Book Read Free

Ice Cold

Page 24

by Mark Graham

  “That will put him out for less than an hour, so we have to hurry and get him taken care of,” Ice said to Joyce as they both hoped in the truck.

  Several minutes later they came to a dirt road which Ice turned on to. Within about two minutes they came to a dead end, blocked by a big gate. “Get out there and unlatch that thing Joyce. Let me get in then close it again and jump back in here.

  Joyce did what she was told and latched the fence as it was when they got there.

  “You’d think they’d lock that thing?” she asked.

  “It probably was up to a couple hours ago. As many times some stuff gets prepared for us.”

  “Wow, cool,” she said in surprise.

  “Well don’t get used to it, little lady,” Ice said, fully in his other self.

  They got the body out of the bed of the truck and Ice went back into the cab and pulled out a long coil of rope with a noose on one end.

  “That looks like the real thing,” she commented as he put the noose around the man’s neck. He looked straight up, as she did too.

  “How’d you know where to park to be in such an opportune place.”

  “Experience,” he said calmly and tried throwing the coil over a big limb that was about twenty feet off the ground. He figured he needed some weight so he put the noose around a rock that had indentations on it so it wouldn’t slip. He was successful in his next attempt, having to jump out of the down swinging rock.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked Ice.

  “I need for you to grab his legs just before I drag him up enough where his feet will leave the ground. I will haul him up so we can swing his butt onto the tailgate and his feet on the rear bumper.”

  “Well, actually,” he said interrupting himself, “let’s hoist him up so he is standing with his feet stable on the rear bumper.

  It took a little while to haul the man up because of his dead weight. Joyce thought that Ice must be strong and realized she couldn’t do something like that.

  Ice took the free end of the rope to another tree and tied it so as to keep the pervert from falling.

  “Okay, just watch what I do.” he said too Joyce.

  He jumped up into the bed of the pickup and tied the man’s hands together behind his back, then tied his feet together. After jumping down Ice went to the cab and got a small tarp he layed on the bed of the truck to insure nothing would drip or drop down in the truck. They would thoroughly wash the truck later, but if there was nothing on it then the cleaning might be a waste. But, Ice knew with this quick torture there might be stuff all over.

  “When he starts coming around, both of us get up into the bed of the truck,” Ice told Joyce. “If you stay here it’s too easy for him to kick you in the head, even if he doesn’t intend to.”

  Joyce just said, “oh.”

  “Get on up in there Joyce. I’ll be back in a second with some tools,” Ice told her going back to the cab of the trunk and brought back what looked like a doctor’s bag.

  Once up, both took seats on opposite sides of the truck bed.

  “Okay Joyce,” Ice started. “There are two long rain coats in the top of that bag. Just thin things so be careful. I’ll give you a pair of plastic gloves and you need to keep them on until we’re done.” Put the raincoat on backwards with the collar positioned so you can turn it up and will cover your mouth and nose. We’ll have to snap each other’s rain coat. If we have to get out fast I’ll cut your’s off immediately, throw our gloves down on the ground and take off.”

  Both helped each other dress, after which Ice took out a roll of duct tape and placed it on the side of the bag. He then took out a scalpel with a new blade in it. He seemed to think of something else and brought out a hack saw, an ice pick and some pliers, and last the branch snippers.

  “You ever go anywhere without your ice pick and snippers?” Joyce asked with a smile and realized that Ice was getting kind of wicked looking.

  “I try not to,” he said smiling, “I can use anything at hand. You’d be surprised.”

  “Actually Ice, I don’t think I would!” she commented back.

  The man started making some noise, stumbling over some words he just could not get out right.

  “This stuff he’s on this time Joyce,” he instructed, “allows him to be fully awake in about five minutes. Fast and sweet. Although we’ve been asked to give him a lot of pain there is no time element, so in this case we’ll try to take at least twenty to thirty minutes. No breaks in between,” he said.

  “Good,” Joyce said, deciding she wanted this over, and not like the last time that was still swimming way too much in her subconscious.

  “What the fuck did you say Freddy?” Ice said speaking loudly.

  The man mumbled something and Ice slugged him hard into his little pot belly. “I asked you what the fuck did you say?”

  “Please don’t hurt me,” the man whined. “My name isn’t Freddy,” he whimpered.

  “Well, I don’t give a fuck what your name is,” Ice said meanly. “Shall we call you pastor or reverend Freddy?” Ice slugged him again and without Ice having a hold on him would have fallen off the bumper.

  “Here it is Sir Freddy,” Ice said contemptuously. You have hurt way too many kids. Probably hurt them in a way for the rest of their lives. You went to court and got off then went right back to what you were doing.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt a child,” the man whimpered, and started to kind of cry.” I love all those kids. They actually asked me to do those things. Yes, I might have taken advantage of the situation but I’m a good man. Just ask my wife and two kids,” he pleaded.

  Ice cut the man’s clothes off.

  “Well Freddy, you unscrupulous fuck, you’ve done the crime and now you will pay for it,” Ice said as he swung the scalpel leaving a deep slice along his cheek and down his chin. The blood immediately started to run.

  “Wait, wait!” the pastor yelled out in kind of a pathetic way. Ice had actually punctured through the man’s cheek which distorted his words.

  “You did the work of Satan and he wants you down in hell with him,” Ice said patiently getting right in close to his face.

  “No, no, I don’t deserve this,” he whined. Ice thought this guy was going to start making too much noise so he picked up the duct tap. “Here Joyce,“ Ice instructed, “let’s see what you’ve learned. Tape his mouth shut but make sure his nostrils are clear.

  Joyce kind of smiled at Ice as it looked like she was thankful to take part. “Gladly,” she said. She did exactly what Ice had done before, including wrapping the man’s head around the top and chin and really pulled very hard to insure the man’s mouth wouldn’t open.

  “Tape up that cut on his cheek too Joyce,” Ice pointed. “Noise could come out through that hole.

  The man was now crying, and trying to say something.

  “Don’t even try Freddy,” Ice said, “You will be meeting Jesus in just a little while. If you are one of his then I guess you don’t have any problems. But, if you aren’t then tally ho and have a good time!” Ice actually laughed in the man’s face.

  Joyce was surprised to see Ice cut a slice in the length of his arm, cut across two inches then carved up again and then over to where he started.

  Quickly Ice dug and pulled the top of the strip down. He then went over and got his pliers and squeezed them around the end piece of flesh. Before Joyce could understand, Ice quickly jerked down and striped the flesh all the way down to the man’s wrist. The man was so much in pain he passed out. Ice went to his bag and got out a little ampule which Joyce knew were smelling salts.

  “Let’s give him a couple minutes before we arouse him Joyce,” Ice said, but not kindly.

  “This guy is weak so he won’t last too long. Anything you would like to do Joyce?” he asked.

  She answered, “well at least something,” knowing he probably wanted her to do something.

  “Okay, I’ll wake him up and you do what ever you want t
o do,” Ice said calmly.

  As Ice broke the ampule and made the man sniff it, Joyce picked up the the hack saw and a big knife she found in the bag.

  “Okay Freddy, you’ll be dying real soon now. Just hang on a minute,” Ice said, looking him in and through his watering eyes. “My lady friend has some nice things for you,” he said and backed off.

  As if she wanted to get this chore done, she reached and grabbed the guys dick and balls in her left hand and pulled so hard the body couldn’t help but sway in toward her. She took the hacksaw and sawed all the stuff off slowly, causing him a lot of pain. She knew he might die of loss of blood, but really didn’t care. Then she took the knife and jabbed it into both of the man’s eyes.

  “Damn girl, you did well” Ice said with a satisfied smile. “Just for the sake of what this guy did I will do this.”

  He reached out and cut the man right through the sterum, then sliced him open to where Joyce had done her little piece of work. The man’s intestines and other organs fell out onto the tarp.

  Ice was surprised the man was still a live. “Come on over here Joyce and give me a hand,” he said as he walked over to the tree and grabbed the rope. We need to pull him up then drop him.”

  She understood so with the two of them they pulled the man up about ten feet.

  “Okay, let me brace myself here,” Ice said, then continued. “Okay, let go.”

  She did and Iced kept hold of the rope looking like a tug or war champion. Within a couple seconds he released the the rope and jumped back. Both of them distinctly heard the man’s neck snap and when looking closer could see the man’s neck had actually separated, causing only the skin and whatever to hold him up. He’s feet were only about a foot off the ground.

  Ice helped Joyce in taking her rain coat off, then she helped him. Ice got a big plastic trash bag out of the cab and put everything other than his tools in to the bag, throwing it into the back of the truck.

  Ice went to the truck and pulled out a digital camera. Stood off to the side and was able to take a couple full length photos of the body with his manhood removed and quite a bit of his intestines laying on the ground.

  Ice drove out of the area and Joyce got out while Ice drove the truck through with her closing the gate behind them. Ice got to the main street, turning left and drove several miles and found what kind of looked like a camping grounds or road side rest stop. He jumped out and grabbed the plastic bag and threw it into the dumpster that was there, happy to see the thing was about half full. The bag wasn’t easily accessible, so he was satisfied.

  “Get some shut eye if you want Joyce,” Ice told her. “I’m fully way awake so feel like driving some distance before stopping again. If you see one of those quarter car washes let me know and we’ll spray this thing out. We need to spray off our shoes,” he said, “I see blood and body parts on them. After about a half-hour they drove through a small town which had the car wash he wanted. They both got out of the truck and Ice sprayed it down well and wiped it where it needed to be wiped with a towelette thing he bought from a machine just out the side of the open bay. He then sprayed his shoes off, getting himself wet. Karen walked over and he did the same with her. Her raincoat had been too long it actually covered most of her feet with only the toes showing they had stuff on them.

  Ice drove well into the morning before they went through a city with lots of options. Ice pulled into the lot of a Holiday Inn and pulled into a parking spot a little way from the lobby. Both grabbed their stuff and headed inside.

  “Yes ma’am,” Ice said to the lady. We want two of your best rooms available, preferably close to each other. The lady took Ice’s credit card that showed him as a Chester Walters from New York. They found their rooms and went into them, each to their own. The’d decided at the first part of their little trip that wherever they stopped they would probably shower and get some sleep. When they woke up the first one up would call the other one. They decided to drive back to headquarters, not leaving a paper trail. The first thing they would do in the morning was to get rid of their pickup truck and rent another vehicle.

  The next morning they drove off and saw a car rental place that was part of the same chain as the one they got the truck from. What surprised both of them was that about a quarter of a mile down the road was another popular car rental places. They dropped off the pickup, taking their stuff with them and walked down to the other rental company. Ice decided he wanted comfort so rented a Chrysler 300.

  They took their time and with the intention of getting to headquarters the day after the next. That was when they all had a staff meeting and Ice wanted to be there for that. They took their time and checked into a motel not too for from headquarters.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As they walked into the conference room they saw the table and room full with a few seats open against the windows. They took two of the seats, while Ice ended up talking to an agent to his right that Joyce figured must be a friend of his. Cynthia was there so she sat in the seat next to Joyce and they talked. Cynthia giving Joyce some advice, and making small talk at the same time.

  About ten minutes after they had sat down the Director came in and to the head of the table. Then he got up, walked half-way down the far side of the table and told the agent sitting there to get up and sit at the head of the table.

  “Yeah, but you’re supposed to sit at the head of the table” an agent spoke up.

  Some could tell the Director wasn’t in a very good mood and he just said, “Wherever I sit is the head of the table.” Everybody picked up on that with some looking down at the table, others checking their fingers, and others doing whatever it was they did.

  “Okay,” the Director said and officially starting the staff meeting. “First, Ice and Joyce, we have some very satisfied people from your mission” To everybody else he said, “Joyce had passed two missions with Ice while they performed what we know is wet work, one of them taking about twenty-four hours. Your pictures and souvenirs were perfect.”

  Most of the group quietly clapped and smiled Joyce’s way. Some were thankful there was some one else who might become an expert in the area of which they worked. There were a few agents that just couldn’t successfully complete that kind of assignment. He had the respect of a couple who had been given a real life mission with Ice, but not in a way they wanted to do what they did. On many of the torture jobs there was an added bonus but it didn’t make too much of a motivation to most of them. They didn’t mind throwing some one down an elevator shoot, or toss someone out a window, or patio. Wet work was something that was like a specialty because the torturer not only had to do the gruesome acts abut also had to terrorize whoever there victims were. Some snipers were specialized in doing the shootings, more than likely because they didn’t come into a place where they actually had to see the person die. Ice was considered by most of his fellow agents to be an agent who could be considered skillful in all areas of their work. There were a couple who were kind of jealous because they couldn’t even imagine what money Ice made a year.

  “To catch you up with the agent killings,” the Director said starting, we might have something. There are two possibilities. One is that it’s a militant international group who don’t have a name, kind of like us. The other is that it’s another group like ours, headquartering from a different country. Either way we figure they have to have at least twenty people to be able to pull off what they did. Could be a group whose size is almost identical to us.”

  “Ice,” the Director continued, “we think the guy who is after you may be from such a group. However, with you there is a possibility that it’s a one man thing. Good for you to know we have three possible suspects. We’ll talk about it after this meeting.”

  The meeting finally ended with the Director passing out assignments to be volunteered for. “Any takers?” the Director asked.

  Ice spoke right up and said, “we’ll take number seven and eight.” One was a sniper job and the other was a pu
blic stabbing to death. The stabbing was down in the French quarter in New Orleans and the other was just six or eight hours by car over to Houston. Ice liked Houston and thought he’d treat Joyce to a few sights, and give him time to train in her a couple things. Houston being a big city was a great training city because it was so spread out with all kinds of things going on.

  “Okay, who else?” the Director asked. Most of them were simple jobs. A few actively threatening of somebody; others just putting somebody be put out of their misery. The agents found all of them had an assignment, several in other countries. Each agent seemed to like a particular country more than the others.

  Ice and Joyce had their meeting with the Director. He told them what he had to say, and complimented Joyce on her willingness to jump in with both feet. The Director never asked anybody to do something he couldn’t do and in most situations already done them.

  “Ice, I would like you and Joyce to take a week and figure out where she would like to have her home base. Decide same names and backgrounds then get with my secretary and she will get full IDs for her. Do whatever it is you need to do to get her up to speed as far as housing, IDs, weapons, clothes, and such.”

  They left and drove to a restaurant not too far away. When they went in they saw four other agents already there. Two at one table and another two on the other side of the room.

  They first talked about location, Ice advising if she wanted to be near him to think about Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, or West Virginia.

  She gave it some thought and told Ice, “I think my first choice would be West Virginia because it’s not really that far to headquarters, and a couple hundred miles from you. Or, Tennessee maybe. Actually it doesn’t matter. My sister lives in Missouri so I know I’ll need to stay away from her most of the time.”

  “I think West Virginia would be a good place. I’ll call the Director’s secretary for her to get some places checked out. When she has a list we can run over there and check out what is offered. Cost is really not a concern Joyce. Most of us choose country close to a city. That way we are close to air travel, any store or restaurant you may like and so on. In the country so we can secure it at least as good as my place. My property is quite big, but we try to put somebody in the middle of at least four acres. That way your line of sight is quite clear, and if need be can have a helicopter or two being able to drop agents if needed, or to get you out. Once we find a place you like, you’ll basically sit down with our expert who will make the house exactly the way you want it and put in the most updated security system for you.”


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