an hour. I have a powder to put in his drink and will do so about half way through our visit. It will basically put him in kind of low level of sleeping. He’ll feel a little odd and I will offer to walk him to his car. From the exercise of walking to the car the affects will be much more focused. I’ll get him in his car and you can have him after that. I was told that I needed to get out of the area as quick as possible because I was told that I can’t see you, or who you are without very serious consequences”

  “I’m told you have a picture of the guy,” the man went on, “but since he will be in his car let me tell you about it. He has a very new Chevy Tahoe and always parks out back of the restaurant. He parks at a slant so no nobody can park next to it and chip his paint job. A real narcissistic bastard,” the man said. It’s a silver color,” the man said and hung up the phone.

  “Well Joyce,” Ice said smiling, “we’ll be done here before we go to sleep. If it’s early enough we might just leave from wherever we do this guy and find another motel farther away. And, yes, we then can take separate rooms,” he said with a smile.

  “I’ll sure miss your snoring” Joyce said jokingly.

  “Me?” Ice stated, “You snore like a motorbike!

  “Where we going to do it?” Joyce asked.

  “Since he has done most of his crimes in the woods we’ll do it in kind of the same place. There is a wooded area surrounding a golf course not far from here. The golf course is closed because they had kind of a flood herw a few weeks ago and they’re still in the process of either repairing, or replacing two or three greens”

  “Cool,” let’s do it,” Marcia said gathering up her bag and the toiletry bag s
he already put in the restroom..

  “Wait,!” Ice said still laying across the bed. We don’t have to be there for at least a half hour, and we pick him up about half mile from here.

  Joyce became kind of jittery, and started pacing back and forth.

  “Joyce,” Ice directed, “you will need to calm down. In many incidents it takes waiting. Hell, it’s something we learned in the Corps, “hurry up and wait.”“

  Joyce sat in one of the chairs, folded her arms and looked out at nothing.

  They drove into the Denny’s lot about a half hour later. He drove their pickup around the building twice. On the second go around, driving slow, Ice pointed out the guy they were after.

  “Hell, he’s middle aged,” Joyce said a little surprised. “He looks a little pudgy, and kind of weird looking.

  “They all come in different packages Joyce. You really can’t tell who these guys are just by looking at them.”

  “I know that,” she said sarcastically, when at the same time Ice put their vehicle in reverse and parked with the tail of the truck about a foot away from their targets vehicles front bumper.

  It didn’t take very long and he saw a big man walking next to their newest assignment in his side view mirror. When getting closer he could see the man was actually holding the guy up. It didn’t take long and the guy had put their assignment in the man’s passenger seat. As soon as he slammed the door the man walked back toward the restaurant and climbed into a pickup truck. The man didn’t look their way and when driving out went the other way.

  “Nice of that guy to put him in the passenger seat,” Ice said, with Joyce seeing he had already turned on his hard ass self. “Come on,” told Joyce.

  They went to the truck and opened the door. The man sat their fully relaxed and just kind of glance at them and muttering, “What the f . . ..” When opening the door Ice had immediately stuck the man with a little needle that contained just enough to put the guy out. As before he grabbed the man, but instead slung him up on his shoulder, turned and dumped the drugged body in the back of the truck.


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